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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 116 KB, 1000x1479, 9780679600008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21678620 No.21678620 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related any good?

>> No.21678630

If you can’t figure that on your own, you’re too dumb to understand Nietzsche anyways. Just give up.

>> No.21678639

Name posters need not apply

>> No.21678654

>imagining nietzsche eating his diet of fruits and tea with that fucking moustache

>> No.21678664

probably the best one

>> No.21678668

>this tripfag has been belligerently pseuding for a quarter of a day by now
God damn man, pull yourself together.

>> No.21678674

Why did they use a post-breakdown picture for their cover? Terrible

>> No.21678681

Pic related, you mean?

>> No.21678716

I with you, man. I am tired of dumb cunts not being able to pick up a book and read it.

>> No.21678748


>> No.21678756
File: 42 KB, 800x450, oogaboogaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I with you

>> No.21679592
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>> No.21679640

Grug. Together. Strong.

>> No.21679651
File: 567 KB, 1920x1920, 8135049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Translator, Walter (((Kaufmann))), pretty much the definitive translator of Nietzsche, designed it so that that and this complement each other. Combined, the two get you everything major by Nietzsche except the Gay Science
But read the Thomas Common translation of Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.21679665
File: 69 KB, 976x725, NPC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPC here, I can't understand how people have books or agree with somebody. Having the same opinion as somebody is like putting your dick inside of some pussy that dude just nutted inside of, and his cum is just dripping out of the pussy, but you still slam your dick into that jizzy pussy and say you like that shit.

That's gay. I can't agree with anybody because it feels to me the same as thoughts of having homosexual relations. It's just nasty. Even if that makes me some supporter of things like militant child rapist supremacy and shrill, siezure inducing flashing images of screaming children being tortured, I don't give a fuck, because I don't feel like some other dude's cock is inside of me and I'm telling him how good it feels, ,like it does when you even consider the thought of agreeing with some dudes opinion.

>> No.21679680

I'm making fun of him for typing 'I' and not 'I'm' by mistake retard

>> No.21679693

Imagine him eating pussy with that thing.

>> No.21679702
File: 702 KB, 2000x2000, LetterFromGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disagreeing with your fucking argument about sarcastically condemning the man for being indignant about the fact that people refuse to read books. Fuck books. I'm not commenting on your fucking humor.

I was going to post this in some other thread that got deleted, replying to a guy who said "God isn't real" in the tone of a typical righteous edgelord atheist, so enjoy this shitpost.
Yo, God here, don't listen to this guy. I'm definitely real and I'm pretty cool. If you want to know more you can read this picture, but I'm 100% real. Remember that I created the first men in my image, and those original men were dark-skinned African niggers. Clearly I'm not going to do anything civilized or productive, I'm not going to benefit you, and I'm basically just going to wander around without any real long-term planning, with little interest or capacity in intellectual pursuits, just like an animal.

The Whites were created from the influence of demons and shit, don't listen to them. Of course they're going to lie and try to trick you.

>Did you read all that?
>Odd that you're condemning people for refusing to read books
>long ass fucking books
>full of equally gay and meaningless shitposts
>full of trivial and petty banter of asshats
>at like 1,000,000 % the length of that shitpost
>which is "too much to bother to read"

Especially this edgy faggot Nietzeche. Understand that whoever is most popular among losers is a massive fucking loser. That's why people on this board like the dude. If a big gang of loser homos tell me "Wow, this guy is so cool", I know for a fact the dude is a loser and a faggot, because birds of a feather flock together. If you liked people who weren't fucking edgy narcissistic homos, then maybe you wouldn't be such insufferable self-righteous cunts.

>go read my canon
>oh wait?
>you don't want to read some gay fucking books?

Funny. Fucking hilarious.It's like you're going around screaming at people who refuse to wipe their ass and stink like shit in public, all while you refuse to wipe your ass and stink just as much like shit as the people you condemn.

>> No.21679737
File: 982 KB, 4000x3570, HistoryOfSkyPeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Whites were created from the influence of demons and shit
Oh look at my words, just like Nietzsche, making words, oh cool. I've made plenty of words, and god damn this shit is gay.

>look at every online group
>a bunch of gay words
>no actions

Words are just ersatz living, the reason so many homos out here enjoy ersatz living is because they're too cowardly to actually fucking live, they're too self-righteous, entitled and indignant to be able to appreciate the life they get to live, or they're fucking soft dick coward queers mutually fondling the balls of these authors who whisper sweet nothings in their gay little ears as they lay down in their bed at night, telling you sweet little fairy tales about hopes and dreams, about the mysteries of the world, and you cuddle these homo authors and they kiss your forehead and tell you they love you, they ignore all of your faults, they let you believe you're somehow meaningful, important, enjoyable, justifiable, or worthy of any sort of imaginary "human dignity" you've baselessly entitled yourself to.

Even gay rapists are more heterosexual than literate people because they actually have the balls to dominate the weak willed bitch boys and fuck them hard for personal pleasure, in REAL LIFE, with their REAL COCKS, not only in some gay imaginary wordplay LARPing fantasy shit like is made of words.

I've spend many thousands of hours talking shit, and it only takes so many hours to be a master. What does that amount to? What is the reward for being a masterful shit talker?

>Nobody reads anything you write
>Not because of the content or quality of the posts
>but because nobody fucking reads anything period

If rhetorical written arguments were like bullets fired from a gun, then every illiterate subhuman is Neo from the Matrix just dodging all of the bullets through their vicious condemnation of words and religious abstinence from reading.

When this limits "readership" to solely the people who read 'for pleasure" you've reduced literacy to an "art form" which consists solely and entirely of mutual masturbation between the two consenting literary partners, and trying to convince me that mutual masturbation is somehow a meaningful vector of insight is pretty fucking gay, bro.

>> No.21679742
File: 2.12 MB, 480x379, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21679818
File: 542 KB, 960x540, BuiltForQPC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuses to rebut valid criticism
>makes baseless condemnation via gif
>literally built for QPC

>> No.21681472

What's funny about this image, is that I not only have that edition, but also that very copy. It's funny seeing that.

>> No.21681518

>valid criticism
You're just projecting and sperging

>> No.21682108

he was already insane when that photo was commissioned by his sister, i suppose she thought the look would sell better. he kept it trim before he lost his mind

>> No.21682118

>But read the Thomas Common translation of Thus Spake Zarathustra
interesting. what makes his better?

>> No.21682123

Post it so as we compare the markings or I don’t believe you

>> No.21683022
File: 115 KB, 1466x248, Screen Shot 2023-02-19 at 4.34.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While Kaufmann does not, Common does translate Thus Spake Zarathustra in the style of the KJV Bible, which is appropriate, because Nietzsche was parodying the German of the Luther Bible with his work.