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21705061 No.21705061 [Reply] [Original]

and that the Athenians were correct to kill Socrates for "leading astray the youth".

> Do you ever get tired of recommending and masturbating over scholarly summaries of a thinker whose works don't even exist, so as to feign deeper understanding of obscure ancient wisdom, wisdom you've never read but willingly swallow scholar's hypotheses concerning, in order to be the hipsteriest classicist around, just so you can be "different" from people reading Plato and Aristotle?
Thus spaketh the dead Man, from a dead mind, of a dead society.

But the fellow raises a good point which I had not until now thought was worth much mention. In short, the Western Society has been a failure built upon lies; lies of Christian Theology and Abramic (that is: Jewish) Racial Supremacy. The thought occurs to me, after having attuned my own thought-processes and actions to the example of better times, that the nihilism and solipsism exhibited by the 'modern westerner' is a result, in part, of their false history regarding philosophy; for: having absorbed the lies of their Christian Theology they can but emulate those things and arrive, instead of learning practical skills and virtue in their character, at the drug addicted disposition of the late prussian manchild; bitterness from nihilism, enmity from solipsism, hatred towards intelligence for having a culture which deems intelligence as a weak, finding themselves led to lying child-minded german philosophers from the most wretched of eras and playing out in their dimly aware lives the paths of Hitlers in Wiemar Germany; that is: full of disgust at how low his people had become and yet totally unwilling to accept that his people bore the responsibility for their own actions. Enmity, scapegoating and always with the consequence of a weak nation, still weak despite the verbal affirmations of not being weak, because the responsibility had never been accepted and the character of the german remained, therefore, still drug addicted, cross-dressing, child fucking and pathetic in emotionalism, but only in full-blown that all these things were true of it, and then insane enough to declare war upon the world - believing that because it told lies that telling the lies enough would make them true and actually transmorph that faggot german into a boulder-like super soldier of profound intellectual military discipline. America has inherited this culture of lies.

Perhaps, we may say, this false history begins with Socrates?

A petty criminal, for example, is willing at least to learn more effective ways of attaining what he wants; money or land, and so he can be socialized; we can work with these people. A petty theologian, on the other hand, will take the whip for leading astray the youth, enduring it because he cares only for his notoriety, and will even happily go to his death because "his reward in not in this life" - thinking that all history will remember him as a great martyr.

>> No.21705064

As the tale is spun to us of "wise Socrates (who is only wise because he says he knows nothing) being "persecuted for no reason" and as this Jesus mentality takes hold in the mind and produces the Martyrdom-Seeking of the modern urban rabble a it burns its own cities to the ground, seeking justification in martyrdom mythos. To eradicate this bent to the mind is to unstitch the threadwork of much of the ill-tapestry of the Western society, which reads like a Bayeux of the same sequences of events over and over and over again, culminating at the end of each panel with mass amnesia; the refusal to learn.

Perhaps, we may say, this false history ends with Christianity? To recognize Eden as the big lie against our human origins; to recognize that the very concept of theology is a vicious and viceful thing, and that to know God, as we might consider the concept liberated and freed from the lies of all religions, is simply the act of studying the world; the discipline of material science; that through intellect alone is attained virtue.

kal. mar. dies natalis mars gradivus
roman new year

>> No.21705069

previous /rhet/ thread: >>21699573

thanks to all participants

>> No.21705077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21705084

trolling outside of /b/ is a ban offense, you know..

>> No.21705114 [DELETED] 
File: 2.31 MB, 428x300, 1805442A-3282-4A48-8194-EFA9829F0138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trolling outside of /b/ is a ban offense, you know..

>> No.21706306 [DELETED] 

aw, wtf, that was it? a couple of troll memes i reported, c'mon /lit/, give counter arguments.

also, news for those three regular shit-posters, i'm going to report you for trolling if you're trolling. fair warning. come at me faggots, kill yourselves on the roman shield shield wall you useless fucking barbarian rabble ha

>> No.21708414

huh.. well I guess the topic of,
> the Athenians were correct to kill Socrates for "leading astray the youth".
is too soon.


>> No.21708419

But we don't have any actual writings from any of these people

>> No.21708426

No, but we have secondhand conjecture and hearsay.

>> No.21708434

Nobody is reading your sperg post, faggot.

>> No.21708437

He is saying Socrates started the appeal to persecution. "Thgey are persecuting me so I must be onto something." He just said that in a really long winded, stupid way.

>> No.21708455 [DELETED] 

see: >>21708434 *wave bye bye*

Honestly I think this is the stronger point as to why those persons are better for us today; if a book doesn't exist because it's lost or purposefully burned then it forces us to use our brains to reconstruct from the information that does survive and arrive at a stronger practical working understanding of those things. We have the accounts of the lives of these people and their accomplishments, and some fragments of their words anyway, so we're not blind.

i.e. if you begin with Chrysippus and the method of logical deduction and inference that he presented, and if you reconstruct further from that foundation, then you arrive at the scientific method.

>> No.21708459

see: >>21705084 *wave bye bye*

Honestly I think this is the stronger point as to why those persons are better for us today; if a book doesn't exist because it's lost or purposefully burned then it forces us to use our brains to reconstruct from the information that does survive and arrive at a stronger practical working understanding of those things. We have the accounts of the lives of these people and their accomplishments, and some fragments of their words anyway, so we're not blind.

i.e. if you begin with Chrysippus and the method of logical deduction and inference that he presented, and if you reconstruct further from that foundation, then you arrive at the scientific method.

>> No.21708475

But for all we know Plato lampooned everything about these people

>> No.21708477

probably this'll thread will be archived by the time i get back - better point about this: >>21708459 is that it eliminates the problem of dogmatism by relying upon books or the 'sayings' of these philosophers, the grasp is superior toward the subject not to the man.

>> No.21708481

what differentiated pre socratics from sophists? how much of pihlosophy is based on plato wanting to advertise for his new school and his occult shit he found in the desert

>> No.21708483


The way the terms are used Sophist means paid orators who Plato hated and pre-Socratics are the ones that influenced Socrates in a posiutive way.