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21669776 No.21669776 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read any of those "animey" light novels? I just started Bakemonogatari part 1, enjoying it so far. May try Haruhi later.

>> No.21669818

I only read essays about teaching stones to talk.

>> No.21669828

Yes, now I read books about the meanings of words

>> No.21669829

NISIOISN is alright, can write shit that flows well and at least has the idea of having an idea. Most other LN's are total fucking garbage.

>> No.21669835

I liked them when I was younger

>> No.21669897

Nisio Isin sniffs his own farts and is an effeminate fag obsessed with femdom.

>> No.21669941


>> No.21669959

Yeah Yukio Mishima and Dazai

>> No.21669983

How do I cut the hair between my ass cheeks?

>> No.21670026

Every LN I've read is shit. The only "novel" that's good is Steins Gate but Visual Novels can barely be considered actual novels

>> No.21670248

pre-2010 light novels are fine pulpy otaku fun

after that you get shitty uninspired scripts for dogshit anime for absolute retards to consoom

>> No.21670256
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I read the first volume of Ascendance of a Bookworm, because... reasons.
Is just entertaiment, I learned one or two "fun facts" about how books are made.
There is a good world bulding and character development, and it manages to keep the reader interested.
But don't expect anything deep from it.
Thats why is called "light" novels, they are meant to be easy too read, much like young adult novels but for weebs.
Again, is just ENTERTAIMENT.

>> No.21670754

Monogatari series is pretty good, but I feel like I'm missing way too much by not reading it in Japanese since it features a ton of wordplay. I guess it's time to just learn Japanese, since I like a lot of their poetry/classic novels anyways

>> No.21670825

>Thats why is called "light" novels, they are meant to be easy too read,
No, that's not its origin.

>> No.21670896

I thought they were called light novels because they're written in vernacular japanese?

>> No.21670940
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The Bible is pretty good, but I feel like I'm missing way too much by not reading it in Hebrew since it features a ton of wordplay. I guess it's time to just learn Latin, since I like a lot of their poetry/classic novels anyways

>> No.21671079

>May try Haruhi later
You can stop after that then, because everything else is even worse.

>> No.21671090
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Sardonic, with scathing social commentary, it made for a great if uneven anime. Never read the source material and I have no idea if there are even english translations, but you might look around. I think the japanese is too hard to be picked up by the usual outlets that translate weeb shit. (Japanese title is Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, variously translated as Humanity has Declined or Mankind has Fallen)

You could also try Spice and Wolf if you're bored but they're not very good, just something to pass the time: formulaic and repetitive, basically the equivalent of chick-lit for male weebs.

>> No.21671101

Not with the prices they charge for them.

>> No.21671104

Oh, and apparently at least the first volume is translated:
Not that it's of any real help because, from what I remember, the first novel was targeted at teens but it turned out it was mostly read by older men anyway so the author switched gears and wrote something for adults.

>> No.21671105

>chick-lit for male weebs.
This also applies to Austen,

>> No.21671174

Read Zaregoto, if you’re enjoying Monogatari. Same author but isn’t restricted by the highschool setting. Also, it’s just interesting to see how Nisioisin has developed from his debut (and how he hasn’t.) Katanagatari is also very good, though Zodiac War is so-so. Manga isn’t real literature so I’m not going to tell you whether to check those out, that’s on you. And I don’t enjoy cock so I haven’t read Pretty Boy Detective Club.

>> No.21671180

Also translations are getting worse and worse to the point where it's just fan fiction tier.

>> No.21671255

I'd say that's true for the book of Job, but a lot less so for many of the other books of the Bible. Wordplay is half the appeal of Monogtari, with every character constantly using puns

>> No.21671290

Shitty light novel that fails to deliver on any meaningful literary or entertainment level. The writing style is pretentious and overly indulgent, with its convoluted structure and excessive use of literary allusions, failing to provide a coherent and engaging narrative for readers. The characters lack depth and come across as shallow and unrelatable, making it difficult to invest in their struggles or care about their fate. The supposed "romantic" moments are cringe-worthy and lack any real emotional weight. The overall tone is dull and lifeless, failing to elicit any genuine reaction. Overall, a tedious and ultimately unsatisfying read, not worth the time invested.

>> No.21671319

>effeminate fag obsessed with femdom
Sounds good to me, picking up Bakemonogatari now

>> No.21671483

I hate this opinion so fucking much, I hate you for having it. Entertainment is vital to a healthy, well-rounded human being. It is not in any way a detriment to an object of work to be only entertaining. And you're not in fucking school anymore; not everything has to be deep or academic. You're not a scholar.

>> No.21671546

ok if you're in your teens.

>> No.21671569

>Have you read any of those "animey" light novels?
Why did you add the Y? But yes, I have read them.

>> No.21672460

Why not just let me kill you instead? It would sublimate the desire to be humiliated by your lover by cuckolding you for a superior man after all.

>> No.21672479

reaing light novels is only tolerable if you're under 15. anyone who's over 15 and still keeps reading LN's ought to be chained in a dark basement and shouldn't be allowed to leave unless they've finished a 30 page long essay about In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.21672773
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>> No.21672938

>Again, is just ENTERTAIMENT.
like all fiction

>> No.21672968


Kizumonogatari deserves to be at least in Penguin

>> No.21672983

holy based. Just pre-ordered the set.

>> No.21673330

If you were on /a/ they’d be telling you that the Monogatari books don’t technically qualify as Light Novels and are more straight up novels like YA books in the West. Instead, it’s just me

>> No.21673682

Agreed, zaregoto is great.

>> No.21673712
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excuse me, they're called "chinese cartoons"

>> No.21673759

Only in Japanese, that is. As it is legitimately well written, and even more so when compared to other light novels. But even on its own it is well above what one would expect from contemporary literature.
If you are lucky enough to be able to read Japanese, give it a try.

>> No.21673776

Zaregoto is his best work in my opinion.

>> No.21673802

Zaregoto 2 is insanely well written for a light novel.

>> No.21674065

Probably because it's not anime. That many light novel series use an "anime style" (which is a nebulous concept) for their official artwork doesn't make them anime. I certainly don't believe that anything drawn in japanese media is automatically anime, and so I get exactly what he means.


>> No.21674230

>Femdom = cuckolding
Getting tired of this meme.

>> No.21674236

>The writing style is pretentious and overly indulgent
Stop it anon, I told I already got it (the epub), no need to sell it to me.

>> No.21674398

Can you expand on why you think it was so well written?

>> No.21675450

Same here. Femdom != NTR.

>> No.21676163

Araragi was right about friends at the start of monogatari then he became bluepilled.

>> No.21676351

And yet, you are a masochistic white male who enjoys the prospect of being degraded/feminized/emasculated. All roads involving femdom inevitably lead to voyeur cuckshit.

>> No.21676362

His use of figurative phrases or metaphors that are effective and also elegant.
His use of repetition: almost constant callbacks or echos that expand on each other.
His use of the first person perspective: unreliable narrator who himself is a mystery.
Characterization and dialogue are pretty well done.
His use of ellipses makes the syntax simple yet interesting.

>> No.21676368

Bourgeois pseud shit. You can tell the author is an incredibly vapid individual in spite of his talent.

>> No.21676424
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I liked Boogiepop. Though probably in large part because it was written as an actual novel with anime illustrations here and there rather than a "light novel" with all the tropes and expectations that come with writing light novels.

>> No.21676429

Wow, he is just like me

>> No.21676502

Read 4 volumes of Log Horizon and I liked it alright but not enough to continue on once other things got ny attention.

>> No.21677964

wut ?

>> No.21678291
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I read only the finest Japanese shlock.

>> No.21678732

I read half of kizu and got bored because its stupid shit for teenagers

>> No.21678738

I read Horror’s Call. That’s honestly the closest equivalent.

>> No.21679010

What essay?

>> No.21679091

Sounds like Teaching a Stone to Talk: Expeditions and Encounters by Annie Dillard

>> No.21680666

Thanks, anon, I'll check it out when I have the time to do so.

>> No.21681931

Hello lit! And apologies op >>21669776 about hijacking your thread, I would make one of my own threads but the site won’t allow me to. I wanted to ask if there’s a book similar to vampire hunter d , I wanted to check the books out but it seems that they are not that good do you guys have any recommendations? I haven’t read all that much but I would love to start =)

>> No.21681979
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First 3 of Baccano covers the series, and pic rel is pretty fun. Fuck aliens.

>> No.21682781


>> No.21682942

Yeah Otherside Picnic is pretty good. A lot better than the anime. The romance develops painfully slowly though.

>> No.21683622

are this books worth reading or should I just watch the anime?

>> No.21683664

Both, naturally.

>> No.21684154

Lots of LN to Anime adaptations still see the LN version as the superior since fine details get lost on the way to the visual medium. You get better or worse adaptations sometimes (decent: Kino no Tabi/bad: Cop Craft) but what it comes down to is that as with any novel adaptation, the "full story" is rarely available in the visual format. Some critical component or another has to disappear in order for the transformation to occur. You're usually better off just listening to an audio book or audio drama adaptation if you're looking for something that can compare to the source text.

>> No.21684227

You got me curious, so I did some research on Yahoo Answers Japan.
It says that when publishing companies brought the "Young Adult" category of fiction to Japan, they had to invent a new name because Japanese people thought the word "adult" meant porn. They chose "light" either because the plot is lighter, or possibly the actual books were smaller so kids could carry them more easily. Likely they just thought it sounded cool, which is how lots of weird Engrish is created.

>> No.21685158

Is that the actual reason?

>> No.21685203

Yeah, that's why Nisio Isin's LNs are the best. All other LN authors can't tell the difference between someone else's farts and a patch of flowers. Sadly, they do not have farts themselves.

>> No.21685232

I've only watched Monogatari and katanagatari, fill me in on how he is an effeminate fag obsessed with femdom? In monogatari there are definitely some scenes where poor araragi is being manipulated by some of the girls but I didn't realize it was that bad

>> No.21685282

Boogiepop is the cream of the crop of the older era of Light Novels; when they were niche because of their ideas, not their quality.

>> No.21685635


>> No.21685654

I imagine that's the case for some people but just how many are there like that who are into femdom? Personally I get off on the dynamics between the two sexes being flipped temporarily, cuck stuff would involve a dude inevitably domming the girl and then the dynamics between the sexes are flipped back to normal, what would be the point in that? It has zero appeal for me.

>> No.21685757

Hey it's Digibro

>> No.21686901

because of their ideas, not their quality.
This is not the same thing?

>> No.21686936

I enjoy Kino's Journey. Basically a series of short allegorical stories in the unusual city-states the protagonist travels through.