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21684934 No.21684934 [Reply] [Original]

i want to right something right now, give me an obscure philosphical question so i can go on a schizo rant

>> No.21684935

Is it right to write about a right which is written under the UN Charter of human rights ? What gave someone the right to decide and write about a set of essential rights ?

>> No.21684937

Should you instead of complaining about women being whores just raise proper girls from your own children

>> No.21684940

>inquiry:Kant's resentment to immanent availability of the sacred

>> No.21684944

The Value of the Arbitrary Moral

>> No.21684946

Wright about ethics and videogame journalism

>> No.21684947


>> No.21684950

I don't think that's write for him. He ought to right about the Natural Wrights and their value in the social contract.

>> No.21684952

To apart the sentence and words, seen that "value" cannot be thinked without morals. Therefore sentence order nonsensical. get better!

>> No.21684964

nobody they caused men toi bow to their false christs they are making new words of god they don't say but they make it so and they kill you and impoison you if you disagree they think they are god s no it is not right for anyone but god to make a law and you are satanic and worship yourself just like adam eve did

>> No.21684969

Et. Hicks: representation of village people in videogames and their ontological 'surplus': beliefs and dispositions, that which usually is unavailable to the common gamer's gaze. To see the bigger picture through analysis of the lesser details.

>> No.21685649

Random schizotheoria threads are the best threads. Sadly the modem poster is no longer around.

>> No.21685812
File: 14 KB, 320x180, _97564052_gettyimages-685911480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I (you) outsource the first and most important decision of what to write?

Consider the following sub-questions
>Do I (you) lack creativity and am simply overeducated and know words
>Am I (you) desperate for an audiance and will whore myself (yourself) out to accomplish this?
>Why can not I (you) not come up with original topics that are pertinent to the current zeitgeist?
>Compare and contrast yourself and tiktok book creators

>> No.21686932

What is your knowledge of and opinion on the theory/spiritual weltanschauung of Involution
aka the conception that the world is actually generally, as a rule similar to entropy, descending rather than progressing or evolving toward better things, into lower and lower states (of spiritual deadness, of material supremacy, barbarity, brutality, impulsive reaction and the inability of beings to be a calm, ordering principle unto themselves etc)

>> No.21687750

Wright about Cosmo

>> No.21687828

What about value as in practical use? Arbitrary morals have practical value.

>> No.21687840

Disporve the idea that the only true purpose of human existence is to procreate.

>> No.21687873
File: 247 KB, 1909x992, crow-court-bird-justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crows take punitive action against crows that have harmed their group in some way (theft; harming other crows), they also hold funerals for important birds in their group, after they die.

Using the above knowledge, please prove that crows believe in God.

>> No.21688589
File: 652 KB, 1753x1741, Nn965aZ9f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is fucking based of crows

I can give you one
Direct 'belief' in God is not necessary or sufficient to interact with the divine or metaphysical, see: Beyond Theism and Atheism, Ch. 9 of Ride the Tiger, Julius Evola.
Crows and Ravens, of corvidae family, are clearly on the ascendant path as opposed to humans' descendant involutive one, and will probably give form to the bodies of the next Regal race in the coming cycle after this one.
Not only do they have a high chance of surviving the catastrophic ecological results of this cycle on Earth on the material plane owing to their noble makeup and versatile adaptability, they have also been observed both in the modern day and in recent traditional times as being very clever and sophisticated in the manipulation of spiritual matter (see: Huginn and Muninn, Odin's ravens aka 'thought' and 'memory').
Additionally the symbolism of the air which they may command is an obvious candidate for the next stage of the involutive process as it expands from seat to seat outward, establishing new spiritual directions as the luminous ones are forced to move, giving more and more up to the reign of quantity.
Allow me to illustrate by first giving a brief overview of the previous cycles of the humans/the Regal race whom in their fall came to later inhabit human bodies.
First of course was the Hyperboreans at the polar seat, where the sun did not move or hardly moved; the great symbol of the unmoving sun, the great middle around which all the terrestrial world resolves.
Then after the eternal winter set in, the migration to the spiritual seat of Atlantis took place, establishing a new direction in spiritual geography and the dual-polar North and South distinction.
As we all know, after the sinking of Atlantis and the (presumably worldwide) Deluge which caused it, the West and East migration was made, "transcendence had gone underground" as Evola puts it, beneath the waters, only accessible now through initiation.
Finally we come to our own cycle, the Kali Yuga, characterized by the Faustian Man who inhabits it, which I believe at the current time to be fully given over ultimately in his merchant or Vaishya age and expanding endlessly into, as Spengler classifies his symbol, "infinite space" constituting the "Z axis" so to speak of a new, even more degenerated spiritual geographic direction.
Crows, and Ravens no doubt, with their mastery of the air represent an obvious superiority then to this Faustian geography; once again collapsing the expanded world down as if to a point, which they see from above.
Out of the air they come, and will descend upon a degenerated Earth to signal a new age of Regality.

>> No.21688602
File: 2.44 MB, 3853x2784, American-Crow-1-12-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crows are the most human of all the animals.

>> No.21688610


>> No.21688613

Owl detected

>> No.21688624


>> No.21688632

Not so wise are you after all ya mouse eating bastard!?

>> No.21688640

Is it gay to suck your own cock?

>> No.21688646
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Hoothoot! Shut it down!

>> No.21688680
File: 698 KB, 1200x1798, aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't need to
>"It is evident, next, that the more perfect something is in its power, and the higher it is in the scale of goodness, the more does it have an appetite for a broader common good, and the more does it seek and become involved in the doing of good for beings far removed from itself. Indeed, imperfect beings tend only to the good proper to the individual, while perfect beings tend to the good of their species. But more perfect beings tend to the good of the genus, while God, Who is most perfect in goodness, tends toward the good of being as a whole. Hence it is said by some people, and not inappropriately, that “the good, as such, is diffusive,” because the better a thing is, the more does it diffuse its goodness to remote beings. And since, “in every genus, that which is most perfect is the archetype and measure of all things belonging in the genus,” God, Who is most perfect in goodness and Who diffuses His goodness in the broadest way, must be in His diffusion the archetype for all diffusers of goodness. Now, inasmuch as a thing diffuses goodness to other beings, it comes to be their cause. As a result, it is also clear that a thing which tends to become the cause of others tends toward the divine likeness, and nonetheless it tends toward its own good." - Contra Gentiles 3.24.8

>> No.21689243


>> No.21689306

you must be 18 to post

>> No.21689356
File: 427 KB, 1600x900, Inkedmerlin_147068973_2d40b3d2-43ba-44a0-9b88-4cc800a6d66b-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NOT apologize to owl-niggers. Owl niggers are a blight. Owl niggers produce sound pollution. Owls associate with unsavory nocturnal types.
Owl niggers only know 1 question over and over . Crow chads solve problems constantly.
Crows bring shiny things to frens
Crows are sleek, elegant, and masculine.
Crows remind us prosaically of our own fragile mortality.
Crows do not forget friends and enemies.
Crows collectively go by the name of murder .
Their loud cries make themselves known by a all. Like a knife in the gut their cries in their vulgarity signal their superiority to all convention.
Owls' derivative hoot blends quietly into the background signaling their unquestionable weakness
Owlish faces appear recessed, deformed, and freakish showing their inner wickedness visibly
Owls are solitary, selfish , and parasitic. The sooner these vile creatures are expelled from the volksgemeinschaft the better.
Owls can't remember who is who.
Owl niggers BE GONE NOW no more questions NOW No more remunerations No more asking nicely. Leave or be exterminated.

>> No.21689360

You're not going to mention that they can "talk"?