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/lit/ - Literature

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21668208 No.21668208 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, is there any coming back from what women have done to fiction?

With few exceptions, everything written by a woman post-1990 (which is most of what has been written) is the exact same shit: self-insert, fanfiction-tier fantasy fulfilment, if not full-on erotica. What little remains of literary fiction is the same boilerplate second-wave feminist tripe regurgitated over and over again. Even male authors can only achieve success by pandering to their majority female readership.

Because modern women are incapable of introspection or self-criticism, their stories can never contain any character growth beyond learning to accept oneself as having been essentially perfect all along. Every fault is ultimately external in origin, never internal. Because they're uninterested in deeper, weightier matters that might challenge or disconcert their prefabricated worldviews, they act as if their petty and trifling concerns possess the same kind of cosmic significance. The only exceptions I can think of are all from older authors as-of-yet uninfected by millennial female narcissism.

I'm on the verge of abandoning fiction altogether and just becoming a film-bro because that's the only medium in which anything intellectually stimulating is still being produced, likely because it's still so male-dominated. I challenge you to find something written by a woman in the past decade that is anywhere near the level of the best films of that era. You can't because it doesn't exist.

>> No.21668220

>*only reads books he knows are bad*
>wow, books are bad!

>> No.21668230
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I love women so much bros

>> No.21668252

I just can't understand why you simply can't ignore it.
There are enough fanstastic books already written to last you a lifetime. I can't give a single fuck about what women are writing.
Why do you have to read books that were published last year and not 200 years ago? Is undestanding decadence so hard, when there are countless examples of it?

>> No.21668253

Instead of letting this nebulous bogeyw*man live rent free in your mind you could be doing and thinking about productive things. For example have you considered simply reading and thinking about things that you think are worthwhile, instead of seething about females? The choice is yours, one is enlightened and the other is retarded, which one are you anon?

>> No.21668284

>Have women killed literature for good?
No, and stop being retarded.

>> No.21668306

No, of course not. Don’t be so stupid.
Mass market books for sale, mass consumerism of bad or mediocre books, this isn’t a think driven by women as a whole or inherently. Shut the fuck up

>> No.21668309

Kill all women.

Love from Kazakhstan.

>> No.21668311

If women do anything, it’s because men did nothing. If literature is a female dominated space, it’s because men don’t read or write as much as they do. It’s only natural.

>> No.21668331

All those books suck

>> No.21668334

Hume hated 'em, btw.

>> No.21668337

>women are overwhelmingly those that buy new books
>overwhelmingly woman authors get published
You, a retard: “Golly gee, how mite this be? Wot is to be done, women hath ruined this hobby of moin!”

>> No.21668381
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Why you're right in your assessment of female literature as a rancid period shart, the conclusion doesn't make sense. Why don't you simply stop reading women?

>> No.21668394

>Why you're

>> No.21668599

Honestly, in the 21st century, what HAVEN’T women destroyed?

>> No.21668626

I wouldn't know I don't read women, I have thousands of years of classics to read through before I could ever worry about what some zoomer girl wrote.

>> No.21668635

The Vegeterian was a decent book.

>> No.21668637

What's wrong with it? Attention grabbing, makes me question why, and shocking

>> No.21668683

Women bad (has no further argument besides ad hominem and random bullshit that I will attribute to every single women because I have no critical thinking skills)

>> No.21668691
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women *are* literature, anon

>> No.21668810

I keep seeing this shilled. why

>> No.21668843

So much seething in this thread even though OP is undeniably 100% correct, when did this board become so overrun with faggots? Have any of you even attempted to read the average bestselling novel by a woman?

>> No.21668849

That you use the construction “for good” is a hint.

>> No.21669428

Maybe you should read good books instead?

>> No.21669444

Because Wendy has no better ideas

>> No.21669452

yes its a shame. and all men had to do to stop it was literally just read books and make themselves a viable consumer market

>> No.21669472

I think women and sexual and racial minorities and such have a commercial advantage because they refuse to read the classics so they buy contemporary slock that caters to them en masse, while men already have thousands of years of good literature to enjoy so are less inclined to onions out over the latest.

>> No.21669667

>The only exceptions I can think of are all from older authors as-of-yet uninfected by millennial female narcissism.
I think it's more that women are poisoned by feminism (since at least the time of the flappers) but the smart ones grow out of it when they get older. The dumb ones remain drunk on feminist kool-aid and wonder why they're all addled by some combination of bipolar, borderline, and anti-social personality disorders.

Best selling? No, but I read a book by Curtis Sittenfeld once. Wasn't terrible but I guess she's completely run out of ideas and is now firmly committed to becoming a lonely wine aunt who regrets her choices in life:

>> No.21670498

Women ruin everything. Islam did the right thing putting them into garbage bags

>> No.21670508

Female rage is so fucking boring. They jut murder-suicide their children.

Call me when women start a female ISIS or something idk

>> No.21670522

It's like the most domestic 50s housewife chimpout they could do too lel


>> No.21670535
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Take the light novel pill.

>> No.21671189

>It's an OP is a faggot episode

>> No.21671206

Why women? Why even consider women? Ho cares for what women read? You should be concerned that there aren't good literature. There are no good literature for women, which is bad. But the lack of good literature for men is much more dreadful. Don't you understand that you are living in the world, where "men" watch Hollywood movies and degenerate anime instead of reading literature? What is this mass of effeminate thoughtless man rabble? Do you want to go with them, let them decide your life, let them form the world? Women are plastic, weak to the influence of environment. Men, however, can't help themselves but create an environment. Do you want to live in the environment that works by the same rulesas re*dit does?

>> No.21671220

Women being the majority of those reading these days means that publishers are printing what they will buy, making it harder for male authors and those who don't write YA to get published. That, at least for me, is "Why Women".

>> No.21671222

Publishing isn't limited, especially in amazon era. Men just don't buy and don't create the demand.

>> No.21671233
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Pity them, they are lost and have no dreams.

>> No.21671238

Not an appropriate picture, though. Carla Jean & Llewelyn have a healthy, loving relationship.

>> No.21671248

Donna Tartt is a well respected contemporary writer. Ill be the first to admit her books somewhat lean towards YA but they are damn well written works

>> No.21671250

Yeah, I used it because it's what I think they could have, but they alienate themselves from it. Their warped ego tells them they're better than a wife, or a mother, or in extreme cases someone who is friendly toward men in any way.

>> No.21671260

>Have any of you even attempted to read the average bestselling novel by a woman?
No and why would I even know the name of such a book?

>> No.21671269

Just read foreign or old books. The west is currently in a state of rapid decline and it will almost certainly have to go through a century or two of brutal suffering and poverty caused by leftist policies before it recovers.

>> No.21671270


Why would I not read manga instead. I hope anyone who ever read an LN isekai gets the rope. You are literally retarded to enjoy "overpowered MMO Dark Lord story but with a twist" for 100th time.

>> No.21671287

>Have any of you even attempted to read the average bestselling novel by a woman?
Yes. I spent 6 months reading a ton of extremely popular and award winning books by women and almost every single one of them was awful. The correct response is not to give up on literature, it's to simply stop reading female authors.

>> No.21671309

It's literally a meme.
>I don't always do x, but when I do y
It's a meme and literature shouldn't be written in memes
It's like opening a book with
>Never gonna give you up

>> No.21671519

That's because men write for everyone while women only write for themselves and for other women only. That's why a male can never properly understand Bronte Sisters, Gaskell or Austen.

>> No.21671528

A Certain Hunger is good. It's basically American Psycho: Girl Edition

>> No.21671573

American Psycho 2?

>> No.21671582

Are you talking about the movie? Because not even a little bit.

>> No.21671592

The movie is what you made me think of

>> No.21671602

That was not my intention. It's Bateman, except he's a woman, and she obsesses over food instead of fashion. She gets off on murdering people. American Psycho: Woman Edition?

>> No.21671608


So many books so little time, and so easy to access too. Fixating on the current marketplace of fiction, even if your gripes are valid, does not seem enjoyable, nor will it help matters as they are.

>> No.21671612

That doesn't make individual works of those authors worse though. I can appreciate them with my male brain just fine but women naturally get something different out of a text like Jane Eyre, sure. Why would you want it to be different though?

>> No.21671626

American Psychess?

>> No.21671635

>Have any of you even attempted to read the average bestselling novel by a woman?
why the fuck would I ever do that?

>> No.21671640


>> No.21671644

Don't know, but that book does have a nice title

>> No.21671655
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It's all well in good agreeing and disagreeing with OP, but those disagreeing are struggling to come up with any books written by women in the past 30 years that are actually worth reading.

>> No.21671666

*googles when the secret history was written*

>> No.21671674


>> No.21671676

Yeah, the absolute majority of women are utterly trash or very bad, I'm not an incel woman hater or something, but still can't sugarcoat the fact that majority of female book are fucking trash, like, it's just book about female wish fulfilment and erotica, overall pretty shitty and swallow.

>> No.21671887

>Have any of you even attempted to read the average bestselling novel by a woman?
No. That's the point. Why would I do that?

>> No.21671954

I don't want it to be different but rather say it is different whether I want it or not.

>> No.21671988

I actually came across a video explains female rage when written by a woman vs. female rage written by a man.

>> No.21672139

this triggers my agp

>> No.21672140

While I do agree that women do not have the same literary predilection that men do, women are capable of being good writers; the ones who existed in the past show that. But if they're formed by a shallow, worthless culture (like today) then that's what they'll produce.

>> No.21672244

Men have killed literature because Men have stopped reading.

>> No.21672256
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No woman has ever written a book.

>> No.21672946

this but also I hate women

>> No.21672965

capitalism killed literature.

>> No.21672979

This. And even if women killed literature it is men's fault for letting them. The only reason women can do anything is when men allow them. They're simply inferior at violence and live at men's mercy.

Just look at Afghanistan, it's very easy to keep women away from books. Kufar are just matriarchal cucks.

>> No.21673045

it's not a chicken and egg situation, good new books have to exist to be read if they want to be culturally meaningful. too bad the media industry is a feminist/mexican cartel and will socially behead your family for going against their current mood swing.

>> No.21673058

Go away. This is an hsts board.

>> No.21673365

Anti-chuds, now is your time to shine.
I unironically can't think of a single book written by a woman that may be appealing to me, except Frankenstein.
Prove le chuds wrong by giving suggestions

>> No.21673414
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>filters OP

>> No.21673416

women are literally destroying western civilization. and all they ever talk about is sex, sexuality, their bodies, and motherhood. they just pretend to read btw.

>> No.21673420

post it

>> No.21673436

wide sargasso sea by jean rhys

>> No.21673441

everyone who thinks reading is somehow gay is a closeted homosexual.

>> No.21673534

>women just pretend to read btw
they also fake their voice 100% of the time, like thaneros bitch but the other way. The thinking goes, women only reveal their real voice to their murderer when she is convinced she is about to die in the hopes he is thankful for the truth. Also explains why women are so into murder mysteries, to gain strategies for voice reveal and make fun of bitches who revealed too soon and actually angered their murderer into the act he wasn't going to do until he heard her true voice.

>> No.21673538

govt shills gotta add more anons to the watchlist