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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 369 KB, 825x960, 5759898-franz-kafka-robert-crumb-dom-norymberski-2014-10-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21683153 No.21683153 [Reply] [Original]

Most /lit/ mental illness?

>> No.21683158


>> No.21683168

The Schreber Case

>> No.21683180

Bipolar faggot with a BPD

>> No.21683184

Probably depression, if that counts. For musicians and maybe also painters Id say bipolar disorder.

>> No.21683273

For prose:
Depression; neuroticism; alcoholism; unnatural obsession with sex that either leads to sex addiction or severe Catholic guilt from wanting a male prostitute to spit in your mouth; insomnia
For poetry:
Foot fetish

>> No.21683277

Bipolar for sure.

homosexuality also helps

>> No.21683282

Severe OCD without a doubt, but posers here who dont know will say shit like "bipolar" or schizophrenia lol

>> No.21683283

Schizophrenia and it's not even close

>> No.21683287

I need to stop being a meme

>> No.21683288

Probably depression

>> No.21683348

The only correct choice so far

>> No.21683412

How come so many /lit/ posters are depressed gay guys?

>> No.21683425

Well I'm not gay, I just have intrusive thoughts about men.

>> No.21683437


>> No.21683448

Not gay but men's bodies are just more aesthetically pleasing, there's so much more to write about. Broad backs, muscular chests, taught bottoms, thick cocks, strong thighs... the list could go on and on.
And it would, if I were gay (I'm not).

>> No.21683453


>> No.21683539

from personal experience, I can't imagine being as interested in literature as I am if I didn't have gender dysphoria

>> No.21683574
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Mental illness does not exist.

>> No.21683586

Not depression but melancholia. Depression transforms you into a mouth breathing drooling mushy brained smelly coward.

>> No.21683590

Mental illnesses are for weak faggots
Great writers were great in spite of their mental problems, not because of them. Every other roastie and a liberal is a mental wreck and you dont see them writing literary masterpieces

>> No.21683643

I blame Mishima.

>> No.21683647

It's probably BPD. No wonder most of writers were helpless cunts.

>> No.21683760

Fiction: Bipolar depression, homosexuality and drug addiction.
Poetry: Narcissism, megalomania and sex addiction.
Analytic philosophy: Autism, asexuality and agoraphobia.
Continental philosophy: Schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and insomnia.

>> No.21683780

>It's probably BPD
Bipolar disorder?

>> No.21683810

Most writers are not gay, they just enjoy the tension that comes from dialogue and scenes charged with homoeroticism. It's very kino.

>> No.21683813

Borderline personality disorder. Basically means you’re crazy as shit

>> No.21683818

That's why it has to be bipolar as the mania phase balances out the depressive phase.

>> No.21683951

Kafka was probably not mentally ill. I read his diaries, he was pretty okay

>> No.21683971

the falling sickness of course

>> No.21683978


>> No.21683997

>wanting a male prostitute to spit in your mouth
i'd let a domme do worse things to me though

>> No.21684021

by all accounts, Kafka was charming and charismatic, and a bit of a womanizer.

>> No.21684068
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Post portfolio. I’ll wait.

>> No.21684080

That seems hard to believe

>> No.21684096


>> No.21684112


>> No.21684124

A Schizo, drug addict (LSD, Shrooms, etc.).

>> No.21684144

Auditory Hallucinations

>> No.21684162


>> No.21684183


>> No.21684185


Hard to say. You look at some of the great poets like Milton and Dante, and they meet full criteria for NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). Makes sense if you're an epic poet who unironically believes themselves to be on a divine mission to pen the 'third testament'.

Byron, and perhaps Shakespeare had BPD,I think. In the first case, the suicidality, promiscuity, emotional lability, impulsivity and rage episodes paint a fairly clear figure, although I would say that the strongest case can be drawn from the sentiment conveyed in his more famous poems. "Could love forever" in particular betrays his Borderline Personality, I think; we see here that he is unable to enjoy the sensation of genuine love without the simultaneous comingling of an anxiety as to losing the object thereof. As for Shakespeare, we do not know enough about his biography to be sure, but the enormity of his capacity for creating characters may suggest a weak sense of self (he can create so many convincing characters because his own character is subject to so much change from year to year). This argument is not watertight, but in general, even the best of authors are only capable of creating characters that are essentially versions of themselves. He also drank a lot, knocked up a woman 8 years his senior, etc., which perhaps speaks to an impulsivity piece.

Now I think about it, Byron may have had NPD and BPD (40% of all people with BPD also meet the diagnostic criteria for NPD), since he seemed to have a sense of selfhood that was rooted in the construct of a grandiose false-self (the Byronic Hero archetype (Manfred, Childe Harold, Don Juan), which is the marking feature of NPD.

Bipolar also seems common enough (Woolf). Substance Abuse Disorder is also remarkably common (Hemingway, Coleridge, Burroughs, to name a few). I would place the emphasis on NPD, though. Besides the one's I've already mentioned, Wordsworth and Joyce seem like apt examples as well.

>> No.21684191

I hate the fetishization of mental illness

>> No.21684195


I would also add that no genuine schizophrenic would be capable of producing any literary of any substantial aesthetic merit. It would be a wonder if they could produce a paragraph possessing of even the mildest coherence. Sad. Such a profoundly debilitating condition.

>> No.21684198

Being perfectly sane but paranoid enough to think you aren't.

>> No.21684200


*any literary work

>> No.21684218

I think I’m in trouble anon. What do?

>> No.21684223

>what is the red book

>> No.21684284


>> No.21684292


>> No.21684454


>> No.21684488

He had some trauma at least.

>> No.21684546


>> No.21684592
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>For poetry:
>Foot fetish
Just read this of Homer as translated by Jowett in the Symposium:
>Her feet are tender, for she sets her steps, Not on the ground but on the heads of men:
Why bros... Why must it be everywhere?

>> No.21684637

Redpill me on pic related

>> No.21684660
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Bi-polar, depression, and OCD are the most literary ones. Bi-polar is probably the winner for most all around artistic mental illness with schizophrenia almost if not equal to it.

>> No.21684664

Mass Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy.

>> No.21684716

My mom says I need to be in a special class because I'm artistic

>> No.21684736


>schizophrenia the most artistic mental illness

No. If someone had schizophrenia they would not be 'artistic'. A full blown schizophrenic would not be capable of operating a toilet properly or even feeding themselves.

The only way that a patient presenting with schizophreniform features could be somewhat functional is if their traits were so mild as to not be categorisable as schizophrenia at all. Instead, they would fall somewhere along the spectrum of Cluster A personality disorders. PPD (Paranoid Personality) in the mildest case, SPD (Schizoid Personality) next up, or STPD (Schizotypal Personality) in the most extreme case, before full-blown schizophrenia is diagnosable.

Even so, nothing about these disorders lend themselves to any artistic capacity. PPD is characterised by distrustfulness and compromised empathy, both of which would be associated with negative outcomes as it respects understanding a universally recognisable human condition, and creating art to express these observations. SPD is associated with a hermetic, withdrawn lifestyle, and the absence of ability or desire to connect with or understand other people. Nothing about this lends itself to the creation of art. As for STPD, well, its right there in the symptom criteria. People with this disorder tend to suffer from delusions of reference, as well as having a generally compromised sense of cohesion and aesthetics. It is typical of these people to dress in a way that is jarring or unusual, for example, a man wearing women's heels with tracksuit pants, a hawaiian shirt, bowtie and cowboy hat. They aren't trying to make a statement, they simply don't understand why these aesthetic choices don't cohere. Furthermore, these people tend to get bogged down in "magical thinking". This symptom criteria refers to a failure to understand causal relations in observable phenomena, and to ascribe causality to nonsensical, fictitious forces. No, this wouldn't lend itself to fantasy writing. These delusions are typically highly idiosyncratic and difficult to engage with, make no sense whatsoever (and therefore fail as "lore" (if the pwSTPD would even consider applying them as such)), and are overwhelming expressed only in the form of utterly unhinged, incoherent tirades scrawled in notebooks and personal writing materials, if given any articulation at all.

An example of STPD 'magical thinking' is with its (perhaps) most famous sufferer, Jeffrey Dahmer. Granted, Dahmer also suffered from a comorbid case of BPD (Borderline Personality) as well. Anyway, Dahmer would arrange the skulls and bones of his victims within his apartment in special ways, because he believed that doing so would charge him with magical powers. He would drill holes into the heads of his victims, and fill with acid, so as to turn them into zombified servants/sex slaves.

These people are far more interesting to hear about than to hear from.

>> No.21684762
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If you want to tell a huge story, on the grandest of scales, it seems to pay to have a bit of the 'tism.

>> No.21684882

Random Indonesian and middle eastern Facebook groups. Thats where i got pic related. No idea what it means

>> No.21684936


>> No.21685002

>tfw crippling anxiety and perfectionism prevent me from actually fucking writing about all the ideas I have
how did lovecraft cope?

>> No.21685042
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You clearly don't understand how good the Ancient Greeks had it

>> No.21685071

You completely lapsed over maladaptive daydreaming and how being afflicted with schitzoid or schitzotypal really lends itself to poetry. i.e. Christopher Smart, James Tate, Russel Edson, Ben Katchor

>> No.21685078

Was Joyce autistic? I've read somewhere that he had some schizophrenic tendencies because it ran in his family.
Also, Finnegan's Wake is apparently a rather accurate representation of a schizophrenic's stream of consciousness.

>> No.21685081

Joyce had autismophrenia. The most based of all mental illnesses

>> No.21686385

It amazes me how fucking misinformed 99.99% of people are.

>> No.21686423

he frequented brothels, had a lot of girlfriends and affairs, as well as female friends, and while he was shy and definitely had a streak of neuroticism and self doubt, he was described as a polite, charming and good listener

>> No.21686485

It's a weird case for me. I am your usual loner NEET who never goes out of the house, and jerk off daily to the most degenerate shit imaginable, most of it involving traps or furries. One would think i am the hugest most homosexual faggot of all times by looking at my internet history full of things like astolfo doujins.
Yet every single time—and this happens very rarely—in which i go out for some reason, and have ANY kind of positive interaction with a girl (sometimes just hearing their voice), i get a fucking out-of-this-world feeling in my gut which i cannot describe. Think of that feeling authors put a lot of words into when writing a male character observing a girl in romance books; THAT feeling. My depression is cured for days afterwards when this happens; it's like what i've seen people describe what it is like in the afterglow of a terrifically wonderful trip on psychedelics.

The fact that this phenomenon happens is to me 100% proof of one thing: all men should try out women first before deciding that they're gay. Many, many times it's nothing else than porn addiction and isolation from the real world.

>> No.21686493

Clinical lycanthropy.

>> No.21686641
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I disagree anon. Women have wombs

>> No.21686779
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>The male figure here, as all the world over, is notably superior amongst the lower mammals, to that of the female. The latter is a system of soft, curved, and rounded lines, graceful, but meaningless and monotonous. The former far excels it in variety of form and in nobility of make, in strength of bone and in suppleness of muscle and sinew. In these lands, where all figures are semi-nude, the exeeding difference between the sexes strikes the eye at once. There will be a score of fine male figures to one female, and there she is, as everywhere else, as inferior as is the Venus de’ Medici to the Apollo Belvedere.
>Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains - Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton

>> No.21686800


>> No.21686897


>> No.21688259

I’m not gay but the Apollo Belvedere’s ass tests me, I can’t deny it.

>> No.21689014

I think the sexual appeal of the female form is coming from a man in a dominant position seeking to dominate someone in a lower position.
Most heteosexual men are deeply insecure and are threatened by other men and seek to destroy them in some form or another or seek to enslave them.
Homosexual-Bisexual men are in some ways very egalitarian in mindset and are looking for a partner who is their intelectual and physical equal, they are not seeking for a child to dominate but a real partner who will fuck them up the ass and vice versa.

Basically the men who find slender youthful women attractive are deeply insecure men who dont want to be challenged and are instead looking for a lesser creature to stoke their ego and basically by default gain access to a womb to create heirs with so their insane mindset of domination is given validation by the lowest common denominator of biological necessity. Finding the majority of women on this planet attractive is the same as finding a toilet attractive because it serves the function of getting rid of your shit effectively while eliminating the smell.

You can then understand why so many highstanding men have had illigitimate children with their housekeepers and other servants. Female sexual attractiveness to straight men is largely based on the idea that the female is not a threat to the male ego which is often why intelligent or competent women who stand up to arrogant men are called bitches or stuck up.

This is why women love gay men so much.

>> No.21689203

Can’t tell if chatgpt or genuinely retarded. Oh how far we’ve come!

>> No.21689223

What does it mean when my mode of love is Diotiman?

>> No.21689251

Sorry, I should clarify instead of attempting humour through silly ad-homs (be the change you want to see and all that rot). Men are attracted to health and fertility signals. Big boobs, fat asses, clear skin, glossy hair, youthfulness, all indicators of health and fertility. Females are looking for indicators of health, virility, social dominance/skills and intelligence, the latter being manifested in things like being able to carry on a coherent conversation and a sense of humour. That’s it, it really is that simple.

>> No.21689898
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Is it worth it to do the autism diagnosis at 30 yo?

>> No.21689911

again, fpbp

>> No.21689915

This. Fags are and always have been the best artists.

>> No.21689918

Depression is a terrible mental illness for being creative because it stops you from being productive.

>> No.21689934
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Wrong, there are plenty of schizophrenics out there who still lead "normal" lives and/or create art. Schizophrenia does not mean hardcore delusions and stupor 24/7.

>ctrl + f "affective"
>0 results

Schizoaffective disorder is the most /lit/ or artistic mental illness since it's literally just schizophrenia + mood disorder so they end up being a manic depressive case who also has a bunch of wacky schizo fancies all the time.

>> No.21689938
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kek fpbp

>> No.21689944
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any attempt psychologise Shakespeare tells us considerably more about the anon doing the psychologising (in this case apparently a midwit faggot with an inflated ego, unable to separate a literary character from the creative imagination of its author) than it possibly could about the person WS.

>> No.21689946

(you) obviously know considerably less about the world than (you) suppose (you) do.
now delete your account and never post again.

>> No.21689978

you are correct but many schizoprenic people won't be able to write a single conherent sentence even if they appear normal and lead normal lives, every time they write something they usually just puke out their string of thoughts that hardly ever makes sense, not always though

>> No.21689986

idk I haven't read it but I heard he was schizo and that it's one of the more beautiful books of the bible


>> No.21690014

I want to kill myself yet am too cowardly; even whilst stewing, drunk, in my bath I don't feel the slightest initiative, the slightest animus that would make me get up and grab a rope.

I'm one of those people who despite thinking of nothing else, have a very low likelihood of offing themselves, even than the average person. How do I escape this? How do I manage to finish the job? Even just thinking about it makes me want to break down in tears.

>> No.21690058

>it stops you from being productive.
Checks out, /lit/ doesn't read anything and neither does creative things

>> No.21690103

>most heterosexual men are deeply insecure and are threatened to by other men and seek to destroy them in some form
I'm sorry you've never had fun with the bros, your conception of men is fucked up. I like skinny women mostly because they are cute and I wanna take care of and provide for a cute pixie, and I want her to be a source of joy in my life, this doesn't necessarily mean complete submission, that is fucking boring. Any man that values strength understands the importance of being constantly challenged, this in turn, can manifest in many men in my life getting with absolute bitches because they've been guilted into thinking they have to prove something.
>Female sexual attractiveness to straight men is largely based on the idea that the female is not a threat to the male ego which is often why intelligent or competent women who stand up to arrogant men are called bitches or stuck up.
or maybe they really are just arrogant self-centered bitches?
Most women nowadays love gay men because they provide a fun subversion from their image of a strong dominating figure, it is largely a gimmick and the way a lot of them champion their gay buddy around proves it. You are either faggot that got severely bullied by bigger dudes than you or an aging career woman roastoid

>> No.21690124

As cheesy at it might sound, the problem is probably you are not mindful. Look into the mindfulness meme if you haven't already, depression (for me at least) is almost always a case of
>boohoo what about [some shit from the past i can't change]
>boohoo what about [some shit from the future that literally has not even happened yet and i'm just making it up]

Learn how to think like an animal, or a child, or somebody high on shrooms (while remaining sober ofc lel). None of those things I just listed suffer depression because the option does not even occur to them, they are focused only on the current moment.

>> No.21690160
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>> No.21690210
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Im not going to disagree with you as I find a lot of problems with women but a lot of history and why Empires have failed is due to a fault in the male psyche which could be boiled down to a dick measuring contest and fuck you im the boss. How many times has an Emperor of Rome died and 5 generals rose up and claimed im the real emperor and thrown the empire into civil war? Why did the Mongolian Empire collapse?

Im not saying there are bad straight men out there im just making a sweeping generalization that is somewhat biased based on my own psyche that I very often encounter men who seek to dominate others because thats all they have in life which is quite sad.

You can see this in the culture of online multiplayer videogames where everything is min maxed to shit and people only play meta characters while doing the most exploitive shit because you have this low ego based consciousness of winning at any cost being placed above creativity and fun.

Ask yourself why the (((they))) rule the world today and simply put its because low ego consciousness men dominate the playing field of business and academia regardless if they are rightwing or leftwing theire consciousness is completely derived from a sense of dominating others and limiting creativity or intelectual discourse within their own accepted framework. This is why for example regardless of your political beliefs in America and the right and the left will only dicuss and promote that Hitler was evil and the debate is on how evil he was and how we can avoid being Nazis.

I think the only men who complain about the nature of women are usually poor men with no connections or low status men who have come to the proper conclusion that the game is rigged against them but wrongly blame women for not selecting them.

My point still stands that very often men will not select strong or intelligent women because they feel threatened by them.

>> No.21690231

For me depression is heavy migranes and stomach cramps. Same with anxiety, I might literally shit myself in stressful situations.

>> No.21690330

also these
There's nothing wrong with wanting to destroy or enslave (no-homo, just for purposes of labor) other men.
Don't off yourself, instead try cultivating healthier habits.
When it comes to motivation, I too have none. It is easier to not do things than to do things, so take action with this in mind by not-doing that which damages you.
I have had my bouts of unhealthy drinking, but I went a full year cold-turkey quitting alcohol and caffeine just on the basis of thinking, "I don't think I have a problem with it, so I shall simply stop".
Urges came, but they left so long as I did not tend to them. People asked me how I had the willpower/discipline to make a change like that so suddenly, and I always answered the same way: it is easier to not-do than to do.
Do you open up to anyone about your struggles or do you find it easy only to speak of them here?
I ask, since I think I suffer from a schizoid-inclined personality, and have gone through similar feelings to what you're describing.

>> No.21690358

What even is the incentive? Does it help with the neetbux?

t.probable fellow undiagnosed

>> No.21690380

Talking about yourself here?

>> No.21690480

You're overcomplicating.
Men don't care about "strong" (lol) or "intelligent" (lol) Woman. What most of them want is a Woman that is physically appealing and loyal. Second of all, it's thanks to those "dick measuring" contests that men have the drive and ambition to succeed and create 99% of the world's innovations. The Romans fell, leaving behind a millennias worth of development for those that came after them. And I assure you, the Veii would have genocided their little kindom state in the cradle if they were anything like the bug-like man you're advocating for. I'm assuming this post was written by some femcel rationalizing why men don't go for "strong" (lol) and "intelligent" (lol) women like herself, since that would explain this retarded display of crunching down a millennial worth of human history to a binary tier narrative.

>> No.21690483

Why do gay men like you incapable of feeling love always try to theorize what men want in women.

>> No.21690496

/thread everyone clear out this is the only valid response

>> No.21690589

The best examples he can come up with are from books and video games. Need I say more?

>> No.21690617

I am not conherent but I am neither a writer, what is your point

>> No.21690629

>unnatural obsession with sex
Its natural

>> No.21690635

Jewish writers aren't gay. They just understand homosexuality is a good population control mechanism for their goy golem cattle farms, so they sell it to the pseud masses by romanticizing it in media

>> No.21690667
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also, for 4chan /lit/ users, narcissism. You're the Brian Griffins of 4chan

>> No.21690761

>population control
>goy golem cattle farms
Pick one anon. The last thing a farmer wants is to limit his livestock's birthrate.

>> No.21690784

I was thinking about it the other day and I’ve come to the conclusion that imaginary enemies are more dangerous than real ones. Real enemies can potentially be challenged and vanquished, while imaginary enemies lurk behind every corner, every creaking board in the night, immune from all weapons and assaults.

>> No.21690790


>> No.21690794

I’m autistic but certainly not asexual. Far from it.

>> No.21690846

Tell me you've never set foot on a farm without telling me you've never set foot on a farm

>> No.21691691

This can’t be denied and I hate it.

>> No.21691696

The people you highlight in your examples are the ones that bring ruin, what about those men that built these empires and games in the first place? It only takes 1 bad apple to destroy years of hard work. All of those ego-centered assholes step on the head of good men that didn’t see things that way.
>I think the only men who complain about the nature of women are usually poor men with no connections or low status men who have come to the proper conclusion that the game is rigged against them but wrongly blame women for not selecting them.
The only men that complain about women are all of them kek, likewise for women.
>My point still stands that very often men will not select strong or intelligent women because they feel threatened by them.
This can be true, and this can be not, like I said I’d it’s just competence and intelligence I find that incredibly hot, if they’re total bitches they possess some of the same ego of the men that was outlined, a lot of women seek competence at something as some sort of personal revenge against men which often makes them very hateful and downright awful to be with. I’m saying this because I know a cousin who is very smart and competent (graduated from a top 10 school) but is also a complete self centered bitch and her intelligence just helps her hide the fact

>> No.21692525

Its a shab e mairaj conference poster. Basically a poster for a festival where bunch of scholars come. This type of flashy posters are common in south asia

>> No.21692572

Mental Illness = mental state / attitude that makes Jews and white women uncomfortable

>> No.21692651
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chronic insomnia

>> No.21692758

>every time they write something they usually just puke out their string of thoughts that hardly ever makes sense
You're wrong. You're just getting filtered.
>not always though
and these are the times you aren't getting filtered.

>> No.21692788

>How do I manage to finish the job?
You don't. There's nothing cowardly about not wanting to commit suicide. Depending on your situation, living might actually be the braver option. In any case, don't go through with offing yourself. Live and don't abandon hope.

>> No.21693829

Before it was fetishized, it was reified.
Death to the medical profession

>> No.21693858

Clearly this, idk why it took so long to get to

>> No.21694304

weird mouth

>> No.21694372


>> No.21694454

This. Just thinking about not being able to fall asleep at all is horrifying.

Genuinely would make me rope.