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21708719 No.21708719 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

can you recommend any books to overcome fear? Once upon a time I managed to do so, firstly by faith in God, also the books The Betrayal of the Body and Fear of Life helped but now they are not of help. I read Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins and it removed certain fears for a short period but now again I have become feeble minded. I cannot be stoic and detached and become too emotional about mundane and things of little concern. If there is a psychological book that can help me out you can recommend that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.21708849

you don't need a book for this you only need to realize that if you die it doesn't actually matter that much and if you fuck up you can always kill yourself.
This is my philosophy and it has never failed me.

>> No.21709002

Suicide is not a solution and it surely matters when you die. I am of feeble mind and want to overcome it.

>> No.21709005

Laches by Plato is about honor and fear.

>> No.21709008

Anxiety leading up to the actual event is usually worse than the actual outcome

>> No.21709048

Thanks anon, I will take a look at it.

It is not only the anxiety itself, I sometimes react harshly by becoming nervous, embarrassed or fearful about things that pose no danger. I used to not feel fear because I knew I do righteous things but now I feel fear even I do not do anything evil but think I can be fucked with if that makes sense. People have too much control over my emotions even though I should not give a shit about them. I cannot relax.

>> No.21709058

As someone who is the same: stop trying to do anything about it: you can't and are only doing the exact thing you're complaining of.

Accept it as part of you nature and move on. It sucks. Of course it does, what doesn't? But you can't fix it and it will only ameliorate with age, a process equally outside of your control.

Welcome to the ride. It sucks.

>> No.21709065

You sound like you are closing in on schizo territory

>> No.21709170

You are right about that. I used to have most control about my emotions when I accepted that fact about me and I could let go. I does not mean I never felt that way again but I could acknowledge when I became fearful and write it off in the same moment. My issue is that I cannot accept and let go again.

I say between neurotic and schizoid unironically.

>> No.21709467

Try the first option again.

>> No.21709477

You have very limited control over your own fate anon, as do we all. The guy you responded to is correct in my opinion: just power through it. Thinking about it too much will just paralyze you.

>> No.21709483

when a suicide attempt fails it is due to being discovered by the atheists who crave for saving people's lives (for no reason lol) and who will do anything to ''save you'', with the end result potentially being fully paralyzed making things even worse.
Atheists dont really give a shit about the end result of their rescue, they just rescue to feel good about themselves.

The first thing to do in order to commit suicide is really to get away from atheists, ie deep in the woods or desert. The second thing to do is really getting sleeping pills. However, atheist ban the potent ones. The most potent sleeping pill is nembutal. It is what the bureaucrats in Switzerland allow for euthanasia.
Currently the only way to get it is really thru asian pharmacists for the powder form, or the mexican ones fro the liquid form.

>> No.21709496
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In the process but the fear-attacks hinder me at growth. Whenever I think I become grounded in faith and I become full of vigor some (small) thing sets me back. I think I have to be in the jungle or homeless to truly persevere. Actually I was without a home for two months and my faith grew in that time instead of decreasing.

Holy digits checked. Yeah, I need to stop thinking and only use it for planning when necessary. I managed to reduce my brain activity three years ago and was more intuitive and I can tell you life almost felt like paradise. Unfortunately after that short period my mental state has become severely worse but now I am on a slow upward trajectory.

What the hell are you on about? I don't wanna kms, just get rid of that fear.

>> No.21709500

Are you ok anon? At risk of a wildly off-topic/board type of thread you’re welcome to dump your troubles here and hopefully leave some of them behind. I’m listening.

>> No.21709528

And I do apologize to you OP for volunteering to derail your thread without your consent, but we anons need to help each other out if we can, desu fampai.

>> No.21709569
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That's alright man. Feel free to discuss your feels. A fren of a fren is a fren.

>> No.21709632
File: 89 KB, 1387x702, 5623D731-CAA6-4F75-8BF8-DEFB71996BD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks brother.

>> No.21709928


>> No.21710249

Fear, just like self confidence it’s a daily practice. It’s not a quick fix, such as reading a single book once. What helped me was reading the Gospels, specifically word on fire edition. It reminds me the only thing I should fear is God.
It’s a daily practice my fren. And fear is a human emotion. Face it little by little everyday and don’t back away from the discomfort.

>> No.21710279
File: 85 KB, 600x900, Apu Winter Walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fren. I order to get a hold of fear I can only reduce it by exposure. Things have been going uphill in the past couple of months.

>> No.21710615

I can't go for walks any more without torturing myself with the thought of how unpleasant it is to do so without a qt bf. How to get over this?

>> No.21710629

You're a little more behind than you know.
We all felt this way once, but you have yet to live through your "rubber-meets-the-road" moment or series of moments.

>> No.21711276

read DUNE
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

>> No.21711435

>I cannot be stoic and detached and become too emotional about mundane and things of little concern.
A crucial component of Stoicism is changing your thinking such that (within reason) becoming fearful about these things makes no sense to you whatsoever; when you truly believe being fearful in these cases has no use or benefit or is based on faulty reasoning you simply won't become fearful. You also need to realize that the fear is caused by your mind and then projected onto the world, it's not caused by the world. This is good news because it means the things you think cause fear are in fact completely irrelevant already, you don't need to do anything about them nor escape them, just noticing and continually recognizing this by itself can sometimes naturally change your habitual fearful/emotional thoughts. You need to remove or change the mental causes and conditions that allow this fear to arise in the first place.

I would wager that you feel fear about things because at some level you believe that the fear provides some control over the things you fear; you believe that being fearful or becoming emotional in some way mitigates the undesired outcome. You need to work at these thoughts and beliefs via reason as described above, but also practice and experiment with whether being fearful or just accepting the circumstance is preferable. Discover for yourself that bearing the temporary pain or hardship, if any, is far more preferable and advantageous than being fearful about it.

Apologies for writing a book instead of recommending one but I can't think of any right now.

>> No.21712501


>> No.21712818

Not being a faggot is a good start.

I heard DUNE is a liberal sci-fi novel. Not gonna happen.

Thanks for your good words. It has something to do with wanting to control the outcome. With this incessant obsession I tire myself and the fear becomes worse. I feel a lot better than yesterday thanks to anon's posts here and also by contemplation. Reasoning and experience are crucial to overcome these bad thought patterns. I also started re-reading Fear of Life and I can well identify with the neurotical character structure while I could not a couple years ago. It is a short read (250+ pages) and I will report back when the thread is still up or start a new one.

>> No.21713275

Update: today I met with a couple people after church. There was a couple and while I was conversing well with the other men, the one girl I could tell did not like me from the get-go despite we never talked to each other before. While we were having a conversation I could feel the tension in me rising and feeling her hatred for me. When we parted and said goodbye I could tell how the girl was even surprised that I said goodbye to her. Fuck man, how can one assume the worst about me when we don't even know me? When driving home I almost had a panic attack.

The most severe fear I have of women since I can remember, they can hate me, they can like me, at one point I tense up and it is impossible to me to not be or feel hostile. Fuck man. Guys, will there ever be an end to this? I have this problem since I can remember, even as a little boy there were ADULT WOMEN hating my guts even when I did nothing evil or bad. Am I cursed?

>> No.21713307

Get into a sports, martial arts or something else if you don't like violence, swimming for example.
Read the manga Vagabond. Trust me on this one anon-san.

You bombard your brain with intellect from reading which makes it overthink beyound burnout, yet you don't give your body the opportunity to sweat, hence you're not stable.

Sports, traveling, then reading comes last. Goodluck.

>> No.21713315

>I heard DUNE is a liberal sci-fi novel
Oh boy, it's one of those people.

>> No.21714082

I already exercise regularly but it helps only so much. I will check out Vagabond. I want to read to solidify my mind and emotional state but I am almost incapable of bringing myself to read philosophical or theological texts anymore. My brain is overflowing with knowledge, it is the emotions that are not matured and healed. The only books I can derive value from right now are instructional/doctrinal books and biographies of inspiring men.

If you read the update above your post my issue is particularly with the feminine principle in essence and form. I am so afraid of women that my life, thinking ability and actions are severely restrained and crippled.

>> No.21714424

Have you already tried eating a bunch of mushrooms? I am very familiar with fear being omnipresent through life, and after such an experience I managed to go without fear a few weeks. Consider it a rearranging of psychic machinery such that pressure is able to get vented rather than accumulate in whatever sort of neurotic knot.
Otherwise, you could go down the Freudian rabbit hole and try to think your way through to the other side. That said it's probably better to just see an actual analyst instead if you can afford it, and/or get into meditation and so forth. I like the phenomenologists too (okay I only know Heidegger and only through Being and Time). But generally speaking this doesn't seem to be the sort of problem that gets solved by increasing the intensity of your calculation.

>> No.21715165

I'd never do that. A colleague recommended me to do same with MDMA a couple years ago. No chance I am damaging my brain for the slight chance of "resetting" it.

>> No.21715282

Sometimes books helped me too, but what helped me most was therapy. We form ourselves only in relation to other people.

>> No.21715290

>sex dolls to overcome being a weird virgin freak

>> No.21715312 [DELETED] 

cluster b is clearly some dateless cat lady seething that the autists of /lit/ won't "man up" and buy her dinner.

>> No.21715322

And you’re a faceless nameless sperg that has a tripfag living in his head rent-free.

>> No.21715340

The Red Badge of Courage
Bhagavad Gita
New Testament

>> No.21715352 [DELETED] 

i'm not even mad, lady. i can't stand these dudes who in one thread think they are the reincarnation of alexander here to save western civilization by reading dostoyevsky and not masturbating, but are scared to register for a class because the professor might assign some reading they don't agree with 100%.

>> No.21715384

I know a guy that cured his CPTSD with MDMA therapy and I myself have personally done it once. It works wonders but you must be willing to let go. It makes your body and brain feel completely safe and so your brain and nervous system automatically process whatever mental anguish you have. It's like liquid Drano. The thing is you have to become repentant. You can NOT fall back into your old habits of thinking and previously conditioned reactions to life's stressors. It is an opportunity to become a new man but you can easily squander it if you fail to use it in a disciplined and strictly therapeutic way. This takes immense bravery and determination because if you have lived for years in a negative emotional or mental state then that is what you will be accustomed to and it will be easy to be spooked by your newfound freedom and peace of mind and you might retreat back into fear and depression.

>> No.21715402

he is just a redditor trying to fit in, for some reason he thinks he needs to act like a /b/-tier retard

>> No.21715411

>I managed to reduce my brain activity three years ago