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21680699 No.21680699 [Reply] [Original]

why did he do it?

>> No.21680708


>> No.21680710

He wanted traditional Japan back but he wanted to die more

>> No.21680722

His boyfriend broke up with him

>> No.21680728
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>why did he do it?
To come.

>> No.21680731

The most central and foundational part of his life, from which everything else flowed, was that he was a giant attention-whoring faggot queen.

This is not to be confused with his homosexuality; his homosexuality is incidental rather than constitutive, but nonetheless derived from the fact that he was a giant attention-whoring faggot queen, namely via the fact that women are not capable of the boundless adoration and worship that men are, necessitating that Mishima become a homosexual to satisfy his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses by being adored and worshipped by those most capable of it, i.e. men.

The same fundamental explanation goes for his books, with all their boring bourgeois pseudo-transgression, expertly tip-toeing the exact line between a harmless eccentricity vis-a-vis social norms, attracting large crowds on account of its peculiarity and shocking nature to pearl-clutching normies, but never once crossing the line into real transgression, something that would alienate the normie crowds in his book. Oh wow, the character killed a cat and seems indifferent, very transgressive, such symbol.

However, this not being enough to satisfy his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses, he established the perfect situation for himself with his poorly attempted coup: either he would succeed and be the instigator of a return to imperial Japan, or he would fail and spectacularly kill himself. Both options would secure him a place in the history books, satisfying his giant attention-whoring faggot queen impulses. It could not fail, or so Mishima thought.

In a pure show of ironic force crafted by the hand of God himself, his feeble 5'1 body was not capable of producing enough volume in his voice, in the speech to instigate the coup, for the soldiers below the balcony to hear him - it cannot be stressed enough what a fundamental and metaphysical failure this was for the faggot queen who craved nothing but attention. One can only speculate, but it is possible that this alone was enough for his seppuku to be motivated by more than attention-whoring, that he felt, for once, actual shame. Even further getting blown the fuck out by God, his backup plan, that would honorably remove him from this world in a faggy-aesthetic way, failed - his secondary, who was to decapitate him after he had disemboweled himself, was too weak to do so, and tried three times to separate head from body, failing each time.

In short: he did it to satisfy his narcissist, faggot queen urges; what he attained instead was becoming a joke so sophisticated and perfect that it must have come about by divine intervention.

>> No.21680809

I wonder which AI wrote this because I want it

>> No.21680902

It's pasta

>> No.21680922

>Lost in his own head.
>Perfect internal logic.
>Detached from reality.

>> No.21680928

>The same fundamental explanation goes for his books, with all their boring bourgeois pseudo-transgression, expertly tip-toeing the exact line between a harmless eccentricity vis-a-vis social norms, attracting large crowds on account of its peculiarity and shocking nature to pearl-clutching normies, but never once crossing the line into real transgression, something that would alienate the normie crowds in his book. Oh wow, the character killed a cat and seems indifferent, very transgressive, such symbol.
I've had this thought a few days ago after reading Sailor Who Fell from Grace. While I consider it an excellent novel its transgressions and provocations do feel limited. Sexually the novel felt very harmless for something published in 1963 that is trying be provocative. There was also a droll humor relaxing all the critical inclinations. Some of this could be explained with Mishima often writing in serialized form for established magazines and depending on their norms of acceptance.

>> No.21681424

why don't you do it too anon?

>> No.21681486

Suck dick ? Because he was a fag

>> No.21681522

>can't even get a qt twink bf to kill me
Why live?

>> No.21681567
File: 523 KB, 1200x1200, 93817361_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon

>> No.21681573
File: 568 KB, 853x1082, 1636115344452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*
no! let me do it!

>> No.21681585

C-could we maybe hold hands and cuddle beforehand?

Then you can plunge your sword deep into me...

>> No.21681597
File: 203 KB, 1280x1190, 1603512775167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-ok anon!
*pounces on you*

>> No.21681610

I've actually had a shit day and now I'm feeling sad. I wish I had a BF ;_;

Do you have one? Ever had? I hope you're happy, anon.

>> No.21681613

Scared of dying old in bed, wanted to make his life art, got off on that kind of shit. Its all over his works

>> No.21681651

I do have a bf anon. He is sleeping behind me right now. I hope my relation of these facts doesn't contribute to your misery... I am quite lucky, but don't worry -- I'm not exactly living some anime fantasy lol. Our relationship is rather more prosaic, with all kinds of frustrating little incidences, but ultimately cosy and rewarding. I've known him since we were both 13, and so the infatuation period feels like a long time ago now... Have you ever had a bf? Or a crush?

>> No.21681666

You're being quite kind; I'd rather not continue to pick this wound! I hope you two are very happy and appreciate what you have, not in a fantastical anime way, but just remembering what the actual alternative is.

You're the bottom, though, right?

>> No.21681679

Personality wise, he is more dominant than I am. But in bed I tie him up and do mean sexy things to him and when we occasionally do anal I top.

>> No.21681688

The perfect combo.

>> No.21681726


>> No.21681735

>Mishima thread turns into an intimate gay guy chatroom
Honestly, based. It's what he would have wanted.

>> No.21682281

Bunch of fucking faggots. You should all kill yourselves.

>> No.21682360

Why is Temple of the Dawn so cunnypilled?

>> No.21682398

god damn

god DAMN

>> No.21682577

Pretty rude anon.

>> No.21682596

There's also something harmless about Confessions of a Mask. If you read closely, you'll find humor almost everywhere. The narrrator is partly supposed to be a Dostoevskyian clown, someone who is a little ridiculous in his overzealous self-analysis. Ultimately Mishima isn't a fanatic. He always keeps some ironic distance to his own literary explorations.

>> No.21682700

Anon, he wrote about those things for 20 years or something...

>> No.21682724

Because he was delusional.

>> No.21683160

lmao how the fuck do all the anti-degeneracy fags deal with this?

>> No.21683668

Most worthwhile conversation going on on /lit/.

>> No.21683738

He believed in his own larp.

>> No.21683739

How is decapitation a larp?

>> No.21683764

I sense a lot of self hatred. Its okay to be gay, anon. I’ll even suck you off

>> No.21683782

He believed he was the samurais of old.

>> No.21684769

only a seething homosexual tranny pedo would write this shit

>> No.21685406

Like this >>21684769 I reckon, just screaming and crying a bit without even a hint of an attempt at a refutation

>> No.21685798

To be based obviously

>> No.21685811

He unironically did it for the clout.

>> No.21686606

he came, he coomed, he conquered

>> No.21686648


>> No.21687128

because he was a faggot

>> No.21687500

By focusing on his talent as a writer and pointing out the controversial nature of his political beliefs, not to mention the cult he started, has lead to an overemphasis on his sexuality (which was itself a lot more complicated than dancing naked in a pride parade or advocating sex performers read to children in public libraries).

>> No.21688910

Japan was run by the (((tribe))) after WWII and he hated how American materialisim was destroying the Japanese spirit.

>> No.21689011

These people are like fucking vermin, anon. I know your feel

>> No.21689026

this is a pasta btw for the uninitiated

>> No.21689341

Closeted gay. Many such cases. Also, the Japanese need to relax

>> No.21689794

deal with what, its based

>> No.21690020

he wasn't closeted

>> No.21690229

pour l'arte

>> No.21690604

why feel threatened by people who are being loved anon . Im straight but i find gay relationships cute

>> No.21691042

he was a self absorbed asshole who never realized that the average japanese was done with delusional ideas of emperor worship and samurai fantasies and wanted something more real and modern.

>> No.21691250

Retard take.

>> No.21691272

This thread is full of retarded documentaryfags

>> No.21691305

Japs are the lost tribe, look it up

>> No.21691456

mishima was a japanese don quixote but replace notions of chivalry with teenage level mixups of violence and beauty.

also mishima didn't like the idea of getting old, so dying young with a youthful appearance was a better way to go for him. dude had peter pan syndrome in a variety of ways.

you're the retard take.

>> No.21691630

mishimabros....we're getting btfo hard today...

>> No.21691676

The metamorphosis of Japanese society and the dramatic changes such represented at all levels is the most common theme in Japanese literature from that period. You don't offer any actual criticism in relation to how Mishima himself dealt with this theme in his writing and just sperg nonsense about his biography (which is a lot more complex than you make it out to be). You can only offer a superficial take that wastes the time of anyone who reads it. You're truly retarded.

>> No.21692018

the criticisms are there unless you're delusional and refuse to see it. what i describe is literally a majority of his protagonists who see themselves as heroes of higher ideals, even if it means refusing or losing a sense of reality in the process. it's not complicated to see the shared motivations of the burning of a temple, the mutilation of a cat, or the act of seppuku because of idiotic ideals of patriotism.

i understand literature from that period plenty. i've read plenty of soseki, tanizaki, kawabata etc etc and yes it's a common theme. how does that negate this conversation of post ww2 japan? especially when the emperor renounced his divinity? were the japanese still to have big dreams about samurai and emperor worship when most youth and working young adults were done with that line of thought? it's exactly why he was ridiculed after his speech. he underestimated how many japanese were done with wild fantasies of the past. the infiltration of western culture had been long happening before ww2, but it was the aftermath that was a wake up call for many disillusioned people at that time.

you criticize about superficial takes yet you've said even less so far haven't you? fuck off.

>> No.21692029

Faggot with Daddy issues uses ultra-nationalism as a cope and kills himself, many such cases.