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/lit/ - Literature

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21677279 No.21677279 [Reply] [Original]

This is what happens when you let women, blacks, and trannies into the literary world.

>> No.21677285
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>> No.21677287

And? What are you’re gonna do about it?
You’re a dumb worthless neofeudal slave. They have all the power.

>> No.21677297
File: 257 KB, 1378x1504, 6378D238-D2A9-4F89-9790-C12AD19612A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radicalize people on the internet to begin building the fourth reich

>> No.21677310

lotr is next

>> No.21677312

Good luck with that. No one will do shit. And if you keep going, you’ll be found out and have your reputation destroyed.

>> No.21677318

I couldn’t imagine a more annoying trip than cumgenius yet here is this faggot.

>> No.21677325

You’ll be first against the wall

>> No.21677326 [DELETED] 

I don’t give a shit what you think. You can’t keep me from posting and saying what I think.

>> No.21677327

>This is what happens when you let women, blacks, and trannies into the literary world
thats why we need to destroy capitalism

>> No.21677328

Keep dreaming. You’re a slave now and this will only get worse until you die. Same for your loved ones.

>> No.21677329

A simple disclaimer (“trigger warning”) should have sufficed. So many of these edits are extremely silly, too.

>> No.21677399

The thing is, you're right. No one is going to do anything about this. Shit is just going keep devolving until we're all voiceless, faceless blobs.

>> No.21677461

>i am le rebel!
lmao you’re an imbecile, that’s what you are.

>> No.21677610
File: 46 KB, 459x612, 7F50E466-EC1E-4CF9-8377-E544CDD41EDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What individual people are responsible for this censorship?
“Sensitivity readers”? Who are the sensitivity readers? What are their names? How did they get this job?
I don’t want vague answers like “publishers” or “millennials,” I want names. Who are these people? Who vandalized the Roald Dahl books? If I had their drivers licenses in my hands, what would I read in the name field?
One of them is named Alexandra Strick, who co-founded a group named Inclusive Minds to do things like this.

>> No.21677616

I mean, the original versions will still be published, no? If so - this is just a weird fork of the originals. No big deal.

>> No.21677653

>I mean, the original versions will still be published, no?
No they will not. Not until they fall into the public domain.

>> No.21677657

Only two weeks of posting and already so much cringe.

>> No.21677662

Is there anything we can do about this? Even if we send them angry letters nothing will change

>> No.21677667

So wait, Puffin has exclusive rights to publishing Dahl?

>> No.21677668

you already know what to do brother. Soon brother. Soon.

>> No.21677672

They expect one of us in the wreckage?

>> No.21677675

Why did you think they shared the rights with anyone else?

>> No.21677676

Best you can do now is leave and stop supporting the system with your taxes.

>> No.21677678
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>> No.21677681

You kill them
I am technically special needs so any crime against me is a hate crime. Also, fuck niggers

>> No.21677685

Come on Anon, there could be any amount of reasons. You think I pay attention to this kind of shit? Usually no.

>> No.21677719

that gun looks pretty futuristic and like it would go pewpewpew, very cool.

>> No.21677729

looks about white

>> No.21677892

Not at all. This is what happens when fascism takes over.
You absolute fool. All you see is the color and the sex. You fell for it.

>> No.21678124

It's like butters on steroids.

>> No.21678142

I think he assumed you weren't retarded and understood how publishing works.

>> No.21678164

I like how they're okay with Hemingway

>> No.21678175

>In another minute, this mammoth fruit was as round and large and fat as Aunt Sponge herself, and probably just as heavy
holy based. what prose. magnificent. got an earnest chuckle out of me.

>> No.21678181

Clearly some early to mid 20s discord loser.

>> No.21678182

Kek sure thing buddy. Your offspring will speak a degenerate pidgin in a few decades anyway - that is, if you can afford to have children.

>> No.21678218

Just do what Disney+ does with its notes before its old shows.

And Nigflix. Hence the wokery.

Heres an article

>> No.21678245

Homeschool my kid and become a tax leech instead of a tax payer. Buy $20,000 land and then don't build a house with a concrete foundation so I don't have to pay property tax on building development. Don't marry my wife legally so she can file as a jobless single mother. Work freelance under the table for crypto. Poach deer and black bear (in minecraft). Trap feral hogs. For meat and skins. Put a cnc table in my barn and build and sell windfoils and water step hydroelectric turbines for the local community for cash. Just normal stuff.

>> No.21678269

what kind of fucking retard defends book censorship, you must be british

>> No.21678284

Cluster B is a chud, she wants you to fucking do something about the censorship.

>> No.21678308

That's a glownigger not a chud.

>> No.21678334

>we're going to kill you all
>no you won't, you're a bunch of pussies
>y-y-you're just a glownigger trying to bait us into terrorism!

>> No.21678362

Keynsian global economic collapse is imminent. That is the only thing that really matters.

>> No.21678380

An oversensitive, insecure and overwhelmingly worthless woman, likely obese, desecrating literature to preserve their fragile little ego

>> No.21678421

I am genuinely struggling to understand the change to the origins of imported tortoises. Is it racially insensitive to mention that Africa exists? Do the editors feel that children will mistake tortoises for illegal immigrants?

>> No.21678443

I prefer Hayek anyway

>> No.21678456

We'll see what happens. They seem to be betting on esg/sdg blackmailing into a cbdc and the backup plan is global world war.

>> No.21678497

Names AND addresses

>> No.21678556

kill yourself tripfaggot. every one of your takes is idiotic and i havent seen you say a single intelligent or humorous thing. im not sure why you felt the need to demonstrate to us that they all came from the same person, but now i can filter you at least. braindead.

>> No.21678571
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Whatcha gonna do about it pussy lmao

>> No.21678608

Are editors really this narcissistic?

>> No.21678612

Good riddance. You’re inherently worthless.

>> No.21678647

just ack already and save the Olympians from having to get a mop

>> No.21678677

>That latter point is what i was mostly talking about - there is no "as published by the author" unless its self publishing and you dont hire anyone to help you. Authors arent islands.
Holy shit, they are.

>> No.21678695

I assumed the Dahl estate held the rights to his works.

>> No.21678702

R u a tranny

>> No.21678733

*will have been

>> No.21678755


>> No.21678796

why do you people hide the likes on these? we can just look up the tweet and see for ourselves. this isn't public consensus. very weird behavior for a private citizen...

>> No.21679077

have we started the fire?

>> No.21679113

The fire rises

>> No.21679137
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I don't "let" anything. My library is a sanctuary. I don't care about what winds up on NPCs' shelves and big box stores.

>> No.21679220

Awhile ago there were some opinion pieces laying the groundwork that he was trans

>> No.21679235

When is this shit gonna end ffs

>> No.21679258

As long as marketing exists, there will be people seeking to make every product "accessible" to everyone.

>> No.21679261


>> No.21679302

>You’re a dumb worthless neofeudal slave. They have all the power.

>> No.21679418

It's racist to mention that Africa or Africans exist unless you pretend that they're exactly like us except even better at everything. It's been that way for a while now.

>> No.21680030

context? you can't just change the words in a book