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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 640x734, 8e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21690405 No.21690405 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some books that are controversial for whatever reason. E.g. they make people seethe, they're polarising, hotly debate or whatever. Fiction or non fiction. Basically any book that would make someone raise their eyebrows and say "why do you have *that* book?" if they saw it on your shelf.

>> No.21690426
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Julius Evola, for many reasons.

>> No.21690431

Mein Kampf

>> No.21690457

what does he mean by the reality of life?

>> No.21690463

The Talmud
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Mein Kampf
The Eternal Jew
The Lightning And The Sun
The Camp Of Saints
The Turner Diaries
This Time The World
Natures Eternal Religion
The Brigade
A Squire’s Trial
Iron Gates

>> No.21690510


>> No.21690544
File: 125 KB, 533x800, Canejeantoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything written by Jews, Blacks or women are guaranteed to be controversial and based because they make this board seethe uncontrollably.

>> No.21690588
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>what does he mean by the reality of life?
What the bourgeoisie "defines" it as. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?

Weak bait.

>> No.21690594

I have one but the kind anon who posted it had his post deleted almost instantaneously. I hope he’s ok.

>> No.21691010

50+ George Floyd Creepypastas Vol 1 and 2
I think you can but it on Amazon.

>> No.21691033
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>> No.21691038

The Bible.

>> No.21691052


I love the dejected *welp, why are they existing* look of the straigthoids on the sidewalk, lmao. The 70s/80s office outfits together with the skulls gives of a pretty good They Live vibe.

>> No.21691100
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All three books from on this trilogy probably count

>> No.21691106
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>> No.21691128
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>> No.21691164
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>> No.21691167
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>> No.21691175
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On the Jews and Their Lies
The International Jew
Jewish Supremacism
Trifles for a Massacre
School for Corpses

>> No.21691180
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Everything tranny related. Whether people think you're a transphobe, a closet tranny or a chaser, it will raise eyebrows.

>> No.21691212
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Thomas Thistlewood's diary.

>Known as 'The Diary of Thomas Thistlewood', the 14,000-page diary provides a detailed record of his behaviour and deep insight into plantation life and owner-slave relations. In 1751, he became overseer of a sugar plantation called Egypt; within days he began raping the enslaved women. His diary chronicles 3,852 acts of rape with 138 black women. He systematically raped enslaved girls and women; those that ran away were whipped and put in chains, collars, or placed in field gangs. He sometimes raped more than one woman in a night, after which he would give them some coins "for their troubles".

In 1753, Thistlewood received a runaway slave's head, and he put it on a pole on the road near his home. Thistlewood invented a form of torture called Derby's dose, which entailed flogging the slave, rubbing lime juice on their wounds, and having a fellow slave defecate into their mouth. In 1767, Thistlewood purchased a 160-acre plantation called Breadnut Island Pen; by 1779 he had 32 enslaved people rearing livestock and growing provisions. All of his slaves were branded with his initials, "TiTy", on their right shoulders. At Breadnut Pen, Thistlewood made attempts to "match" his male and female slaves; despite this he continued to rape the women. By 1781, Thistlewood was becoming regularly ill with syphilis and his sexual abuse declined as a result.

>> No.21691245
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>Thistlewood wrote about John Jones's house being burnt by rebel slaves, who initially defeated a contingent of white militias, killing a number of soldiers. Despite his anxiety, Thistlewood still found time to rape several of his slaves.

>> No.21691285
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Liber 333
Tempel ov Blood

>> No.21691381
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For some racist drivel from a non gentile point of view, here's loxism: the book.

>> No.21691394
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Camp of the saints is considered edgy by modern critics because it essentially predicted the current migrant crisis in Europe

>> No.21691402
File: 66 KB, 407x648, 9781786806208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything about posadism

>> No.21692918


>> No.21692925

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.21692928

Edge lost

>> No.21693857

The fact that this thread has not been pruned tells me all of your suggestions are shit. Sorry lads.

>> No.21693878
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>> No.21694009


Usually it's when people start discussing how to actually build a nuclear bomb in detail, the engineering considerations involved. The reason for this is that the know-how is fairly simple, it's getting the required materials which is the hard part/bottleneck. But they don't even want the know-how getting discussed seriously too much, on the off chance.

Also there's some meme book about how the federal reserve/some form of taxation is unconstitutional which may rustle some jimmies.

>> No.21694048

I dunno man, this same thread came up a few days ago (shocking, I know), an anon posted a specific book, not at all drug or nuclear weapon related, and in the 10 minutes between when he posted it and I went to archive.org to find it his post was deleted and within another 20 minutes the whole thread 404’ed. It’s possible he deleted his own post but he responded when I thanked him before the thread 404’ed. I’m not going to post the title for obvious reasons but it’s a “scientific racism” book from the early 1900s. My interpretation is that either everything posted here thus far is shit/irrelevant or that an algo or jannie got ultra-triggered by the book. Perhaps we’ll never know, but I’ve got the book and I’m reading it. Hopefully it won’t irreparably warp my fragile little mind.

>> No.21694190


Okay, federal asset.

>> No.21694192

So people have recommended a lot of racebait. But what about other taboos like necrophilia, cannibalism and pedophilia? Surely there has to be books about those.

>> No.21694252

Jannies are chuds. Look at this place

>> No.21694257


>> No.21694564
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>> No.21694624

Catcher in the rye.

>> No.21694806

Anything by Peter Sotos or Sean Kilpatrick

>> No.21695254

Tongue my anus, nigger. This whole place is a trap.

>> No.21695289

Sounds dope, have you read them yourself?

>> No.21695977

/asp/ bros...

>> No.21696176
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>The Bible.
I'd say books about NDEs or evidence for the paranormal/supernatural in general is more polarizing, since it makes so many normies uncomfortable.

>> No.21697638

I look like this.

>> No.21697723

Or any literature associated with "fundies". The left behind series, 1980's narratives about satanic ritual abuse.. those will raise eyebrows in any liberal city.

>> No.21698344


>> No.21698362

I think this would make people cringe rather than seethe.

>> No.21698372

You're better off providing deductive argument for the immortality of the psyche. With scientific evidence, no matter how strong, it's always possible to shrug your shoulders and say the evidence isn't good enough. With dialectic you can force their hand into saying something which is obviously irrational and thus exposes their emotional, not "rational" or "scientific", resistance to the idea (because we find out that they are not just skeptical, but actually scrambling to come up with the most outlandish reasons for eternal nothing when they die, which then raises the question as to why they are so desperate to be absolved of their actions in this life. We find out that the atheist, without admitting it, reeks of guilt and fear).

>> No.21698495
File: 65 KB, 255x395, Ten Little Niggers By Agatha Christie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten Little Niggers By Agatha Christie. For something like Mein Kampf, there are justifications that could quell peoples negative response so long as said people aren't fully mind rotten retards who assume extremist if you do so little as make a swastika in Minecraft, there are various reasons one might have books like that, and there's something to them, but Ten Little Niggers? I don't know if the same can be said.

>> No.21698524

The problem is normies don’t read so the real edgy stuff is too obscure to make them seethe. For purely pragmatic purposes it couldn’t even be Mein Kampf I think because of potential historical interest.

You’d have to read something by a mainstream right wing talking head, maybe Trump himself or Tucker Carlson or a transcribed collection of Andrew Tate TikToks or something.

>> No.21698638

Did you read it? It's really good and not racist beyond the use of the N word.

>> No.21699140

>Did you read it?
No, I just posted it because the response one might have seeing "Ten Little Niggers" on your shelf.

>> No.21699341

>The problem is normies don’t read so the real edgy stuff is too obscure to make them seethe.
This. Realistically you're reduced to Lolita, Mein Kampf and books that have Jew or Nigger on the title.

>> No.21699348

It's been 5+ years since I''ve seen that image on /pol/ and nothing has changed. Nobody is doing any of that.

>> No.21699482

Anything by Savitri Dev