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21701776 No.21701776 [Reply] [Original]

People assume that Mussolini must have been a Hitler-tier shitlord because he was allied with Hitler. But in fact, his ideas were not bad, and could have formed the basis for a global movement had they caught on.

The "big idea" of all these fashy ideologies was that people aren't as equal as liberalism likes to think they are. Germany thought nordics were better than others, Mussolini believed in a spiritual aristocracy, Japan believed in Japanese supremacy, etc.

Now the common denominator of all these ideologies--that people are factually unequal--is clearly correct. Some are smarter than others, some are better looking, and so on. It's not that controversial, even leftists will admit it after a few beers.

The problem is that the German version of this "unequal" concept was all based on race. By Nazi race theory, if a German scientist running a laboratory had to choose between a competent Jew and an incompetent German as a partner, he'd have to choose the latter. By Nazi race theory, race is the only criteria for determining the value of a person, any other form of superiority is discounted.

Italian fascism didn't have this problem. It upheld the inequality of people but it defined "superiority" more in spiritual terms than biological ones. Following fascist standards, the German laboratory leader is free to choose the competent Jew over the incompetent German, because any form of superiority is relevant in the fascist worldview. Therefore, this worldview is more consistent with reality than the Nazi one, and is "not that bad" overall. There isn't anything wrong with thinking some people are better than others: with respect to certain things, some ARE better than others

>> No.21701791

They lost their campaign against the Greeks who fought them with muskets and knives.
If you wanna learn more about incompetence just read your diary.

>> No.21701794


>> No.21701824

>Books on Mussolini and Italian Fascism?
you're not going to find any of them acceptable.

Mussolini's strong point was enacting new deal, american style plans in the wake of the financial crash fo the 30's. At the time in Europe politics was dominated by classical liberals who adopted non-intervention, market style responses to the crisis and left-wingers/socialists who also adopted a non-interventionist stand point as they felt it would be artificially propping up capitalism which must inevitably fail. Understandably, this pissed people off who felt they were being thrown under the bus by ideological zealots and Mussolini style fascism became the only game in town.

>> No.21701963


>> No.21701988

>that people are factually unequal
i.e. anti-egalitarianism / elitism

>> No.21702200
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This book is probably what you're looking for, because it's surprisingly sympathetic for a mainstream publisher, that he wasn't so bad, etc. His Jewish mistress (and a leading intellectual in Italy) also plays a prominent role in the first half of the book. Thing about it, the author is a conservative so he's like "yeah he wasn't so bad" but "Mussolini was a socialist so the bad stuff comes from that which isn't our problem."

Basically he was a complex figure, although prone to making disastrous decisions, the limitation of the book is that Farrell doesn't see that arising from the limitations of fascist ideology itself (which he thought was less disastrous than communism).

>> No.21702207

>Germany thought nordics were better than others,
They are.

>> No.21702237
File: 28 KB, 480x360, mosca pareto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What place and role did the Italian elite theorists have in the zeitgeist and the political thought/discussion of the time then?

>> No.21702243

I love how the Pareto principle has become memed by normies. I can only imagine the seethe socialists feel whenever they see their dumb normie instafriends post about it.

>> No.21702258

You should read Mussolini's Intellectuals immediately


>> No.21702275 [DELETED] 

They why did they lost two world wars?

>> No.21702299

>we are le better
>loses two world wars in a row

>> No.21702322

Fascism is good. Fascism will happen again.

>> No.21702326 [DELETED] 

>can't even read: demonstrates no understanding of what was written
Shitskin detected.

>> No.21702334

It’s found to fail, just like communism.

>> No.21702341


>> No.21702488 [DELETED] 

You're literally too stupid to have an opinion on these things, you have trouble with basic reading comprehension and writing. Fascism is based and Nordics are superior, nigger.

>> No.21702499

"Based" is negro slang, zoomie. Stop being a retard. Your edgelord ideology will forever fail, same as Communism for the trannies.

>> No.21702512

The superior race in both spirit and biology is the slav

>> No.21702515

>semi-literate pooman triggered by nazis still giving his brainlet opinion
My sides

>> No.21702524

Retard detected

>> No.21702588

Mussolini’s ideas did become a global movement. He has a lot more in common with Lenin and Stalin than Hitler. Hitler was truly the outlier among 20th century personalities.

>> No.21702602

>pseudo-nazi describing his pipe dream ideology using negro slang terminology
sure bro, le fascism is le based lmao

>> No.21702607

I hope that fags like you are just larping feds trying to make fascism look bad by pretending to be ultimate retards.

>> No.21702610

Hitler's views are too niche.

>> No.21702705

Stop using nigger slang.

>oy vey he thinks Nordics are superior he must be a fed

>> No.21702713

>Stop using nigger slang.
You should take your own advice, Sven.

>> No.21702718

Where did i use n-word slang? N-words are stupid and stinky.

>> No.21702731

You used "based" previously. Unless you're another retard supporting the original Sven (which I doubt because you sound equally retarded).

>> No.21702757

That's a meme you dumb niggape.

>> No.21702776

So is "bro", you snow faggot, learn to read irony.

>> No.21702818 [DELETED] 

No it isn't, using bro like that is what dumb shitskins/3rd worlders do.

>> No.21702836

No, the whole reply was in jest. Sven, sonny, finish kindergarten first and then you can try to conquer the world with le heckin based fascism.

>> No.21702884

>le heckin based fascism.
r3ddit cringe
>i was merely pretending to sound like a 3rd world retard
Nice try ape. Go back to the 3rd world with your dumb immigrant family or be forcibly removed within the mext 5 years, epic style.

>> No.21702899

>r3ddit cringe
That's how you sound when you call fascism "based"
>Nice try ape. Go back to the 3rd world with your dumb immigrant family or be forcibly removed within the mext 5 years, epic style.
kek what the fuck are you even talking about, Sven? I'm not some immigrant in Snowniggerland. I'm in my country. Now go save the snownigger race by having sex and having kids.

>> No.21703522
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>But in fact, his ideas were not bad, and could have formed the basis for a global movement had they caught on.
There was a Fascist International in 1934. It failed because no one could come to an agreement for any kind of Fascist global movement.
>The "big idea" of all these fashy ideologies was that people aren't as equal as liberalism likes to think they are
Liberalism in that time did not preech equality. The tenant of liberalism then was individual liberty, right to property, democracy, etc. Fascism was not an outright rejection of these ideas but a critique of them, a critique whose genealogy traces back to Vico and the enlightenment.
>that people are factually unequal
Any rationalist liberal can easily come to this conclusion and still be a rationalist liberal. People who defend capitalism also tend think that people are unequal in ability. They are still liberals. Nevermind the fact that different liberals preach different ideas. Even in the 19th century different liberals preached different things.

The rest of your post doesn't have anything to do with anything.

>because any form of superiority is relevant in the fascist worldview
Fascism, not even Italian Fascism (which is the only thing that should be called Fascism proper) is not a singular worldview.

To understand Fascism you must learn Italian, and read Renzo de Felice's biography. However you probably don't have the time to learn Italian, so I would start off with reading a biography of Mussolini's formative years.

>Mussolini 1883-1915:Triumph and Transformation of a Revolutionary Socialist

Z-lib should have the PDF. I would also study the French Revolution. Then you should be aquainted with the works of:


They were the most essential influences to the early Mussolini. You should also read the Greek Sophists and Heraclitus. Aristotle helps with Marx (who he references frequently)

With the German idealists you should read Fichte, and Hegel- and it is also necessary you read Vico. At this point you should probably be learning Italian, then you move on to Gentile, and finally Ugo Spirito for his theory of corporativism.

You should read Mussolini's war diary when you are done with Marx, Blanqui, Sorel, and maybe Pareto. You should read his Diuturna after. You can read the idealist texts and Gentile after. Then Ugo Spirito.

Mussolini's Opera Omnia is over 20 volumes. Gentile's is just as extensive.

>> No.21703744

Mussolini said a lot of contradictions. At one point he said Italians were Nordic.

>> No.21704252

This, I don't know why people want to learn more about him. It was obvious he was making shit up as he went further.

>> No.21704729

>what is context

>> No.21706043
File: 196 KB, 1300x1152, dictator-benito-mussolini-shirtless-at-a-press-conference-E0KP0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Musso so sexy

>> No.21706112
File: 114 KB, 700x1013, adRYAP2Z_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not human. You believe a bronze age, jewish shepard from Jerusalem was a blue eyed, fair haired white man. You fucking retard, you are not even that.

>> No.21706133

Not true. You should actually read a good biography of him like Renzo de Felice's if you can read Italian. Pragmatism was a deep part of the Italian Fascist worldview. The State endures to serve the people, and a large part of Mussolini's goal which he also explicitly stated was simply to keep things stable so that the finally healthy State could set its roots into the soil and develop organically. He knew that everything was brittle because a normal State had been suppressed for so long and then violently superimposed on an atomized people, but he also knew that the natural tendency of things was the restoration of organic harmony, so that a big part of Fascist strategy was just keeping the people healthy, keeping the country geopolitically stable and secure, and waiting for the health-giving policies to produce a less neurotic generation that could then go into the next phase of truly developing Fascism.

The NSDAP knew and did this as well. They put their money where their mouth is: an unhealthy people with an ideal state form will dissolve and die, but a healthy people with a subpar state form will naturally and organically work around the subpar state form and eventually re-form the state into a superior form. Health comes first in all things. Healthy people produce healthy things; no amount of "education" can educate someone who is too mentally sick to learn, but a fundamentally mentally healthy and robust child will naturally seek out and acquire an education even if he is denied many opportunities. Health conquers all.

>> No.21706181


Because he was anti-race, which is what all Left/Liberal/Libertarians are. Any system that ignores differences in race/ethnicity is going to fail. Only by including these can a system sustain itself indefinately.

>> No.21706618

>Because he was anti-race
no he wasn't. he was anti-nordicism.

>> No.21707066

That quote is literally what Hitler also believed though.

>> No.21707155

Hitlers thought it was not meant to be exported. He said at some point basically: ''Why would we want to export our ideology? If we deem it to be the superior system we don't want other people to have it and get stronger.''

>> No.21707190

>The problem is that the German version of this "unequal" concept was all based on race
>By Nazi race theory, race is the only criteria for determining the value of a person, any other form of superiority is discounted.
And what do you think race was about for them? It basically incorperated all biological aspects of people including morality, intelligence, loyalty etc. They even openly said that the internal racial aspects were most important. The only other form of superiority that doesn't fall under biology (and thus race) would be the purely spiritual aspects which was seen as unscientific and so didn't have a place in a biological worldview. It also wasn't even purely race since it was volkism mixed with nordicism. So even though you had people like the south Germans who were racially not that nordic they were still part of the volk and thus equal. Other people like the Americans however while in large part seen as racially equal were still seen as a degenerated people as a result of capitalism.

>> No.21707251

You’re such a retard.