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21678102 No.21678102 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of our culture hiding behind thirteen layers of irony.

How do I get into new sincerity? I want to be a real human being that reads other real human beings dealing with real emotions and not hiding behind shields.

>> No.21678115


>> No.21678120


>> No.21678128

We live in an incredibly sincere time. Look at all the things that happened in the last decade. Some people are trying to do everything they can to make a better world. There are huge opportunities to sincerely do good. I don't want to arm chair psychoanalyze here, but I think the sense of ironic detachment might be an issue you have.

>> No.21678135

Can you recommend some recent novels that capture this spirit?

>> No.21678153

It's called Life. It is outside.

>> No.21678185

Bump for interest
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>> No.21678212

People doesn't care about sincerity, they just care about their POV

>> No.21678270

horrible quote
>How do I get into new sincerity? I want to be a real human being that reads other real human beings dealing with real emotions and not hiding behind shields.
too bad fucker

>> No.21678283

So your theory about our very sincere time finds no expression in media?

>> No.21678417

quite a few of those human beings are trying to f**k you up in earnest, they are not hiding behind any shields

>> No.21678454

>Look at all the things that happened in the last decade.
That doesn't inspire much.

>> No.21678482

"Irony" is cowardice, not having the courage of your convictions. Let your yes be yes and no be no. Say what you mean without trying to manipulate the listener into responding in a certain way.

>> No.21678488

This, irony is the fear of sincerity

>> No.21678544

Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself.
Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer.
Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever.'

>> No.21678559

I knew a guy who was into radical honesty after a mushroom trip.
It was just unbridled autism, completely deranged, to the point of when he would for instance meet a woman he hadn't met before, he'd say hi, then immediately say shit like "right now I am wondering what your tits look like, would you perhaps be interested in fucking at a later time?".

>> No.21678573

I'm not convinced on most subjects, expressing my convictions isn't interesting. I don't have the answers to most questions so I play a character in the game of questions. If the motivation is sincere the irony is part of the sincere expression.
The irony is we, the characters in the story we're telling ourselves don't know the thing we don't know. Socratic irony gives us the framing to conceive of the sincere pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.21678587

Why not sincerely say what you do and do not know and ask straight forward questions about things

>> No.21678589

work with dogs or other animals
animals are more human than humans at this point

>> No.21678607

>animals are more human than humans at this point
brutally true

>> No.21678637

Brutally retarded

>> No.21678694

animals are sincere, that's something you cannot deny. a dog is incapable of le cynical irony. human beings at this point are social climbing machines, they're all court aristocrats

>> No.21678725

I don't know anything and there are no final answers. When exploring a question you assume the identity of many characters living in hypothetical worlds.

>> No.21678746

Im not reading this, dogfucker

>> No.21678788

Watch a few advertisements that have aired in the past few years, and look at the consequences of sincerity. It's companies trying their very best to appear as sincere, appeal to emotion, and create advertisements devoid of any cynicism and irony. It's a mannequin wearing the skin of a person. Sincerity had a charm to it back in the 60s, because it had vision, modernism brought a genuine optimism towards a better future. Sincerity can never be achieved in a world that looks through the lens of postmodernism, because if we were completely sincere through that paradigm, half the population would blow their fucking brains out. Irony and cynicism was the final coping mechanism to avoid self defeatism. Sincerity isn't the first thing that should be tackled, it should be the very foundation of how we view the world.

>> No.21678977

Saying you don't know anything is by itself a confession you are confident in, so why pretend you're incapable of sincerity when it's simply an issue of your self-assurance in your answer? Unless of course, you believe you risk something by being truthful.

>> No.21679086

>How do I get into new sincerity?
One cannot be sincerely 'sincere' while feeling this level of lack and deprivation. You are not living. "You must change your life!" as Rilke says. And not 'self-improovement' weasling. Try Bret Easton Ellis -- he lived and passed through the Gen X irony trap and comments on it frequently.

>I want to be a real human being that reads other real human beings dealing with real emotions and not hiding behind shields.
Stop walking on eggshells and giving deference where's it's not due suffering fools -- which isn't to say be a sperg and spaz out. Have a wilful deathless and blindness to insectoid smallness. Being direct and forthright is treated like a non sequitor these days, take pleasure in astonishing people and catching them off guard.

>> No.21679146

How on earth do you get to that conclusion?

We live in the most sake and perfomative era in human history.

>> No.21679159

>Saying you don't know anything is by itself a confession you are confident in
It's not.
why pretend you're incapable of sincerity
Is not what I said. Irony is not inherently insincere. I'm not arguing against being truthful. Why do you make up all this stuff and attribute it to me if you're so sincere?

>> No.21679160

I'm convinced you have to have faith in something to be sincere. To be a believer in something, completely seriously. So you have to be a genuinely religious person, or you have to be an artist, or you have to believe in Truth or Beauty or something.

I think the modern age of irony comes from the fact that so few people believe in anything outside themselves.

>> No.21679179

I try to write my characters/story with a level of vulnerability and earnestness, but that runs the risk of people telling me it's cringeworthy melodrama.

>> No.21679180

Only brainwashed anglos can get this confused about sincerity and irony as if they're in opposition. What you actually mean is you want everything to be simple so it doesn't overwhelm your simple anglo mind. You want everything mathematically defined without any nuance or accounting for unknowns.

>> No.21679503

This is a lit forum, so does anyone have books that touch on this topic?

Unironically I think Infinite Jest (despite the irony present in the book) has a lot of commentary on sincerity and it's importance, and the barriers people feel to expressing it.

What else anons?

>> No.21679514

>I want to be a real human being that reads other real human beings dealing with real emotions and not hiding behind shields.
Prepare to be ostracized.

>> No.21679616

Only way for true sincerity is to be pure ID.
You can't handle being pure ID.

>> No.21679652

I was gonna say this as well, people may appear to be sincere but I agree it’s mostly performative

>> No.21679661
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>How do I get into new sincerity?
Simple, OP. You disconnect from the internet and stop worrying what a bunch of faggots you'll never meet in your life think. Be as "problematic" or "woke" or "degenerate" or "anti-white" or whatever as you want.
>I think the modern age of irony comes from the fact that so few people believe in anything outside themselves
Actually, plenty of people do believe. The problem is that folks like y'all will sit there and shit on 'em for it. Because YOU can't handle living, you project your own flaws on everyone else. It's like the faggots who whine about gun control being bad, yet co-opt the exact same fucking pro-gun control arguments and rework them to say social media is inherently bad. Social media is just a tool, much like a gun...the problem is that so many people can't just get over themselves, and misery loves company.

>> No.21679662

There are people that do good, but OP wasn't asking for good, he was asking for sincere. Those are two very different things. You can murder someone and still be sincere and honest about why you did it.
Get off the internet. It is the ONLY way to find sincerity. Everyone on the internet is putting on a mask, it's just instinctive to do so. Go to libraries and bookstores if you want something resembling sincerity. What they don't tell you growing up OP is that most people aren't comfortable being intimate without a lot of time to feel someone out. That's my issue, is being too honest and genuine too quickly about my life because I'm not afraid of what I've lived through anymore. It puts people off. Ironically to get to that point you have to act performative to a degree.

>> No.21679666

>We live in the most sake and perfomative era in human history.
Case in point, this entire site. So many faggots pretending to be le based trvd race realist cucks or whatever the fuck. There's nothing so stupid that not a single faggot online will pretend to support it for attention.

>> No.21679672

>Get off the internet. It is the ONLY way to find sincerity. Everyone on the internet is putting on a mask, it's just instinctive to do so.
Well, what do you expect? If you be yourself online, you're suddenly problematic, woke, degenerate, anti-white, etc, etc. Nobody can have fun anymore. Can't even discuss a hockey game or a new movie without someone whining about trannies or some irrelevant "culture war" shit. Sucks to be 'em, though. They're gonna wither and die in some shitty nursing home whining about this shit while the rest of us are living life to the fullest in Maui or somewhere nice.

>> No.21679692

>slacktivism is sincerity
the coward
the fool

OP, it comes down to the people you associate with

>> No.21679996

Did it ever work? Is he still like this?

>> No.21680859

Feel my dick in your ass

>> No.21681068

>How on earth do you get to that conclusion?
low to middling IQ

>> No.21681302

I'm like that which is why I only speak when necessary and seclude myself as much as possible. Even the minutest noble lie makes my skin crawl. But radical honesty isn't about voicing your thoughts. If I'm wondering what a woman's tits looks like I don't need to tell her. That's just a retarded form of attentionwhoring--which I've noticed is something common amongst psychedelics people.

>> No.21681307

>folks like y'all
please inject your carotid artery with sparkling water

>> No.21681330

I actually don't like having animals around that much because they're not very intelligent. They're not on the level of a person. Sure it's nice to have a dog around but in the end it's a dog. It's not your wife. I'd rather be alone.
But animals are in fact sincere, which is something people today are incapable of. If you want sincerity your only choice is spending time with animals. Dogs are the easiest way but even wild animals are sincere. In fact the key property of dogs in a human context is that they can be trained to perform things. So even dogs are corrupted by humanity's love for performance. And this is why humans today hate nature. They like the idea of having nature around on the basis that it makes their shitty horror clown reality sustainable, but the idea of being in touch with wild nature fills them with horror because nature isn't performative. Even the faggiest peacock dance is based on what's real. Even deceptive parasitoid animals like the cuckoo employ real resources in their performance, and they're classified as parasites for it, while humans are all just skinwalkers.

>> No.21681827
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