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/lit/ - Literature

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21698220 No.21698220 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women read so many books?

>> No.21698226

women are aroused by words and not porn

>> No.21698231

there's the answer

>> No.21698235

its a femanine endeavour

>> No.21698250

go to a bookstore and see the shelves lined with trite bullshit that you would never even consider reading. all of those books sell, to women.

>> No.21698301
File: 392 KB, 1353x1432, 20FF7295-68B8-40D8-A1DF-0969F88562AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 4 times as many of the readers of mm romance (gay male romance) fiction are women compared to men
Just like how that show about the two highschool boys being gay is based on a book written by a woman, not a gay man
Why are so many women such fujoshi?

>> No.21698355

how do we stop women from reading books?

>> No.21698406

This doesn't indicate who reads more, only that more women leave reviews on goodreads.

>> No.21698549

wtf men cannot compete

>> No.21698691

>why do women conspicuously show off their consumption on social media sites?

>> No.21698694

I wonder the ratio of men to women users are for that site in general. Seems like a lot of chicks are on it.

>> No.21698695

I have never in my life placed a review.

>> No.21698696


>> No.21698713

>read a truly amazing book
>a book with a stub of a wikipedia article, or no wikipedia article
>a book never discussed anywhere on the internet
>put it on my shelf and never tell a soul about it
>you are my little secret, o wonderful story
>I must hide you from the shippers and fanartists and the neo Marxist institutions that will try to twist you into an abomination

>> No.21698718

Women aren't visual the same way men are, so makes sense

>> No.21698730
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>> No.21698742

This chart is about Goodreads. There are some women here but I can't imagine them being the majority.

>> No.21698745

cope for not understanding philosophy

>> No.21698756

Statistically, what board do you think have more womans?

>> No.21698758

There used to be a bunch. I don’t believe many have stuck around for obvious reasons

>> No.21698761

>incel thinking he understands women

Women watch porn too

>> No.21698763


>> No.21698766

>women reading science more than men
Nah, this is straight up cap, senpai.

>> No.21698790

more women use goodreads than men

>> No.21698849

Because i think they don't have as many distractions as men, we have most of yt, online subcultures, twitch streamers etc etc etc devoted to us. Women have social media and even there if she's mid or lower no one cares.

>> No.21698861

Because they like to read?

>> No.21698894

I have no idea what's up with this. Women like the idea of gay men, but they won't watch or enjoy male-male porn like men do with female-female porn.

>> No.21698899

>>>/cgl/ but you dont want to talk to them, they're a bunch of freaks. I like to troll them by posting Belle Delphine's cosplay pics. They get so fucking angry.

>> No.21698907

>if she's mid or lower no one cares.

>> No.21699228

All modern books are just wish fulfillment and straight up praise of women. There are no such books for men except for maybe ecchi manga. Every book is a romance where a shit girl gets gigachads in love with them, reverse harems, cuckolding etc. Or self help shit which is just praising women and insulting men. There are no harem books for men, there are no books praising men telling them they don't need to change. There's just endless goyslop of female fantasies published by women for women that do nothing but insult men or push impossible standards with hateable characters. These books are all on the same level as to love RU or highschool DXD with bigger focus on golddigging

>> No.21699233

Fear of penetration and penis envy. They self insert into romance without having to think of their pussy being penetrated and gets to fantasies they have a penis

>> No.21699241

>ecchi manga
Ecchi manga is the best genre of literature and I'm tired of pretending it isnt.
>There are no harem books for men
There are, but they're self published, so you'll never see them in a bookstore. They will never be allowed to become part of the literary zeitgeist thanks to the childless, feminist literary gatekeepers who hate men and any display of male sexuality, no matter how minor.

>> No.21699267

Yep, and they fart and poop as well. Whatever fagg.

>> No.21699295

Women don't like the penetration part? I thought they were all gigantic foomers. Also they can still be penetrated in the same way as a man.

>> No.21699301
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Womyn r evil and need 2 be dominated

>> No.21699313

they dont, the female participants in these studies just claim they do to appear smart

>> No.21699322


I, too, tell everyone that I read a shitton of romance, erotica, children's books and cookbooks in order to appear smarter than I really am and command authority in the eyes of my companions.

>> No.21699331

it's a cheap way to entertain

>> No.21699353

It is important to avoid making sweeping generalizations about any group of people, including women, as individuals have their own unique interests, preferences, and habits. However, studies have shown that on average, women tend to read more books than men. There are a number of possible explanations for this trend.

One factor is that reading has traditionally been seen as a more "feminine" activity, and girls are often socialized to value reading and education more than boys are. Additionally, women may have more free time for reading, as they are often expected to take on more of the responsibilities of child-rearing and household management.

Another factor is that women may be more likely to seek out emotional and intellectual stimulation through reading, as they may face greater social barriers to expressing their thoughts and feelings openly. Books can offer a safe space for exploring complex ideas and emotions, and may provide a sense of community and connection with other readers.

Ultimately, the reasons why any individual reads books are likely to be complex and varied, and should be respected as such.

>> No.21699359


>> No.21699368

The chart shows that women review books about science (which men don't often review) at the same rate as men review books about philosophy (which women still review at comparable rates). It also shows that women review books at vastly higher rates than men. It is also less significant when you consider the fact that most men don't read at all, and are instead reviewing tranny porn videos in the comment section of Pornhub.

>> No.21699373

The chart shows that women review literature on Goodreads more often than men do.

>> No.21699902


>> No.21699916

>philosophy seems to fall into a natural kind category with comic books and graphic novels
no i don't want this

>> No.21699953

I read more vile shit on this website from incels and trolls than anywhere else. I wouldn’t come here if I was a woman either

>> No.21699956

I'm surprised women read so much historical fiction.

>> No.21699959

That chart means nothing, specially because Goodreads has a biased sample. It attracts people who like to talk about books on the internet, not necessarily the same people who know how to read the good ones.

Case in point.
What does "books about science" mean?
Does it mean Neil deGrasse Tyson's best-selling 'We're all start dust, bruh'?
Or does it mean 'Introductory Real Analysis' by Andrei Kolmogorov?
Only the second is a science book.

>> No.21699974

Neil Dewhatever literally writes “about science” just in an accessible manner. I’m not one to gatekeep reading as I have other more sensible ways to feel good and confident about myself

>> No.21700009

Don't you like lesbian porn?

>> No.21700017

>It is important to avoid making sweeping generalizations about any group of people


>> No.21700089

I dated a girl who was legitimately mad that I just watch movies and don't list them on a gay site like that.

>> No.21700435

Nobody here reads

>> No.21700805

Personally I find it extremely boring. Even with pegging it's just foreplay without payoff.

>> No.21700950

Women read the same book over and over, just with a different title.

It's just more propaganda. Just like all the other propaganda shoved into their brains from a billion different sources every waking moment of their lives.
Actively destroying anything that is good.

>> No.21701080

Sounds AI generated to me pal

>> No.21701276

This is 100% chatgpt

>> No.21701322

So philosophy is the manliest literary genre? And historical romance the least manly one?

>> No.21701530

You are arguing against the possibility of drawing any conclusions from the above graph (which I doubt is a position you actually hold), but I am not making a positive claim, I am arguing in the alternative against those that are drawing an anti-woman conclusion from the graph. Your point about the vagueness of "science books" can also be applied to Philosophy books. However they cannot be applied to literature in this case because literature is more clearly defined and as it happens more women review these books.

>> No.21701648

NTA but what if 500K women review Beautiful World, Where Are You versus 5k men? Then take into account the majority of publications, and this includes not just marquee titles like the one above, are directed toward women...this is derived from the fact women are more likely to read trashy romance novels that represents a massive demographic?

>> No.21701982
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Is there anything more homosexual than publicly reviewing a book after finishing and assuming that others care about your opinion?

>> No.21701994

Posting with a trip on /lit/.

>> No.21702023

no. what's gay is you having this opinion

>> No.21702039

You’re inherently worthless.

>> No.21702081

Gay guy here. A lot of women are creepily obsessed with gays and get away with it cause society perceives them as harmless. Any non-faggy gay has absolutely no use for women and I think women are attracted to that power.

The only fiction by a woman I've enjoyed is Song of Achilles. The first 10 pages of pride and prejudice made me so bored I asked my English teacher if anyone actually reads that shit.

Say what you will about homos but it's pretty nice not caring if any woman lives or dies (except my mother)

>> No.21702098

Also the two highschoolers show is basically just a fanfic, and gay YA novels all have fanfic-level prose. I'm 21 but I read some of them as easy-to-read books a while ago to get back into reading (I read classics now instead) and what made me stop was when this bald 30+ year old guy at a bookstore with a pride flag pin got far too excited when I said I read YA gay romance

>> No.21702117

It's like lesbian porn to them

>> No.21702132

To me the trashy romance demographic is not continuous with readers, and they probably would even identify themselves as such. But I don't think it is any indictment on women as some in this thread seem to believe; it's quite charming that women read silly romance novels. It's just a the female analogue to watching anime.

>> No.21702157

On anything, ever? Some store websites will offer you a discount if you leave a review.

>> No.21702464
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>they are attracted to men
>they aren't attracted to women
>they find men interesting
>they like romance and men doing cute and domestic things, plus the gay aspect adds some "forbidden love" aspect to the story
>for some strange reason, they also think gay couples have less relationship issues than straight ones

>> No.21702503

tell me her name brother, I won't share I promise

>> No.21702601

Everyone thinks (You)'re retarded.

>> No.21702622

It's a huge demographic with significant overlap. Your example was "literature" (which is fairly vague unlike your assumption) and Rooney counts as such. My guess is that if you take a look at the reviews it will be overwhelming female and if you look at the vast majority's "also read" it will have mostly trash.

>> No.21702935

Women hate you. You will lose your rights. After everyone is bored of trannies they will turn on you next.

>> No.21702978
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hello ladies, i am a failed normie with basic social skills who reads literature and has a very sentimental and romantic attitude towards intimacy and relationships. im from a white working class Canadian background but I try to hold myself to a higher standard than white trash, resulting in the best of both bourgeois and working class worlds.

please calmly line up to be my internet gf. have your emails ready for submission. I also accept nexopia user names