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/lit/ - Literature

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21714176 No.21714176 [Reply] [Original]

Take fucking notes while you read.

>> No.21714188

If an idea doesn't impress itself upon your mind, it wasn't worth remembering. Notetaking is for women and fags

>> No.21714203
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I read "Tate fucking notes while you read" and now the mental image inhabits me.

>> No.21714234


The only thing I write down are my own thoughts, i'm not highlighting and summarising shit like a highschool girl reading textbooks.

>> No.21714239

it helps when you want to find where a phrase or idea came from

>> No.21714318

Just highlight the phrases you like with a gray pencil like a normal person.

>> No.21714323


>> No.21714326

>just pull yourself out of the reading experience by stopping and writing useless horseshit

>> No.21714365

put a fucking shirt on that frog

>> No.21714388

when i see an important passage i cut it out of the book. i don't cut all the way to the edges so the outside aesthetics of the book stay intact.

>> No.21714419
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I never learned to take notes. Like what am I even supposed to denote? Just rewriting what the author said but now it's on another piece of paper?

>> No.21714440

While I want to agree with this along with OP, it’s worth noting that studies show people only retain something like 20% probably even less of the information in the first read or listen. You need to go through it multiple times to get a full picture and note taking can dramatically help the process of retention. And another part of me wants to tell you to fucking kill yourself for once again shilling anti-intellectualism and learning. You fucking stupid faggot.

>> No.21714445

writing helps you to remember, even if you never look at it again.

>> No.21714451

You filthy animal, is nothing sacred to you?

>> No.21714469
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Taking notes while you read is for midwits.

True /lit/fags reflect on their reading during their nightly journaling ritual desu

>> No.21714869

>completely useless and incorrect ideas are never remembered
uncritical niggers

>> No.21714914

Why would it be? I only exist for a small chunk of time and I'm only a small chunk of coal.

>> No.21715159

Only on my second time reading

>> No.21715170

suck my fucking dick while i read, how's that?

>> No.21715205

Start with quotations that you like. If you have anything to note on the topic, even if it's a couple of words, add it.
I take notes with every book I read, fiction or not.

>> No.21715485

I write notes in my head albeit

>> No.21715517

I have started doing this with expository nonfiction, using Google Docs on my phone.

>> No.21715524

He enjoyed it very much