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File: 32 KB, 360x480, sasha-grey3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2169859 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite philosopher? Pic related, it is mine.

>> No.2169864
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sartre is pretty cool.

it's a shame so many modern theorists ignore his work now that existentialism is considered passé.

>> No.2169866
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>> No.2169870

Emanuel Swedenborg
U.G. Krishnamurti
Aleister Crowley
Rudolf Steiner
Meister Eckhart
Teillhard De Chardin
Sogyal Rinpoche
Jiddu Krishnamurti

>> No.2169872
File: 31 KB, 241x308, st thos aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St Thomas Aquinas
>Offer most compelling and least offensive proof for the existence of God
>Be a humble and loving humanist, despite being a Catholic priest
>Be a general all-around bro
>Beat the shit out of a robot when it insults you by addressing you as an equal
>Be the reason Descartes was always in such a bad mood

>> No.2169888

David Hume

>> No.2169892


>> No.2169897

>Beat the shit out of a robot when it insults you by addressing you as an equal

>> No.2169898

I don't have an opinion yet but I started my Bachelors in Philosophy last month. Interesting lectures though Aristotle seems like a bro.

>> No.2169903

you forgot
>be the most obese philosopher ever

>> No.2169906

This guy.

>> No.2169908

Well, Catholic priest; whaddyagonnado.

>> No.2169911


David Hume was great bu we've moved on since then.

Morality is complex but it's not entirely subjective. wishing to avoid the most suffering for everyone is an objective goal.

>> No.2169912

>only valid contribution to philosophy was making Aristotle palatable to anti-intellectual Catholics
>implying any of his five proofs have validity
>implying you've read Hume and Kant's critiques of his arguments

>> No.2169913

>Osho, Aleister Crowley, Swedenborg

pick one

>> No.2169915

Immanuel Kant is the father of philosophy, bar none.

>> No.2169916

I want to read The World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer but I couldn't find it at Barnes and Noble or Half-Price Books and can't find a decent epub. Seems like a great read, anyone have any opinions

>> No.2169917

No it isn't. Go away, Sam. You can't make an argument.

>> No.2169919

>Implying he wasn't a cyborg-slaying bro.

>> No.2169920
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>> No.2169926


So much so I actually called my motorcycle "Aristhrottle" and even engraved the name on the exhaust pipe.

>> No.2169927

My favorite philosopher is daycart, He is the one who said "I am therefore I think"

>> No.2169931


>> No.2169933

My favorite Philosopher is neechee, he is the one that said "God is alive and I am dead"

>> No.2169934

Well... at least it's better than students doing their Masters in Philosophy and spelling it "The cart" or pronounce it DESS-CART-ESS

>> No.2169940

To the window, to the wall
Till the sweat drip down mah ballz

Thus spake Zarathustra

>> No.2169949

Oh stewardess, I speak Jive.
-Malcolm X

>> No.2169960
File: 16 KB, 200x290, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power, power itself in man. What is bad? All that proceeds from weakness."

>> No.2169972


>> No.2169980

Aristotle, Hume.

>> No.2169991

> Sogyal Rinpoche
> siddhartha gautama

I seriously hope you guys don’t do this

>> No.2169993

> not saying David Hume

>> No.2170003

Kierkegaard, u mad?

>> No.2170075

Nietzsche, Deleuze, Foucault, Heidegger

>> No.2170079

someone answer this dammit

>> No.2170098

I don't know what to say... This book is in most libraries I know. Just order it?

>> No.2170104

I don't know bro, have you read any schopenhauer? maybe you could start with some essays, somebody posted this the other day:


>> No.2170110

jesus and guy debord

>> No.2170125

i like this guy

>> No.2170135

hmm well i like

Emanuel Swedenborg
U.G. Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Aleister Crowley
Meister Eckhart
Sogyal Rinpoche
Teillhard De Chardin
Rudolf Steiner

also some bits by Osho

>> No.2170164


you do realize that these two have virtually incompatible systems right?


>> No.2170167

Saul Kripke, David J. Chalmers, Frank Jackson, Jaegwon Kim, Bertrand Russell, Wlodek Rabinowicz, John Leslie Mackie, John Skorupski, Mark Schröeder, Simon Blackburn, Graham Oddie, and more. And not because I agree with them on everything or anything...

Oh, and fuck your obfuscating continental bullshit.

>> No.2170176


This is a troll post, right?

>> No.2170181

This is a D&E post. I assume you're new, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered replying to him.

>> No.2170187

you think i'm fucking around here?

>> No.2170190
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>on everything or anything...

So why the fuck do you have them on there, for their striking good looks?

>> No.2170191


>Teillhard De Chardin


Also, Marcuse.

>> No.2170196

Does D&E believe in a deity?

>> No.2170198


Mainly because you've posted a bunch of retarded buddhists and occultists under "philosophers".

>> No.2170207

>a bunch of retarded buddhists and occultists under "philosophers".
So you think people with religious beliefs can't be philosophers?

>> No.2170211
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>> No.2170216

the buddha

>> No.2170219

try Soren Kierkegaard or Plotinus

>> No.2170228

What Soren Kierkegaard mean by "call of duty"?

>> No.2170229

>So you think people with religious beliefs can't be philosophers?
There are people who live their entire lives with no religious backing. An artificial intelligence will never exist without humans.

>> No.2170231
File: 80 KB, 393x393, dayumshame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>considering any form of platonism as philosophy

>> No.2170247

what is philosophy, then? and what have you to say about Kierkegaard? another stupid generalization?

>> No.2170260


>> No.2170263

Sasha Grey may be good with an erect penis. But, a philosopher, she is not.

But then again, it's arguable that Derrida wasn't really doing anything all that different in his day.

So.... yeah, she passes.

>> No.2170265

>picking anyone but yourself

enjoy living your life by someone elses ideals, fucking queers

>> No.2170324
File: 16 KB, 340x321, juana_ines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, Sasha Gray is my favorite philosopher too! followed by Belladonna, Henry Miller & Sor Juana.

>> No.2170751
File: 55 KB, 701x559, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ludwig Wittgenstein. or Theodor Adorno.

>> No.2170760

pretty good taste

>> No.2170774

not making much progress in this school thing are we truman

>> No.2170791

>engraved on the tail pipe

You just locked down Douchiest Post of 2011.

>> No.2170795

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Sartre

>> No.2170798

Ortega y Gasset. Nishitani Keiji. Confucius

>> No.2170799


Maybe because they've made him think about new issues in new ways, inspired closely related insights that are not necessarily fully compatible with anything they argued for?

>> No.2170802

Thomas More

>> No.2170812


This would be impossible if he did not agree with at least one thing that either of them said.

Now...to be fair, he was probably saying "or anything" in same way people say "I'm not serious or anything"... as an unnecessary adage.

I was just being a dick by making it seem as if he was saying "i dont agree with anything either of them said"...

>> No.2170813


>> No.2170827

I was just reading the Amazon.com reviews of "Neü Sex." I'm surprised to find out there are essays in the book.

Anyone have any excerpts? This could be more hilarious than the Tao Lin samples.

>> No.2170833

A proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.

Don't use words you don't know how to use.

>> No.2170848


>> No.2170849


sorry im foreign...all this time i thought it meant "an addition"...fuck me sideways

>> No.2170914
File: 15 KB, 200x252, Immanuel_Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immanuel Kant is the father of philosophy, bar none.

"Father"? No. The best moral philosopher? Abso-fucking-lutely.

>> No.2170917

Kant's moral philosophy is as vicious as a religious dogma, where the moral value of an action is in its intention. A thought, a tentation can make any action immoral even if the said action is perfectly legal and respect the Categorical Imperative.

I prefer Bergon's view on morality.

>> No.2170918

Surprised by the lack of Bertrand Russell mentions...

>> No.2170919


You can't be a decent moral philosopher if your philosophy is too abstracted and obscurantist for anyone to, you know, use it.

Wittgenstein is FAR better than fucking Kant.

>> No.2170931


>> No.2170951
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>> No.2170969

Lackers of arguments gonna lack of arguments

>> No.2170973


I see that your professors have told you about how Kant's philosophy is obscurantist, and you probably felt pretty confident when you wrote that, however the term applies to his metaphysics and epistemology not his ethics. Though it is very abstracted as you say, at the same time its prescriptions are distinct, clear, and lacking the ambiguity found in many other moral theories.

The real problem is that the categorical imperative is simply flawed, due to contradictions in conception resulting from perfectly justifiable maxims. that and what this guy >>2170917 said

>> No.2170976

>implying Wittgenstein is easier to understand than Kant

Downie detected.

>> No.2170979



>> No.2171192

Wittgenstein is far easier to understand than Kant, his later philosophy is at least. Hell, the whole point of it is that he's reminding you of something you already know.

>> No.2171361

Can't stand any of them really. Philosophy is ultimately only opinions systematized.

>> No.2171370

There is first the matter of “opacity of style” and “darkness of thought” which according to Mr. Cameron is also “obvious in the work of Kant.” This remark is of course terribly discouraging for any attempt at clarification. If Kant fails to satisfy Mr. Cameron on these accounts, who could? That the Critique of Pure Reason is not merely one of the greatest but also one of the clearest books ever written in philosophy seems to me “obvious,” but how could I convince Mr. Cameron of this—unless we had a chance to spend the better part of a year going over the text? For no doubt the work is difficult; it deals with difficult matters which were very obscure indeed before Kant went to the trouble of clearing them up. Kant’s prose is entirely adequate, and the “long-lasting ambiguities,” which Mr. Cameron half admires and half complains of, are either due to the subject matter or to the less clear and powerful minds of Kant’s commentators and readers.

>> No.2171407
File: 7 KB, 289x174, Nadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would create a topic to ask this, but since this one is already discussing philosophy, I may as well ask it here:

What are some great philosophical works on suicide? What would you recommend on this subject?

>> No.2171702
File: 40 KB, 300x400, The-Myth-of-Sisyphus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2171707

I'm currently taking a class on existentialism. I've learned to hate them all especially you Kierkegaard.

>> No.2171712


>> No.2172167


you just hurrped your derp so hard

>> No.2172172


sasha grey dp to sm&d

>> No.2172189

Aesthetically, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche are my favorites to read.

In terms of things I've internalized deeply and find value in:

Marx - His method of materialist dialectical thinking is really useful for everyday thought and reflections, this surprised me.

Debord - Society of the Spectacle is a really nice read, and one of my first exposures to critical thought.

The Verso Crew (Harvey, Zizek, Badiou etc.):
Not great writers, but I highly value critical theory as a tool to navigate through all the layers of society

>> No.2172210

I think we're from the same university \o

>> No.2172216

the last messiah - peter wessel zapffe

>> No.2172235



>> No.2172237

L. Ron Hubbard.

>> No.2172270
File: 62 KB, 485x506, alfrednorthwhitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfred North Whitehead
Marshall McLuhan (inb4 not a philosopher; give history a few more decades to realise the breadth of his ideas)

>> No.2172686
File: 48 KB, 301x450, Wittgenstein-investigations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wittgenstein humilliated almost all the other philosophers, he is badass. And his writing style is greatly funny (In Philosophical Investigations, Tractatus is quite boring).

Also Nietzsche.

PD: I really hate Scheler, even more than Kant.

>> No.2172694
File: 47 KB, 637x477, austin!!!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone who doesn't think they're their own favorite philosopher is a liar.

pic related.