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File: 460 KB, 700x778, wio2myoexpj0ycabibpfy9-t8qb1nim8d5q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21702904 No.21702904 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, I want to say some of this messaging can't be accidental but then I remember what a retarded libtard roastie she unironically is (sort of like the Beatles).
Please, help me understand magic bong mommy. Are her books really racist and elitist like they say?

>> No.21702912

I doubt she actually hates Jews particularly with how liberal she is. What are her thoughts on Israel?

>> No.21702919

They like reading too much into everything. You can certainly read it that way if you want, but that doesn't make it a fact.

>> No.21702920

She didn't do those movies.

>> No.21702933

I wish. But the fact people are saying that means they want it to be and are in fact the jew haters. As am I

>> No.21702944

Why do you hate us (Jews)?

>> No.21702951

Her transgender comments are really quite uninteresting. She fails the purity test because she doesn’t unequivocally parrot the zeitgeist and things are so polarized now that lefties can’t handle it.

>> No.21702962

> Her comments on the blueness of the sky are really quite uninteresting.

>> No.21702966

Hellboy is Jewish?

>> No.21702976

Subconsciously based. Consciously cringe.
Nah, you guys are alright.

>> No.21702980 [DELETED] 

Mostly likely what happen was she use goblins without knowing their Hasidic origins.

>> No.21703011

> Subconsciously based. Consciously cringe.
Yeah, I was thinking about this. She's like an NPC who didn't get enough updates but also one who happened to grow up in a based environment.

>> No.21703042

go back

>> No.21703073
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>> No.21703081

Prove that I'm wrong.

>> No.21703088
File: 103 KB, 647x588, hitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried to warn us.

Don't call it a grave.

This is the future you chose.

>> No.21703091

You haven't been around here long enough anon

>> No.21703094

>politically correct redditcuck tells others to go back
Thanks for the laugh

>> No.21703102

What's wrong with a Jewish guy playing a Jewish Gangster on the 20s? That's factually correct

>> No.21703115

I swear to God, Jewish people have the greatest PR department in history. When we look back at 20th century US, we picture Italians and sometimes the Irish as gangsters but Jews were equally as prominent yet we don’t see that conversation that often.

>> No.21703164

>Jewish people have the greatest PR department
Well yes, they have the whole USA media industry to back them up

>> No.21703171
File: 380 KB, 1080x725, Unintentionally-based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not based in till she pulls an Atticus Finch and rewrites everything around Lucius Malfoy being right

>> No.21703213

Are Jews not Criminal Bankers who look like Goblins?

>> No.21703233
File: 45 KB, 258x339, Hellboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellboy is the Demonic half-son of the Devil that America adopted after WW2, and since then has been essentially kept secret and does a bunch of CIA ops for us.... Sound familiar.
Hellboy is literally a metaphor for America taking in the Jews after WWII, after they helped us fight Germany from the inside. And like Hellboy, they have to fight their urge to just go outright satanic and fuck everything up. BUT China and Russia have a lot of money and America is struggling to properly handle our little demonic secret

>> No.21703255

I'm not familiar with Hellboy but he is played by that creep Ron Perlman and apparently there's an allegory about putting down a nationalist movement of elves (white-skinned, blond-haired beings). Pretty heavy-handed if you ask me

>> No.21703260

How do you square a great PR department with the fact that some of most well known gangster films have or are about Jewish gangsters like The Godfather 1&2, Casino, Bugsy, Once Upon A Time in America, and Gangster Squad?
Their so-called "PR department" has done a very poor job when criminals like Mickey Cohen, Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky are well known to anyone with a passing interest in organized crime.

>> No.21703277

Godfather is about Italian gangsters mainly. And yes, OUATIA is a major film about mainly about Jewish gangsters. Compared to Italians, Jewish gangsters are underrepresented. Their PR is excellent when only a small number of films have been made.

>> No.21703278

Oh yeah forgot about the second movie. I was talking about the comics.

>> No.21703284

>the actor is Jewish, that means the original comic character is Jewish

>> No.21703290

Their PR has kindof fallen off lately

>> No.21703323

All comics are jewish.

>> No.21703330
File: 31 KB, 474x259, hellboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I never mentioned anything about the actor in the movie. I was saying the character of Hellboy is a metaphor for the Jews.

The story starts out with a bunch of WWII American soldiers winning the war and finding a little devil boy. They take that devil boy home and have him work in secret operations (mostly fighting dangerous mythological creatures. X-Files sort of deal). We learn that Hellboy is the son of the Devil and his destiny is to destroy the world. However he fights this within himself because he likes his job working for the government.

>> No.21703491

>grow up in a based environment.
I really think she separated herself from her Father because she was petrified it might come out he held racist views. It's been said Rowling thinks she was Hermione but was actually Pansy Parkinson, and that seems to be reflected in her tweets.

>> No.21703556

shes BDS supporter
liberals are actually anti-semites but they call ijews "white"

>> No.21703561

Jewish gangsters are allowed to be shown so that jews can think of themselves as real tough guys, if they wanted to be.

>> No.21703589

The character is Catholic

>> No.21703650


>> No.21703741

He is absolutely right. Rowling hasn't updated her liberalism and that's why she is hated. She is a 2008-2011 liberal that stopped at gay marriage + adoption.

>> No.21703753


>> No.21703760

Real mental gymnastics at work here.

>> No.21703873

>Are her books really racist and elitist like they say?
No, but her problem is she isn't that creative. She just steals from folklore, so you get stupid things like accidental Jewish tropes and accidental slavery. She grew up poor so she also fetishised the abusive private school system in the uk.

Remember that Wizard who steals other Wizard's adventures? What a self insert that was.

>> No.21703914

Im almost entirely sure she meant to do the whole "rich people bad" thing with her portrayal of the goblins. It could also be that goblins are known to like money, and the bank is where all the money is.