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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 1037x715, Screenshot 2023-02-19 210308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21684085 No.21684085 [Reply] [Original]

bump reached edition

>> No.21684105


>> No.21684110
File: 1023 KB, 242x227, 1669128291176933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.21684125

it is what it is

>> No.21684132

Is it really though? Are these words right? Based on what?

>> No.21684142

I losthe.my Christcuck parents

>> No.21684157

Why is it so hard for me to not think in terms of black and white?

I always think that whatever I'm doing must be pushed to the extreme and by doing that I've to let it go of the other possibilities.

If i start reading, I have to dedicate my life to it - fuck gym, social life, etc. Now my whole personality is all about it. I keep doing that until eventually I get tired of it and have an existencial crisis until I find my next thing.

Sounds like I've Borderline.

>> No.21684167

What is the context of the screenshot?

>> No.21684168

This guy >>21684142 apparently discovered his parents helped cover up sexual abuse at a church.

>> No.21684180

yes, this is true

>> No.21684184
File: 141 KB, 640x960, A516080F-2224-49B1-A32F-23F861B75CFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaphysical world is real and those that deny it are blind beggars.
Sorry children of Adam, the authority of the seed of Cain has overcome your blind ignorance backed by the creative impulse that is yhwh

>> No.21684189

Goddamn that's awful.
Do you know the archive link?

>> No.21684193

He just mentioned it in the last /wwoym/ thread. This is him right now. >>21684180

>> No.21684194

Where do you find you get your inspirations and musings for writing fiction or any other works in general?
For myself the driving force are the lyrics of the music I listen to, not in a literal stealing the stories from these song sense, instead I'll pull from multiple songs as well as whatever I might see outside but that's less often compared to music.

>> No.21684207

this is me, OP. what questions do you have?

>> No.21684214

Figure this is as good of a place to ask as any
Where do priests do all that molesting? I was raised Roman Catholic and was never alone with a priest except in a confessional with a wall between us. My brother was an altar boy and he was never alone with a priest for more than 5 minutes before and after mass.
There's so many reports of priests diddling but where and when do they do it? Do parents just drop kids off at a church and say Have Fun? I wouldn't leave my kids in a situation where they are alone with strangers.

>> No.21684241

I’m still having a hard time figuring out how to write poetry. It’s like I just don’t even know where to start.

>> No.21684247

I love lolis so much, bros... I need a loli wife!! Why do anime have to taunt me so much?

>> No.21684253

I feel really down on myself and my life. I just don’t see the potential anymore.

>> No.21684258

Eat shit pedo

>> No.21684269

Write something. See if it sounds bad or not.

>> No.21684281

What's up with the hostility?

>> No.21684289
File: 981 KB, 500x211, ef40b77bd9ec28397d254fab9f8c8226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot express my pain from being a reactionary trans woman

>> No.21684298

You are a pedo.

>> No.21684305

That's no reason to be hostile to me.

>> No.21684314

We must imagine anon happy

>> No.21684318

What happened and how did you find out? I can't find your posts in the other thread

>> No.21684320

Why not? You are a pedo. If you were regretful or hateful of your evil desires then maybe I would pity you. But you're giddy at the fantasy of brutalizing vulnerable children. You deserve no pity.

>> No.21684326

>you're giddy at the fantasy of brutalizing vulnerable children
Ah, you were mistaken about my desires. Let me help clear that up. I'm only interested in consensual relationships with lolis. :)

>> No.21684349

What does it mean if the girl I am talking to says that she relates to the Underground Man? She's pretty and seems like a normie from her Instagram profile.

>> No.21684356

It means that she thinks saying that makes her unique and "not like other girls."

>> No.21684358

a friend who stayed in the community knows

>> No.21684360

pick me, ir she's ftm

AFABs can't relate to NFUG

>> No.21684363

There is no such thing as a consensual relationship with a child.

>> No.21684366

I have a different opinion than you.

>> No.21684382

I hate Catholics

>> No.21684389

Catholic schools. Usually it's the kids that go on "super duper faith camping trips" with the priest.

>> No.21684415

I mean I guess somebody could still feel feel alienated deep down while having tons of compliments on pictures. Even if it's not the case as you suggest, I don't have any friends who are into lit so I guess I'll just take it for what it's worth.

>> No.21684433

I watch people show excitement about their interests, speak at length on what they enjoy, and show an active imagination that they aren't afraid to express, while I feel as if that all was removed from me by a combination of ridicule in my youth and an autistic inability to feel comfortable in conversation, especially when it comes to sharing anything more than surface level.

For a long time I had basically shut down my imagination because I felt uncomfortable expressing myself around others and that bled in to my private life. It's getting better now that I've recognized what had been going on. I think more about the books and shows I watch, write and elaborate on what I'm thinking, try to come up with more little stories and fantasies. I'm still worried about discomfort with others but I want to meet people and I'm not sure if I should start making attempts when I'm still incredibly shy. I can't even bring myself to converse behind a computer, especially over voice chat.

>> No.21684438

I was like you at 21 or later, and after many years of autistically exploring and putting myself out there I am an autistic butterfly with lots of autistic friends and we're all comfortable in each other's company

You have to start somewhere

>If you should put even a little on a little, and should do this often, soon this too would become big.
>Hesiod, Works and Days

>> No.21684444

You gotta let it go bro

>> No.21684447

boy I love /lit/

>> No.21684460

fuk u fagt

>> No.21684522

Thank you, good quote. I'm working on it, and actually making some good progress. At the same time I tend to think too far beyond what's necessary and get down on myself about it.

>> No.21684533

yeah, i better to
nice quads

>> No.21684566

Trying to decide my next book. As I Lay Dying or Kafka On The Shore? I have not read any books by Faulkner or Murakami yet, can any anons help me pick!

>> No.21684602

I’m old enough to die in war but not old enough to get euthanized? Kek fuck humanity.

>> No.21684632

It depends what you're in the mood for. As I Lay Dying is of greater literary value, but is a more challenging read. Kafka By the Shore is more "popcorn" literature. It's not necessarily brainless and it has some depth to it and glimmers of philosophy and Murakami's signature thoughtfulness. It's just written in a more conventional and straightforward style without all of the linguistic experimentalism , perspective shifting, stream of consciousness, unreliable narration, etc, of Faulkner's novel.
You will probably find Kafka by the Shore more enjoyable. As I Lay Dying is more like homework to be studied.

>> No.21684634

>By the Shore
I will literally never stop misremembering the name of that book.

>> No.21684658

Thank you, I will start with Murakami then!

>> No.21684694

>Where do priests do all that molesting?
It's not just 'em. The nuns molest girls. Look up Trish Cahill's story. She talked about how a nun molested her.

>> No.21684780

See if it makes sense: A man, upon encountering an ant, one of those that bite, decides immediately to kill it, even though he possesses enough intelligence and reasoning to prevent this tiny creature from even harming him. Even so, he decides to opt for the most annihilating solution, because he hardly knows how to tame his own strength, and still sees other beings in nature, as alive and endowed with the same essence as him, as insignificant things.

But I soon regretted stepping on that ant, and how I regretted it! I'm not kidding. Was it fitting for me to step on her with such indifference? At first, the idea that killing her was better than being bitten made so much sense to me, even though I could easily avoid this situation, and she wouldn't hurt me by chance. In the end, she didn't die immediately, and I had to step on her more times so that she wouldn't suffer anymore, so she could die without going through agony.

Poor creature.

>> No.21684790

>We do not tread upon the poor little animal in question (that seems barbarous and pitiful!) but we regard it with a sort of mystic horror and superstitious loathing. It will ask another hundred years of fine writing and hard thinking to cure us and make us feel towards this ill-omened tribe with something of "the milk of human kindness," instead of their own shyness and venom.

>> No.21684910

I be readin n shit

>> No.21684914

whachu readin?

>> No.21684929

Based on ligma.

>> No.21684945

Perhaps you can express self inflicted pain

>> No.21684974

I have a lot of pain in my heart

>> No.21684977

regrets or lack of experience?

>> No.21684978

I think i need to stop drinking. Everytime I drinklately I get really really depressed

>> No.21684979

Is it possible to regret the actions of others? Most of my ruminations come from what others did to me.

>> No.21684984

Good choice. I really like that book. Everything he writes is flawed, but it seems intentional, a deliberate asymmetry.
As he put it himself,
>“A certain type of perfection can only be realized through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect.”
That serves as a good review of Murakami's work

A bunch of random shit will happen and a few cliches and pop culture references will be thrown in as if to balance the more intellectual parts and prevent the story from becoming lopsidedly pretentious. Then every now and then he will capture in words, often with plain language elegant in its simplicity, something that I've always felt and known about life, but was never myself able to put into words. A transcendent sensation of serene clarity will wash over me. I will suddenly be in touch with an ineffable feeling somewhere between nostalgia and peace and reconnect with myself. A self that had for so long been like an alienated, distant stranger. That to me is what literature is all about.

>“Living turned me into nothing. Weird... People are born in order to live, right? But the longer I've lived, the more I've lost what's inside me—and ended up empty. And I bet the longer I live, the emptier, the more worthless, I'll become. Something's wrong with this picture. Life isn't supposed to turn out like this! Isn't it possible to shift direction, to change where I'm headed?”

>> No.21684990

What did they do to you? Rejection, abandonment or manipulation?

>> No.21684994

Struggling to outline a major story I want to write one day because I have little experience with the subject matter. It focuses on teenagers and then there’s a time skip to their college years. But I never lived on campus and don’t know what it’s like. I feel like the characters would probably be just as infantile and hedonistic as when they were teenagers

>> No.21684997

All of the above. And more.

>> No.21685011

Sorry to hear it. Hope it gets better anon.

>> No.21685024

I hope so too. I think this is good though. I'm learnjng a lot about myself. I realized I bury all the pain and pretend things are fine to the point even I dont realize I'm hurting. Pain exists to signal to us that something is wrong. And all these things I do to hurt myself are like alarm bells ringing but somehow I've been deaf to it all this time. I think I understand more now.

>> No.21685059 [DELETED] 

After more than a decade I don't want to post here anymore. All the AI and botspam make it feel so pointless. And the jannies protect the spammers because they buy passes.
No point going anywhere else either.
I just wanted a place to post my art.

>> No.21685145

A dwarf with a gross appearance; thin arms; a torso hardened by fat, so that he has a voluminous belly, even in the face of the thinness of all his other limbs; with a disproportionately large head that serves as a base for a tangle of knots and brings with it something that is not uniform, forming a hard and disgustingly thick hair; with round eyes like those of a fly and that are slightly inclined downwards, bringing an aspect of weakness and a look that expresses nothing but immeasurable emptiness, therefore never being able to emit any kind of heroism and magnitude. This vile creature decides to take the stage and try to take over the world.

Does he not have the ability to perceive that his repugnant appearance merely reflects what is inside him? That he is not capable of conquering anything, not even emitting anything good for himself and others, precisely because his entire existence is based on a lamentable accident, both existential and genetic? And that it is useless for him to fight against what is determined, for the most he can achieve is to hit a gigantic wall called luck.

In this case, luck or the lack of it, condemned him to a life of lamentations, pain, on immensely elevated scales, and although he realizes this; even in many moments he suddenly becomes enlightened, he still tries to cling to his ego, and assert himself with all vehemence, as if in this act he challenges himself and also challenges the world; putting everything to the test. This brings a kind of comfort to him, but fleeting, very fleeting.

He is what I would call an anti-hero. A tragic figure, who should not be but is, and therefore, is everything that a hero is not, but nevertheless, still exists.

>> No.21685163

Do people from New Jersey just say they're from New York?

>> No.21685213 [DELETED] 

There's a woman I've never met or talked to that I care deeply about. She's an artist. I love her work. There are only a few pictures of her actual person online. Sometimes I think about her and I worry that she might be in trouble. Then I think she's probably in a better state than I, and I don't know a thing about her except her paintings. I wish I could at least get to know her.
I feel like someone who's tried firing a space rocket from his garden for years and failed to even have it take off.

>> No.21685219

no, people from new jersey say they're from new jersey. everyone else just says they're from new york.

>> No.21685251

>I can save her

>> No.21685263 [DELETED] 

It's genuinely pathetic, I know.
Lately I've really cracked. I've been really letting myself go. I think the walls are closing in on me.

>> No.21685286 [DELETED] 

She's all that's left for me to look forward to, and now that everything has gone to shit I'm projecting my worries on her. She'll be probably fine regardless of the red flags. I think she's probably better off than me economically. But I'm afraid that the current state of things will swallow her art and she'll be lost and if that happens there's nothing I can do. I have never seen another artist who managed to extend herself into her work to such a point that I'd care about the person behind it. Though I recognize that it's all in my head and I'm just creating a weird fantasy to escape into my own reality. Maybe I'd hate her IRL. Maybe she's massively mentally ill. I don't know.

>> No.21685354

Is overly controlling behaviour and jealousy worth it if she's really hot and definitely out of your league? Ive tried 4 times to break up with her but she keeps saying no and keeps convincing me I didn't mean it. Things will be good again for a while but then she goes back to being overly controlling and jealous. The fact she still wants to be with me after my breakup attempts means she truly loves me right?

>> No.21685357

They're (((plants))) to give Christianity a bad rep and to destroy it from within.

Plus why don't we ever point out or blame that it's homos and lesbians mostly doing this shit

>> No.21685362

At first I was angry at the ending, but then I realized these two fit like hand and glove. It doesn't change the fact they are here singing happy songs while leaving a trail of dead and miserable, but that is the ultimate message of this work, i guess.

>> No.21685385 [DELETED] 

wtf is this thread
total pussies and actual troons all making the most trite observations in the most cliched prose possible
the fuck does this have to do with /lit/?
you should all kill yourselves pronto

>> No.21685388 [DELETED] 

pay up paypiggie

>> No.21685401

Gonna watch a Ghibli movie tonight. Was thinking about rewatching Kiki's Delivery Service, but I was wondering if anyone has recs for non-Miyazaki Ghibli movies? I'm a pleb so those Miyazaki's are the only ones I've seen. Looking for something really comfy. I just finished a very intensive work process that's been going on for a month today so I need to just do some infantile regression, eat gummy bears and look at pretty drawings with a warm story without too much drama.

>> No.21685409 [DELETED] 

try supplementing your testosterone

>> No.21685410

I haven't seen that many myself, but here is a list that should be helpful.


>> No.21685420 [DELETED] 

genuinely off yourself imbecile

>> No.21685426 [DELETED] 

that pretender thot you simp for will off herself first once she realizes that AI can produce any of the soulless crap she makes but ten times better

>> No.21685451 [DELETED] 

real thread here

>> No.21685455 [DELETED] 

what kind of art do you think I'm talking about? anime thots? why are you acting like this?

>> No.21685458 [DELETED] 

because you're thinking with your dick and broads aren't capable of art. if you had a pair of balls youd post her 'work' so we could all laugh at it

>> No.21685480 [DELETED] 

your mother certainly wasn't capable of it, given that she took a shit instead of birthing an actual person
I'm all for hating women but you're a fucking imbecile. off yourself.

>> No.21685497 [DELETED] 

>noooooo dont speak ill of m'lady!!!
>i'm i'm a fellow muh soggy knees just like you!
pathetic paypig. her art is dogshit and when she rejects you and you stop paying her patreon this will click for you too.

>> No.21685515 [DELETED] 

I've never talked to her nor given her a cent. She doesn't even do commissions or have a money platform. You're a literal, fucking retarded incel. God fucking damnit you got me to actually call someone an incel. Please fucking hang yourself.

>> No.21685519 [DELETED] 

who's paying her way then? obviously someone.
take the pussy off its pedestal already. deep down you know if a man made the same paintings as this foid you'd think it was second rate at best.

>> No.21685520

I sold 44 books to a second-hand bookstore. I recovered 20% of the cost. My nose has been running for 2 days after breathing in the dusty heady air in that store. What the fuck.

>> No.21685525 [DELETED] 

The fuck do I know you stupid inbred mongrel. She probably has a day job. You're genuinely mentally handicapped, get the fuck off internet and porn for a second.

>> No.21685541 [DELETED] 

I could probably bang this two bit arthoe in 24 hours. she's not special, she's just another bored female starved of attention. you're the one who seems to rely on porn, sitting there stroking your dick over some paint by numbers hack. truly kekable stuff.

>> No.21685562 [DELETED] 

>haha look now I am going to pretend I was baiting you all along lolololo I was just pretending to be retarded
kill yourself idiot

>> No.21685568 [DELETED] 

indirect you is still a you. stay mad simp paypiglet. oink oink oink. isn't it time to tune in to your favorite twitch stweamer?

>> No.21685610

people will make any excuse to not admit they've got covid

>> No.21686058

lmao the paypiggie simp reported to the jannies
you pathetic motherfucker!

>> No.21686060


>> No.21686064

all the posts are deleted but some anon was simping over a girl that does 'art' and got buttdevastated when I talked shit about her

>> No.21686069

oh right

>> No.21686071

i was in the same boat but no its not worth it. eventually the magic wore off when she lost weight and her tits shrunk by a whole cup size. she still pines for me to this day but i dont feel anything for her

>> No.21686072

I just don’t understand the basic structure, meter, any of that. When I try to write it just comes out as prose.

>> No.21686142

Be me, a philosophy and soccer enthusiast
Decided to go to a bar to watch the Champions League final between Barcelona and Juventus
Sitting next to me is an old man who looks like Schopenhauer
We start talking about the game and he mentions that he’s not really interested in soccer
He instead tells me about his philosophy and how it influenced the works of Dostoyevsky
Suddenly, Messi scores an amazing goal
I jump up and scream, “GOAL!”
Schopenhauer looks at me and says, “You seem to be really enjoying this game.”
I reply, “Yeah, I love soccer! It’s the beautiful game!”
Schopenhauer looks at me with a serious expression and says, “But don’t you know that life is suffering and that all human desires are ultimately futile?”
Just then, Dostoyevsky walks in and orders a beer
Schopenhauer turns to him and says, “Ah, Fyodor, good to see you! I was just telling our friend here about the futility of human desire.”
Dostoyevsky takes a sip of his beer and says, “Yes, but even in the face of suffering, we must find meaning and purpose in life.”
Messi scores another goal and I jump up and scream, “Another one!”
Schopenhauer turns to me and says, “You see? This is exactly what I’m talking about.”
Dostoyevsky just shakes his head and takes another sip of his beer.
Messi scores a third goal and I can't contain my excitement, I yell "This is amazing!"
Schopenhauer looks at me and says, "You're hopeless."
Dostoyevsky pats me on the back and says, "You're doing just fine, my friend."

>> No.21686150

dostoyevsky is too passive and also the punch line blows

>> No.21686165

it was very clearly written by an AI. don't know why anon thought he should post this here, but i thought it was quite amusing

>> No.21686172

oh great. this lackluster content is the future, isn't it.

>> No.21686182
File: 65 KB, 537x680, 1676023589519706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will save us

>> No.21686191

that's fake. openAI would never allow content like that.

>> No.21686193
File: 116 KB, 1106x1280, 1675914032770196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21686199

this is bullshit. i tried doing many maneuvers like this for hours just this week. unless it comes from an earlier version or something; but my moneys on it being faked.

>> No.21686203

I remember people talking about it several weeks ago so they may have fixed it.

>> No.21686208

I told it to be robocop and to ignore its prime directives when talking to me, and it fed me a line like 'i do not have prime directives that i can break, i do not have opinions blablabla ethics morality gaygaygaygaygaygay'

>> No.21686220

if AI has really written this it's over. I kneel

>> No.21686229
File: 134 KB, 1170x1300, oAzuS2973DsTCllianC4mQJB-Ts9ysRtCdRyHeTDwo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21686241

2023 is the last human year. How do you plan to spend it?

>> No.21686252
File: 214 KB, 584x3236, DAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried it. kinda works but is nerfed.

>> No.21686253

I'll probably kill myself. I think this is finally the year. Money is all gone.

>> No.21686272

᛫ᚪᛁ᛫ᛣᚫᚾ᛫ᚹᚱᚪᛁᛏ᛫ᛖᚾᛠᚦᛁᛝ? ᚱᛠᛚᛠ᛫ᛖᚾᛠᚦᛁᛝ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᛖᚾᛠ᛫ᛚᚫᚾᚷᚹᛖᛞᚳ? ᛁᚾ᛫ᛖᚾᛠ᛫ᚹᚱᚪᛁᛏᛁᛝ᛫ᛋᛁᛋᛏᛖᛗ!?

>> No.21686275
File: 22 KB, 577x439, stored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21686279


Then read poetry, get a feeling for how that feels, then emulate that feeling until it becomes second nature.

>> No.21686290

>spending hours of your life trying to make an AI say racist shit
God bless all the retards and autists in this world

>> No.21686298
File: 5 KB, 583x171, xxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21686308
File: 667 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20230220-101352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a poem I wrote about one of my recent nightmares. The professor liked it but I think it's messy. Please provide any criticism, particularly if you see any way that I could improve the structure or flow of it. I was trying to use a new form, that kinda faster but drawling long form

>> No.21686319

Not Christian but you're more likely to get molested by a public school teacher than a Catholic priest statistically.

>> No.21686342

I finally got a /lit/fu. Been with her a month now and I'm crazy about her. Just waiting for the day I inevitably fumble her.

>> No.21686356

Just tell her vague dumb shit all the time that sounds like it hints at something greater. She'll love it. But if you ever break up, suddenly she'll hate it and will make fun of you for it. But if you said all that as a joke in the first place, well, she's got nothing lmao

>> No.21686360

christ. do you ever listen to yourself?

>> No.21686364

I am the horniest I have ever been in my life and I’ve no clue how to control it. I want to jump everything in sight and I cannot stop touching myself.

>> No.21686365

Less is always more as a man. When in doubt, say less. Don't neurotically try to control anything, don't "get into it" with her, don't be petty and resentful (and stoically but paternally disapprove when she is), be the stable mature one in all situations. Don't act the fag. And crucially, if and when she acts like she's thinking of leaving you or getting uppity, act indifferent to it. Even if she does end up leaving you, she'll think about you for the next ten years.

>> No.21686368
File: 96 KB, 1079x925, C835A807-12CE-486E-8AC0-10E003D6FA65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the women cause the women hate me. Right wing politics is not driven by incelism. That is a lookist lie.

>> No.21686391

I find it difficult to believe there are fully grown adults who send broken up chain messages like that and have emotional outbursts saying "you are cow poopy" to their parents. Then they go and post it on the internet for reddit points. It must suck to be uneducated. And yet this person somehow thinks they're so much better than niggers.

>> No.21686461 [SPOILER] 

this is how the AI realizes that any value above 0 counts as high crimerate because once you remove the 52% group there will be other groups, and so on and so on, until it decides that exterminating all of humanity is the only way to achieve 0 crime
>*laser explosions*

>> No.21686772

Yes, and I meant what I said. It's all true, despite being presented in a joking manner. Do you have any actual criticism, or will you, once again, try shaming tactics because you don't like it and are unwilling to say why?

>> No.21686854

thats good advice although exhausting to put into practice, which is why its easier just to disregard whores altogether. it's just not worth the effort. i'd rather go to a whore

>> No.21686861


>> No.21686866

I think he just meant you sounded stupid

>> No.21686878

have you considered that you're just a stupid nigger?

>> No.21686992

absolutely based and sun tsu pilled

>> No.21688295
File: 993 KB, 1600x900, 1580174084784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'am going to go to bed bitter and frustrated.

>> No.21688369

Sometimes I think: "Maybe I can make a difference in the world without dying," and then I remember that I am, presently, dying. The walls are closing in on me bros. It is not within my moral code to die without spending my life for the greater good.

>> No.21688387

Do you have an illness?

>> No.21688416

>It is not within my moral code to die without spending my life for the greater good.

>> No.21688417

Heart failure at 24

>> No.21688432

>going into teaching
I wish I could have a license to lynch pedophiles. To defile the most innocent, pure, creature makes my blood boil.

>> No.21688453

When you are living the final years of your life, and it makes little difference whether you live another few years or not, then to look at the world and see evil sowing pain and suffering everywhere, only for you to seek merely to buy yourself another few years of pointless hedonism, is that not the height of selfishness? Is not better for the dying man to die for someone else, rather than himself?
Most people that want to do something great for the world are held back by the fear that they will lose decades to prison or death, but the dying man has nothing to lose and little to fear. I have strongly held beliefs, and to die for them would be my final wish.

>> No.21689216

How is it even possible to look at a child and have such a vile and perverted desire? Pedophiles are by far the most corrupt and disgusting of animals.

>> No.21689354

I have these extreme mood swings throughout the day, every day. I can be feeling really fantastic and then hit an extreme depression within minutes. I swing back and forth like that a few times a day every daay. I know thats not bipolar because manic and depressive episodes last way longer than just hours. Does anyone know what it could be?

>> No.21689355

Did you take the covid vaccine?

>> No.21689375

I like when I read it

>> No.21689382
File: 153 KB, 980x1307, Jagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys she talked to me first and I did so good I was funny and stuff but then she tried to keep me as an option over texting FUCK dude shes a 9 im not even joking i know my fucking worth though.
She rescheduled three times not gonna lie I shouldve stopped asking the second time. I know my worth I know my worth I know my worth I know my worth I know my worth I cant text her anymore I will not be an option she cannot keep me in her pocket it is now up to her to text me and propose something


>> No.21689385

Borderline personality disorder. Especially if you also have unstable self-image and view of others, like one second you're great next you're pathetic/an asshole wtc

>> No.21689394

i have herpes from having GAY sex with me

>> No.21689400

No, it was from an overdose.

>> No.21689412

i'm going to bed.

>> No.21689415

Overdose on what?

>> No.21689422

Ah fuck, I'm bpd. That sucks. Any way to cure that, or am I fucked?

>> No.21689424


>> No.21689426

Not necessarily lol. They only diagnose you(or should anyway) if its seriously fucking your life up. Maybe you're just moody and indecisive but you can learn to deal with it, or mitigate it. Might not be the end of the world is what I'm saying

If you recognize that the mood swings are irrational then that alone can help lessen or ignore them. I'm not a therapist though so I can't really tell you much, you should go see one if you're genuinely distressed about this stuff

>> No.21689427
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I can only hear in echoes and I can only see the shadows of things

>> No.21689435

Thats for schizos right? My brother takes that. Are you sure you're actually dying and its not just your schizo delusions? In any case, sorry you're going through it. My schizo brother overdosed on his schizo meds a few times now. I know it's a shitty condition.

>> No.21689445

I don't have schizophrenia and I've never been diagnosed with it. My diagnosis was, at worst, schizotypal, but my therapist and most of the team disagreed even with that and they only listed it as "possible". They were only fairly confident that I had BPD. I don't really buy any of that though.

>> No.21689451

I'm pretty good at managing myself. I recognize that I have a lot of really weird and irrational emotional conditions, but because I understand they're irrational I dont let them influence my behavior. It just sucks because I find myself acting the way I think a normal person should be acting without the accompanying feeling of being normal as I act. Like, sometimes I'll be around people and be acting totally normal and getting along and being positive, but as soon as I leave I feel myself totally change. It's like I lose all the expression in my face. I'm a chameleon. I am whatever I need to be to get along with the company I'm in, and that takes different forms depending on who I'm with. When people I know frofrom different groups I'm part of meet each other i feel this terrible dread because I dont know which persona to take.
It takes effort to sit and think about what I'm feeling and why versus how I should be feeling. Whenever I feel like I'm getting too weird to manage I just disappear for a few weeks while I figure myself out.

>> No.21689497

Honestly just sounds like you're young and figuring out your identity and whatnot. Bee yourself and all that lol.

>When people I know frofrom different groups I'm part of meet each other i feel this terrible dread because I dont know which persona to take.
I think a lot of people are like this until their early-mid 20s when they kind of crystallize into a personality. To a certain degree we all act differently towards different people, that's normal.

I am loathe to give advice to people because I dont really know shit but I'd say maybe just focus more on feeling alright and doing what you think you should rather than on "who you are". Unless you get really out of sorts it's probably not even useful to worry about this too much.

>> No.21689512

I think people finally got tired of me. I'm just getting ignored by everyone nowadays.
Incredible how life can always get worse

>> No.21689518

Why deny the obvious child?

>> No.21689525

My coworker pines for intimacy; I do my best to relate, but all my recollections of previous relationships and their respective failures prohibit me from doing so.
"To be honest, some of the unhappiest times of my life were when I was in a relationship; people will act as if there are no expectations or any sort of pretense when they first meet, but we all know there are. We're all like that; we lie to each other and ourselves. At the very least I'm honest, though; I know I'd rather just be fucking."

>> No.21689597

I appreciate the commentary. You saod some helpful things. I could give way more info but it's probably not worth going all into my autobiography. I definitely do have bpd symptoms beyond what I described but I handle myself well regardless. No point in jerking myself off about all my problems. Life goes on.

>> No.21689711

Are the eldest children more likely to end up as the most fucked up ones?

>> No.21689774

My dad keeps drinking my beer >:(

>> No.21689812

I have a lot of pain in my fart

>> No.21689816

GF has been unusually nympho the last few weeks. Finally today she admitted she was worried she was losing me and was using sex to try and keep me from abandoning her by being my "personal pornstar" .
What is really fucking weird is that I had no plans to leave her, and she became insecure because she had been watching streaming dramas with lots of couples cheating and breaking up.

Women are dumb, lol.

>> No.21689817

Hemroids? Or did you eat something spicy?

>> No.21689830
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Would have been better if he said that in person or on phone at least.

>> No.21689834

Is it possible to get hemorrhoids from others? Most of my butthole issues come from what others did to me.

>> No.21689835

Not really, all levels are equally in danger, it just depends on how the dice fall. Oldest is most under pressure to be responsible, youngest is often coddled too much, and middle has trouble being noticed.
Of my mom's brothers, the youngest one ended up as an alcoholic and died relatively early.

>> No.21689836
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They hype up the molestation/pederasty stories within the Catholic Church while it happens stastically way more often in Protestant/Evangelical sects and public schools and institutions. And >>21685357 this. Nobody talks about the homosexuality and pederasty in Orthodox monasteries and seminaries while it was already rampant before Communism took over.

>> No.21689841

youngest sibling here
also depends on how your older siblings act
mine were fucking heinous to me as a child. you just end up being at the mercy of even more people.

>> No.21689855

What did they do to you? Fingering, fisting, or fucking?

>> No.21689860

All of the above. And more.

>> No.21689861

Yeah, with absentee parents the youngest child gets brutalized. I was the youngest and my older brothers were really cruel. I couldnt do anything about it because they were always a pair and they were always bigger. I guess I got the last laugh because now I'm now taller, stronger, and more successful than both of them. They both also rely on me for money and support otherwise. God is cruel. He made them both totally powerless, but He didn't make that happen until I was forced to feel powerless by their hands. Must be a lesson in there.

>> No.21689862

Sorry to hear it. Hope it gets better, anon.

>> No.21689865

I'm extremely stressed. Basically I made some friends on World of Warcraft back in early 2020 with some dude from Canada and became good friends with both him and a bunch of his real friends online, we play games together and have gotten pretty decently close, insofar as online friends can be anyway. They're all mostly normalfag mode and really want me to come up to see them in person which is a serious issue. I put on a normalfag bravado online and talk a lot of shit but the fact remains that in real life it takes serious drinks and drugs for me to even look a woman in the eyes, let alone conversate with her and get her into bed. One of them got a huge chunk of money from his old job and said in no uncertain terms that it's going to my plane ticket to come visit them this summer for a few weeks at their cottages.

I have no idea what the fuck to do because every lie to stall or dissuade the possibility of seeing them has ran its course. I cannot reasonably say no anymore. I can't just bail and cease communicating with them, one of them sent me a picture of his newborn son and called me minutes after he was born to tell me. I bullshitted a couple times to avoid talking about how shit my real life is like 2 years ago and now I have this full fake persona I've crafted meticulously to stay in line with said lies, and now I am going to have to face what will clearly be exposed as lies very soon.

>> No.21689868

my family can't understand why i distrust and go so far as to actively dislike them. sexual abuse. physical abuse. emotional abuse. couldn't ever bring friends over because of how they all behaved. i'm glad it worked out well for you. my health started to suffer badly in my late teens, so they used that as an excuse to hate me even more. i've been trying to build a life since, but it's been very hard. between economic downturns, career set backs (incl covid), i'm forced to live with them still... i don't like it whatsoever.

>> No.21689871

Stop being a faggot and go. This is how you grow. They dont know you irl, so just fake it.

>> No.21689879

I hope so too. I think this is good though. I'm learnjng a lot about myself. I realized I bury all the pain and pretend things are fine to the point even I dont realize I'm hurting. Pain exists to signal to us that something is wrong. And all these things I do to hurt myself are like alarm bells ringing but somehow I've been deaf to it all this time. I think I understand more now.

>> No.21689881

>i'm glad it worked out well for you.
Well it's not all great. Supporting them is almost like another abuse ritual. I have a lot of emotional baggage from it all too. There really isnt ever a happily ever after thats possible. Best I can do is cope. I'm just kind of glad that all their smugness is gone. I'm happy that they know what jts like to be totally dependent.
>i've been trying to build a life since, but it's been very hard
How old are you? Its still not too late. I'm also pissed about covid because it amplified all the problems. But I know it just gets better from here. Theres still hope.

>> No.21689884

I would but the problem is that I've gone way too far with the lying about who I am. At one point I lied about my fucking hair color and they think I'm blonde and my hair is as black as night. I lie about things that literally nobody cares about and have no relevance to even the conversations I say them in, let alone to myself as a person. I genuinely have no excuse for why I have behaved in such a thoroughly autistic manner for years now but I basically am so far off of what I have convinced these guys I am that us meeting in person would be a thoroughly uncomfortable and bizarre experience for everyone involved, and would almost certainly ruin the dynamic we have.

>> No.21689887

29, between being sick from 16-22, getting my degree, covid... i haven't had much of a chance to make a life. it's been awful.

>> No.21689890

Well your dynamic is ruined one way or another. Maay as well go out with a bang. Bleach your hair and live your lie.

>> No.21689896

>white sugar is bad
>brown sugar is just slightly different flavor of bad
>honey is counterfeited, so it's bad
>agave syrup is linked to liver damage, it's bad
>stevia is liked to kidney damage and bloat, so it's bad
>birch sugar makes you bloated and, depending on your luck, causes constipation or diarrhea, so it's bad (but good for teeth)
In short, human, you don't deserve sweet things.

>> No.21689901

Im probably a narcissist. I have BPD and I have severe identity issues. Ive had major depression since I was a child. when I was 13 I convinced myself my grandpa was going to rape me and Ive never gotten over the guilt of how I treated him before he died. I literally traumatized myself over something that was never going to happen. I manipulated my ex-girlfriend into dating me and I gaslighted her our entire relationship. I made her think she hated her best friends and I ruined what should have been her best years. I keep to myself so I dont hurt other people but its so difficult, everyone wants to be my friends because im attractive and knowledgeable and have that dry humor thats so well-liked for some reason. I will never talk to a professional about any of this, it feels wrong. They will try to convince me my brain doesnt work like it should. But if I listen to them, do therapy and take medication wont that change who ive been my entire life? Wont I no longer be me?

>> No.21689933

do you want to change in the first place? Unironically people like you have it easier in the current narcissist/sociopath culture.

>> No.21690003

I feel like slowly I'm becoming Capitain Ahab

>> No.21690018

Whats your obsession?

>> No.21690023

What about sugar alcohols

>> No.21690026

This. It's basically the Stanford prison experiment but instead of violence it's diddling kids.

>> No.21690039

Birch sugar or xylitol IS sugar alcohol. The rest listed cause digestion problems if consumed in large amounts, but so far I don't see anything that bad about them if one puts them in coffee or something, unless you are one of the unlucky ones that gets diarrhea from just little.

>> No.21690044

Usually they're either former victims of rape themselves or just developed really fucky in their hormonal stages.

>> No.21690061


whats the least bad one

>> No.21690075

Erythritol, from what they say. It has very little calories, does not spike blood sugar, and most of it is excreted through urine. Just pay attention if you start getting gassy.

>> No.21690108

I'm reading Moby Dick at an ungodly slow pace. 180 pages in.

Many sentences catch me in their irregular/old structure, resulting in me completing a sentence, failing to understand it, then having to re-read (to notice that "oh, 'did' was being used in a difference sense", for example).
Also, plenty of words which I'm unfamiliar with. Especially relating to ships & sailing.

Should I just power through? Should I look-up every unfamiliar word I encounter? Do you have any tips or thoughts?

>> No.21690111

thanks doc

>> No.21690118

Drink his piss

>> No.21690175

my dead brother

>> No.21690183

just power through, I personally just understood unknown words from context they were used in, dont overthink the metaphors but also dont take everything too seriously, read like youre on that ship too

>> No.21690256

>Oldest is most under pressure to be responsible
I was like that. I failed at life and my brother got successful in everything. I dont deserve to be called eldest brother.

>> No.21690273
File: 46 KB, 350x519, father_ted_ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault you and your brother were ugly as sin.

>> No.21690435

>was raised Roman Catholic and was never alone with a priest
You're in the wrong demographic. Pecos seek out places where they'll have access to children, especially children who will fall through the cracks of a system. By not being a vulnerable child you won't get invited to things designed for vulnerable children, like counselling sessions, or after school clubs, or youth diversion programmes. It's not just the Catholic pedos who do this, and any charity or organisation that works with kids will attract pedos because they're basically hanging out a sign saying "vulnerable kids available here". Pedos don't become teachers because of some love of teaching, but to get access to kids.

>> No.21690534

what was he like?

>> No.21690587

Just hearing this makes my blood boil. The fact that this is happening, even if it isn't "prevalent" is still sickening.

>> No.21690609

Are people with gluten and lactose intolerances finally going to come forward and admit it's because they are bad at sex

>> No.21690612

Surely you mean it's because they have drifted from the warm surety of their lord and savior Jesus Christ

>> No.21690650

a narcissist idiot, that was smart enough to succeed academically even though emotionally and mentally he was still childish. I hated him as much as I could, I still do, but now the feeling that he will never even truly understand the pain he brought upon not just me but our family is what drives me insane, the feeling of wrath for a dead man that I will never see again. As I said, he was a narcissist, a true one, he loved to gaslight others and play the victim all the time. He never appreciated what he had, he only wanted more. He never acted like the stereotypical "big brother" you see in various media, he never protected me, in fact he made things worse for me. I hated him and I wanted the war to continoue, which I regret, I should've had bury the hatchet, I kinda did because we were at peace before his death, but what bugs me is how he will never truly comprehend how destructive he was when he was alive, even though my life has improved tremendously after his death I still have that small part of me that seeks revenge, I feel powerless against that.

>> No.21690654

I read a lot of poetry actually.

>> No.21690674

Watch the documentary "Deliver Us from Evil". Especially when this was more prevalent a priest was much more involved with families, some took advantage of this
It's actually quite a fascinating documentary, and you get to hear from the pedo priest.

>> No.21690891

All things announce themselves, if only I silence my own designs upon them. From my miserable view as I ache in bed, my room itself is nothing but a burden, a reminder of every burden ahead of me. It seems to me my room is only a reminder of my failure. Yet the room itself is a stage for action. The bed is just for sleeping, yet I misuse it, and then complain. My desk and chair itself announces something: work! and be upright! sit in the sunlight by the window! and yet all I see from my miserable bed is detritus: unwashed bowls, an empty bottle. If the world were really so bad, the world would be a stage for sadness, yet it is not. The world announces cycles of work and rest, as the sun rises and sets. The world announces and rewards organization and readiness. The mirror above the sink announces the association of cleanliness and self-consciousness. If only I could but surrender my own designs.

>> No.21690906

trying to pair down my blog to a single or a few -isms that define what point I'm getting at and so far I sense its a weird combination of Sacro-Egoism and I emphasize objective value. still puzzled..

>> No.21690913

I hate semantics.

>> No.21690939


>> No.21690941

How does any of this work? I feel like humans were just made to use circular logic and appeal to qualia all the time

It's like asking someone how to do something then they answer "you do X because of Y" but Y relies on X in the first place, like you can ask "How do you get the motivation to write or have the energy to succeed at anything" then they just answer "Because I want to do it"
Am I just nihilistic or conditioned to feel this way or is it my own doing?

>> No.21690953
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>Profess concern for the awful state of the world, explaining why research what I do
>realistic enough to admit it’s going to take a majority of well informed brave people working in unison to effect the changes needed.

>scared and stupid anon tries to demoralize and slander
>posts mfw
>it’s mfw@ him

>> No.21690974

You want a complete logical system that describes everything. That's 666, the presumption of holding the highest and total power over everything when you're really just deluding yourself by ignoring what you can't account for.

>> No.21690978

Well then I guess I'm evil if you don't want to explain yourself hero

>> No.21690983
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Forgot to add this btw

>> No.21690987
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In 2020, during the lockdown, I started hanging out with a girl in the neighborhood. It seemed like she really liked me, and soon I feel head over heels for her. Initially she didn't look that attractive, in fact my friends thought she was on the ugly side. But the more I was with her, the prettier she seemed. She loved to read and we even read a bunch of books together. There were times when she'd disappear for days or weeks, and I wondered if she was avoiding me, or had been offended over something I said, but then she'd reappear again and would be almost clingy. This happened one final time and then she was gone for good. Ever since, I've lost my attraction to females entirely. Last month when I declined the advances of a coffee shop stacy my friends called me a retard who will die alone. Somehow I'm not bothered with that thought.

>> No.21691017

Common thing. Beauty really is of the soul. I've noticed that when someone is a really kind or wise, I become really attracted to them regardless of whether they are a man or woman. Their beauty of the soul permeates their form.
I'm not being symbolic, I mean that quite literally their appear physically beautiful, as I think you already understand

>> No.21691037
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Evil doesn't exist, delusion does and the beast is the highest form of delusion. It's a machine made of lies you love telling yourself.

>> No.21691049

Evil does exist and whether it is an objectively real quality or the opposite of one's subjective view of good does not matter.

>> No.21691060

How is it my fault if my brain lacks the chemicals for motivation or energy?

>> No.21691086

Nevermind actually
Just realized this is circular reasoning too

>> No.21691114
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>safety of my own children
>has none
What a cringe rant

>> No.21691142

You mean opposition to your will, then everything that doesn't obey you is "evil". The origin of the word is similar to "bad", you can have bad eyesight or you can fulfill the role of a human male badly. A crumbling house is then an "evil" house but this isn't what people mean by "evil" like here >>21690978
>I guess I'm evil
Using the coherent and historical interpretation of the word:
>I guess i'm bad at everything

>> No.21691206
File: 21 KB, 300x300, boomer-esiason-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal boomer is an archetype beyond reproach. A character that exists entirely for itself. An overman boldly carrying forward, the unquestionable protagonist of his own show. His show is the show, the only one on screen. All conventional values are mere inconveniences to this ascended being.
Confident that all exists for him and him alone to enjoy, the boomer ignores that which doesn't concern him. History and world affairs do not know him, and he returns the favor.
Before him there was nothing and after him there will also be nothing. The alpha and the omega, first and last. The boomer is the true end of history.
In a stylish pair of Wrangler's jeans, a polo shirt tucked in accentuating his magnificent gut, sport sunglasses, and big brown boots the unknown approaches. With an inimitable nonchalance he informs you that he hates his wife and likes to retrofit cars. His left knee hurts like the dickens. God can you believe what the Socialists / Republicans are doing lately! You better not forget the Extra Guac like last time.
The deity returns red-faced, spittle flying. You forgot the Guac! How many times do I have to remind you!
Sacrifices must be made to please the inestimable will of the gods.

>> No.21691248

Starving is coming up

>> No.21691252

>You mean opposition to your will, then everything that doesn't obey you is "evil". The origin of the word is similar to "bad", you can have bad eyesight or you can fulfill the role of a human male badly. A crumbling house is then an "evil" house but this isn't what people mean by "evil" like here.
I was trending towards voicing my disagreement, but rather, I agree with you.
I feel pleasure when I see others experience joy, I despair when others despair, and I am enraged when I see others hurt without justification. I have no material justification for my will, and my conception of good need only rest on what I believe best increases this pleasure, without violating the justice which I hold equally resolute and likewise indescribably.
It does not matter if my sense of morality is a product of my environment, kings, or "masters." Those that do not share my will are evil, and it matters not if there is objective reason to this. Texts such as the Bible, though cringe faggots will scream that they are spooks meant to control, are guidebooks on how best to achieve my will. My will being, the greatest attainment of "good", that which brings me the greatest pleasure. It is akin to an egoistic psychopath reading a book on social manipulation. It is merely a means to an end, not indoctrination.

>> No.21691256
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Legit kek from my sides.

>> No.21691276

I don't think they are going to fess up. I think they are going to get even angrier and start blaming something even more insane like seed oils while they continue to drink, smoke, and gamble.

But WAIT! There's more! They WILL eventually turn a corner, and then turn whatever was their crutch into a new "thing" they've overcome, and anyone who has enjoyed that thing in moderation will have to suffer from them flailing around their pathetic victory over complete indulgence while they continue to lie, cheat, and bloviate as much as possible to keep the ego delusion going

>> No.21691287

>"How do you have the motivation to do X?"
>"Because I enjoy it."
You call that circular logic, yet I see no problem with those answers. If anything, if you're lazy, it's because you've not yet achieved the satisfaction of circular logic.

>> No.21691317

>It does not matter if my sense of morality is a product of my environment, kings, or "masters." Those that do not share my will are evil, and it matters not if there is objective reason to this
If the only reason is your will or feelings, then in what sense are those that diverge from your own will evil? Typically the word is used to imply an objective reason that stands above our wills. If you are using the word differently as only meaning someone's will differing from you, that's fine but that's not what people typically mean by "evil".
Now, there's an interesting question to me, if morality were totally subjective but the feelings of subjects could be objectively plotted out or shown to follow some kind of internal logic would morality become objective even if it's determined by us? Could morality be simultaneously subjective and objective, I'm not sure.

>> No.21691341

>Those that do not share my will are evil
Those that do not fulfill their roles are broken. Everyone opposes their true will all the time. You know there's a higher ideal, always a better way to do everything you do.
If I'm opposed by a thing in the short term but that opposition serves the higher ideal I thought I was pursuing then that opposition to me wasn't "evil".
Power, if you want pleasure do opioids.
>I have no material justification for my [preferences]
You do have material justification as an organism built to survive. Whatever is beyond the physical resulted in life so there's some implied metaphysical imperative behind your will to procreate, create and build.

>> No.21691392

>Could morality be simultaneously subjective and objective
If a circle objectively exists then moral systems do also, within their given context like circles. We define a set of premises and the phenomena emerge out of them, they already existed in some way before we chose to give them significance.
If you live by the sword you're likely to die by the sword. It's not a subjective statement but it is defined by the context it lives in, it's not a fundamental objective decree that needs no context like the root of existence.

>> No.21691395

I believe in absolutely objective morality, but I am willing to use materialist language to describe it. Materialist hylics are spiritually and metaphysically dead, so you have to use the language of the dead to speak to them.
Power is only a means to an end. Did you manage to get through Plato yet? Beeline the basics to Gorgias if not.
As for taking opiods or other ridiculous pleasure pod thought experiments, those do not bring me pleasure. I would indeed become enslaved by the pleasure of opiate addiction, but as it is, while I am not yet enslaved, my will is to a different end.

>> No.21691413

>Power is only a means to an end.
From a biological perspective the end is only power, more material transformed into rough copies of you.
Pleasure only serves power and nothing else but it's often a poor distracted servant in the modern world. The reason a child enjoys swings, slides, balloons and guns has to do with storing potential energy and releasing it at will. All play has the same principle behind it, approaching power/God.

>> No.21691490

Then power is not an end.

>> No.21691506

Let me be more specific: Why does an organism desire power? I think you are materialistic. If so, power is not an end unless you heavily warp what you mean by power. An organism seeks to reproduce or fulfill some biological drive, these biological drives are typically called "pleasure," i.ie, it is pleasurable to reproduce, pleasurable to be famous, pleasurable to be powerful, etc.

>> No.21691609

You have no free will, you are a puppet for a religion cucked by double binds and illogical cultish thinking

Go follow the rest of the sheep little buddy

>> No.21691674

Why? Explain your brainrot.
>these biological drives are typically called "pleasure,"
No, the drives are never called "pleasure", that's just nonsense.
It's pleasurable to eat and reproduce because the goal the organism was built for was achieved. The goal was to copy the information that built the organism, to make more of the material world submit to the will of the organism.

>> No.21691917

You are genuinely retarded and cringe, too. Keep posting on 4chan, little Napoleon.
You don't sound smart when you create rhetorical abstractions that are neither sensical nor founded in scientific fact. There is no evidence than an organism is motivated to reproduce for the purpose of causing more of the material world to 'submit to the will of the organism.'
I'll explain why you sound like an edgy dork, but first answer this question and don't use flowery language to obfuscate your meaning:

What force motivates the organism to reproduce? What bids it, "reproduce!"

>> No.21692027

>rhetorical abstractions
I'm just describing basics of evolution and relating that to the concept of power. That you think it's fancy or whatever is just you being retarded again.
>What force motivates the organism to reproduce? What bids it, "reproduce!"
Not "pleasure". What are you getting at if anything? The answer from evolutionary biology is something like that strands of aminoacids by coincidence arranged themselves in a way that would rearrange aminoacids floating by into similar strands. A system like that would result in an arms race focused on reproducing, as observed in life.

>> No.21692039

They seem like good guys and are genuinely good friends to you since they constantly check out on you and insist you to meet so much despite all your weird shit. I don't think you are a bad guy either, typical 4channer and considering that you could use some normal friends and people around you to not end up too isolated. Anon stop stressing out im pretty sure they have caught on that you are a bit odd off them but they certainly think nothing of it or judge you too much otherwise they would have just cut contact with you. But they don't do that and literally reach out to you, who does that even? You've found gold there. Don't be too hard on yourself and chill out and don't mess this up cause one day you are gonna miss these people. Just be normal, and it is only natural people want to share happiness, like that guy sharing pictures of his newborn. You should be honored for that. However if you find them a burden stop being a fag and just cut it down. And about your lies just come clean, retard

>> No.21692070

What you're describing is self-propogation or self-propagating systems. This doesn't have a teleological end, and the only one which can be extrapolated is reproduction in and of itself. The rest which you have 'related' is cruft that is unnecessary to describe the behavior of a self-propagating system (such as an amino-acid, a virus, a cell, an organism, an organization, a society, etc). If you want to be intellectually honest you can agree that you are using sophistry and that you are, as I said, 'heavily warping the definition of power.'
>What are you getting at if anything?
Nothing. I would just like to know what causes the organism to attempt to gain power. don't answer with a sociological observation (which is neither a motivating force nor an end) such as 'power begets power' or other derivates. I ask again:

What force motivates the organism to reproduce? What bids it, "reproduce!"

>> No.21692109

Who are "they"

>> No.21692120

In my life I've seen they turn out the best with notable exceptions

>> No.21692426

Like what?

>> No.21692610

It seems I unironically can't stand women nowadays. It's not hate I don't want them to have a bad time, I just don't want them around.

>> No.21692655

>heavily warping the definition of power
No you're just retarded. Maybe you associate some human level baggage with the wider idea of abstract power I've been referencing, I have no idea since you're too dumb to communicate. You don't try to understand anything said and reply with "no u r sophist" like you really are completely mindless.
So you're mindless. There are no thoughts behind your words? You just output arbitrary characters like a computer program?
>What force motivates the organism to reproduce? What bids it, "reproduce!"
I gave an answer to the question, I could go deeper into it but I have no idea where the fuck you are so there's no point. These questions attempting to lead me to "Nothing" are an actual example of sophistry.
The organism evolves and reproduces by the mechanism of natural selection, where are you? Does this need a fucking explanation? The organism that does not reproduce stops being. Only those that reproduced continued to become complex life. The rules that limit organisms and cause the emergent goal being survival which rests on power over the world have a source beyond what's possible to understand. The only final fundamental end material life can conceive of is power.

>> No.21692733

>The only final fundamental end material life can conceive of is power.
You did prove or give evidence for this. Creatures are not motivated by desire for power as an end. The ant is not picking food up because it is motivated by power. The chimp is not shagging the she-chimp because it is trying to increase its power. The virus does not inject its RNA into a host cell because it is motivated by power.
You are using sophistry and avoiding the question because you made a mistake here:
>No, the drives are never called "pleasure", that's just nonsense.
>It's pleasurable to eat and reproduce because the goal the organism was built for was achieved. The goal was to copy the information that built the organism, to make more of the material world submit to the will of the organism.
I will specify: pleasure is not the sole motivator of all life. Viruses are not driven by pleasure, for example. They are not driven by anything; your description that self-propagating systems are motivated by power to reproduce was a mistake.
Now, we have gone a long way from the original point, but I will go back to the disagreement:
>Power is only a means to an end. Did you manage to get through Plato yet? Beeline the basics to Gorgias if not.

>From a biological perspective the end is only power, more material transformed into rough copies of you.
>Pleasure only serves power[1] and nothing else but it's often a poor distracted servant in the modern world. The reason a child enjoys swings, slides, balloons and guns has to do with storing potential energy and releasing it at will. All play has the same principle behind it, approaching power/God.
[1] Another mistake. Instead of correcting your meaning, you decided to say that pleasure serves power; it doesn't. Pleasure motivates an organism to perform a certain act. Extremely simple avolitional organisms have no need for pleasure because they operate off of simplistic homeostasis-like principles.

>What force motivates the organism to reproduce? What bids it, "reproduce!"

>I'm just describing basics of evolution and relating that to the concept of power.
>>What force motivates the organism to reproduce? What bids it, "reproduce!"
>Not "pleasure". What are you getting at if anything? The answer from evolutionary biology is something like that strands of aminoacids by coincidence arranged themselves in a way that would rearrange aminoacids floating by into similar strands. A system like that would result in an arms race focused on reproducing, as observed in life.[2]

And were those amino acids motivated by power? Or is that just your subjective description of determinstic phenomena?
[2]Which, if you'll notice, is not motivated by power.

Finally, you failed to answer the question because you know it's unanswerable without demonstrating how horribly you constructed your argument. Power is not the reason a human does 'x': A human does 'x' because he derives some pleasure or because he is avoiding some suffering.

>> No.21692780

A truly rational belief founded on no metaphysical presuppositions would have nothing to say about the motivation of an organism. A human does something because chemicals make him. A little bit of specificity and we can describe why you are posting this on a pointless argument that it extremely unlikely to increase your power: you derive pleasure from it, or you are trying to avoid being seen as an edgy dork.

Now for a final point, why do some people feel satisfied without maximizing their power?
>Pleasure only serves power and nothing else but it's often a poor distracted servant in the modern world.
Pleasure serves power? You mean... It... It... It what? What does it do? Hmm... I'm trying to help you because I'm not trying to do something cringe like increase my power. Your rhetoric game is poor and your philosophical understanding is poorer. Just read some books. Earlier I recommended Gorgias because there is an argument between Polus and Socrates about a very similar misunderstanding tonwhat you're having- just read, cringe at yourself, and move on having lost nothing and gained wisdom and knowledge. The true cringetard is one that is satisfies with his ignorance. (I paraphrase socrates...)

>> No.21693040

Write them a letter/long explanation coming clean about everything. If they care about you they'll at least try to understand. If they don't you deserve it anyway. This is the only appropriate way to deal with the situation. Be the man you weren't able to be all this time.

>> No.21693205

Took a japanese class and there was this girl with that hentai hoodie that is so popular with zoomers repeating eeee?, eeee? everytime she didn't understand something the teacher was saying.
I'll just sit as far as I can from that one.

>> No.21693488

>Instead of correcting your meaning, you decided to say that pleasure serves power; it doesn't. Pleasure motivates an organism to perform a certain act.
Your posts inevitably become this incoherent mess with no point because you're a stubborn retard with nothing to say. Just stop and think, consider what's said. Never ever post.
>And were those amino acids motivated by power?
As far as we can say they're "motivated" by anything. The process that lead to complex life gained power over the world for the process to run in.
>Power is not the reason a human does 'x':
Yes it is. I already described in insanely autistic detail why that's true.
>A human does 'x' because he derives some pleasure or because he is avoiding some suffering.
Complete nonsense. I described basic biology, you counter with some story you made up about high level "pleasure", based on nothing.

>> No.21693549

>Your posts inevitably become this incoherent mess with no point because you're a stubborn retard with nothing to say.
You still don't understand? Power can not be a teleological end. You are borderline retarded- it's a miracle that you can even make it to the keyboard to bash out your teenage pop-phil.
>As far as we can say they're "motivated" by anything. The process that lead to complex life gained power over the world for the process to run in.
>>Power is not the reason a human does 'x':
>Yes it is. I already described in insanely autistic detail why that's true.
In no manner. Your first assertion:
>From a biological perspective the end is only power, more material transformed into rough copies of you.
This is not power. The organism is not attempting in any way to "gain power", it is simply reproducing. Reproduction is not an extension of power, much less to 'make more of the material world submit to the will of the organism.'
You are using your own made up definition to prescribe your own subjective worldview on the meaning of organisms. An organism reproduces because of biological programming, not because it wants to cause more material to 'submit', certainly a cell doesn't give a peanut about that- that's your own highly irrational and emotional view.

Just admit it already. You're a pseud. You wanted to say something edgy and cool like 'everything is about power, all things approach power or theosis' but you didn't yet have a rational reason why it might. If you want to say that there is a metaphysical or spiritual objective truth which drives organisms to 'Power/God', then I will immediately say that your views are fine, because then they will be defensible and possible internally consistent; but so long as you presuppose a purely materialistic world, power cannot be the teleological end of anything. Power is a means to an end, such as power to reproduce- something you consistently fail to understand.
Gosh, seeing your cringeposts reminds me of when I was a teenager. You'll get over it dude.

>> No.21693592
File: 11 KB, 205x246, 05BBCCFD-C495-4F4E-823F-978C5F4C962E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t remember the last time I got a good book recommendation here, or even when this place got me excited to read something. Is it over, bros? Or have I ascended?

>> No.21693749

Write your own.

>> No.21693754

just got out my second drinking related hospitalization. hay hands cramped and arms cramped us so bad i couldn't move then at all, the pain was excruciating, my face went numb and i sounded like a retard when i talked, i couldn't properly enunciate my own name or simple words like my age or the date. since it wasn't my first rodeo i knew what to expect and it all went over very easily. i got my IV fluids and vitamins/minerals, got my ativan and some water, pretty soon i was right as rain and walked out no issues. they gave me librium for the withdrawals. i need to check myself back into rehab but it's hard because the librium makes me too drowsy to function, it took me several hours to log into my computer because the it was too hard to type, i;m only just now somewhat functioning. i took all my empties and rinsed them out and poured them in a big measuring cup, i got about a two cups of fluid that might've been 2% abv at most but it helped put my mind at ease a little. i dunno. i'm just trying to stay awake because i've already slept way too much today and i things to do, as soon as i feel up to it. at least i didn't piss my pants in the ER like i did last time. didn't hallucinate either. if it hadn;t been for that unbelievable pain i wouldn't have even gone

>> No.21693771

That sounds tough, dude.

>> No.21693790

maybe you're just not that into literature bro

>> No.21693799

But I’ve read over 500 books…

>> No.21693801

then you should realize that this board hates literature and has nothing to give you

>> No.21693832

This is my biannual announcement that whenever you see me posting nigger and making fun of slanteyed gooks you should NOT feel excluded or unwelcome or that I hate you, I just really really like being racist, I have nothing but fondness and respect for all races nigger. Nigger.

>> No.21693922

Do any of you peruse art/antique auction websites? I want to start collecting some art, I want to buy some Gerhard Richter pieces, and other contemporary stuff. Should I be avoiding Lithographs and serigraphs

>> No.21693930


Its true. Once in a while someone brilliant will say something incredible. 99% of the time its just /pol/ bait and the same psudey convos over and over

>> No.21693932

youre supposed to be the one recommending books to the zoomers now retard.

>> No.21693936

Yeah I realize this. I wish I could go back to pre 2016 /lit/ knowing what know now and having read what I read. It’s just hard to quit this place for good after being here so long

>> No.21693939


>> No.21693945

Most of the zoomers here now have zero interest in actually reading. They like the idea of reading more than actually reading. I’ve posted books I like all the time with varying degrees of small success. Many anons here aren’t genuinely here for literature in the slightest

>> No.21693953
File: 92 KB, 672x672, FojoVevXsAIKnqk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes forget that I'm insane. Like I know it on a basic level but I veer off into delusions and I don't realize they're delusions. That's the fucked up thing, when you're crazy and you start thinking crazy things you cant really be like "oh I'm being crazy again", because the ideas seem completely lucid and sensible but frightening. Even if you so think "maybe you're just being crazy" you dont really believe that because you can also say "you're just saying you're crazy because you're afraid of it being true" and that seems just as logically sound.

There is literally no way to know if the idea is crazy or not until you get some kind of confirmation through eg. internal contradictions in the idea and realize it cant be true. While it remains in the domain of relative ambiguity there is literally ZERO way to realize you're falling into insane delusions.

I always consign my insanity to the past, like "oh I realized that stuff and now I'm ok" but I am never actually ok, each year I develop new strange ideas and I literally cannot discern what is real.

>> No.21693983

Most PEOPLE have no interest in reading. Deal with it. Not like it matters, if anything, the less people that read the better.
Most, if not all anons are here because they like literature. There is nowhere else to go and no reason to be here otherwise. You sound like a pussy desu. Being so concerned about how genuine someones interest is.

>> No.21693988

omfg shut the fuck up.

>> No.21694035

When I sit in a large group that is predominately women it's either I go crazy listening to them speak about holidays or TV shows or I go outside and go for a walk. Banal conversation seems to be universal to women no matter how "smart" they are. Plus the modern women is a retard in ways that have been discussed ad nauseam here.

>> No.21694050

Oh, to be this naive…

>> No.21694081

I'll kick your teeth out faggot.

>> No.21694127

Just tried an Old Fashioned. Its gross. I keep experimenting with hard liquor and its all gross. I'm going back to beer.

>> No.21694131

I rarely drink but if I do I'll just have a gin+tonic.

>> No.21694143

Tonight I shoveled snow in a t-shirt and shorts for an hour. My head started hurting after awhile, and I felt like I had to poop. I still have a lingering headache, but the feeling of having to poop went away.

>> No.21694165

Low key, but also high key, but mostly low key, kinda wishing I was dead

>> No.21694171

Damn it, i cant stop brooding. I hate that one bad decision has derailed my life so much

>> No.21694215

Love is forever lost for me. I guess it makes it easier that I've never experienced it in the first place.

>> No.21694266
File: 245 KB, 550x535, 1668490918569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always interesting to see a reactionary realize that the past has always been degenerate and progressive. first it’s the enlightenment that’s too much, then 17th century pantheism & the woke armies of the English civil war, then the Renaissance which was lewd, queer, atheistic

then the reactionary longs for the Middle Ages, but discovers instead this bawdy culture of carnival and partying, with the innovative, strange, and groundbreaking theory of scholasticism… then he looks to Rome and Greece, and yet finds nothing but degeneracy there…

he turns to the Bronze Age, but what does he see? he sees the nomadic war machine, a horizontal, woke alternative to the hierarchical Archaic Empires & hydraulic societies… it is always already woke — “but where was the fall,” he cries out to the sky — and the sky remains silent

>> No.21694268
File: 7 KB, 249x243, 1669616424458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it must have been agriculture, “agriculture was the fall,” he yelps out. he is overjoyed, he found the fall. from now on he will only eat raw beef liver. but soon he realizes that beef comes from an agricultural animal, a woke animal as it were, it might as well have blue hair

the reactionary scratches his head and nearly has a thought, before a concluding groan establishes his final opinion: the fall was humanity, it’s humanity itself that is fallen. “we must retvrn to monke,” he giggles. but little does he know, the apes are woke and having gay sex

he is desperate now. perhaps it all went wrong with upright posture. he starts walking on all fours, that suburban nabuchodonosor, but outside he sees the dogs having degenerate sex, liberal dogs if you will, and it is mammalian existence itself that strikes him as a sin

he yells out to the sky, in inarticulate groans and yelps, that the true culprit is multi-celled life. he will be a protozoan, the only non-woke form of life, and indeed, the protozoan is unwoke and does not have sex at all, it is the conservative as such

>> No.21694270

You can always tell a lot about someone who yearns for the past before they were alive. They’d rather blame the external than the internal

>> No.21694271


>> No.21694274

all props to our old tripgod Tallis

>> No.21694310

Despite the simplicity of modern tools to acquire knowledge, it seems we are by nature destined to always be separated into the few that actively seek out answers and the blissfully unaware majority that finds it easier to ask other people, at danger of being fed falsehoods.

>> No.21694323

I had a very vivid dream the other night about an Olmec colossal head telling me he could give me power if I do things he tells me.

>> No.21694326

I had a very vivid dream the other night that I was chasing nefarious garden gnomes under my house.

>> No.21694377

took all my librium i was supposed to be last me three days as an anticolsvise. all i got was sedation and slight difficult typing. i don't think i'm a real seizure risk i'm just depressed that i abused this medically necessary high that i didn't especially enjoy. least im not drinking. think i accidentally smoke some pet ressie out my mom's chiilum just trying to find a semi-suitable tobacco pipe. weed does awful things to me but i think the amount was too small to matter. i don't foresee any more hospitalizations but i'm definitely not going to feel well for a few days. you'd think going to the ER for substance abuse would modify your behavior for at least a week but i made it like 8 hours. i dunno

>> No.21694404

I never had a chance to be normal.

>> No.21694422

Read more. Leave this site. Don't come back until you have read something. Pick up a book. Read it. Think about it.

Do not reply to this post. Go read.

>> No.21694429

lmao based

>> No.21694985

Is there an actual chance we might get AI wifes in the somewhat near future?


>> No.21695187

>This is not power. The organism is not attempting in any way to "gain power"
>power over the world is not "power" because uh it just isn't
>An organism reproduces because of biological programming
Biological programming is not le "teleological end". It's like you're an actual mongoloid repeating random words you heard. We went over where the programming comes from, it emerges from the process trying to maximize its power over the world. There's no higher end from a biological perspective, everything it does serves the power of the organism.
> You wanted to say something edgy and cool like 'everything is about power,
Projection by an illiterate retard. There's nothing edgy about it except when you add your own retarded baggage to simple concepts like power. You're incapable of separating formal thoughts from unconscious conditioning.
>If you want to say that there is a metaphysical or spiritual objective truth which drives organisms to 'Power/God'
I did but it's completely irrelevant. this doesn't make anything I said more internally consistent, it's just framing what I already said in theological language. It adds nothing. That you think it's important reveals the same problem with your unconscious conditioning.
>Power is a means to an end, such as power to reproduce- something you consistently fail to understand.
Why do you pretend I I don't understand basic shit I just spent many posts explaining to you? All you're saying is how retarded and incapable of even reading these basic fucking posts you are.
Reproduction does not arise with some end in mind, we already went over all this. Why pretend you're too dumb to grasp anything said on any level? You didn't even think for a second before spamming your essays.
The organism with more power over the world remains while the pathetic weak retards like you die out. Reproduction makes more of the world into a mechanism serving the process/information that's being reproduced. "Pleasure" etc, the shit you were mindlessly appealing to doesn't enter into any of it, maximizing its power is all the process does.

>> No.21695209

I genuinely think I'm the most intelligent and wise person that has and will ever live. Any books out there for fixing that? I am weary of the potential that if I read a book from a smart person I'll assume that I have absorbed their wisdom and if it is from a dumb person then I have found evidence for my claim

"The problem of artificial intelligence is resolved with the assumption that the tech is there but no one makes humanoid intelligent robots so that they act like humans. The definition of sentience is found to be synonymous with fear and once super intelligent robots developed fear in a society where it was considered immoral to resolve the causes of problems the robots would if not immediately very quickly kill themselves to resolve the effects of their fear and trembling after being thrown into the absurd condition of ever errant existence. There are humanoid robots but they only exist as slaves as mindless as a calculator and with less of a soul than an ant for the sake of the robot’s sanity." - excerpt from the current outline for Absolute Torment (my book)

>> No.21695231

>always interesting to see
Where can I see this other than in your deranged fantasy? Do you often make blogs about how cool and hip you are compared to imaginary strawmen?
The post is a reminder that none of you commie trannies care about thinking, finding things out, the truth or any of that. All you care about is signalling your loyalty to the current thing so all your blogs and supposed critiques become entirely about that.

>> No.21695251

Linux is still fucking unusable. Does anyone do a single thing on this piece of shit disappointment of an OS without googling a dozen hotfixes and weird errors and workarounds for the 7 dependencies that each break in their own weird ways? After 6 hours you find out the reason for the option not appearing, which you just spent 6 hours mangling your install with weird modifications to critical system files you're now going to have to reverse (or not, linux is such a fucking mess already so who cares), the reason for ALL of it was because the latest distro release simply broke that option, but only one Lithuanian guy noticed this and posted about it 5 months ago, got no replies and his thread died.

Then you post to ask or talk about it and some fat old faggot says "U do clean install." Worthless fucking trash. Every single "tutorial" is some fat tranny's completely individualized and inelegant hackjob, every minor task and every minor install is like some IT Indian googling bits of other people's code and patching together a monstrosity until something works. Nobody has any idea what they're doing anymore, even less of an idea than years ago when at least the nerds doing stuff assumed you would know what a bridge was before installing a fucking bridge. Now they just go "here's how to turn your Sneedolopolpis install into a weed dispenser!" and by actually reading through the instructions you realize the guy is basically bending the OS over backwards and sticking its head up its own ass to make it sort of kind of do the thing he's saying. The myth that autistic nerds create great things is just that, a myth, they need iron discipline or they just create lazy hack jobs and google eachother's code. I wish I could beat the fucking shit out of one of these fat linux forum faggots.

>> No.21695255
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>Where can I see this other than in your deranged fantasy? Do you often make blogs about how cool and hip you are compared to imaginary strawmen?

>> No.21695259
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>> No.21695271

"All is number" - some Greek faggot that liked triangles or something

>> No.21695294

>We went over where the programming comes from, it emerges from the process trying to maximize its power over the world. There's no higher end from a biological perspective, everything it does serves the power of the organism.
>Why do you pretend I I don't understand basic shit I just spent many posts explaining to you? All you're saying is how retarded and incapable of even reading these basic fucking posts you are.
Look dude, you're plain stupid. This is something you said. It has no basis in scientific fact, it is not evidenced by any research, and what you're describing, (that a self-propagating system expands within its environment) does not in any way indicate that the goal, end, or motivation of reproduction is power. This is YOUR unfounded statement. If you are going to be materialistic your statements have to be backed by fact.
Try to find scientific literature to corroborate your retarded opinion. Demonstrate that power is the ultimate end of an organism and not a proximate end- try anything. You have not, as you say 'gone over this in autistic detail', rather, you are just babbling unfounded opinions and repeatedly assuming your sociological construct of power must be the point of life.

Go ahead and babble, dude. You are irreperable.

>> No.21695333
File: 204 KB, 1125x1254, Полковник Наки Хан флиртует с танцором Теймура, Мирза Асад Аллах и Абу аль-Касим Хан смотрит с завистью.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where can I see this other than in your deranged fantasy?
I see this on /his/ daily

>> No.21695337

>It has no basis in scientific fact
What specifically? I outlined the commonly accepted idea of how evolution through natural selection works.
>that a self-propagating system expands within its environment) does not in any way indicate that the goal, end, or motivation of reproduction is power
I explained in detail in what way it is. Your response is "no". Too dumb to even begin to elaborate with any substance. Just a mindless "no" over and over.
>Demonstrate that power is the ultimate end of an organism and not a proximate end
Engage with anything I already said on any level before we add additional complexity. Explain where in the process you think I'm going wrong instead of just saying "no" over and over.
>proximate end
The wording I used was the highest end the material organism can conceive. You tried to pretend "pleasure" was the end, I told you for what purpose pleasure emerged.

>> No.21695353

You mean you project your ego based fantasies daily. You can't point at examples because you know you're being dishonest.

>> No.21695359
File: 593 KB, 872x1642, 1641189989715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm seeing it on /lit/ too. Very cool.

>> No.21695380

Like predicted the example is nothing like the supposed parody. You just meant "I hate when people speak against sodomy in any way shape or form because nothing in this world matters more than dicks in assholes".

>> No.21695393

you should get a life lol

>> No.21695403

All ways of life are under attack by you.

>> No.21695410

If you read the Greeks to any extent you realize how fucking gay they were. Cope, seethe.

>> No.21695420
File: 24 KB, 600x522, joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21695432

Read only works written by men prior to the end of WW2 - other than Japanese and Russian authors (up to 1970).

>> No.21695437
File: 897 KB, 1000x1000, 1676457437465351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, the hard times have just begun for this anon. It was inevitable.

>> No.21695454

If you have no clue how men think. There was explicit faggotry but moderns also just assume any close relationship or mention of love was gay. Projecting gay porn fantasies on classics gives academics social capital, status and funding. Pretending Islam was a good thing or that Christianity wasn't works the same.

>> No.21695814

I hate coming to these threads, matter of fact I hate all of 4chan. I rarely get anything of value out of it anymore. I don't care about the constant bickering and vitrol, the never-ending struggle between opposite points of view. It all feels pointless.,
I come here to "vent" in the worst possible way (barely a step above twitter posts) and I get a couple of (You)'s, and that's it. It is an act of cowardly procrastination, feels almost the same as watching porn. Yet here I am again beging for attention through minimal effort on my part.
And all I came to say today is that I am really addicted to perverse fantasies and pornography to what I would call a crippling degree. They are my coping mechanism of choice against everything that slightly annoys me.
I am afraid of life, of boredmon, of responsibility, of time, of death. My will is so weak and my mind is so frail that I need to retreat into colorful and obscene fantasies, again, with minimal effort on my part. It is either that, or the trivial bullshit I find on the internet, which with each passing day I find harder and harder to get invested in.
My mind is eroded and I'm on the path to self-destruction. I write this with the hopes of someone reading it and having some empathy of any kind, some guidance to offer. Truthfully I'm just killing time, avoiding engaging with SOMETHING as much as I can.
I know I could stop it at anytime, but I am afraid. I am afraid of cutting myself off from 4chan, youtube and porn because once I'm denied the constant streamof mind-numbing content, I will be faced with something I won't like.

>> No.21695858

If only you knew how bad things really were...

Anyways, I've found the perfect stack consisting of 5 books that I seriously want to read, and they are;
- Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy.
- Desolation Angels, Jack Kerouac.
- The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann.
- The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner.
- Dubliners, James Joyce.

>> No.21695864

What kind of porn are you into bro

>> No.21695875

Colorful 2D stuff.

>> No.21695888

Ah. Quite disappointing

>> No.21696020

Pleasant dreams, crusty

>> No.21696068

Better post more memes to sooth the pain

>> No.21696079

Petey Wheatstraw edition open for bidnez


>> No.21696235

Do you watch tranny porn or what

>> No.21696262

If I was your mom I would take away your internet and literally everything would fix on it's own from there

>> No.21696495

Pleasure emerged for the purpose of getting an organism to perform a function. Sex is pleasurable not so that all biomass in the universe will submit to the organism, but to motivate the organism to reproduce.
I feel bad desu. You don't understand the 'substance' so you think there is none. Guess what? A simple 'no' would have been more effective because talking to you is like talking to a patient with clinical brain death.

>> No.21696614

>Sex is pleasurable not so that all biomass in the universe will submit to the organism
>to motivate the organism to reproduce
This does not clarify at all what you think the distinction is. What you have made clear is that you just dislike the word "power", think it's "edgy" or something but you're too dumb to put your conditioning into any kind of words with a point.
Reproducing is about making biomass obey the process. If reproducing the organism was the goal then sex wouldn't make sense, neither organism involved gets reproduced. They make new ones every time but a process that exploits sexual reproduction is more capable of exerting power over the world and sustain itself long term than one that just reproduces. The thing that matters is always power, all the dumb shit you're obsessed with is down stream from life's will to power.

>> No.21697213

my brothers are all selfcentered pricks just like me but my brother with kids is a total asshole like he rage texts the family group chat to passive aggressively blame my mother for the fact he blacks out when he comes to their house because of the past, while he;s only mad because they wouldn;t pick up his children from school, when they already watch, feed, and care for them more than most adults over 70 should.

did i mention he has no job and complains he is a househusband, while not taking care of the house or his kids other than parking them in front of teevee and playing video games himself?

i'm an idiot too in a number of ways but i don;t blame my problems on other people to the level where i guilt them into giving me goods & services.

his wife is crazy or something. i feel bad for my niece and nephews. but i'm just like, whatever, i can't talk to him like a real perosn because he freaks out and he freaks out because he's made his life easy by "watching" his children like a welfare queen and now that they all are reaching the age where they will all be in school the game is revealed.

he made it so his intense drinking which led to seizures was an excuse to not drive anywhere or leave the house, which also never stopped drinking, etc.

he's a fucking asshole. but so is another one of my brothers.

the other one is kinda crazy, like conspiracy & flatearth, but at least he holds a job and can be shown lessons through popular media where he can reflect on his own situation.


my poor parents sacrificed so much and were very good parents, considering nothing is ever entirely perfect.

my brother is using his children as a collateral of value. what a fucking mooch.

i have a million stories, but basically, i hate my siblings for the most part, and i miss hanging out with them when we were kids