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21701405 No.21701405 [Reply] [Original]

Is Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" a good starting point? I want something as neutral as possible.

>> No.21701486

Hitler’s War by David Irving.

>> No.21701507

It's bluepilled when it comes to the occultism and grand conspiracy of the Nazis

Bluepill: Nazis bad
Redpill: Nazis good
Greenpill: Nazis "bad" and "good"

>> No.21701517

Redpill is about the truth. Nazis = good just isn't true.

>> No.21701534


Rise and fall is western propaganda of the highest order. It doesn’t even pretend to be anything else.
The best biography is Toland’s “Adolf Hitler”
The best Nazi ideology (+ some history) books are by Zitelmann “Hitler’s National Socialism” and Tedor’s “Hitler’s Revolution”. They are both amazing. Read them.
Also contrary to common belief, ‘Mein Kampf’ is a well written book and I suggest reading it before anything else.
In closing, you should read his speeches. The book is “In His Own Words: The Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler”. Pretty kino.
Anything written about the Nazis after 1945 is propaganda. These books are among the few which are neither western revisionism nor nazi apologists like David Irwin.

>> No.21701538

the redpill is that Hitler was a jew and a glowie with deep connections to the occult elite.

>> No.21701544

>Anything written about the Nazis after 1945 is propaganda.
But what the Nazis wrote isn't propaganda, right?

>> No.21701552

That's more like it.

>> No.21701622

Of course they did propaganda, they even had a ministry for it. But what kind of retarded ‘gotcha’ shit do you try to insinuate? There is not one historical period and ideology more mischaracterised and demonised than The 3rd Reich and National Socialism. The extend that post WW2 western world obscured history is amazing. If you actually read any of the books I suggested you would realise that Hitler was against capitalism. He was a socialist through and through. Modern liberals would cum all over if they knew the extend of his socialism. Everyone from Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler and even the Jews that pressured Roosevelt to join the war had read Marx. 20th century is reeks of Marx.

>> No.21701737

>I want something as neutral as possible.
>Here's Nazi propaganda, bro.

>> No.21701741

Try suicide. You need it.

>> No.21701744
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>> No.21701756

>Hitler was against capitalism
Correct and any true right wing person is. The issue with Addie is that he went full genocide and a bit too obsessed with race (unlike the Italian fascists at the beginning of the century). His ideology was bound to fail.

>> No.21701784

The redpill is about the "material" truth so to speak, and thus it is only halfway to the truth, a mere antithesis of the bluepill. The greenpill is the truth beyond that which delves into the esoteric side that even the redpill misses, outright dismisses or bowdlerizes.

>> No.21701828
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>If you actually read any of the books I suggested you would realise that Hitler was against capitalism
He literally says that free enterprise between people is the engine that powers growth. Capitalism that is beyond the nation and seeks to harm, call it global/crony/hyper-capitalism was and always is harmful and is what Hitler and the National-Socialists stamped out in. He is a socialist, but you equate all forms of socialism with Marx. Nazi Germany was anti-marx and successful.

He was not obssesed with race either, read his writings, those of his contemparies, his speeches, their ideology and more. They did not care as long as you were German, healthy, not a Jew or Russian. The idea that they wanted everybody to be a 6' tall ubermensch displays a lack of understanding about Nazi Ideology, human biology, animal husbandry and simple eugenics.

Hitler, in his private talks, condemned the excesses of people like Himmler and others on multiple occasions.

Picrel outlines the nazi eugenics plan in full scope.

>> No.21701879

Bro the books I suggested are neutral. It’s not Irwin ffs.
Try to read once in your worthless life.

>> No.21701885


>> No.21701887


>> No.21701893

>Mein Kampf

>> No.21701930 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you are retarded.
Of course reading Hitler’s autobiography would be tilted to his views retarded ape. It goes without saying that you reading fucking hitler is not neutral. We normal humans don’t need to be told that it would be biased. Of course subhumans like you need other people to point out to you that fact.
Nevertheless, in order to understand and truly get NatSoc and the Reich, you have to read ‘Mein kampf’. As also would be the book on his speeches (inb4 you autisticly point that out too subhuman nigger).

>> No.21701947

>muh nazi lore has to be from le original propaganda!
Holy shit, have sex already. You will never have an ethnostate btw.

>> No.21701977

Lol I shit on 20th century’s different flavours of socialism or any socialism for that matter.

>> No.21701991

>>21701977 (me again)
I just give some book suggestions to someone who wants to have a clear view of what National socialism and its leader advocated. Reading Mein kampf doesn’t transform you to SS member.

>> No.21702053

Can you define socialism? Or is just muh gubmint doing stuff?

>> No.21702278

Yea let’s summarise 3 tomes of das Kapital for a double nigger like you. Muh surplus value theories…, le imperialism because le falling profits… le commodity fetishisation.
You tell me nigger, amaze me with you Engels tomes and your complete works of Lenin

>> No.21704347
