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21692505 No.21692505 [Reply] [Original]

"On The Road" is a great book and I'm tired of chuds and friendless turbospergs pretending that it isn't because they can wrap their low IQ minds around it. That is all

>> No.21692510

CAN'T* duh

>> No.21692521 [DELETED] 

He did all this shit while ignoring his family by the way
His fucking family.

>> No.21692529

One of Pynchon's favourites.

>> No.21692535 [DELETED] 

Despite being American I can't trust not respect any American author. There's something fucked up about the people America makes famous. Always

>> No.21692540

based and beatpilled
the fuck are you on about?

>> No.21692551

the beats are really quite terrible people and as someone who was associated with the ground floor of the neobeat movement that's coming they're just a pure cancer. I'm glad I woke up from their shit

>> No.21692602

Been saying it for years on here.

>> No.21692618

Kerouac was a selfish asshole, so was Neal, and a lot of the "beats", yes. The book is still great

>> No.21692625

I dont believe in death author stuff.

>> No.21692662

brainlet take

>> No.21692742

I used to have an unedited copy of this ('the original scroll') that was allegedly a word for word copy of his first draft. Does anyone have any thoughts on Dharma Bums? I got it as a gift from a friend and am considering starting it.

>> No.21692777

Dharma Bums is a lighter read. It is Kerouac'd (mostly) sober, buddhist phase. Read it. Then follow it with Big Sur, and be ready for a re-alcoholized, jaded, bitter Keroac, devoid of any hope.

>> No.21693206

Amazing book.

>> No.21693209

Dharma Bums is good, I like Desolation Angels more.

>> No.21693288

I'm tired of /lit/'s only response to criticism being "you just didn't understand"

>> No.21693494

Ok Beat Boomer

>> No.21694436

Murnane also likes him, Saunders too.

>> No.21694441

>quite terrible people
Who cares? Burroughs peaked burger novel, I don't care if he fucked everything on two legs.

>> No.21694499

you just don't get it

>> No.21694839

A gay guy alcoholic who's only daughter became a hooker. .

>> No.21694843

>the beats are really quite terrible people
oh no, sisters, they're too problematic. we have to do better

>> No.21694846

I have read pretty much everything by Kerouac and I highly enjoyed it. I was also 15. He was LARPer who got sodomised by sailors so much they gave him a leather jacket as a pity prize.

>> No.21695515

You know Kerouac sucked Gore Vidal's dick right? The beats were all homos.

>> No.21695610

Anyone who writes things and goes "this is so amazing we just print it en masse so everyone can read it" is per definition a terrible person and a narcissist. It just comes with being an author, you need to be delusional to even be self-involved enough to try.

>> No.21696504

Kerouac is something you're supposed to grow out of as a teenager. The further into your 20s you go, still hyping the beats, the more likely you're a pretentious midwit who isn't very interesting as a person.

>> No.21696583

I imagine it was a great read at the time of its release, and I can see why it would inspire generations to adventure and unconventional ways of living.

However, it's also a case of an older book losing relevance in contemporary times. We no longer live in the 1950's, casual sex and bopping to jazz pales in comparison to the excesses of modernity.

The truth is this: We cannot go 'on the road', not anymore. There are no more secrets to be discovered, there is no meaning of life to be found at the end of the rainbow. We are a globally connected society and, thanks to over exposure of media, we are incapable of ever really shirking traditional conventions without it feeling inauthentic. All taboos have been explored and normalised. Sure, you can climb Everest today, and derive some sense of personal achievement from it, but it's not remotely the same thing as conquering the unknown.

>> No.21696610

Embarassing post.

>> No.21696621

>We cannot go 'on the road', not anymore.

Sure you can, you've never tried. Going "on the road" is personal. It's about being alone with yourself, and getting out into the world, something that will never be irrelevant. You seem to have a superficial reading of the book.

>> No.21696632

Even ignoring the content, Kerouac is a great stylist. Far better than someone like Nabokov.

>> No.21696666

No, he's pretty much right. Burroughs being an exception.

>> No.21696667
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>Embarassing post.

>> No.21696669

LMAO can you get anymore cliche.

>> No.21696671

love this guy

>> No.21696676
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Checked. Burroughs is the exception.

>> No.21696683
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>LMAO can you get anymore cliche.

>> No.21696687

the truly teenage-edgelord opinion

>> No.21696694

>no you!
You can replace the pseud reads DFW/Infinite Jest memes with Jack Kerouac/On the Road and they'd be just as, if not even more, funny.

>> No.21696724

Kerouac and Gimsberg are dogshit and you should feel bad for liking them. Burroughs, Norse and Gysin are good.

>> No.21696734


Conventionally accepted taste, your English prof would be proud - stay pleb

>> No.21696746

Oh and Corso and Ferlinghetti

>> No.21696751

They would, since again, you should really be done reading the beats by the time you are 17 tops.

>> No.21696781
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>I'm so edgy for reading the adventures of Sal Paradise; I get it man...
Kerouac's writing: I can't honestly argue that it's completely bad. However, you can't tell me that a quick search won't yield dozens of quotes that could easily be mistaken for those tacky affirmations you see stenciled in cursive on the walls of stupid people or tattooed on the scrawny arm of a retarded hipster:
>“Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry.”
>“There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.”
>“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
>“The only truth is music.”
>“Happiness consists in realizing it is all a great strange dream”
>“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.”
>“Pain or love or danger makes you real again....”
As for what became of Kerouac: there's nothing more pathetic than an aged drunken boho preaching vapid platitudes through a heavily slurred and geriatric slang; still investing himself in what should be a youth culture. There comes a time to grow up and leave the party.

Certain types of young men go through a Kerouac phase the same way as certain other types of young men go through an Ayn Rand phase. The longer they remain fixated within it the more likely they're completely retarded and there's no hope for them intellectually or socially. Also, "young" men but it should be something overcome in the teen years--the further one passes into their 20s as it happens the more likely it seems that they're going to be stuck with a basic/contrived personality and be generally annoying to be around.

>> No.21696807


That's nice dear

>> No.21696825

His quotes do look like something you'd expect from there I guess but with how toothless they are I would have went with Tumblr.

>> No.21696850

Most English professors were the faggot hippies that grew up idolising this self-satisfied bullshit

>> No.21696897

not anymore. they all retired a while back

>> No.21696943

That’s typing, not writing.
Lmao delusional.

>> No.21696956

>That’s typing, not writing.


>> No.21696972

It’s a pretty accurate critique by a non-chud.

>> No.21696990
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>> No.21696997

Really? He got raped during his time in the navy? Source?

>> No.21697005

He was also ass fucked by Ginsberg according to letters.

>> No.21697073
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>“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”

>> No.21697082

It inspired me to have fun adventures when young which I am still grateful for.

>> No.21697090

Yeh, but that just makes for a fun read. They were all just young impulsive men taking advantage of the large amount of social trust.

>> No.21697816

Subterranean Kerouac

>> No.21697841


>> No.21698454

now it's time for our big mountain climb

Snyder isn't bad

>> No.21698485

Why exactly does this book get hate?

>> No.21698704

Because of its fanboys.

>> No.21698709

A lot of people misunderstand it, especially it’s fans

>> No.21699306

oh noooo they were homos i'm so outraged!!! oh noooo they were homophobic i'm so outraged!!! oh no they were communist racist fascist jewish ableist satanic i'm so outraged!!! go kill yourself you boring faggot

>> No.21699638

Turbospergs who don't understand things like young hedonism or jazz music don't get it at all

>> No.21700765

Big Sur fucking rules

>> No.21700774

>they can wrap their low IQ minds around it.
A book so dumb even a retard could understand.

>> No.21701762

I've been shitting on Kerouac ITT but I'll admit Big Sur was good.

>> No.21701804
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>> No.21701821

Mountain climbing kino
Also kinda interesting reading about this catholic New York boy reconciling his upbringing with his interest in buddhism

>> No.21701848

really comfy book, a bit naive but in an endearing, idealistic way that inspires to simple joyful living.

>> No.21701869

What's naive about it?

>> No.21701877

what are your top 5 books?

>> No.21701900

the half informed 1950s attempted american buddhism of the protagonist, the enthusiasm with which he strives to practise it despite also falling for the pleasurable vices of life, the way he preaches it to normies and his disappointment when it falls on deaf ears and so on (storming off when his working class brother in law doesn't comprehend the "emptiness" of an orange), the way he worships and romanticises and emulates his cool friend, the hopes for cultural change, it radiates youthful idealism.

>> No.21701909


Yeah, the character is not the book.

>> No.21701925

that's a very long-winded way of telling us you enjoy sucking dick

>> No.21701938

yeah that's a fair distinction, although in the case of kerouac it sometimes tends to get blurry

>> No.21701957

OTR's intro is absolutely kino tho

>I first met Neal not long after my father died…I had just gotten over a serious illness that I won’t bother to talk about except that it really had something to do with my father’s death and my awful feeling that everything was dead. With the coming of Neal there really began for me that part of my life that you could call my life on the road

>> No.21702089

Wow sounds like shit

>> No.21702162

Kerouac was a plant by the automobile industry

>> No.21704189

Same. Wish more people talked about it.

>> No.21704292
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his best writing takes manic digressive maybe definitely drug induced speech and turns it into prose. you dont have to talk about his lifestyle like a couple of schoolgirls. at least people who say his writing is shit talk about the writing

>> No.21704587

95% of the "criticism" is LE TYPING.