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/lit/ - Literature

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21703502 No.21703502 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever attended a book club or meetup?

>> No.21703519


>> No.21703820

Nope, I would have to wash myself, put on some clothes that dont have cumstains and ragged holes in them and endure like a dozen visits to dentist first. Not worth the hassle.

>> No.21703831
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BAP bros ...

>> No.21703836

no, seems nice though desu. i'm not too cool for that

>> No.21703843

I went to some meetings arranged by a reactionary intellectual. One guy was fat and unkempt, another was a lot older than us and the rest were small twinks. We looked like the fellowship of the ring sat in the bar together.

>> No.21703844

Take care of yourself and have some self control you goddamn loser

>> No.21703909

Cannot think of anything worse than having to watch those fat fucks eat.

>> No.21703918

So reactionary reading groups are indistinguishable for your average Marxist reading group. It's like the same people.

>> No.21703947

i partially ran a bookclub about 3 years ago.
It started with just me and 2 friends talking in a pub , mostly about poetry, and since two of them wanted to be poets so it also served partially as writing group. Later on we were joined by the bar manager who was one of those people who knows everything about the Romans and a random girl who did know a lot but didn't speak much.

But there was not set curriculum, we just showed up and talked about whatever lit related stuff we wanted to, kinda like here. People would just bring books and try to be penetrating about them .

Sad to say Covid kinda killed it for us. =(

>> No.21704100
File: 127 KB, 1484x1094, E67DEA61-AD07-489D-B8AF-8F35544B5B9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done a few in the past. Never really like them. The expectation never meets reality.

>First book club
>Middle School
>All girls who I assume are smart (ha ha)
>I’m the only one who is reading the book and showing interest
>We “finish” reading the book and it turns out I’m basically the only one who read
>We start the next book
>boring airport tier book
>I don’t like it
>All these girls who didn’t read the first book love it
>leave book club

Second book club
>Friend group picks Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions
>too busy getting high all the time
>don’t recall shit when it’s time to finally discuss the book
>only remember passage in which Vonnegut recalls the discovery of the Clitoris
>our book discussion ends up being pretty bunk and we all just hang out.
>end of book club.

Last book club
>This time last year
>Friend starts reading 1Q84
>I realize I also have it
>we start a casual book club
>I haven’t been reading too often
>slog through book which is too long and also not physically enjoyable to read (1000 page hardcover)
>can’t get into it
>I dnf
>he doesn’t enjoy book
>I decide only to read American Authors from that point forward
>My reading has never been better

>> No.21704107

I want to because I feel like it would help me better vocalize my thoughts and think about what I'm reading but I'm so shy and anxious I never have.

>> No.21704111

I'm leading a sort of a book club with WYA, an organisation. You read a few essays each week and discuss them. It's neat and attended by lots of cute girls.

>> No.21704122
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I don't see the point of book clubs to be honest
I'm never going to end up reading something popular that'd be enjoyable for the whole family so there isn't going to be any bookclub for me

>> No.21704128

I used to do a writers workshop, not for advice, but more just for networking. Some writers were cool, but some were writing really cringe fantasy/scifi crap. Not that there's anything wrong with the genre, they were just really bad writers. I got busy with my own projects and had to drop out but I'd like to return and see everyone again.

>> No.21704143

>So reactionary reading groups are indistinguishable for your average Marxist
Except for the food in front of them at all times. Yes.

>> No.21704469

I attended a book club for three years - I studied English Lit at university.

>> No.21704571

sounds comfy
most likely experience
you can always talk to yourself for starters
yet you hop on /lit/. of course you would see the point of book clubs. /lit/ is just a more diminutive but also superlative mix of what people are looking for in one.

>> No.21705540

Do you have any tips for how to do this? I mean you kind of explained it already, but do you have any special insights.

>> No.21705626

They all want to fuck that noodlewhore, don't they?

>> No.21705662

this is so demoralizing, bros

>> No.21705685

You just know they all fawned over the one female there after this photo was taken.

>> No.21705696

there is a /lit/ club but chances are you won't gain access to it

>> No.21705770

They have fewer tattoos and strange piercings. Also they tend to be alcoholics instead of stoners and tweakers. I'm actually convinced that choice of drugs is a key factor in a person's politics. GABAergics make you pine for the good old days, while cholinergics make you think all your ideas are brilliant and should be implemented immediately.

>> No.21705777

Bapbros maybe we need way to "excommunicate" people at will. Fat people, stupid people, embarrassing people etc. (and for disagreements well just refer to BAP ex cathedra infallibility)

>> No.21705780

I actually can't imagine an asian woman reading BAP. Do any of you think she larps as an ancient Greek warrior in her free time?

>> No.21705781

So that leaves about four or five people in the whole world, give or take a few.

>> No.21705926

Well, how many do you want? If we are all to rule one part of the world, a continent for each one of us seems large enough.

>> No.21706157

Autism + white fever = behaviours that will surprise you

>> No.21706174

>Read the sign as "Sharty's" at first.

truly this website inspires mental illness

>> No.21706176

Yeah, I'm currently in one and I like it since they actually read unlike /lit/.

>> No.21706191

Zoom in on those pixels.

>> No.21706218
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I used to be part of a monthly writers circle where we read each other's work and gave commentary. It was alright for a while but once Covid happened the people became unbearable and eventually I realized tabletop board game groups are a better friend simulator so long as you don't mind the occasional tryhard

>> No.21706361

all asians want to be european, they´re a deeply insecure race of people

>> No.21706365

not the same anon but if you read the story, is clearly obvious the big tip you want, seeks for people who want to be writers, that´s how a bookclub can work, people who are already passionate about reading, not just as a hobby

>> No.21706385

What are the last 5 books you discussed?

>> No.21706389

Asians are the NPC race, they don't want anything, their brains don't work that way

>> No.21706435

>dislike author
>have a group of embarrassing people pose with their book
>ruin discussion of that author forever
gg, ez

>> No.21706465

Only book club I was ever in was over discord. About 10 people. First book nobody besides me read it. The guy that recommended it didn’t read his own book lel

>> No.21706694

Yeah, it was pretty fun and we talked about books.

>> No.21706757

What books?

>> No.21706772

a dozen dentist visits? How bad can it be?

>> No.21706787

What's BAP in this context?

>> No.21706927
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>> No.21706959
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I still haven't gotten an answer for why this micro e-celeb is causing the entire political establishment on the left and right to shit themselves in rage

>> No.21706988

Because it only happens in your headcanon. It's just a bunch of discord trannies that spam him and everyone else either ignores them or talks about random shit like the faggots in the image.

>> No.21706996

So why are discord trannies spamming him all of a sudden? I haven't actually read anything he's written, he's just marginally adjacent to some other random twitter accounts I occasionally look at.

>> No.21707016

>all of a sudden
It's been going on for years
>why do trannies do X?
Mental illness, you just ignore them
>twitter accounts I look at
You'll probably like the book too. Tranny

>> No.21707027

Sounds /lit/ fr fr. Hope you rise from the rona ashes.

>> No.21707068

> a continent for each one of us
I like how this seems to have been typed out with complete sincerity as a denotation to the level of smoke bap blows up your ass that you think you‘re going to get a continent

>> No.21707086

Nope. Is there a discord for /lit/? I feel like reading is a pretty easy thing to build a community around

>> No.21707094

I run one in Philly

>> No.21707126

No but I intend to if my backlog clears out.

>> No.21707137


>> No.21707171
File: 110 KB, 828x1241, costin bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Costin Alameriu shill

>> No.21707214

Why the fuck would you use the tranny grooming app if you want to talk about literature?

>> No.21707233

Sounds fun

>> No.21707452

What is the original source of that pic?

>> No.21707472
File: 1.59 MB, 1030x1670, Screenshot_20230224-224457_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21707562

Because they doxxed him expecting some incel loser, but found a bodybuilder with an undergrad from MIT and a PhD from Yale
He achieved their wet dream in academia and then went rogue and created an independent audience without the restraints those pundit dorks have in academia/think tanks/journalism

>> No.21707647

hey come see me, anon! I'll give you a dozen dentist visits
my dentist is preeeeetty good and it even has a built in anesthetic. I just pull back, wind it up, and send it home. A couple dozen later and you'll look like a different person!

>> No.21707649

what's BAP in any context?

>> No.21707657

"They" didn't dox him, Costin doxed himself on Gumroad because he's a fucking retard

>> No.21707991

>TND btw

>> No.21708136

So is he a retard, or are all oir credentialing institutions fucking retarded for giving him his genius degrees?
It has to be one or the other.

>> No.21708173
File: 1.05 MB, 1044x1145, Black Lives Matter college admission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh appeal to authority

>> No.21708174

Asians in america are the most cursed people on the planet

>> No.21708175

They're certainly the most insecure

>> No.21709130

We actually had a pretty good one at my work pre-pandemic. Read basic stuff but it was fun. Then the woo flu came , shut down the office and we all still work from home.

>> No.21709375

Some guy part of a young Republican group in a college handed out the book to the rest of them, he had them pose and took a picture. He said they hadn't even read it yet, he posted it to twitter and everyone laughed, then he deleted it.

>> No.21710625

>all those anime bapshill accounts are actually fat ugly kikes
Wow imagine my shock

>> No.21711376

Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.21711863

Maybe this explains Buddhism