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21677984 No.21677984 [Reply] [Original]

This is really good writing btw

>> No.21677991

DC & Marvel are for soi boys. No one who has balls or a brain reads them. If you want to read comics, read manga or French comics

>> No.21678024

It's funny to me that 'comic book fans' still pretend that their media has any kind of cultural influence despite manga outselling them domestically by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.21678029

The older books are still decent. As much of a homo Alan Moore is, Watchmen is great

>> No.21678039

The pretense that liberal ramblings about their unjustified moral claims are in some way or form more substantial than /pol/tardism is what gets me. These people are literally unable to self-reflect.

>> No.21678060

cemsoring is le good
>marvel comics dont have any cultural impact even though they sell a lot
>manga has more cultural impact, because it sells even more

>> No.21678061

All this does is show that the writer is incapable of understanding his opponents argument to the point he cant even imitate it in dialogue. Instead of presenting the opposing argument and letting it be criticized or deconstructed through responding dialogue or the story itself he just censors it completely.
Can you imagine watching Apocalypse Now if every line Kurtz had was "Traumatic experience, deranged conclusion, I am hurt" which unironically would still be a better line of dialogue than what OP posted.
Imagine if you bought a book and found the 3rd chapter missing and replaced with "VILLAIN DIALOGUE (THE BAD GUY IS SCHEMING)" written in bold text across every page.

>> No.21678065

What's a good manga?

>> No.21678067

>>marvel comics dont have any cultural impact even though they sell a lot
one volume of one manga outsold the entire american comic book industry last year
Capeshit is DONEZO

>> No.21678070


>> No.21678073

wild adapter by minekura

>> No.21678075
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Fourteen by Umezu

>> No.21678078
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>marvel comics sell a lot

>> No.21678081

Girls' Last Tour

>> No.21678082

Thanks. How do you guys read them? Do you order the physical books or do you pirate? If so, what do you read them on? E-reader/tablet/computer/phone?

>> No.21678093

I use Tachiyomi on my android tablet. It supports extensions pretty much every manga sharing site, I primarily use the mangadex extension.

>> No.21678095

you can just read them online

>> No.21678098


>> No.21678106

can you guys post or hint to good sources or would that trigger jannies?

>> No.21678107

I lost my sides when the first lady told the president to legalize weed in the middle of the fucking end of the world.

>> No.21678114

he atleast /pol/tard are know what is in their own interest.

>> No.21678118

This is a part of the declining IQ of academia in the West. It is hard for people to repeat or even hear different opinions without having to subscribe to those opinions themselves. People who "refuse to give a platform for racists" are terrified that if they do, they will become a fascist by osmosis. Used to, not so long ago, people could give voice to opinions they disagree with. The fact that writers today can't even bring themselves to literally villify an opinion they disagree with is depressing. They just have to pretend there enemies don't exist. Suppression of opinions is what gives those opinions unearned strength by being shocking.
Someone who says I need to wear a literal tinfoil hat in order to not have my thoughts intercepted by the FBI or whatever is not someone I would normally take seriously. But then if they get cancelled for it, I become suspicious of the government creating the censorship lol. Or if a writer writes "conspiratory platitudes", it makes me want to figure out what those supposed platitudes are

>> No.21678119

just google title + read online
different sites have different libraries and some manga are rarer than others. kinda depressed that i have to explain this.

>> No.21678130

I thought maybe there was some renowned hub that is superior to others that a noob doesn't know about, kind of like how people new to pirating books don't know about libgen and stuff.

>> No.21678132
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/pol/ btfo

>> No.21678139
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oi vey

>> No.21678140

Projection methinks

>> No.21678150

Someone post that comic book page with the glow kkk guys saying "boy, I do hate niggers!"
I think about it time to time and even say it out loud kek

>> No.21678160

I want to add that it is possible that the script writer for the comic (a lot of comic book dialogue is actually written after the artwork is drawn) may also fear that his opponents argument is correct, which in essence proves that he is intellectually incapable of defending his own argument and would prefer to remain in a state of willful ignorance rather than face the uncomfortable truth of being wrong for once. This proves that he is likely an even bigger dimwit than first thought.

>> No.21678163

You should see what the guy that wrote and drew this looks like IRL. He is the basedjak in the image.

>> No.21678179

K D Lang is not taking any shit.

>> No.21678202


>> No.21678207

I think all the ebin secret clubs got annihilated by third worlders openly and vigorously sharing translated manga.

>> No.21678229

It's perplexing to me how these people think.
As if there isn't a single cogent argument that a racist or nationalist could ever make, at any point in time, with any value, despite the society they live in (the comfort of which they are a symptom of) arising out of millenia of both these things.

>> No.21678230

Turns out that and the "where the fuck is your chin" are from the same comic book and same scene, the more you know.

The KKK guys also shit their pants during the scene and sniff bicycle seats. It's quite subtle.

>> No.21678241

1. >>>/co/
2. Do they not realize that by reducing villains to strawmen, in the purest sense of the term, they're perpetuating the notion that comics as a medium are for children and intellectually inept manchildren? This is effectively preventing readers from even having the option to think critically about this stuff.

>> No.21678255

Why is it that liberals require an apparatus of state-enforced censorship to keep their 'objective' theories afloat? Where the fuck is your chin?

>> No.21678261
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>marvel comics dont have any cultural impact even though they sell a lot

>> No.21678263
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As much as I hate boomer faggots I will concede their generation was a lot more based than ours in the fact that people who were literal children of victims of the holocaust were willing to defend the rights of wignats for freedom of speech because they understood trusting government as an arbiter of speech is fucking retarded. So for some reason people whose parents survived the holocaust If it didn't happen the nazis are even more stupid than they already were, because they identified the juden as responsible for everything and they didn't try and get rid of them? Gimme a fucking break, or who fought fascism or dealt with real nigger hours jim crowe shit are more stoic in the face of bigotry than people for whom the primary interaction with racism was
>someone told me my ethnic lunch was smelly :(((
>someone said I looked like a cartoon character :'(
Or they got called a nigger on xbox live.

But yeah make memes with a talking frog and an old mcdonalds mascot and all of a sudden these miserable little shits cry for daddy gubment to censor wrongthink.

>> No.21678277

speaking of which where the fuck do you download moonman songs anymore? even bitchute bans them. like what in the absolute fuck

>> No.21678295

Never was a big moonman fan, but if I were you I'd try odyssey or telegram

>> No.21678361

you're not allowed to talk about comics on /co/

>> No.21678370

It didnt happen and it was the Boomer generation that first campaigned for censorship according to their own moronic beliefs.

>> No.21678379

What's more amusingly tragic is they are cargo cultists who love well written villains but just can't do it themselves. They love villains more than they like heroes, but they cannot actually have the empathy to put themselves in someone else's position to write a villain. Since they cannot do that the end result is all they can write is their own opinion or a caraciture of an opponent, and if it is their own opinion then it's not the villain or it's a
>the villain is actually the hero

>> No.21678384
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Manga is absolute garbage. Theres only one good manga out there which I shall not name but the rest are literally the same exact story about an edgy teenager having a harem, saving the world, and excessive gore. Its also very morally perverse and subtley filled with japanese culture and mannerisms - The humor, dialogue, etc.

Berserk, vagabond, shonen, etc are all garbage and only appeal to neet losers.

This is why I read comics because the audience is made for are intelleigent adults, and not whiney porn addicted teens with power fantasies.

>> No.21678385

>intellectually inept manchildren
Most comic book fans are intellectually inept manchildren and there are very few comics worth reading. My favorites are Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Bill Watterson, and Herge. Not in that order.

>> No.21678410

Kind of bad writing, it would be better if the bad guys had a speech bubble that said "bad thing" while the good guys had a speech bubble that said "good thing".
It has really helped me understand the world when kind and intelligent journalists have appended "and that's a good thing" to their articles so I don't misunderstand and think incorrectly about it, so if they could also do that in comics, wonderful.

>> No.21678469

>which I shall not name
dont be a pussy and just name it faggot

>> No.21678505

comic book writing is literal cereal box tier.

>> No.21678616 [DELETED] 

Quiet, whitioid

>> No.21678693
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It really is the Manga of all time

>> No.21678742

Imagine thinking comics aren't the dumbest power fantasies out there

>> No.21678876

no, that would be communism

>> No.21678916

>GI Bill + Soviet active measures for 70 years
Societies do not require 'entertainment' much less 'media', they need art. If you're consuming trash, it is for you.

>> No.21679037

Entertainment is to art what high school football is to the NFL. Artists tend to begin as entertainers. They have to grind out romcoms and superhero movies before they get to direct the next Kubrick level film. If someone is complaining about high school football, it is clear that they are also talking about future prospects for the NFL

>> No.21679058

It wouldn't have been so bad if instead of that he just drew the characters, and the narrator made generic references to "racist bullshit" or "nationalist platitudes". I'm ok with an author not wanting to directly engage arguments if the story doesn't have room for them, that's what indirect discourse is for.

But when they literally replace what would be a speech with just a label (RACIST, NATIONALIST), it comes off as simultaneously smug and revealing: they don't think in terms of arguments, they think in terms of labels. They hear you, identify a few keywords, put it under the appropriate label, celebrate or dismiss it accordingly. There is never actual engagement with it. This is doubly so because what they consider "racist" or "nationalist" nowadays isn't even literal racism, it's centrist opinions from 2010.

>> No.21679075

Think you missed the point. Kurtz is a unique antagonists with personal history and experiences shaping his way.

The guys the comics are no-named strawmen parroting the same tired non-factual arguments they read or heard from their favourite right wing source.

>> No.21679092

It actually highlights that the author is in a position of power where he can give himself the luxury of simply dismissing what his adversary has to say without any consequences.

>> No.21679114

Watchmen is great specifically because it's Moore taking a piss on the superhero genre.

>> No.21679118

Phoenix by Tezuka

>> No.21679135

Honestly I think I am literally just gonna leave at this point.

>> No.21679142

Everyone knows that humanity yearns for fascism. This is why the establishment is so obsessed with convincing people that fascist is bad and its ideas can't be out there in the open or else everyone would vote for it.

>> No.21679166

>le democrats are le real fascists

>> No.21679168

>victims of the holocaust
You mean the labor camps, right? You don't believe there were extermination camps, do you, anon?

>> No.21679174
File: 981 KB, 1920x2500, 1831_Schlesinger_Philosoph_Georg_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Hegel_anagoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The skull-bone is not an organ of activity, nor even a process of utterance. We neither commit theft, murder, etc., with the skull-bone, nor does it in the least distort its face to suit the deed in such cases, so that the skull should express the meaning in the language of gesture. Nor does this existential form possess the value even of a symbol. Look and gesture, tone, even a pillar or a post stuck up on a desert island, proclaim at once that they stand for something else than what they merely are at first sight. They forthwith profess to be symbols, since they have in them a characteristic which points to something else by the fact that it does not belong peculiarly to them. Doubtless, even in the case of a skull, there is many an idea that may occur to us, like those of Hamlet over Yorick's skull; but the skull-bone by itself is such an indifferent object, such an innocent thing, that there is nothing else to be seen in it or to be thought about it directly as it is, except simply the fact of its being a skull. It no doubt reminds us of the brain and its specific nature, and skull with other formations, but it does not recall a conscious process, since there is impressed on it neither a look or gesture, nor anything which would show traces of derivation from a conscious activity. For it is that sort of reality which, in the case of individuality, is intended to exhibit an aspect of another kind, one that would no longer be an existence reflecting itself into itself, but bare immediate existence.

>> No.21679200

t. chinless lib

>> No.21679293
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>> No.21679303

If by fascism you mean the gay retarded combination of totalitarian government working with government enforced monopolies to trans your children and inject you with clotshots, then no, fascism is homosexual.

>> No.21679311
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>It was from out the rinde of one apple tasted, that the knowledge of good and evill as two twins cleaving together leapt forth into the World. And perhaps this is that doom which Adam fell into of knowing good and evill, that is to say of knowing good by evill. As therefore the state of man now is; what wisdome can there be to choose, what continence to forbeare without the knowledge of evill? He that can apprehend and consider vice with all her baits and seeming pleasures, and yet abstain, and yet distinguish, and yet prefer that which is truly better, he is the true wayfaring Christian.

>> No.21679415

>vote for it
do americans really

>> No.21679421
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so smart. I bet at least three people really appreciated it.

>> No.21679433
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google tachiyomi
I then source mine from Mangadex, Batoto for older stuff, Mangapill and Mangakalot.

Recommending Vinland Saga, Berserk, Dorohedoro, Witch Hat Atelier

>> No.21679474

>If by fascism you mean the gay retarded combination of totalitarian government working with government enforced monopolies
That's not fascism though. inb4 Mussolini's quote. It's always hilarious seeing Americans who don't understand a word of Italian misinterpreting that quote.

>> No.21679482
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I would ask you what you mean, but since you're such an effeminate faggot you don't simply speak directly in the first place, I can comfortably assume that whatever you meant is dogshit retardation.

>> No.21679540

I don't know man, 6 million seems like a lot

>> No.21679608

Have you tried Soulseek?

>> No.21679667

Go back to pol fucked. That bigoted shit was never relevant to how society developed. We are better now and rapidly leaving people like you behind.

>> No.21679678

>The guys the comics are no-named strawmen parroting the same tired non-factual arguments they read or heard from their favourite right wing source.
Everyone does that now, though. Everyone is just putting strawmen to the torch driving sane people away.

>> No.21679685

How come Japan is capable of producing quality comics while Americans are sterile?

>> No.21679688

>How come Japan is capable of producing quality comics while Americans are sterile?
Japanese millennials aren't as culturally corrosive. That's pretty much it. Class was the issue of the 19th century. Race was the big one in the 20th, and the 21st will be age. Millennials are so fucked, they'll be begging the few remaining boomers to save 'em lol

>> No.21679703

Sangatsu No Lion, if you like slice of life stuff

>> No.21679705

i remember seeing an old article (or excerpt from a book?) years ago from a highly-esteemed american artist in the 90s i think it was, where he talks about how even back then traditional artists were disappearing and new students weren't being taught the right techniques so the entire craft has led to people forgetting how to draw
it was related to disney movies and the transition from 2D to 3D animation

americans just don't care about anything except money

>> No.21679708

>americans just don't care about anything except money
Well, that and anything else is "problematic" or "woke" and who wants to deal with a bunch of retarded spergs sucking the life out of everything? Might as well just stick to the old shit.

>> No.21679726

If I had to guess, likely something to do with cultural shifts. Comics are a fairly niche part of western society, while manga is very predominant in Japan, even among the older generations. There just isn't the same level of incentive to produce quality works. Why would I check out a niche American comic author when I can just read a high quality manga that is likely leagues better and gets new chapters/volumes at a faster rate due to Japan's ridiculous work culture

>> No.21679804

Japanese manga industry is hyper-competitive; anyone with a pen can write a manuscript and many people want to try it. Serious, quality, saleable stuff rises to the top. I've never met someone in the US who wants to write comics.

>> No.21679825
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Was it this?

>> No.21679944

>Tfw I can crank out far better art in a minute with AI than someone who got a graduate degree in art
Maybe AI is what will get artists to finally take their craft seriously

>> No.21680012

they're all shit except Nausicaa which is the best comic ever made

>> No.21680026
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