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File: 207 KB, 1500x2342, iliad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21672718 No.21672718 [Reply] [Original]

It’s too repetative, I can’t take it, I’m dying of boredom.

>> No.21672733
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>> No.21672734

Huff some more gasoline abbo

>> No.21672780
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Lol we tricked another one into actually reading it lads

>> No.21672791

You're an evil rat.

>> No.21672800
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>we tricked someone into reading the most important book in western culture after the bible

>> No.21672816

>western culture
>it's author was literally born in current turkey

>> No.21672824
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>> No.21672838

Firstly, it's unknown where Homer was born. Secondly, Anatolia had plenty of Greek (Mycenean) colonies.

>> No.21672868

>it's unknown where Homer was born
it's almost certain that he was born in anatolia, anything other that that is uselss speculation.
>Anatolia had plenty of Greek (Mycenean) colonies
who told you that Greeks were westerners? Greco-roman and pre Hellenistic culture has nothing to do with your white western racist trash fantasy world.

>> No.21672873

I thought turkey was in Europe njphy

>> No.21672877

It’s dry as fuck but it is important for the philosophical speculation it raised in Plato when he began to question the concepts of honor and dignity put out by Homer. It is certainly not a fun read.

>> No.21672887

being important/foundational for westerners != being western
I'm sorry your skin looks like disgusting dried feces but try not to take your impotent anger on white people, you atrocious shitskinned beast of burden

>> No.21672895

It's in Europe and Turkey is actually part of the Western identity but "western culture" fags keep ignoring it despite how Ottomans literally steamrolled the entire east European and Balkan world for more than six centures. 2/3rd of Polish and Austrian history is literally directly related to Ottoman Turks.

>> No.21672902

I'm probably even whiter than you /pol/mutt.

>> No.21672904

>it's almost certain that he was born in anatolia, anything other that that is uselss speculation.
That's useless speculation too.
>who told you that Greeks were westerners? Greco-roman and pre Hellenistic culture has nothing to do with your white western racist trash fantasy world.
Ah, you're a bitter non-white, got it.

>> No.21672906

you are oozing ethnic butthurt like there's no tomorrow, don't make me laugh, you'd probably pass as a local in any random sewage

>> No.21672911

Important? Yes. Fun? No.

>> No.21672914

>Fun? No.

>> No.21672919
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>> No.21672924 [DELETED] 
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>knowyourmeme filename
>le epic med for the win
yup, it's a revolting shitskin

>> No.21672930

No one thinks Germanic people come from Meds, but everyone knows Europe is the intellectual heir to the classical world as we're the only ones even studying it and continuing its tradition.

>> No.21672944

No, you're just usurpers who belong to a lesser barbaric culture and nothing to do with actual Greeks or Romans.

>> No.21672963
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>> No.21672971

>words words words
Kek reddit soul

>> No.21672977 [DELETED] 
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absolutely seething, I can only fathom the atrocious smell

>> No.21672986

Are you retarded?

>> No.21672990
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>> No.21672999

Given that Homer spoke Ionian Greek rather than Aeolian Greek, it's most likely he was born on one of the Ionian islands in Greece rather than on the Anatolian coast.

>> No.21673018

you read picrel as in chapman's translation?

>> No.21673033

I read all these in comic form as a kid. When I try to read the originals they tend to feel boring, I already know all the main parts and the details I don't know are hard to get into, they need hard analysis. What does work for me is using originals for reference, like if I'm interested in a particular idea or part I can read the relevant parts from close to the original source and then details from those parts tend to come more alive. That kind of analysis is enjoyable but unless I have a specific goal in mind it feels endless.

>> No.21673056 [DELETED] 

If you find the Iliad boring you're literal 10 IQ NWO goycattle
>wwaaahhh the ship list
Not my fault you can't vividly picture the whole fleet sailing up to Troy

>> No.21673075
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for me it's ἄγριος αἰχμητής, κρατερός, μήστωρ φοβοῖο, βοὴν ἀγαθὸς ΔΙΟΜΗΔΗΣ, the best Achaean™ warlord

>> No.21673271
File: 1.18 MB, 2740x1905, du2wAEDUbZ-dqnFx8PRZeEAK43VDibC6M5vpi0_kAlM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to DNA tests the direct male ancestors of many Nordics were likely somewhere around Turkey at the time. According to the Sagas they came through the "Ionian river mouths" that connect to the Danube. Where the Argonauts also traveled through. The stories themselves are also maps.
This map has the Hesperides in the east which is wrong, they're on the west side of the map near Atlas. That area was still relatively wet but before that it was the original cradle of civilization, the garden with the golden apples of wisdom. Greek myths vary on the origins of their gods but quite often there are interpretations that place their origins around in what's now the western Sahara instead of Greece. Athena the goddess of the city of Athens was according to some accounts born in lake Triton, a now dried out salt flat in Tunis instead of Greece.

>> No.21673303

low test

>> No.21673424

This is the best one yet, besides the screaming apu.

>> No.21673432

You have shit taste

>> No.21674676

actually the I happlogroup is the native happlohroup of nordern Europe and the balkans. It is related to Happlogroup J which is possessed by arab males. It arrived there long before the indo european conquest so long before the trojan war and Homer. Your opinion is basically shit.

>> No.21674687

There are seven cities which claim his birthplace. All of them in the same general area.

>> No.21675019

So fucking braindead it hurts.
>my opinion
What fucking "opinion" retard?

>> No.21675058

Where are you giving up at? What book?

>> No.21675114
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>the first major expansion of R1a took place with the westward propagation of the Corded Ware (or Battle Axe) culture (2800-1800 BCE) from the northern forest-steppe in the Yamna homeland. This was the first wave of R1a into Europe, the one that brought the Z283 subclade to Germany and the Netherlands, and Z284 to Scandinavia. The Corded Ware R1a people would have mixed with the pre-Germanic I1 and I2 aborigines, which resulted in the first Indo-European culture in Germany and Scandinavia, although that culture could not be considered Proto-Germanic - it was simply Proto-Indo-European at that stage, or perhaps or Proto-Balto-Slavic.

>Intriguingly, our results also indicate ongoing gene flow from the south and east into Iron Age Scandinavia. Thus, these observations are consistent with archaeological claims of wide-ranging demographic turmoil in the aftermath of the Roman Empire with consequences for the Scandinavian populations during the late Iron Age.
Like the Sagas said.
"Vikings" fought with Pontus against Caesar and as the highest generals of Attila the Hun. The areas were connected historically until larger scale politics blocked river travel. There were no Turks in Turkey until recently.

>> No.21675159

I will admit I liked the first few hundred pages but after the first night of the war I was in my checking out phase there's only so much times I can read niggernodus the son of faggotese got a spear through his cock then died lol

>> No.21675433

It’s probably the translation. Latin ore is boring as fuck. Try Fitzgerald or Fagles, though they are probably more distant than the original Greek, at least they don’t slog. Also, IMO the Odyssey is much more interesting.

>> No.21675437
