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21709132 No.21709132 [Reply] [Original]

The author of this article makes a valid point regarding censorship. However, I hadn't heard of a 'sensitivity reader' before this. She mentions something interesting:
>As a children’s author and sensitivity reader, I’ve followed the debate closely. When the Queen Consort urged writers to “remain true to your calling, unimpeded by those who may wish to curb the freedom of your expression”, I felt the need to defend the role of sensitivity readers, who aren’t here for limited creativity but to collaborate with writers and help them understand things outside of their lived experiences.
I have to question who that last part applies to. This sensitivity reader is a white woman, so does that mean she helps black or Asian male authors understand the lived experiences of a white woman?
Also, do you think sensitivity readers stifle expression? Are they mere censors?

>> No.21709141

The fuck is sensitivity reader?

>> No.21709142

>Hi! I am Virginia, I am Spanish, I’m a mum of 2 kids, I have been living in Belfast for almost 6 years and I’m the founder of the The Feminist Shop.

>I guess I have always been a feminist, but I just didn’t know it, actually I hated the word! Fast forward a few years and feminism is now a massive part of who I am and what I stand for, with body and soul.


>> No.21709150

>help them understand things outside of their lived experiences

not really interested in the lived experience of a nignog that decides to jump someone randomly on the street thank you lady.

>> No.21709215

It’s a new pressure group all publishers are using. Got inadvertently exposed through this embarrassing bullshit. Fatties, fags, females, jiggaboos, juveniles, the jaundiced, all sit around a table and compete in taking offense. Their “notes” then guide rewrites.

>> No.21709232

When you put men in suits in charge of a company they waste money on focus groups and test audiences of sycophants.

When you put women in suits in charge of a company they waste money on this censoring bullshit centered around feelings.

When you put nations in charge of a company they invest money in pushing their propaganda that weakens their rivals.

>> No.21709249

I refuse to believe you've never heard of sensitivity readers.
They're agents of the political landscape which has captured the dying tradpub industry. They don't exist to make books more sensitive to lived experiences, because none of the books they censor make any sales anyway. they exist to prevent internet drama from illiterate political activists by editing out anything in the text that might be screenshotted and posted on twitter to churn up a indignant mob of retards (who don't read)
Sensitivity readers are evil but they exist as a reaction to a greater evil (bored communists)

>> No.21709255

I'm a 'parasite' - I live in the bowels of the publishing industry

>> No.21709260

Critique the excesses just to keep this cancer going on.

>> No.21709271

Might as well self publish or ''write to a drawer'' these days.

>> No.21709300

All this claptrap over calling out fatties, the west will fall on the couch.

>> No.21709302

Basic example of modern day censor engaging in modern day doublespeak, dog whistling. Hollow adjectives, vague quotes, multiple possible meanings, the works. Forgive the expression but you are looking for substance in a (purposeful?) cloud of farts.

>> No.21709307

apt summary

>> No.21709359

If I ever finish any of my books, I won’t even attempt to get it published traditionally. Dealing with these midwitted twitter cunts has to be the epitome of creative debasement and humiliation.

>> No.21709386

>parasite attached to a dying animal

Not a good choice desu

>> No.21709452

Personally I find it hilarious. Imagine being told you'll have to "collaborate" with this "sensitivity reader" and she will "help you understand things outside of your lived experience".

>> No.21709457

People sneer at self publishing but did you see the stats on “best sellers”? Poetry winner with 2000 sales. Lit prize winners with a few tens of thousands. It’s not at all crazy to imagine you selling more. Gotta get lucky, go a bit viral, or have a large installed base of fans (apparently “influencer” tripe sells for this reason). But it sounds a lot more doable than jumping through industry hoops and then ending up with your book on a landfill because these cunts were in charge of editing and promoting.

>> No.21709481

All I'm seeing is narcissism.

>> No.21709508
File: 39 KB, 640x400, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best things about old books is looking at how based things used to be

>> No.21709509

I like the times where you drain all the money out, and humanity produces the finest porn.

>> No.21709521

you enjoy the fact that ~90% of it became incest?

>> No.21710254

>checks photo
I do not trust people who choose to dye their hair.

>> No.21710295

>Are they mere censors

Yea, what do you think?
New dictatorships need new words, so "sensitivity reader" seems to be the new one for "book censor".

Anyway, don't know why so many people care. If you even think of publishing your books through a traditional publisher in 2023 then you are most certainly an idiot. Self-publish. Fuck the publishers.

>> No.21710306

I kind of like a local trad publisher though and its been my dream to work for them. They seem to get in trouble with the woke left a lot. Does this mean they are still good?

>> No.21710365

Keep in mind that our brave new tech world had an insane chilling/self censorship effect on readers first of all. Nobody's going to touch your "politically incorrect" book with a barge pole because they want to keep their job and if it's not woke/feminist/whatever BS in is politically incorrect

>> No.21710368

I am unironically a minority I just don't want to write about other gay fat-lipped freaks, I want to write about cute white boys

>> No.21710602

Wonder whether those two have a father. Sad world!

>> No.21710606

It's a foie gras duck.