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21708932 No.21708932 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best refutation of Nietzsche's simplistic analysis of Christian 'morality', showing how it actually contains a lot of the things Nietzsche considered to be "good" when circumstances call for it?

>> No.21708956

Write your own.

>> No.21708968

>I need people to tell me what to do/say/think so I can regurgitate their thoughts
Use that noggin God gave you for once

>> No.21708973

Seraphim Rose's Nihilism

>> No.21708979
File: 323 KB, 1365x2048, FpkrjVcaEAAQqB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are christians so insistent on pretending their faith is martial? Total forgiveness of all debt is the most beautiful of christian ideas.

>> No.21709014

Thanks fellows, I do plan on writing my own but I just wanted to see what has been done before.
To test the waters, so to speak.

>> No.21709018
File: 22 KB, 457x332, careful-drowning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>To test the waters, so to speak.

Good! Now swim or drown. And don't even dare coming back here without results ... ;)

>> No.21709022
File: 605 KB, 721x1128, Henri-de-la-rochejacquelein-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's justly martial, when the circumstances call for it.
All apostolic churches reject pacifism.

>> No.21709028

this anime girl with cat ears thing is such fucking trash taste
just be a fucking furry instead of this retarded crap

>> No.21709044

why did you post that image OP
you are not supposed to lewd alice

>> No.21709081

>is a degenerate
I am going to buy the fedora

>> No.21709097

>I just lost an argument, please give me a good response for next time!

>> No.21709112

>showing how it actually contains a lot of the things Nietzsche considered to be "good" when circumstances call for it?
like what?

>> No.21709117

oh yeah lol, I don't even notice the pictures at this point

>> No.21709137

You guys are weird. Of all the things Nietzsche said, like how god is dead but sigh... somehow the Christians have returned, which is bad because the enlightenment made Christianity obsolete, but uh the enlightenment is also bad, or any of the other inconsistent stuff, you choose to whinge and say "actually, uh, christianity is the REAL master morality. I swear, N's idea of master-slave morality is the only thing that matters because it stings so many people.

>> No.21709140

Hierarchical organisation, enjoying wine, militaristic training and risk exposure.

>> No.21709147

If it's so simplistic why don't you refute it? How can you believe in your own position and be too stupid to defend it from simpletons? Are you perhaps spiteful regarding your deficiencies and hoping for somebody else to come in and knock over your superiors for you?

>> No.21709152

I have the answer but I won’t tell you because youre a fag

>> No.21709154

nietzche was a nihilist atheist so he tried to turn ''nihilism'' into ''optimistic nihilism'' by doing 2 things
-first by being a deceitful bitch, like any atheist, by redefining nihilism to mean ''christianity''
nihilism according to women, atheists and NPCs like nietzche mean ''thinking long term''. So according to them, when christians think what will happen after death and focus on that, that's ''nihilism''. According to atheists, ''non-nihilism'' is ''living in the present moment like Dionysus''
-second, by saying that since there is no truth and only subjective values, people should fight for their personal values. So for instance, trannies, BLM, feminists are the ubermen according to nietzche because
--they fight for their own values
--they are subversive of the ''old values'', ie the values of the british judean dutch french bourgeois merchant rats who started liberalism 300 years ago, in order to kill kings and priests and make the bureaucrats and merchants the ruling caste in their ''nationalist democratic republics''

there that's all there is nietzche . Optimistic nihilism is retarded and a huge cope by atheists to justify hedonism lol. But bitches like nietzche dont call hedonism ''hedonism'', they call it 'vitalism''.
nietzche is an hedonism, like any atheist, but atheists are desperate to earn atheist karma points, after saying objective morality and truth doesnt exist lol, and they embark on a self-made self-aggrandizing narratives wherein they are cooming like Dionysus and at the same time ''fighting for values''.
The other cope by atheists is ''traditionalism'', ie ''everyday I want a bureaucratic daddy to tell me what do to in his fascist republic while I am pretending to be wicca witch doing magic in my sparetime like Evola''.

>> No.21709273

What is the pink thing next to Alice?

>> No.21709275

Sex with this

>> No.21709301
File: 1.91 MB, 320x240, you_mean_srsly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not even trying

The absolute state of trolls these days. Your understanding of "art" is likely to shit on a canvas and then roll around in your own extrement.

>> No.21709320

A used condom. The christian gets off to the subversion of innocence, in this case a blonde, pre-pubescent, white girl from an old disney children's movie, specifically a girl who behaves like a little victorian lady in training. In this picture she has been reduced to letring her body be used for one reason or another, hence the used condom just lying there, the post coital cigarette, and the casual look on her face, implying that this isn't remotely her first time.
Many internet christians are pron addicts who use christ's message of forgiveness to stuff their ears when they hear their conscience screaming at them. It's easier than self improvement, you see.

>> No.21709334

I love how flustered Nietzsche makes reactionaries.

>> No.21709340

>It's justly martial, when the circumstances call for it.
Christ obviously called people to heartily embrace a pacifistic worldview. You cannot hear His commands - to turn the other cheek; to love your enemy; to bless those who curse you; to pray for those who spitefully use you; to give the shirt as well as the coat when demanded; to go two miles if someone insists you got one - without sensibly realizing that Christ is advocating a radical, and all encompassing, form of non violence.
>All apostolic churches reject pacifism.
Neither the Orthodox nor the Catholic Churches have declared pacifism a heresy.

>> No.21709344

>Hierarchical organisation
Everything's hierarchical
>enjoying wine
Drinking the sacrament is not the equivalent of enjoying wine, and Nietzsche hated alcoholic beverages.
>militaristic training and risk exposure.
Made up nonsense

>> No.21709348

Christians are yesterday's progressives. Nietzsche advocated for slavery

>> No.21709353

explain his command that his followers should always carry a sword, even if they must sell the clothes on their backs to get one.

>> No.21709355

"Yesterday's progressive" is the definition of reactionary. the Neech was forward thinking, just not in the libtarded whiggish meaning of forward

>> No.21709368

Idk. Can you explain why you think that overturns the countless times Jesus tells his followers to turn the other cheek?
Also aren't you taking that passage out of context?

For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me has its fulfillment. And they said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords.” And he said to them, “It is enough.”

Jesus ordered His disciples to carry a sword for the fulfillment of the prophecy that He would be found among transgressors. (Isa. 53:12)

Jesus is just trying to fulfill a prophecy here.

>> No.21709372

"Forward thinking" is meaningless drivel for retarded progressives. The point being that progressives share the same geneology with christians.

Also, he advocated for slavery.

>> No.21709376

He said that two swords were enough and that this was so He could be numbered among the transgressor(s) and thereby fulfill prophecy. In other words, He tied the image of the sword inexorably to that of transgression.

There is no such thing as a just war. Wars, in and of themselves, will always be evil. That God can make good come from evil does not make evil good. Nevertheless, some in life shall feel forced to resort to arms in certain instances in order to avoid greater sins. This doesn't make resorting to arms right; repentance must always be sought; and one must always think what sins they might have avoided to prevent them from reaching a situation wherein they were forced to do violence in the first place. That said, through the prophecy of the sword in this instance, Christ is showing that He shall stand even with those who transgress in this way so long as they make a genuine repentance. He heals the man's ear and reminds Peter that all who draw the sword shall die by the sword, thereby calling Peter - and all like him in this scenario - to repent.

>> No.21709387

found a pfernd /lit/ post >>21708017>>21708064

>> No.21709388

>how can he be forward thinking when uuuuh he advocated for [forward thinking thing]

>> No.21709390

I would say After Virtue and Whose Justice? Which Rationality? by Alasdair MacIntyre do a fantastic job at giving a basis for a general aristotelian and thomistic morality that is of course coherent with Christian morality.

>> No.21709392

He is also not abolishing the law. To allow evil to kill your neighbor is extremely hateful, using muh pacifism as an excuse not to interfere is evil. Jesus was showing that the talmudic oral law was corrupt, and that the purpose of biblical law is to 'serve man.' In all the cases he showed mercy and demonstrated that immediately killing someone wasn't necessary, but also that one must be ready to defend if that it what is good (this is why he instructed them to obtain a sword).

Basically, the talmudic jews were behaving in a highly corrupt, extremely punishing manner, and Jesus taught mercy. But mercy DOES NOT mean to let everyone do whatever they want, Good -be-damned, or he would be utterly annihilating the law.
All apostolic churches and all early Christians attested to the Just War and Just Violence. Mercy and turning the other cheek is at your own discretion and whenever you believe it is for the greater good.

As they say, 'You can turn your cheek, but not your neighbor's.'

>> No.21709396
File: 89 KB, 660x574, 1677185006720437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I was saying. "Forward thinking" is meaningless drivel. Can't you read? Although, you could argue the only forwardly thinking thing is advocating for the slaughter of leftists

>> No.21709400

See >>21709376 I am the poster you originally responded to.

>> No.21709401

>Neither the Orthodox nor the Catholic Churches have declared pacifism a heresy.
They don't need to - if the just war doctrine is taught by all the doctors and fathers it is binding and as it directly opposes pacifism then it is a heresy. You don't need to declare something a heresy in name for it to already be contrary to established doctrine.

>> No.21709406
File: 104 KB, 800x600, 27-UBW15-08-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alasdair MacIntyre

He's just what I was looking for, thanks.

>> No.21709410

That passage does not in any way permit "just war" even Jesus says so when he tells Peter that he that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword, i.e. he urges repentance. War is always evil in christianity no matter what.

>> No.21709411

>Many internet christians are pron addicts
As opposed to the complete lack of atheist porn addicts, right?

>> No.21709422

Point being that atheists don't see it as bad but christians do. Ever read Aristotle? According to him the christian potn addict is worse because he knows what he's doing is bad but does it anyway due to incontinence but the atheist doesn't actually know he's doing wrong.

>> No.21709426

I think anon was pointing out the hypocrisy of Christians being addicted to porn. There is no such hypocrisy with atheists.

>> No.21709428

>As opposed to the complete lack of atheist porn addicts, right?
I never said that, and I never implied it either.

>> No.21709431

>Ever read Aristotle?
Yes. >>
>According to him the christian potn addict
But you clearly didn't.

>> No.21709436

I guess you skipped the Nichomachean ethics part where he talks about incontinence

>> No.21709440

>he that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword
This is an observation, not an ethical statement. Jesus lived by the cross and died on it too.

>> No.21709441

>if the just war doctrine is taught by all the doctors and fathers
The Orthodox actively deny Just War theory. St Cyril said that soldiers still needed to repent for this reason. See >>21709376 The Catholics are increasingly calling for it to be abolished. It is in no way a dogma of both Churches; it is a medieval doctrine that, so far, is falling away from the deposit of faith. Not all doctrines become dogmas - only dogmas are binding. In order for something to be considered a heresy, the Church does in fact need to declare it actively as such via a Council. Almost all Church Fathers for the first two centuries were pacifist or endorsed a pacifistic understanding.

>> No.21709448

The fact that he's saying it to Peter as an admonishment, in conjunction with His sermon on the mount and His statements regarding non violence, very clearly show it is an ethical statement.

>> No.21709451

>The fact that he's saying it to Peter as an admonishment,
He's not.
> in conjunction with His sermon on the mount and His statements regarding non violence
I'm guessing you misunderstood those as well if this is the extent of your reading comprehension.

>> No.21709464

You have failed to answer >>21709441 and >>21709392 I think the only one lacking in comprehension here is you. Either accept His commandments or don't. But don't pretend to be following what He says when you're in fact following the opposite based on nothing more than supposition and your enduring desire for violence.

>> No.21709474

I like that part in Crime and Punishment were Dostoe deconstructs this fetish is a dream sequence. The girl you thought was so innocent and temperate in fact never was, otherwise, she wouldn't have done those things un the first place. For Svidrigailov, this makes his desire completely unattainable.

>> No.21709489

Jesus NEVER says anything without it being deliberate, meaningful, and sincere.

>> No.21709498


>> No.21709507

Where did I say I was against lolicon?
Or are you one of those /a/utists that think any kind of basic analysis of the reasons why people might like cartoon little girl porn is always an attempt at censorship?

>> No.21709517

Like, essentially you're capslocking at me for looking at the picture and describing what's on it.
You should think on what that means about you, that you get irrationally mad whenever someone describes the porn you like. Honestly your behavior resembles cuckrage (when a cuck is reminded of his own choice to be a cuckhold and gets mad)

>> No.21709523

And I guess you skipped the part were he never addressed Christian's because he lived 300 years before them.
Jesus fucking Christ you retards, masturbation is one of the lowest possible sin in the ontology of sins. It's barely a deviation.

>> No.21709529

Nowhere in that image it is stated that the character portrayed is prepubescent.

>> No.21709615

good write up

>> No.21709621

All apostolic churches are the whores of constantine and just war is a meme that has never happened even one time in human history

>> No.21709625

Counterpoint: Charlemagne vs the Saxons.

>> No.21709638


>> No.21709652

It's alice from alice in wonderland, who is a pre-pubescent character.
Also this has nothing to do with your accussing me of pearl clutching

>> No.21709665

christians are pussies, the west kept taking mad Ls against islam until modernity and nihilism happened in the west, then they dominated the world.

>> No.21709669

It's a grown up version of Alice, you can tell by her clearly developed secondary sexual characteristics. No girl looks like that before puberty.

>> No.21709672

A Christian can't really access this argument, but I think it's a fallacy to equate Christianity with scripture or the teachings of clerics or ministers. Christianity as she is practiced incorporates more of the Greco-Roman morality that Nietzsche approves than he allows in the Genealogy of Morality. The conquering of Tenochtitlan by Cortes, the burning of Michael Servetus, the Albigensian crusade, the sex cults that have arisen in the Catholic Church and various Evangelical groups, and the brutality of the Thirty Years war would all have been familiar to the Greeks Romans. The typical Christian would not hesitate to torture his enemy to death if they fell into his power. Most inmates at US prisons are devout Christians, and American Christians largely cheered the My Lai massacre and the torture at Abu Ghraib. I think the behavior of actual Christians is more important for determining the character of Christianity than the theological teachings that no one necessarily believes.

>> No.21709676

Okay, but this wasn't your original point. It's still lolicon either way, and the subversion of innocence is still the theme of that specific image

>> No.21709729

Take a look at the book I See Satan Fall Like Lightning. Author is a Christian liberal type that seethes relentlessly about Nietzsche and Dionysos for causing Nazism, but also ends up seething that progressives have “flanked Christianity on the left”. He basically accepts Nietzsche’s main points though, and he spends the whole book showing that the modern obsession with victims and oppression grew on Christian soil. Some parts of the book were retarded like all mythological beings are actually deified victims of ritual violence (evidence provided: almost nothing) but the Nietzsche, progressivism, Satan as mimetic contagion stuff were pretty neat and you might be interested. I might make a thread on the book later too

>> No.21709880

Don't know because I abandoned Christianity mostly. It's not that there isn't good things in Christianity it's just that most of that shit was taken from older religions anyway so I figured it's better to look to the source rather than the watered down versions. Nietzsche had some cool ideas but he's a bit edgy for me at times.

>> No.21709958

pic hot

>> No.21710053
File: 207 KB, 901x1400, Cathelineau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le weak slave morality

>> No.21710061

He teaches you to not chase revenge not to not defend yourself

>> No.21710065

Nietzsche won
/qa/ won

>> No.21710069

>You have morals?
>well some people with your morals fail to follow them
>so your morals are checkmated

>> No.21710079
File: 61 KB, 1125x751, chigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21710096

uhmm what's that long pink thinggy? a neck tie?

>> No.21710206

he makes a compelling point

>> No.21710285

It’s unsolvable
This is why people still study and/or admire Nietzsche

>> No.21710289


>> No.21710367
File: 279 KB, 546x608, muh_ride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh ... a surprisingly distorted account of some point that is not completely wrong. Ofc totally ignores the solution to that point.

>> No.21710376

A rubber for her john’s skinny peepee

>> No.21710405
File: 48 KB, 480x553, rabbitholed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something for the rabbithole.

>> No.21710424

Just a pink snake toy, don't worry about it anon.

>> No.21710442

the tranny OP conflated getting in touch with your primordial nature with taking it up the ass for some reason

>> No.21710475

can you please stop disgracing poor alice and tempting me with lewd pictures

>> No.21710487

>he's referring to Churchianity and obsessive neurotic self-mortifying fixation on Atonement rather than the good news (Resurrection)
New guilt free crusades to de-Arabify the near east and secure Egyptian antiquities would be a good start.

>> No.21710765
File: 511 KB, 1040x628, wrong_ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More or less this I would assume. Quite a horrible thing to know that we could even see this as a "common mistake" these days.

>> No.21710906

Platonist intuitionism + metaphysical libertarianism opposes all relativist and deterministic moral codes.

>> No.21710928

i hate this fucking photo kys op. didn't even read what you posted just die please

>> No.21711050

He had tried to stop himself, but the urge, once he was aware of it, quickly became impossible to resist; as the john re-buttoned the last button of his shirt, he looked back at the little girl on the bed, who was lighting a post-coital cigarette. She could not have been older than twelve. Blonde, thin, white as angelcake. Small breasts which had recently surfaced. Her skirt barely touched the tops of her upper thighs, and what nakedness quivered beneath it hid behind the cross of her legs. She took a drag and put the lighter back inside the bedstand drawer, reaching over the used rubber that stretched over the edge of her bed, unremarkable, as if it were a sock she had laid out to wear. Two eyes met his, berry blue and big as a gazelle's. Strange how little make up she wore. Some lipstick and foundation, as if she were a regular little girl at a school desk. There was nothing whorish above neck at all. There was no boredom there either, or despair, or even a semblence of sexual delight. Her expression was as neutral as neutral can be, the kind of face she must have made when she finished hanging up the laundry. Her free hand laid flat on the bed as she brought the cup of its twin to her lips, pulled it away, and blew a rag of smoke. All the while she watched the man who stood gawking and hairy legged in his underwear.
She said, "is anything the matter, mister?"
The voice of a girl who could play moonlight sonata on the grand piano and make her mother very proud. A finishing school voice. Her dainty words churned cigarette smoke in the air.

The man was still standing there, looking at her, and she thought she should repeat the question, like he hadn't heard. But he must have. He was still making the same face. He probably didn't even know which kind of face it was either. It seemed a slurry of emotions, none of them good. There was definitely remorse in there, among other things. She was prepared to scream in the event he threw himself at her, what ever his reason. Whether reborn lust or homocidal shame, or even if he just threw himself down to kiss her feet and beg for forgiveness, she would scream.
But instead, she heard the gentle side of the voice which had growled down at her just a minute before.
"yes, in fact something is the matter," he said and began to walk casually to the bed. She didn't call for help, even when he took her free hand in his, though she quietly measured the air between the eyes of the man and the hot end of her cigarette. He squeezed her little white fingers, but his mouth gaped over and over like a fish. He glanced over his shoulder at the trousers crumpled on the floor.
"One moment," he said, and let go of her.
He fetched a wallet from his pockets and knelt down beside her to count bills into his hand.

>> No.21711062

She watched, her cigarette smoking in her knuckles. She wondered if this was some kind of tip, and such a funny thought almost made her smile. Then she noticed something and her back straightened. They were hundred dollar bills, she realized. Her eyes bugged out. She looked at his face and then back at the wad of cash. Is this illegal? Didn't he already pay the madame? What's going on? And the wad kept growing. thumb by thumb of green paper, until he stopped and handed her the lot.
"2000 dollars," he said.
she stared helplessly down at the money now on her lap.
"It's yours," he continued, "but there's a caveat. You need to quit this business. You seem like an intelligent girl, and a soul so gentle and mannered as yours shouldn't be doing this to yourself. Two grand is not much for what I'm ask for, but it's as much as I can give. In return for this money, I want you to get away from this life and find salvation."
He got to his feet, and began hiking his pants and shoes back on, all the while telling her of a parish on the north side of the city, a pastor there who could aid her, and a carpenter, with whom she was already familiar, who could smooth away the splinters of her soul.
"He even saved somebody like me," he said, and the spasm of heroics came to an abrupt end. She was sitting there inexpressive, berry blue eyes blinking at him intermitently, cigarette smoking in her knuckles, the cash in her hand. Something pink interrupted the white of the bed sheet beside her. A little of him was drying inside of it. He felt afraid. He wanted to pray, but hadn't he humiliated this georgeous creature enough?
"I must be going now," he said and began to leave.
Just as the door was creaking shut he heard her dainty voice call out, "Mister?"
He looked back into the room, she was standing now. She had left the money on the bed.
"Thank you," she said, and curtsied in the smallest skirt he had ever seen.
He smiled like he was in pain, and shutting the door behind him, he went down the hall to the stairwell. Descending, he prayed. For forgiveness and to never see her in that room again. To never see her in any room. He prayed that he would not call the Madame a week or so from now and ask for the company of the little blonde girl who had been so pleasant, and that he would not pretend to himself that he was merely checking up on her. He prayed that he would never call the madame for any reason. He prayed that he would never think of the little girl again, or of any little girls. He descended and he prayed. He prayed.

>> No.21711068


>> No.21711069

You know OPs subject could be seen as discrediting towards Nietzsche for not completely disregarding Christian morality in all circumstances right?

>> No.21711078

Something tells me the original author of Alice would have accepted this depiction of her.

>> No.21711102

The breaking of the rule was what caused porn addiction, not abiding by it retard

>> No.21711103

Genuine question, is this the first time you zoomers see a lewded Alice? I cant reconciliate this thread's reaction otherwise.

>> No.21711110

I think you're missing the point

>> No.21711119

... it being?

>> No.21711198

It's a matter of principle. Alice is not for sexual

>> No.21711221

But she was written by a pedo... ?

>> No.21711228

deeply unintelligent person

>> No.21711253

Then why did the OP pic make me so horny?

>> No.21711255

Do you go around claiming Lolita wasn't written to be lewded?

>> No.21711525

Nietzsche is already dead. I would source if not for cringe OP.

>> No.21712534

>Nietzsche is already dead
>Therefore what he said is wrong
>This is cringe (and totally not me)

>> No.21712563


If you think otherwise kys

>> No.21712681

kill yourself then since you're already wrong anyway

>> No.21712749

Deathworshippers like you are always faggots

>> No.21712935

Not what we were just talking about.
Holy shit. the levels of discourse this place has sunk to. I swear you're no older than 14 mentally.

>> No.21713036

How do you know what went on in the sick fuck's mind?

>> No.21713040

Eternal Life>vanilla 'Life'>Death

>> No.21713365

absolutely degenerate "artist"

>> No.21713709
File: 371 KB, 1365x2048, FpknLApaYAEy2JS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All apostolic churches reject pacifism.
But did Jesus?

>> No.21713783

Christianity aims to empower its believers. Submission to the Truth is one step, reaching it through labour and fides is another

>> No.21713828

>he ignored/missed used condom