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/lit/ - Literature

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21713172 No.21713172 [Reply] [Original]

Books you love that you never see mentioned on /lit/

Post em

>> No.21713214
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>> No.21713219
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>> No.21713224
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>> No.21713350
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>> No.21713364
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feels ascended reading in korean

>> No.21713925

great pick

>> No.21713968
File: 228 KB, 1444x1083, of-course-blue-affects-my-way-of-shitting.-Petrit-Halilaj-motto1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best contemporary poetry books out there

>> No.21713974
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>> No.21714018
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>> No.21714073
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>> No.21714096


>> No.21714103

I'm not one of those retarded anons who thinks all poetry should make use of rhythm of rhyme, in fact I write pretty post-modern stuff, yet this is bin juice tier.

>> No.21714157

>this is bin juice tier.

That's what I like about it.
What can I say? I love nonsense.
What's your poetry like? Not in a sardonic "Let's see you do better" kind of way, I just don't come across many people on here interested in poetry.

>> No.21714194


>> No.21714247

>That's what I like about it.
Can't argue with that. In fact, I am glad you didn't pull the usual "filtered" crap anons resort to when they can't separate their experience of a work of art from the reality of its being.
>What's your poetry like?
I used to post it on the poetry threads here but I got told not to do that as it's good enough to do something with so I am now working on my first, uh, chapbook? if we can call it that. I write about "traditional values": the importance of heritage, history, (distinctness of) culture, family, ritual, and will, but I use rhythm, meter, punctuation, and traditional forms only when the poem demands it. I wrote a set of definitions which (in theory) give the poets of the old kingdom a whole new principality to explore. The definitions build upon some notions from Wittgenstein, Charles Olson, the Objectivists, the Modernists and the ancients, and I was thinking of sharing them with the anons here but
1. you are right that barely anybody cares about poetry
2. most of those who do are extremely narrow-minded
3. I am not completely finished and the version I can provide now is bound to change when I've finished the philosophical explorations which lead to them.

>> No.21714274

Well shit. I would love to talk with you more. I am also working on a few exhibitions and a chapbook atm. What are your fav contemporary poets? I know that is a tough ask. And what should I look out for if I want to find your chapbook?

>> No.21714432

>I am also working on a few exhibitions and a chapbook atm.
Extremely based. What exhibitions? Are you a visual artist as well, or are they related to the poetry?
>What are your fav contemporary poets?
To my surprise, I found I really like Anne Carson. The Glass Essay was invigorating, particularly the last couple of stanzas which veer away from confessional drudgery (which I was into a couple of years ago and have now been saturated with to the point of hatred) and bring the entire poem together in a way that inspired me to try a long form poem of my own.
Adunis is someone else I really like, and as for others - I won't be able to tell you, I have single poems from someone or other that I really like. I dislike Transtromer.
>And what should I look out for if I want to find your chapbook?
That would be... difficult. If I do end up getting published it's not going to be in the West, at first. It's one of the few things going for me - I'm in a country that doesn't have much of a literary presence in the world and that leaves enough room for someone to get noticed if they're different/interesting/good enough. That being said, in the future (maybe years from now) look for HYPERION.
Is there any chance I could find your chapbook when it's out? I would also like to talk to you more.

>> No.21714460

>Are you a visual artist as well, or are they related to the poetry?

Collaborations with some visual artists/multimedia poems as well as some broadsides.

I love Anne Carson as well. I have only just started reading Adonis but am enjoying it greatly so far.

I can remember HYPERION, that is a very memorable name.

>Is there any chance I could find your chapbook when it's out? I would also like to talk to you more.

I just don't know. I have never established contact with anyone from 4chan before beyond reading a few anons self-published works. And knowing myself, the working title for my chapbook is subject to change several times before its release.

>> No.21714463

Maybe if I make an alt email or something?

>> No.21714534

Never been a fan of David Berman's music. Every song just sounds like "I'm so depressed but also manly and nobody else sees how pointless the world is except me." Yawwwn

>> No.21714555

Admittedly I prefer his poetry over his music, but Purple Mountains is great imo.

>> No.21714561

That’s my favorite book of all time.

>> No.21714582

I love that book. I see his music post about here occasionally.

>> No.21714599

Did you guys like The Colonial Manuscript? Also same.

>> No.21714602
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>> No.21714629

>in fact I write pretty post-modern stuff
So show us then

>> No.21714654

It passed me by. Thanks for the tip, I'll check this out for sure.

>> No.21714795

>And knowing myself, the working title for my chapbook is subject to change several times before its release.
I know what you mean. As for the e-mail thing, I also have never communicated with anyone on here outside of 4chan. We can try, though there is a part of me that is apprehensive as you might understand

>> No.21714824

Yeah please. This thread is starting to feel like a poetry enclave.

>> No.21714903
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Mostly because it's not translated to English.
It's a great book showing everything surrounding the revolution in Cuba by a man who was there and who was part of it, then you see his regret creeping in and why.

>> No.21715160

Gotta say, my heart is now slightly warmer having read this conversation.

>> No.21715180

any literary fiction written after 1950

>> No.21715194

Alright. I'm taking the risk.

>> No.21715199 [DELETED] 


>> No.21715206


>> No.21715210

Remainder - Tom McCarthy. I think it was a huge book among litfic people at some point so maybe it got discussed back in the day. I don’t bother posting about it because I figure that any substantive discussion would go off the rails into philosophy-land, and I don’t really care for that. I just think it’s insanely well crafted.

>> No.21715219

Well what do like about it anon?
What passages or emotions jump to mind?

>> No.21715253

Hmm trying to explain without giving too much away. It’s a novel with a good central idea that is taken to an insane extreme, while maintaining narrative motion the whole way. And it’s pretty funny. Protagonist has suffered from memory loss and decides to literally recreate events from his past, in extreme detail, by hiring actors and buying entire buildings etc. Written in brisk and precise language.

>> No.21715302
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>> No.21715365

This sounds hilarious. I'm sold on it.

>> No.21715371

Qr? It's a nice cover.

>> No.21715372

Enjoy — my only advice is, don’t read too much about it first. It’s still great if you know the plot but it’s a real trip if you don’t.

>> No.21715373
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Too based for this board to handle

>> No.21715376

I will go in as unspoilered as possible. Thank you for sharing anon

>> No.21715389

I hope your family euthanizes you

>> No.21715401 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21715416

Is there and eng translation available?

>> No.21715503
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>> No.21715564

Thank you very much, anon, I'll write tomorrow as it's fairly late where I am.
I'm curious.

>> No.21715752

>An English translation followed from Seven Stories Press in 2004
Apparently yes

>> No.21715756
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>> No.21715791

>Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
>Capital in the Twenty-First Century
>The War on Normal People
>The Deficit Myth
>The Future of an Illusion
>God and the State
>Coming Up for Air
>The Age of Reason
>Burmese Days
>Ann Veronica
>Where Angels Fear to Tread
>Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism
>Keep the Aspidistra Flying
>The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
>Family Happiness
>The Doors of Perception (I think this one does get mentioned sometimes)
>The Remains of the Day
There are all books I really like yet I can't recall specifically ever seeing them mentioned on /lit/

>> No.21715792
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>> No.21717514

and no body even bothers mentioning the night's dawn trilogy either...

almost as if a majority of the posters don't read...

>> No.21717771


>> No.21717962

The world according to garp

>> No.21718054
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>> No.21718486

A couple years ago I checked the archive and one of my favorite gems was shilled on /lit/ a total of 3 times by pynchon several years ago. I'm not telling you fags what it is but you should read it it's amazing

>> No.21718504

>shilled on /lit/ a total of 3 times by pynchon
What? Pynchon shilled it on this board?

>> No.21718554
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This is one of the most important books I've read. Koch was a New York School contemporary of John Ashbery and Frank O'Hara, but he was also a fantastic teacher. Taught in the public school system, as well as Columbia for forty-some years. In this book and in others he lays out new methodology for teaching poetry to the very young and it has helped my career immensely. Anyone with an interest in literature education should pick this up.
Based. Love me some Edson. He has the most unique use of simile I've ever seen.
I'll have to check this out.
I'm a little lukewarm to David Berman and Silver Jews as well, however, in the same vein there is the work of Bill Callahan, Will Oldham, Jason Molina and Blake Mills who are all part of that same sort of scene if you could call it that, and all of their projects are amazing in my opinion.
Very based. This is a book of selected poetry and it's massive on its own. I'm still waiting for someone to publish his complete poetry, even though it'd have to take up at least four or five thick volumes.

>> No.21718568
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Can’t I loved it but I did want to like it a lot (and I did).

>> No.21719220

You didn't know pynch used to post here before he died? Mostly when he was researching for bleeding edge

>> No.21719251

O Henry

>> No.21719260

Can't listen to that album after his death. Its just one long suicide note and makes me sad

>> No.21719526
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>> No.21719808

I feel the same way about Infinite Jest (a book)

>> No.21720129

Do u have a proof of evidence

>> No.21720156

I’ve seen a couple anons mention them but I try to shill them any chance I get
>Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch
>The Colossus Of Maroussi
Both by Henry Miller
I’ve also been trying to shill this book I’ve read recently
>Niels Lyhne
By JP Jacobsen. I know there is at least one Jacobsen fan on here
>Letters of Van Gogh
This gets mentioned every now and then, mostly by me but still want to put it out there

>> No.21720186

>night's dawn trilogy
Is it good? All i know is that the ghost of al Capone is a character or something like that? i never read it. I love large scale space opera.

>> No.21720310

Hi newfriend, welcome to /lit/. We ask that you please lurk for a minimum of 6 months to a year before posting, it will keep you from embarrassing yourself by not knowing the important things that have happened on this board

>> No.21720335

Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson. Some of the best prose I've read, very lucid. Bit similar to John Williams

>> No.21720424

How does I find a lurk

>> No.21720466

Op I love David berman and the world has become such a darker place since he left us

>> No.21720498
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A good lad of mine picked up a book called Death Of A Hero around 2 years ago, and to date, he's the only person I've heard or seen talk about it at all, and he does it to high acclaim. I haven't read it myself, but since he doesn't post on here, I figured I might as well namedrop it

>> No.21720803

Added to my list. Thanks to you and your m8, m8.

>> No.21720816

For anons into the military, From Here To Eternity by James Jones. It has a lot of military lingo, culture, and behind-the-scenes type stuff for those interested

>> No.21720928
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>> No.21720937
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>> No.21721659


>> No.21721734

Brilliant, loved this a lot

>> No.21721801

I remember DFW praising it. Is it worth the time?

>> No.21722275
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>> No.21722573
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>> No.21723774

Bless him for chancing upon it in some bookstore

>> No.21724235

I have both of Kenneth Koch's collected as well as this. Are his movie scripts any good?

>> No.21724246

In the same vein to Berman musically or are these poets as well?

>> No.21724258

Darkness and cold. Pavement made a dedication to him tonight. I think there is meant to be more of Berman's poetry published in the next few years

>> No.21724285


Please type something about your books.

>> No.21724587


>> No.21724705

I believe Richard Aldington was H.D.'s husband? I found a penguin edition of this book and have been meaning to read it as well.
I love this novel. It's too bad that it was overshadowed by The Naked and The Dead upon publication (which is admittedly the superior novel, but FHTE is still great in its own right).
I was unaware that he'd even written any screenplays, so I can't say.
They're all songwriters, though some of them have published books as well. Bill Callahan actually wrote an epistolary novel which is very good. Bill Callahan is my favorite of the bunch and the most interesting imo.

>> No.21724721

I need to check out Mailer at some point. I’m always fascinated by the fading 20th century American novelist, which I consider him part of. Lots of good writers who are doomed to be forgotten soon