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21675218 No.21675218 [Reply] [Original]

>talked to grandma about trying to find a good book by a woman
>she told me not to bother and just to focus on reading "the great books"
love her

>> No.21675346

Based grandma. Treasure her.

>> No.21675722
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>> No.21675747

Do you mean intelligence quotient? Is that the joke? I never know with you, silly

>> No.21676802

Based grandma

>> No.21676840

Sappho ! Teresa of Avila! … Shelley! Austen! Woolf! Yourcenar! Murdoch!

>> No.21676941

We did it reddit

>> No.21676948

A thread died for this lame joke. Yes I do agree that most female writers suck.

>> No.21676957

>be me several years ago on phone with my grandma (RIP)
>she tells me I should go to church and find a nice girl
>I cheekily respond that the nearest church is a mosque
>she, half-deaf, says “a what?”
>I, yelling into the phone, respond “a mosque, you know, where Muslims go to pray”
>her response: “oh, no, you don’t want that.”
I miss her so much bros.

>> No.21676980

We were talking about a possible female candidate for president when grandma was present and she said “You think a woman can do that job? They should let men do a job that important.” My woke sister was present lmao my grandma actually used a pejorative word for “woman” but I don’t know how to translate it.

>> No.21677037

Related: my granny steadfastly refused any female doctors right up until the end with the explanation that she needed a smart doctor. Quite the gal.

>> No.21677066

Kek Bless her soul

>> No.21677124

Thanks anon. Have a great day.

>> No.21677200

Grannies are divine.

>> No.21677209

Kek based gram

>> No.21677223
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One of my grandmother's was a literal schizo and on the waiting list for lobotomy, and the other was a literal slave purchased during war.
What do??

>> No.21677230

Are you admitting to being a negro? Can you send us a link to pic of your big black dick with todays newspaper and board written on it?

>> No.21677235

Least cucked Anglo

>> No.21677236

I'm eastern asian - white mutt.

>> No.21677243

Wait, I was told all my life that only blacks were enslaved.

>> No.21677248

Yeah that's definitely not true.

>> No.21677388

I’m sorry anon. I hope everything works out for the best. Take care of yourself, ok?