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21688271 No.21688271 [Reply] [Original]

Today is 20th of February of 2023, and I'm officially 30 years old, virgin and NEET.

Books for the feels? Good about old loser dudes like me? I wanna get "he's literally me".

>inb4 old russian author

Sure there must be a modern book about there, right?

>> No.21688277

Virgin or KHHV?

>> No.21688284

The Turner Diaries

>> No.21688301

The full package, bro.

Lmao, isn't this book about nuking chinks and killing niggers?

>> No.21688306

Yes I think the character is in his 30s. Go in without huge expectations and you'll have a blast, it's hilarious.

>> No.21688317

Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.21688320

not a book but the love song of j alfred prufrock

>> No.21688331

your diary desu

>> No.21688343

OP here, Ok, bros, another question what book will give a insight about having a romance? Like how is like? What people go through? I don't have literally no experience on that department.

>> No.21688355


>> No.21688374

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.

>> No.21688394

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.21688410

you only get your wizard powers if you spent that time studying and building skills

>> No.21688412
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How is it possible to be hugless and handholdless? Especially the latter, surely it would happen apropos of a drama or dance thing at school? And hugless you’d think there’d be someone

>> No.21688435

OP here. Well, if you're a very odd ball dude and not that attractive it becomes very hard to have normalfag experience

>> No.21688469

>tfw gonna off myself before the magical age

can I still become an undead wizard?

>> No.21688584

I'm KHHV, I don't know how it happened. No girls want anything to do with me. I have good relations with my parents. I'm a white collar manager so I'm not terminally autistic. I leave the house and wander around downtown every few days. I'm not even incredibly ugly, at the very least a 3/10. I do have too-high standards but if some fat bitch wanted to talk or flirt I'd play along.

>> No.21688609

Ah yes, the mandatory /lit/cel daily thread.

>> No.21688633

You know the 80% rule. You gotta be 8/10 or above for chicks 2/10 or below to be interested. But alas the 2/10 chicks don’t go to bars, they don’t even go out.

>> No.21688641

You get to be a lich, unfortunately you still don’t get to have a bitch

>> No.21688654

Normal People - Sally Rooney

>> No.21688664

I think it’s not as skewed as that, I’m definitely not 8/10 and the girls I’ve dated lie mostly in the 6-8/10 range though some of that is factoring in her body as well as face, my highschool gf was relatively plain in face but she had an absurd hip to waist ratio, the second to last woman I dated was a slim short 8/10 though, I’m still in love with her

>> No.21688672

They were probably more like 4-6/10.

>> No.21688682

I'm asking this unironically, are you a leftist?

>> No.21688695

KHHV here. I have never gone to a party because I hate them. I went to 2 parties of fifteen years (In my country, when girls turn 15 they do a big party, like a school dance, I was 15 yo in both), but didn't danced with the birthday girl in both of them because I tought it would be awkward.

>> No.21688701

>tfw didn't date the blind girl who I walked home with from school

my one chance, it's over

>> No.21688711

this. dude's been dating 'solid 7s' his whole life

>> No.21688720

I’ve had sex with 2-5/10 girls as well, I just mean the women I had an actual extended connection with. I will say that I’m surprised that 8/10 I mentioned was so interested in me because she was genuinely very beautiful
No, I don’t think I’d ascribe myself to any political party but my friends consider me “controversial” and that’s usually in a more right wing context, I’m relatively open about my antisemitism and dislike of immigration with them so idk what I am politically but it’s not leftist and I definitely don’t seem that way to my friends

>> No.21688723

she wasnt an 8 dude, settle down

>> No.21688749

I’m curious, why would you think that I was a leftist?

>> No.21688750

she probably was 8 (years old)

>> No.21688757

It seems like they have some magic alchemy to get pity sex and even psychologically manipulate damaged pretty girls into dating them long-term.

>> No.21688789

theres no magic involved.
they dont stand for anything and just follow trends, have all the right opinions.
theyre just femoids in male skin. of course women like them (narcissists)

>> No.21688791

Oh right I haven’t ever noticed that. It’s not like I’m hideous, maybe it’s just that only the occasional actually attractive girl interests me enough to pursue them for more than sex

>> No.21688798

This kind of sounds like they like their personalities, which seems silly to me

>> No.21688809

Spring Snow

>> No.21688810

>They were probably more like 4-6/10.
Wouldn’t this still disprove the 8/10 for >2/10 thing if he’s not an 8 himself, in fact wouldn’t it mean that he was dating women about as attractive as he is?

>> No.21688811

What he's getting at is that they are all attempting to be nothing other than an as-good-as-possible facsimile of the current "in" things. Calling that a "personality" is generous.

>> No.21688817

The latest yuzusoft

>> No.21688824

Idk maybe then, I’ve never met any leftist line-towing current thing guy that got laid often or dated hot girls. I know a Marxist who does alright but he’s also a burgeoning academic at a highly regarded university

>> No.21688880
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The Book Of Disquiet

Pessoa died a virgin

>> No.21688900

based wizard OP happy birthday

>> No.21689076

Houellebecq. Whatever and Atomized

>> No.21689084

>Today is 20th of February of 2023
It was Near Years yesterday wtf happened

>> No.21689116

Is it the era?
Asking cuz I'm older, 40, and I'm a 120 pound 5 foot 3 inches manlet that looks like a slightly better looking Houellebec and I still managed to get laid by the time I got to 18.
Are you actively trying to avoid getting laid? Because I mean once every few years of your adult life shit will literally land in your hands. I've slept with at least 2 women within 3 minutes of meeting them in the hallways in my old apartment complex.

>> No.21689922


>> No.21689923

I'm not a incel, I'm a wizard.

>> No.21689924

>Pessoa died a virgin

Lmao, cope, he had a chick that he had a affair.

>> No.21689928

Social media has made women’s perception of their worth spiral out of control, I think. They can post a picture with make up and lots of filters and get attention from thousands of men, even from other countries. Before the internet even the village idiot had a chance with a pretty girl because of lack of options, now he’s competing with dudes from Dubai with a Ferrari.

>> No.21690024


>> No.21690030

She could still feel your face and have a rough idea of your ugly features, anon-kun, so don't feel too bad

>> No.21690047

29 in April here and I am a NEET virgin, left school at 15 and been NEET since. I kissed a few girls at discos and squeezed a few asses and 1 pair of tits but that is it, never had a gf. I share a big apartment with my brother but don't drive, I mind my nieces and nephews 3 days a week for free and then sit on my pc or walk my dog. That is my life.

>> No.21690054

To add, I am 5 foot 11 and 160 lbs and pretty fit, have been called attractive by my sisters friends, I consider myself a 6 or 7 but I have never approached a woman in my life, never felt the need to or the urge for sex. I sometimes feel lonely but then I think of getting with a girl and having to invest time in her and have to go places and buy her stuff, have to meet her family and friends and all that stuff and I really don't want any of that.

>> No.21690056

If you didn't watch porn and masturbate all those years you'd actually become a wizard. Wizard powers actually come from years of semen retention.

>> No.21690148


>> No.21690197

>dudes from Dubai with a Ferrari
If you consider a worthless husk like that your "competitor" I don't even want to know how fucking pathetic you are irl.

>> No.21690286

The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will talk to you spontaneously.

To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature.
The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.

So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.21690307

I turn 27 next month and I'm dreading it.
I'm not a virgin but I desperately don't want to get any older. Any attempt at coping always falls through.
So, virgin or not, we all have things that perturb us. Sex and gfs are not the be all end all.

>> No.21690341

Yeah we’re all pathetic here. Don’t need to rub it in our faces.

>> No.21690378

Honestly man my life has only gotten better as I've gotten older. My early 20s were on balance awful

>> No.21690385

The KHHV thing is so fucking stupid. No shit if you can't manage to get pussy you won't be able to hold their hands, either. Meaningless and quite needless multiplication of suffering beyond the actual principal.

>> No.21690387

The entirety of my life has been worthless horseshit and I wouldn't wish to relive a second of any of it if it meant the delaying of my final terminus.

>> No.21690390

Milestones by Sayyid Qutb. Also a virgin his whole life right up until he was executed for writing fan fic

>> No.21690505

Congratulations, bro

We're proud of you

>> No.21690608

mage lvl?

>> No.21690610

Congrats. I'm 24 khhv, almost halfway there.

>> No.21690646

I'am at 27 and to be honest don't really feel more entwined with the universe. You get anything special for the big 30?

>> No.21690651

I think you got it wrong. OP has NEVER gotten a hug or kiss from a single female. It's not just one woman it's ALL women. Virgin I can understand, but you've given up or never even bothered if you're a KHHV at 30.

>> No.21690688

Well, reaching 30 without slept with a woman is a kind of complex situation

>> No.21690852

They're probably discounting mother/sisters, who've probably given at least one.

In hindsight I have hugged a girl; I thought it was a farewell one. I went for the handshake and then paused as she moved in and then, inter hug, I finished with the back slap.

I still wince.

>> No.21691221


>> No.21691264
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>I finished with the back slap

>> No.21691300

Who hires a khhv for a management position? That thing shows

>> No.21691960


>> No.21691969

I will be in the same boat in April, but I'm killing myself before that. Ideally I would spend the time I have left reading books, but I just don't have any energy anymore. I can't even watch movies nor talk to people. Even lurking /lit/ has become draining.

>> No.21691972

>Today is 20th of February of 2023, and I'm officially 30 years old, virgin and NEET. Books for the feels?
Nice thinly veiled blogpost as /lit/ related thread anon. I see why no woman has ever tried to fuck you.

>> No.21692002

There's no magic involved. The jewish media has convinced them that leftist male make better partners. This is also why so many women have been sexually assaulted. Because as every man know, male feminists are usually rapists, but women are lead to believe those men are the very best, which make them assume that right wing men must be even bigger rapists. The whole game is fixed against us by people who enjoy our suffering.

>> No.21692009

Being mean to us won't make the world any better. You're coping just like us.

>> No.21692053

I'm also a 30 NEET and never romantically touched or spoken to a woman. I haven't even had a friend since elementary school. Except I'm not sad about any of that. I'm like 99% happy with my life. Sometimes I like to imagine having a girlfriend I could hump when I'm horny but thinking about having to be emotionally there for another person when I know I'm a distant, loner type of person turns me off that.

>> No.21692081

try working out, cold showers, better habits

>> No.21692103

You forgot
>b urself

>> No.21692122

Just live the wizard life. I don't get the self deprecating tones of ironic wizardry. If I didn't see people have relationships I wouldn't have imagine the thing.

>> No.21692140

>You gotta be 8/10 or above for chicks 2/10 or below to be interested
lol you are absolute retard

>> No.21692148

>kissless handlegs hitless
how is that even possible

>> No.21692151

Just go to a prostitute to learn what the opposite of romance is, so that you learn what romance is.

>> No.21692160

if you got no energy that's what you gotta do, nothing to do with getting girls

>> No.21692175

Bro I know tactics which are legally not even rape

>> No.21692186

But being mean to you makes me forget about my small pp. Of course you are right and if I wanted something better I'd be somewhere else at this point. I retract my statement.