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21695665 No.21695665 [Reply] [Original]

>post-post apocalyptic wasteland
>group of tribals that believe the entire universe is in the mind of god who is dreaming
>they believe all the good things on earth are a product of gods pleasant dreams
>all the evil and bad things in the world are a product of Gods nightmares
>they believe they are fragments of God entering into his own dream to help him awake from the ultimate nightmare (end of the world)
>beliefs are similar to when you have a lucid dream, where you are aware you are inside your dream and can change how it happens
>they believe they are god “lucid dreaming” and attempt to heal the wasteland by helping others and taking care of the land
>they believe once the nightmare is over, god will “wake up” and all the evil in the world will cease to exist

>> No.21695671

You already live in a hyper-complex world. Why do you want to build a new one? What are you, 5?

>> No.21695673

>You already live in a hyper-complex world. Why do you want to build a new one?
To make it simpler. Isn't that the appeal of fiction?

>> No.21695676

Almost all fiction books are written for children. Those that are not, are written for manchildren.

>> No.21695742

Goin ham with the demoralization today I see. Fuck off back to discord . Sorry for the sage OP.

>> No.21695749

Since any created world exists within this world you would be making this world more complex

>> No.21695758

>group of tribals that believe the entire universe is in the mind of god who is dreaming
Thats called hinduism

>> No.21695761

Most annoying faggot on this board.