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21666424 No.21666424 [Reply] [Original]

Civilization Collapse Edition

Previous Thread:>>21657005

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21666438

R. Scott Bakker - the King

>> No.21666495
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What are some must-reads from Mieville?

>> No.21666499

the mask of the sorcerrer

>> No.21666504

Great Gatsby

>> No.21666519

I'm liking Borne atm.

>> No.21666565
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21666574 [DELETED] 
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American media depicting post apocalyptic america will never fail to make me cringe to death

>> No.21666607
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Thoughts on YA fantasy?

>> No.21666632

New to reading, I’m looking for
>sci fi books that are basically thought experiments Ex. One minor change in how the world works completely flips the dynamics of society
>sci fi that takes place in a seemingly normal world like our own, but something strange and unprecedented happens

Any recs?

>> No.21666653

>>sci fi books that are basically thought experiments Ex.
Philip K. Dick wrote only these in essence.
>New to reading
My advice as someone who is not new, don't look for such specific things because that way you'll never experience the best reading has to offer. Ask for the best novels and look which sounds interesting rather than trying to find super specific autistic type stories.

>> No.21666671

Roleplaying games and their consequences have been a disaster for the fantasy genre.

>> No.21666683

Is it vague to ask for a good fantasy book if I just want sword fights and magic?

I hope this anons' opinion doesn't reflect poorly on my question.

>> No.21666693

Useful gateway into reading for children. That is quite literally it.

>> No.21666793

>Is it vague to ask for a good fantasy book if I just want sword fights and magic?
Fafhrd and Grey Mouser

>> No.21666907

What are the Corum and Hawkmoon books like? I know I should probably start Moorcock with Elric but aside from that series being a mess it doesn’t really interest me

>> No.21666914

The comics are better.

>> No.21666944
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I've only read the prologue and first chapter and holy FUCK this is terrible, if I didn't know better I would think I was reading a first draft.

>omniscient narrator randomly switches to limited 3rd
>repetitive exposition
>pointless interjections of the character's inner monologue
>commas everywhere

Pic related is the worst section.

>use of 'wreckage' reads like a contradiction
>character who lives by the forest mistakes the autumn foliage for fire
This one is so incredibly baffling I'm lost for words.
>prologue already covers that advanced technology is lost pretty thoroughly, the author mentions it twice in the span of three paragraphs
>"So many different kinds of fire"
I'd gloss over this if the character was supposed to be a dullard, but clearly they're not

>> No.21666977

Yes, Viriconium was the biggest disappointment I'm going to have this year. It didn't have a single redeeming quality.

>> No.21667022

So after getting halfway into the fifth Wheel of Time book I took a break and listened I swear I used to actually read books but I'm a truck driver now and I have to fill 10h of driving every day to The Way of Kings and I feel like it shit all over WoT. Does Wheel get better as it gets into the back half of the books? I felt like The Eye of the World was worthless other than introducing characters and setting, but every character was either mysterious and boring, or one note retards like Rand and co. The characters got less retarded and grew some nuance as the books went on, I guess I can excuse the first book because they're all teenagers, but I started hitting the protag harem shit in Fires of Heaven and between that and Rand's "I have a plan to slip the yoke of those manipulating me and do it my way, but I refuse to ever mention to the reader what those are" for 2-3 books I'm losing interest.
Then in The Way of Kings there's three characters who are dealing with high personal stakes in very different circumstances from another, and at least before what was implied at the end of the book nobody's dealing with anything as cliche as 'We need to get ready to fight Satan."
I'm probably gonna alternate books between Wheel and Stormlight because my mother has always recommended WoT, I just hope that it gets better. Perrin and Matt have become much more interesting characters than Rand but they aren't getting nearly enough of the spotlight.

>> No.21667036

Wheel of Time is a bloated mess
Stormlight Archive is a Mormon redditor's idea of what coping with mental illness is like

>> No.21667039

Now I don't mind giving up on it after one chapter.

>> No.21667041
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You know, I'm rather surprised we have not received an influx of shitposting considering the topic of our general and the popularity of Potter at the current time.
Not that we need more shitposters.
Sabriel, as always, mogs your favorite character.
The Dick can fill some of that latter criterion as well. I would also suggest some Egan but he is often considered the hardest of sci-fi (although in my experience, some of Baxter's stuff goes extraordinarily deep as well.)

>> No.21667047

Thanks for the advice, I’ll focus on that moving forward. I don’t want to miss out on the good shit.

>> No.21667116

Is this the new Bakkerposting?

>> No.21667155

it's short and I had nothing else so I just finished it but yeah, I agree
didn't continue with the series

>> No.21667183

to your first: The Deep (1975)

>> No.21667193

Has anyone here tried writing their own story?

>> No.21667212

I wrote one chapter and then immediately ran out of motivation.

>> No.21667217
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>> No.21667230

Viriconium is total garbage. The first story is the best of the bunch, it gets worse. The praise Harrison gets is inexplicable and I think it has more to do with who he knows and when he was writing.
>fish eagles ad nauseum

>> No.21667267

I think you need either massive humility or massive arrogance/obliviousness to pull it off.

>> No.21667282

I started with Kraken and loved it, scratches the itch of lovecraft detective conspiracy. Embassaytown if you like language/alien in the vein of something like Le Guin.

Bas-Lag trilogy is great of course

>> No.21667332 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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books for this feel?

>> No.21667360

Your mother's biography

>> No.21667363
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I'm scared everyone is going to make fun of me. I only have one shot at a good impression, and I know everyone is going to call it shit so I'm scared to release this.

The manuscript of 90k words is done too...

>> No.21667366

People won't call it shit because the more likely response is radio silence.

>> No.21667373

You wouldn't be the first person to write a book and talk about it in this general but we typically get one-offs.

>> No.21667398

That's even more disheartening.

>> No.21667431

Anybody reading your book is doing you a favor desu. It's a huge time commitment which is unlikely to pay off.

>> No.21667435

I get that. And anyone that takes the time to pick up a book from a random amateur should be praised, but it's really nerve wracking.

>> No.21667440

Somebody... Oh, months back, posted here about his book that he'd published. I gave it an honest try, but I couldn't bring myself to read past like 10% of the book, it just was utterly uncompelling to me. Maybe it was just not my thing, but damn.

>> No.21667467

I bought somebody's self-published book for a buck on amazon because I liked his blog. Zero reviews on anything he'd written. It was page after page of inane dialog. Not badly written dialog, but like, bland and pointless. 80% of it could have been cut. It's not fair to leave a bad review when I've only skimmed through and seen that the whole book is like thay, is it? And besides, I only gave it a chance because I like the guy.

>> No.21667475

>i wrote a book
>afraid to post it because people might not read it
>if i don't post it people definitely won't read it but who cares
Are you retarded, son?

>> No.21667480

What book was it, anon?

>> No.21667486
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I bought this from /wg/. It's not bad. Nothing amazing but it's a fun little read about a neet finally growing up.

>> No.21667489

I liked them as a child but compared to recent books they are not that good.

The Eternal Champion is a bit better.

>> No.21667492

Oh, I remember the guy talking about this for a while. It seemed... Fine from what I've gleaned, but completely not my thing.

>> No.21667498


>> No.21667519
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Like I said, I don't wanna shit on the guy, but this is what I mean. Just opened uo to a random page.

>> No.21667537

Reads fine, but I can see how page after page of dialogue like this would get tiring quickly.

>> No.21667549 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>It's the Lightbringer

>> No.21667563
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>> No.21667568

>"I see" 3 times on one page

>> No.21667590

I don't necessarily mind it as it's the same person saying it every time, sort of a verbal tic or whatever. It's awkward, but not that bad. It is just a lot of "words words words" though.

>> No.21667599
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Yeah to be fair that was intentional.

>> No.21667603


>> No.21667615
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i get what you mean, i just couldn't resist

>> No.21667647
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So I read UBIK a week ago (spoilers by the way), and I've been thinking about it a lot since. Today, while I was bored at work, I decided to look it up on TV Tropes and see if they had any neat trivia about the book. That's where I saw pic related (again, spoilers).
Is this true? I don't remember any implications like that sort. Is this just somebody's headcanon?

>> No.21667664

Shit. I forgot to spoiler the image
Don't click it if you haven't read UBIK yet

>> No.21667676

I don't know about the last line but honestly I don't care either way. The book was a stinker churned out in one day to get a check. I don't think Dick had the ending or even the tweest planned out before he wrote it.

>> No.21667724

I've always wanted to but for some reason I told myself it was cringe to put my ideas on paper so I never did. I decided to get over it last week and started writing some short story ideas I've had. I still feel like it's cringe.

>> No.21667729
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Why is this book so scarce? There are around a dozen hardcovers for over $700 online but no paperbacks? After a few days of searching, I found a decently priced (not really) paperback. Did a warehouse full of this burnup?

>> No.21667731

Nothing can blacken the Machen.

>> No.21667742

I didn't ask you for your personal take on the book, retard

>> No.21667768 [DELETED] 

>guys i want to talk about this book

>> No.21667979

You have been warned over and over and over and over about WoT. Don't say you didn't know. You knew.

>> No.21668009


How's my first chapter?

>> No.21668069
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>> No.21668085
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Is he based?

>> No.21668089

I was filtered by the first sentence. Good job anon, this is truly a masterpiece in cringe, and this is coming from someone who has read plenty of shitty light novels and LitRPGs

>> No.21668096

Too many proper nouns and details too quick. You have to build things up. Set the scene.

>> No.21668100

>Saihate no paladin
>Witch Hat Atelier
yup, I'm thinking based

>> No.21668105

> Witch Hat Atelier
> Junji Ito
> Witcher
Yes and I am biased

>> No.21668140

Seems like you're writing a story about aggrieved entitlement. I skimmed through a lot of it, so I don't know whether it's comedy, parody, or sincere. I have to wonder if your character is going to be evil or if "lol misunderstandings" or "That's just what I was assigned, I didn't choose to be created this way", or other ways. Clearly it's not intended to be a serious story. Why do you think you're writing it?

>> No.21668174

Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate should be Wallfacers.

>> No.21668177

I read a Terry Pratchett story for the very first time today
I will never read a Terry Pratchett story ever again

>> No.21668217

Once I googled this and in the box on the right that tells you what wikipedia thinks it just said "the best book series of all time."

>> No.21668276

Which one and why not?

>> No.21668358

Troll Bridge, a short story
the snarky self-referential humor might have been funny 50 years ago when he started writing but after being smothered by that dogshit for 2/3 of my life I never want to see it again

>> No.21668375

I absolutely love when authors don't even bother to hide their inspiration.
>hmm I've got a giant empire with jade everywhere, imperial examinations, slavish obedience to the king, and logograms as an alphabet
>let's just call it the Sienese empire

>> No.21668384

I wrote it to make fun of litrpgs.

>> No.21668386

The Iberians are shipping Somniferum to Cathay

>> No.21668387

Shouldn't you have made it funny, then?

>> No.21668424

I don't see that at all, but I may be misunderstanding what you mean by that.

>> No.21668426

It wasn't funny?

>> No.21668435

The genre is at a point where one man's mockery/parody of LitRPG is just another man's earnest LitRPG

>> No.21668441

There is no distinction between a sincere and an ironic litrpg - both are identically braindead and bad for the exact same reasons.

>> No.21668451

It wasn't funny.

>> No.21668465
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Has anyone here read this series?

>> No.21668468

>warrior princess

>> No.21668480

>Does Wheel get better as it gets into the back half of the books?
No and maybe yes ? What you've read so far, is the much better part of the Jordan output (which is not say it's any good).from book 6 to at least 10 they get much, much worse. Like parody levels. There is a broad sentiment it gets better at 11 or when Sanderson takes over at 12 and though I gave up on
#8-9 I've no doubt the latter is true because whatever your opinion of him as a writer he's still aeons above Jordan. WoT is an utter clusterfuck that can't even do the very basics right.

>> No.21668492

What about a litrpg that uses its mechanics as literary metaphors for the purpose of social commentary and exploring the human condition? An entirely serious and mature story where the mechanics are an integral part of the narrative but aren't the focus. Maybe that's been less done.

>> No.21668503

I'll bet twenty bucks that it's been done before and more than once.

>> No.21668509

Not even the iced tea part?

>> No.21668514
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Besides some of the stuff in Avatar, what are some cool and underused applications of elemental magic or powers that you’ve seen in fantasy settings, or would like to see more of?

>> No.21668515

It's surely been done, that's without question.

>> No.21668517

As oppose to what? Adult fantasy?

>> No.21668529

I want to see what they did in "Burn that Witch"

Use elemental powers to fuel the industrial revolution. Or at least do some cool stempunk or magepunk settings.

>> No.21668531

I fucking hate magic academy knockoffs. Fucking harry potter wannabes the lot of them.

>> No.21668538

No. Your mastery of timing is nil, your ability to deliver witticism is nonexistent. You've got less comedic prowess than most potatoes.

>> No.21668543

I know it's sort of a trope for personality to be in line with powers, but I kind of like the idea that that's enforced more literally. And so you can even get characters character developing their way into a whole new powerset. A fiery, aggressive protagonist with fire powers calming down and becoming more steadfast gaining earth abilities instead is a neat concept, and it'd sort of mean you have a world where somebody's abilities are in some way indicative of who they are.

>> No.21668544

I liked how Daniel Black did it. Used magic to build physical things. Tanks, airships, castles, guns. That was a great use of elemental magic and magical engineering.

>> No.21668547

It's clear that it's meant to be funny, and maybe some people would think so, but I didn't think it was. Sauron is drinking tea, who would've thought? Hilarious!

>> No.21668551

Goodreads once recommended me a LitRPG about a boy whose elemental superpower was being so fat he could control gravity.

>> No.21668558
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Has anyone ever wrote a sci fi novel with only aliens and no humans?

>> No.21668562

You may be letting your distaste overpower all other considerations. Do you also hate all fantasy that have journey because they're all Tolkien wannabes?

>> No.21668564
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I picked up A Deadly Education because I heard it was a more interesting take on a magic school

and maybe it is, but my god, YA novels are pure aids. Yet another first person account of a snarky teenager with frequent internal monologues and supposedly quirky non-sequiturs as a form of worldbuilding. she introduces her love interest / rival in the literal first sentence. and despite being a wizard with no friends and no family in a school with a >50% fatality rate, she thinks about and reacts to everything as if she's just another teen

frustrating start!

>> No.21668566

The weight of it all?

>> No.21668569

I don't like Tolkien either, but I read some books that have academy in it's name, but it looks liek YA shit, I stay far away.

>> No.21668570

I shouldn't be surprised, but yes.

>> No.21668571

Punchlines are boring though.

>> No.21668572

That depends on how you define "human" and "alien". There's probably novels out there that only have characters that aren't humanoid and don't think in a way that's typically human. It may not be possible create something that's truly alien and still enjoyable.

>> No.21668575

What's something you do like?

>> No.21668577

Those are like the only good things in a wall of shit.

>> No.21668587

>I shouldn't be surprised
That someone on lit read it? I'm the litrpg chartfag, I have to read books to put them on there.
I dropped the series at the end of book 2. Couldn't take it anymore, the advancement was a slog. The author like they were stretching the story out, to make X part last as long as possible, longer than it should have been.

>> No.21668634

If I were to write a litrpg, my idea at this time would be to use the mechanics to explore hereditarianism (RNG stats at birth whose seed is determined by genetics), genetic engineering (raising/removal of stat/cap), and the myth that all are born equal to where of they all work hard enough they can be as successful as anyone else, which isn't possible in this because of very low caps for most people and other limitations. That would be some of the ideas anyway. I have various ideas written down. I probably won't do anything with it though.

>> No.21668650

Well written protagonist who uses their brains to get out of problems. I especially like when someone was given some shit talent, and found a way to use it to be powerful.
I don't like anime, but an example would be shit piece, nobody wanted a rubber fruit, then when everyone saw what ruffy could do, they all wanted his power.
Same shit with fantasy, someone uses something others would think is a detriment, and turn it into an asset.

I also like people surviving in the wilds. Like pioneer type shit. Build a life on an abandoned island.

>> No.21668674

Already been done, can't remember name of the novel though.
If I remember will post.

>> No.21668681

nta but you were asked what you like and the only actual example you listed is something you apparently still don't like lol

>> No.21668684

Jesus fucking Christ, am I in the writing general or in /sffg/.

>> No.21668688

Why are you still coming to /sffg/? Literally no one here ever discusses about books.

>> No.21668702

We’re just in another episodes of faggots trying to shill their horrendous books here when there’s an entire separate general for that. At this point, there’s no saving this thread. I’ll be surprised if this thread even last a day.

>> No.21668703

Anon, I listed what I like. I can't give one example as my tastes are fluid (and I know anons, like yourself, are waiting to say I have shit taste), so I gave a summary of what I enjoy in books.

>> No.21668708

>I can't give one example as my tastes are fluid
Then you're fucking retarded and shitting up the thread for no reason, just fuck off.

>> No.21668716

>discussing what you like and enjoy in the fantasy genre
>you're fucking retarded and shitting up the thread for no reason

>> No.21668723

>No, I can’t tell what I really like so I have to be vague about it.
Fuck off, you stupid dipshit.

>> No.21668736

>and I know anons, like yourself, are waiting to say I have shit taste
Okay, and? Literally who gives a shit what some anonymous internet stranger says? I've stated what I like before and I don't give a shit what the retards of /sffg/ have to say.

>> No.21668741

>I can't give one example as my tastes are fluid
What a great non-answer.

>> No.21668743

Just come and give me your backpussy, you are already showing female tendencies, blowing up for no reason.

>> No.21668778

I can't believe I wasted my teens and 20s reading philosophy books. I just started getting into sff, so far scifi and fantasy are more enlightening plus more entertaining.

>> No.21668780

>Literally who gives a shit what some anonymous internet stranger says?
The vast majority of people here are sheeps, who are afraid to think for themselves or try and talk about books they like.

>> No.21668795

>because you don't want to waste your time "discussing" a book with shitposters who didn't read the book in the first place, you are a sheep

>> No.21668797

It’s what I said, I don’t know why you just copy and pasted my post.

>> No.21668812

defending your favourite book against shit trolling is good advertisement.

Winning the argument doesn't mean you win the audience , come on , this is trolling 1o1

>> No.21668815

Why are you even here at this point?

>> No.21668832
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>reddit humor (whatever that means)

Loved the series , dunno why you guys bitch about it.

>> No.21668842

>reddit humor (whatever that means)
The cat. Like 90% of the reason for that accusation is the cat.

>> No.21668850

People here hate the AI more than Donut

>> No.21668851

You're a rebbitor, of course you will like it.

>> No.21668857

No the cat is shit. I could care less than the footfag AI.

>> No.21668858

This is the first time I've heard about any AI hatred. We have that one dude who occasionally pipes up to express his hatred of Donut.

>> No.21668874

oh , you are the guy that censors reddit , I remember you.

Are you the Bakker fag or are you the Discord troll

>> No.21668888

Donut is cool , I'm glad we didn't get a romantic side-kick or something

>> No.21668892
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A Strange Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder - James De Mille (1888)

This is considered to be one of the earliest works of Canadian speculative fiction and a precursor to the Lost World genre. It was published posthumously because the author was supposedly unsatisfied with its ending, which is reasonable because it's rather abrupt.

Even though this was one of the books voted for in in this second month of my ill-fated reading experiment, now ended, I strongly considered not finishing it early on several times. It's not that it's badly written, or even the racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and other derogatory material. I simply found it to be terrible satire, in both the frame story and the the story itself. It's definitely worth an "AUUUGGGHHHHH" rating. Maybe it would be tolerable if I saw as it more than contrarianism for the sake of it.

Almost of all the novel explores the idea of "What if Western Traditions were inverted?" and also what if there were dinosaurs still around. Within the context of the story, it doesn't make any sense at all. It tries to present an entirely serious satire explained in detail about their customs and general way of life, but I couldn't get past how they hadn't entirely collapsed from attrition. It's possible that the speculative ideology is the entire point, but if it is, it's maddening and I didn't care about it at all. Unfortunately it falls into several different categories that I tend to dislike.

The frame story is somewhat better metacommentary on the work itself, which they're reading aloud. It alternates between academic lecturing and literary criticism. I don't know nearly enough about literary history to say whether this was an early example of postmodernism, or if it falls into some earlier tradition. The characters speculate what others would think about the book and provide arguements both for and against possible theories. This is mildly amusing, but is irrelevant compared to how atrocious I found the rest to be.

What this made me think about the most though what how even at this time it was difficult to locate a reasonably unknown place where some previously unknown civilization could exist. I wonder if this sort of concern was a primary driver of the secondary world fiction fantasy that was to come. The world was no longer mysterious, exotic, or had a sense of wonder, so elsewhere had to be created. The concept is still used today, but it almost always entirely abandons any sense of realism or plausibility.

That also relates in a way to the racism, where a people are described in an entirely monstrous and grotesque way, and while unpleasant, shows how alien the narrator thought them to be. That too lost appeal and fantastical races and other alien sorts had to be created to approximate the the disgust that was felt. That too seems be quickly losing appeal. Perhaps it's now beliefs rather than being. That's just idle speculation on my part though.

Rating: 1/5

>> No.21668905

Never used Discord (owned by tencent who is owned by china) and while I liked bakker years ago, after he said he was never going to publish again after the publishing house dropped him, I eased off posting about it. Why support or talk about a series that will never be completed? I went through the slog of slogs for no fucking reason.

>> No.21668925

Did you copypaste this from goodreads?>>21668888

>> No.21668941

sounds like an argument for AI assisted writting.

>> No.21668944

No, point in posted this. It’s just a waste.

>> No.21668953

You faggots always seething about the only poster trying to talk about books is just sad at this point.

>> No.21668957

hey , I was not complaining.

I was just saying that the author sounded like he had good ideas but terrible execution.

>> No.21668964

It does come off as some normalfag's goodreads/amazon review lol

>> No.21668990

Would explain why this general is just terrible about talking about books.

>> No.21669033

For me it was when I talked about a book that was about to come out I wanted to read and was accused of being the writer shilling it.

>> No.21669039
File: 81 KB, 554x844, Undertaker2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about BASED.

>> No.21669048

bet you fags are happy about AI existing so now you can plug in your fantasies to the great machine and have it perform its tricks for you.

its a schizo's dream rn, what with midjourney and the like.

>> No.21669051

Just no point in trying to talk about books here.

>> No.21669057

Nobody fucking cares. Stop shitting up the thread already faggot.

>> No.21669063

Tencent doesn't own Discord, they own TikTok.

>> No.21669076

Yes, I posted it first in Goodreads. I had to alter it a bit because it went over the character limit because I wasn't sure if I wanted to also post it here, but decided to anyway.

How so?

What isn't?

In what way?

>> No.21669093

I'm old enough to remember when people were bitching about photoshop too

>> No.21669118

Why is a current day author editing his covers to make them look like older books?
pol always lies

>> No.21669131

>Discord is minority-owned by Tencent
If you think shit isn't passed through China's servers, you got something else coming.

>> No.21669134



>> No.21669143

Ok, already starting off you're talking about how sleepy the person is, and nothing interesting is happening. Not promising...

>> No.21669144

Go back to the writing general >>21657020

>> No.21669145

We don’t care. Fuck off.

>> No.21669155

Are you aware of this site's actual owner? Do you have a problem with that?

>> No.21669162

Isn't he a gook? Not a chink.

>> No.21669164

okay okay sheesh. I'll leave.

>> No.21669169
File: 35 KB, 298x397, 1235367824123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21669170

i listened to the audiobook.
as soon as I heard of the book I wanted to read it, actual hard SCI FI

just hurl mass with vel at planet, eveh as the break awau mas to get the base
AI took over the aliens
the AI would not give the game away

>> No.21669176

Hiroyuki is only the public face and proxy of the owners. Look it up.

>> No.21669199

There’s a general for writing, just go there.

>> No.21669202

Good riddance you fucking faggot.

>> No.21669213

>What isn't?
Thread is dogshit, no point in wasting a review since nothing will save it.

>> No.21669230

I don’t know what you were expecting.

>> No.21669235

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.21669237

I didnt know this general existed. I'm getting into scifi after learning that billionaire CEOs and inventors like Bezos/Gates were all into scifi shit as a kid. Also, I'm 30 years old and this is the first time I'm reading scifi. Starting with Isaac Asimov

>> No.21669243

And there’s this faggotry.

>> No.21669248

It's fine by the standards of an average writer's debut self-published work. I'm not sure what you're going for because it seems like you're intentionally including some of the most generic stuff possible alongside some decent stuff. I dislike it less than some popular self-published works I've read. I think it could have some potential if it were edited properly and possibly had significant rewrite, but it really depends on what your goal is and who are intended demographic is.

>> No.21669250

It's too late for you. The golden age of science fiction is 12.

>> No.21669258

Thank you for the reviews, anon. I read every one.

>> No.21669269

yes kek, but it feels just right for me. I'm into realistic outer space sci-fi too. Waiting on that Star Citizen video game. It's another faggy teenager phase at 30 or I might be doing something with my life

>> No.21669273

You’re wasting your life.

>> No.21669276

>what your goal is and who are intended demographic is.
I honestly just wanted to write a story for Royal Road audience and hopefully sell 25 books to complete strangers

>> No.21669296

kek but it feels right

>> No.21669303

Anyone sees James E Wisher as pulp?

>> No.21669306

That's what I thought because I was confused that it seemed like epic fantasy with light litrpg elements, at least so far anyway. I don't know what the expectations are for Royal Road are for more general fantasy. You may be able to eventually sell a 25 digital copies, but it's probably mostly just going to be serialization and having to monetize from that, at least initially.

>> No.21669309

genuinely respectable anon. just write what you want. the options aren’t bestseller or failure.

>> No.21669314
File: 184 KB, 1120x1120, 9781549134036_1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it... I don't even know what's going on. For a minute Thralls (slaves) act like humans, then other times they act like feral beasts, and after 100 something pages, the three stories have nothing to do with each other, and I forgotten what happened to one of the characters that happened 10 chapters ago.

I am a dumbass that doesn't understand the story... I just want to be part of the group and experience why this is rated so high.

>> No.21669323

That's good thanks anon. It's supposed to be a light fantasy/mystery stand alone. the "Knights" are just "Policemen" with magic. MC jsut goes around the world trying to uncover a mystery.

>> No.21669325

Which group? Not here. Also, that's an awful reason. Feel how you want to feel about it.

>> No.21669343

I see. Did you have anything in mind as an inspiration for writing this? The closest recently published that has some similarities that I can think of would be The Justice of Kings, a traditionally published epic fantasy/mystery novel.

>> No.21669348

Because it's intentional, retard. It's meant to look like a book from the golden era of men's fiction; even the type of paper used is meant to convey that.

>> No.21669390

Waiting for a game feels right? The fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.21669419
File: 118 KB, 1000x1232, 9780008249434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agatha Christie Murder on the Orient Express and Random Fantasy novels.

I thought it would be fun to make a fantasy novel with a bunch of cops.

>> No.21669445

Terry Pratchett's Discworld (specifically the Watch subseries) is a lot like that. Guards! Guards! in particular is very much set up almost like a police drama/mystery, but in a fantasy city. It's deliberately aping the tropes of those sorts of stories in a very on-the-nose way, though, so not might not necessarily be your thing, but might not be a bad read to get an idea.

>> No.21669480

Thanks! I'll check it out

>> No.21669528

>>reddit humor (whatever that means)
Passing off a repetitive phrase for humor.
>Damn it, Donut.
Same as wh40k spergs who laugh hysterically any time someone says 'for the emperor!'

>> No.21669561

Are there any series like the Powder Mage trilogy with cute lolis and gruff older guys? Not pornographic.

>> No.21669599


>> No.21669604

sorry, more appropriate:

>> No.21669633

holy based thanks

>> No.21669645

No wonder this general is so shit.

>> No.21669659

explain beyond petty contrarianism.

I think it makes perfect sense thematicly since it does harken to that wild west kinda national sentiment and indivigualism. Can be done poorly like anything else of course.

>> No.21669703
File: 31 KB, 275x475, 872816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Dieing earth a while ago. Am a good ways through Eyes of the overworld and holy hell this is some entertaining shit. Vance just has this way of deliberately making people and cultures, familiar and alien, feel like robust entities in themselves. there is a cohesive attention to detail in how things play in in how people communicate, and how they think. Its an absolute pleasure to read, particularly eyes of the overworld where he catches his stride. I totally understand how this shit was so influential.

Its not really a tolkienesque formation of this grand interwoven tapestry, as extreme care in creating setting isolates. Things that may only ever be relivent in the chapter, but have a self vidication about themselves. IDK quite how to put it. Hell aproach things from a completely new angle, and as long as you have a decent vocabulary, succeed in making a whole new unique setup in terms of location, society, understanding, relationships, world elements, everything. Its never static, but always cohesive feeling. Like this world has trully went through millions of ages and has taken millions of forms that no one person could know all of.

As a side note, anyone else feel like the term "vancian magic" is almost a misnomer? Like, yah, its explained in the first short story and is consistant within that, as well as the second, but like I mentioned, that seems like almost isolated. most of the rest of the magic has just as much dynamic qualities as the rest of the writing and doesnt stick to that formula.

>> No.21669745


>> No.21669753

I think it’s more just the concept of preparing spells that D&D used. You have spells written in your spellbook but can only have so many prepared at any one time.

>> No.21669764
File: 95 KB, 600x848, 1660023749551042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cover coming through

>> No.21669881

Well this thread was absolutely dogshit.

>> No.21669883

So was the last thread and the thread before that.

>> No.21669895

I dare you to say that to my face.

>> No.21669901

Don’t you have better things to do than larp here?

>> No.21669902

Does anyone else feel like some people lack the ability to immerse themselves within a world?
Like for example people talking about Star Trek

>> No.21669908

In what sense? Some people seem to just not 'get' fiction, I guess, but I don't really know what you're trying to say.

>> No.21669925
File: 207 KB, 500x687, 2ccb6786e84ad719a4c970dd08c682fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cover painting is by Stephen Fabian, who didn't start drawing until he was 35 years old. He learned entirely from reading Loomis. It's not too late to make it.

>> No.21669944

Why are you telling us this? If you can’t immerse yourself in a story, that’s a you problem.

>> No.21669957

I mean people are given a world in which a set of conditions are true but they're incapable of just accepting those conditions are true for the story and have to try to use our real world conditions in order to try to understand the story
So for Star Trek people have a huge problem with the idea of a society where people don't need to work, that people are happy living in a world in which working for a wage isn't necessary, that despite all of this there are still people willing to work, that humanity could possible unite in the way that's shown in Star Trek and that humanity could use technology for the good of humanity

>> No.21669960

Sounds like you’re overthinking because you’re an autistic spastic who can’t get that it’s a fictional story.

>> No.21669962

kek based.

>> No.21669984

Ok maybe I am overthinking it but I genuinely think there is something to this phenomenon and it explains a lot of the behaviour I've seen in the past

>> No.21669994

Yeah, it’s called fictional story, you know, a literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.

>> No.21670005

Btw has anyone else seen any examples of this phenomenon before?
I think Harry Potter has it but it's not as blatant as it is with Star Trek, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality is probably the most egregious example I've seen
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I'm confused now

>> No.21670013

>What the fuck are you even talking about?
He's telling that anon that a fictional story is literary form that describes imaginary events and people and that he's overthinking shit for no reason. How can you not get it?

>> No.21670018

Oh right, HPMOR is straight up a cult induction tool isn't it

>> No.21670040

Ok so I came to this thread to ask if anyone else had noticed people being incapable of immersing themselves into the world building of a story and provided examples of things which I thought were good evidence of that phenomenon
That anon responds to me stating that I'm overthinking this but re-reading his comments I'm beginning to wonder if for some baffling reason he thought I was talking about myself and my inability to immerse
I don't see any reason why he would
You mean into his ideological system?
I gave up after a few chapters but it seemed more like a product of his need to 'fix' Harry Potter to me
There's probably some fanfiction about Star Trek where you have a bunch of miserable people on earth working in slave like conditions lmao

>> No.21670055

>he thought I was talking about myself and my inability to immerse
I mean, you are talking about it for no reason, why other people being unable to immerse themselves in a story shouldn't really be a concern for you.

>> No.21670094

The reason why I'm talking about it is because I want to talk about it, are you aware that people have their own thoughts and feelings separate from your own?
Perhaps you just aren't interested in other people and that's why my posts seem pointless to you

>> No.21670102

>Perhaps you just aren't interested in other people and that's why my posts seem pointless to you
Not him, but it’s just pointless because why are you concerning yourself with strangers? Seems weird.

>> No.21670105

>Perhaps you just aren't interested in other people
Why would I be interested in other people inability to immersed themselves in a story?

>> No.21670108

>There's probably some fanfiction about Star Trek where you have a bunch of miserable people on earth working in slave like conditions lmao
That'd be Chief O'Brien at Work.

>> No.21670139

Alright now you guys are just fucking with me
I'm done

>> No.21670159

>Alright now you guys are just fucking with me
Anon, we’re not fucking with you. You’re concern is just really dumb.

>> No.21670160

>Alright now you guys are just fucking with me
Not really fucking with you, just telling you how absurd it is to concern yourself about literal strangers.

>> No.21670191

>Why concern yourself about literal strangers they reply with great concern about a literal stranger

>> No.21670197

Yes, Anon. Telling you that your concern for people who you don’t know is weird. Don’t know why you had to greentext it.

>> No.21670212

Is that all you have to say?

>> No.21670224
File: 29 KB, 246x377, 1615064844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this ending is good. Can't remember a better ending in genre fiction, unironically.

>> No.21670250

The irony and hypocrisy would astound me if I didn't already know that your only concern is to troll without the slightest artistry. Mere thugposters you be.

>> No.21670255

Dude, just because people don’t care if other people can’t immerse themselves in stories doesn’t make them trolls.

>> No.21670261

That's what you convinced yourself of anyway to be sure you didn't waste so much time reading it.

>> No.21670270


>> No.21670280

see the problem with that is that that commie nonsense was made up in 1987 over 20 years after Star Trek first aired (and was continually contradicted by Star Trek movies that aired concurrently with TNG, for example The Undiscovered Country)
you had 20 years of star trek that WAS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF UTOPIA so naturally there's a disconnect
it's like if George Lucas made the prequel trilogy except the Jedi and the Force and all the supernatural stuff didn't exist, it was purely a materialist down-to-earth war movie about soldiers with laser guns pew-pewing each other

>> No.21670304

>This cover painting is by Stephen Fabian
It's not really good.

>> No.21670322

If you hate the story, that’s fine, but don’t try to insist others do as well.

>> No.21670345

I started the Discworld series. I'm on the 10th. Despite the books having different premises, they all seem same-y. Do they get better?

>> No.21670348

>Anon likes a story
>He has to be coping somehow
Must be sad for you to be unable to enjoy stories then

>> No.21670363

>Do they get better?
Have you tried reading them?

>> No.21670373

Have you tried giving an actual answer?

>> No.21670382

I did give an answer. Try reading them

>> No.21670386

Shame shit happens if people say they love A song of ice and fire, or other famous work.

>> No.21670422

>she repeats the same non-answer

>> No.21670427

>if people say they love A song of ice and fire
I know an anon or two will always mention the series will never be finish whenever people try talking about it, or that one dumb fucking retard that goes full-blown schizo if people like gene Wolfe, but I don’t know any other.

>> No.21670433

God forbid you read the book and find out the answer. Would be too much for you.

>> No.21670439

Heaven forbid you answer the question instead of being a woman about it

>> No.21670443

This is /lit/, Anon. No one here reads.

>> No.21670456
File: 52 KB, 382x500, Permutation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading a bunch of this guy's stuff, he has some pretty fun idea. I recommend that you check him out

>> No.21670480

I don't know why that anon is being such a weirdo about it. In short, no, they don't get "better", in the sense that the first 10 are completely indicative of how the remaining 30ish will go. The 'formula' gets locked in around Sourcery and it never really changes

Certain books lampoon very specific fantasy tropes or ideas, and if those interest you then prioritize them. They're really good books, but there's no point reading all of them if they're feeling samey already

>> No.21670496

> I recommend that you check him out
Nah, Greg isn’t that a good writer.

>> No.21670510

It's 4chan. I expected answers like what the other person said

Anyway, thanks! I think my problem is that I've read the first nine in a short amount of time , and I'm almost done the tenth. I'll take a break from the series and see how I feel about it after I've read a couple other books

>> No.21670520

I find the ideas in his stories pretty interesting. Do you have any recommendations?? I need more stuff to read

>> No.21670543

> I need more stuff to read
Don’t got any to give, though I know there’s a chart in the OP that might interest you.

>> No.21670561

nah I've been through all the charts in the op, that's how I found permutation city in the first place. really hit or miss imo. People that give recommendations tend to give the best ones imo

>> No.21670583

Ah, then I’m sorry, wish I could be more of a help.

>> No.21670589

no, why do you think i'm here? are you retarded?

>> No.21670593
File: 97 KB, 453x700, surface detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem thanks anon i'll just reread something

>> No.21670632

Again, sorry I couldn’t help, hope you enjoy your reread.

>> No.21670646

>I recommend that you check him out
Maybe in a few months from now. After his death, people have been shilling him. Which is bad taste for me.

>> No.21670668

>people have been shilling him. Which is bad taste for me.
If only they had talked about his books when he was alive. I also remember anons here hating them for some reason, but now they love it.

>> No.21670672

>Do you have any recommendations??
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem

>> No.21670685

That was Greg Bear who died, not Greg Egan.

>> No.21670689

>but I don’t know any other
Any positive mention of Sanderson and his books will have a few anons up and arms for the stupidest reasons.

>> No.21670691

> Greg Egan.
The vegetarian atheist?

>> No.21670692

ordered, thanks anon. Only $1.50 too

>> No.21670701

Hope you enjoy it. Nobody here knows about Stanisław Lem, so I wanted to give you an extremely obscure author.

>> No.21670715

Not only that, he also actively supports immigrants, aboriginal rights, and all sorts of activist causes. He's active and opinionated on Twitter. His debut story was about a man who becomes pregnant and gives birth. Various works of his have LGBT themes.

>> No.21670724

Yeah, I don’t give two shits about /pol/-tier shit.

>> No.21670725

>Various works of his have LGBT themes
Okay, cool, what about it?

>> No.21670746

Glad to see an author trying to make a positive change in the world. What books would you recommend from him?

>> No.21670761

An Unusual Angle. Should be an easy read since it's his first book and its only 200 pages.

>> No.21670769

Touch grass and eat my ass

>> No.21670773
File: 5 KB, 225x224, 1673064766795088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives her a boner

>> No.21670779


>> No.21670791

None of those things are bad.

>> No.21670792

All of those things are bad.

>> No.21670798

That's a bad choice really though.

>> No.21670801

Go back to /pol/ retard.

>> No.21670817

I like how the replies ascribe different intentions as to whether these statements were intended to be praise or condemnation.

>> No.21670818

Not really. Don't know why you would think that.

>> No.21670821

As his first novel it's rather unlike most any of his other novels.

>> No.21670824
File: 150 KB, 1024x1019, 1654322698314m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on the Earthsea series - I just found out about it.

>> No.21670826

No, I’m pretty sure people are mocking him for think that’s bad.

>> No.21670827

a woman wrote it

>> No.21670829

Not suitable for those who use redpill.

>> No.21670831

Exactly, when it's clearly praise.

>> No.21670833

I'm pretty sure those are people just being ironic contrarians.

>> No.21670835

It keeps happening!

>> No.21670844

What if I'm just using it ironically

>> No.21670845

Keep being in denial, you dumb /pol/tard.

>> No.21670847

Then you're just dumb.

>> No.21670850

Right but tell me about Earthsea

>> No.21670851

Is /pol/ in the room with us right now?

>> No.21670856

>The Earthsea Cycle, also known as Earthsea, is a series of high fantasy books written by the American writer Ursula K. Le Guin. Beginning with A Wizard of Earthsea (1968), The Tombs of Atuan, (1970) and The Farthest Shore (1972), the series was continued in Tehanu (1990), and Tales from Earthsea and The Other Wind (both 2001). In 2018, all the novels and short stories were published in a single volume, The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition, with artwork by Charles Vess.
That’s from Wikipedia by the way.

>> No.21670862

What are your thoughts?

>> No.21670865

About what?

>> No.21670868


>> No.21670872

it's good not great. prose is beautiful, it has a very compelling magic system and setting in general

the flow is much more akin to an epic poem like The Odyssey or even Beowulf than the infinite descendants of Tolkien

it written in a somewhat emotionally detached way, which can be a little off putting. it's overly brisk in parts: there are times in which a character is named, has a seemingly important part to play, and is then just never mentioned again except in passing. nearly every single plot beat that involves a confrontation ends with "and then the confrontation wasn't that big of a deal after all" which is lame as hell

Tombs > Farthest Shore > Wizard > the other 3

>> No.21670882

I don’t know, go to goodreads for that.

>> No.21670884

As a reader of Fantasy, this book felt like a return home, even though I had never read it before. The tale of this young wizard and his hardships and coming to terms with his own darkness is one that has been redone again and again, from Rowling to Jordan to Goodkind, and so far, despite adding gobs of length and endless details, no one has managed to improve upon it.

Though she isn't the first to explore the Bildungsroman-as-Fantasy (Mervyn Peake precedes her), he was an author who eschewed symbolic magic, and so has been duly ignored by most authors and readers in the genre. Le Guin's approach is much more familiar, able comfortably to abide alongside Moorcock, Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis.

Yet her work has none of the condescension or moralizing that mark the last two, nor the wild pulp sentiment of the first. Her world unfolds before us, calmly and confidently, as we might expect from the daughter of noted anthropologists.

As is often the case in her work, we get poignant asides on human nature, but overall, her depiction here is less novel than in, for example, the Hainish cycle. There is something flat in the plot progression, and as has been the case with every Le Guin book I have read, I found myself longing for her to take things a little further, to expand and do something risky. Often she seems just on the cusp, but rarely takes the step.

Part of the flatness is the depiction of the characters, who fall victim to the 'show, don't tell' problem. Again and again, we are told of conversations characters had, of how they reacted, of whether they were clever or unsettling, but we never actually see these conversations take place. Many times, the conversations would not have taken any longer to read than the descriptions of them, so why Le Guin chose to leave so much of her story as an outline of action is puzzling and disappointing.

Fundamentally, what characters do is not interesting. What they do does not differentiate them. What is most important is how they do it--their emotional response, their choice of words, the little pauses and moments of doubt. At the end of the day, the four musketeers are all men in the same uniform, with mustaches, dueling and warring and seducing women, but they each go about these things in such distinct ways that we could never mistake one for the other.

The import of personality is also shown in Greek tragedy, where we know what is going to befall the character (the plot), but we have no idea how they will react when it happens. All the tension lies within the character's response, not with the various external events that inspire it.

So I found it very frustrating that, again and again, Le Guin didn't let the characters do their own talking, and so I often felt estranged from them, that I didn't know them or understand their motivations or interrelationships because the fundamental signs were missing.

>> No.21670887

Thanks anon :)
And for this wherever you found it.

>> No.21670889

As others have pointed out, Le Guin covers a lot of ground in a short span, and perhaps it was a desire to make things brief and straightforward that caused her to take the words from her characters' mouths, but again, it seems backwards to me. I would rather see a story shortened by taking out specifics and leaving promising implications instead of the other way around. A single, well-written action or turn of phrase can reveal more about a character than paragraphs of narration.

In her influential essay on fantasy From Elfland to Poughkeepsie, she talks about how Dunsany does not really use dialogue the way other authors do--that indeed, she finds it difficult to locate any sustained conversations in The King of Elfland's Daughter . Perhaps on some level, she was trying to imitate his style. But, while it works brilliantly for him, it does not serve her as well.

The main reason for this is that Le Guin is much more a modern, psychological, realist author than Dunsany. Her fantasy setting is sensible, physical--it feels like a different place, a world like our world. Her characters are inhabitants of that world, the product of its cultures and history. So, when she removes their discourse and means of expression, she closes the reader's window onto the character's inner life.

Dunsany, on the author hand, takes a different approach: his worlds are dreamlike, the worlds of fairy tale. His story takes place in the clash between the possible and the impossible, the real and the dream. His characters are not self-contained psychological portraits of individuals, but symbols, appendages of the dreamland he weaves. So it makes sense that they do not express themselves through the dialogue of psychoanalysis, but through the instinctual pre-knowledge of the dreamer.

Indeed, Le Guin herself (in that same essay) talks about the danger of imitating Dunsany's style, that it is so unique, and his pen a master's, so that any attempt to recreate what we has done is bound to end in embarrassing failure. Yet, she also remarks, it's a stage most fantasists seem to go through: attempting to produce that sort of natural, lovely false-archaism. She managed to leave that behind, but now I wonder whether she didn't simply end up imitating another of Dunsany's stylistic modes without realizing it--one just as problematic to a thoroughly modern, anthropological writer.

What is most interesting about her story is how small and personal the central conflict is. Many authors in fantasy have tried to tackle the conflict of the 'Shadow Self', from Tolkien's Gollum to the twin alter-egos of Anderson's The Broken Sword , but none have used it as a representation of the internal conflict of the adolescent which must be overcome in order to transition to adulthood.

By so perfectly aligning the symbolic magical conflict in her story with the central theme, Le Guin creates a rare example of narrative unity in fantasy.

>> No.21670893

>And for this wherever you found it.
Found it using goodreads, you know the one site that lets people talk about their thoughs about a book?

>> No.21670895

It’s from goodreads.

>> No.21670901

Thanks I just like to come to the 4chan /lit/ board and talk about stuff in their relevant generals instead!

>> No.21670908

Sounds really stupid and a waste of time.

>> No.21670934

>Tombs > Farthest Shore > Wizard > the other 3
This desu.

I only read Wizard long time ago and recently decided to have another go and do the entire series. Wizard is even more kino than I remembered it, Tombs are even better and The Farthest Shore is nice, but holy shit she nosedives so hard with Tehanu that I've been bitching about it to my wife non stop for the last 3 days.

>> No.21671016

Egan is sure original.

Egan is not exactly woke - he's a maths autist with bugmen opinions taken all the way to their logical conclusions. This naturally pisses off conservatives, but he's absolutely not ashamed of kicking the other side of the spectrum when they offend his transcendent N-dimensional sensibilities. Like "rising UV radiation levels mean that higher skin pigmentation levels would be one of the most useful things we can achieve with genetic engineering, so everyone will be darker. Yes even niggers, they'll be recolored as well. It's all a brief crutch before we filthy shitting meatbags are replaced by objectively superior digital consciousness anyway".

He has an huge (and kinda sticking out) flashback scene in Teranesia where the gay immigrant teenager protagonist confronts his woke aunt for using him as a virtue signalling device (and her pals being moralizing virtue signallers in general) while he realizes that his homosexuality and foreign background essentially make him defective in the society he inhabits at the moment and no amount of #tolerance hashtags can actually fix that.

>> No.21671044

wtf lmao

>> No.21671070


>> No.21671194

That's actually one of the things I find formulaic and off-putting about him - he definitely has a fixation on sexuality. Not in the "sex is good and like writing about it" way, or "sex fits well in a story here" way or like "I portray the CurrentThing about sex because that's hecking valid and cute", but rather like he feels his stories are unfinished unless one of the characters has a strange sexual hang-up, or there's an awkward sex scene, or something that comments on contraception/abortions/rape, or all of the above at once. Like his characters and worldbuilding are incomplete unless he goes at length about their sexing and relevant issues, even if he always has to do it in a "ewww" way.

>protag's blind homosex boyfriend and subsequent lust for a married woman in Teranesia
>the turbocringe sex scene between the female protag and diagnosed schizoid deuteragonist in Permutation City
>the weird quasi-sexual relationship between underage protagonist and his female friend in Schild's Ladder, which is made weird and quasi-sexual specifically by a lengthy detour to explain how their physiology is genetically altered for them to be incapable of early casual sex. And then there's a lengthy scene between the protagonist and another character to show how it works for adults. And also the thing with Archeonauts.
>the thing about contraception means and their role in a society in Incandescence - a story about intelligent microscopic bugs that inhabit an asteroid orbiting a black hole and discover General Relativity for the first time.
>the thing in with women's rights movement and contraception in Orthogonal: a book describing a fundamentally non-humanoid species in a universe with fundamentally different laws of physics. Would be much less weird if it was not a carbon copy of human suffrage movement.
>that thing with Inoshiro in Diaspora
etc etc
None of those actually contribute anything to the plot or character development.

It's always really awkward, and I'm left wondering if he just sucks at writing intimate shit but forces himself to, or if he's deliberately using sexuality to increase the disturbing factor (he really loves to lean into it), or if he just perceives sexuality as that weird thing with the bodily fluids and strange smells and thinks that intense uncomfortable awkwardness is the necessary cornerstone for a believable depiction.

>> No.21671247

Welcome to the Cugel appreciators club. If you like the way he writes distinct locales you should definitely read the Cadwal Chronicles as that features some of his best.

I don't think it's a total misnomer to call it Vancian Magic because it's the only system he codified.

>> No.21671267

I feel like that's te case for a lot of authors, 90% more like 99% of the time a fade to black would have served the purpose of including sex into the story, my hypothesis is that they think sex scenes distinguish their works from children's books.

>> No.21671339

After reading his malice books, I've come to the conclusion that John Gwynne is ok with world building but absolute shit at everything else like the plot, characters, prose, etc.
I'm not sure why it's highly rated either. Because he likes to feature average women contending with men in the shield wall for whatever reason?

>> No.21671401

The difference is, most other authors usually make it just voyeuristically uncomfortable, or boring, and some even manage to make then nice and fitting and even hot. With Egan it's always
>"it's the peculiar anatomy of the female claw that allowed them to give males true release from pain like no artificial substitute"
>"no I don't love her, I'll make this neopenis wither away"
>"thrusting stopped. She noticed that his face was new disfigured by a hideous grimace. "Cramp! Cramp!" - he whimpered at the malfunction of his leg muscles. She felt a mixture of sympathy for his pain and revulsion from his breath
and various other varieties of
>"and he shuddered with the primordial reflex wired into his archeocortex as neurotransmitter releasers rushed through his system. As he pulled out his penis resembled a dying worm, spasming and covered in thick mucus"
It's like a humourless fusion of frogpost greentexts and a dentist cabinet experience, but with (weirdly-shaped transhuman fully automated digital) penises and vaginas.

>> No.21671514

More integration with the four humors, and emphasis on using all at once to balance them/perform alchemical transmutation. I'd also like to see someone use the alchemical elements like sulfur/mercury/salt and the seven metals/planets/etc...
Thinking about it Avatar really did a good job, especially the fire nation.
>choleric personalities
>iron weapons
>live on a volcano
>waging a war
>entire story is centered around astronomical events
You don't usually see people go all the way with elemental stuff.

>> No.21671520

IIRC Mistborn series has people ingesting metals to manifest supernatural abilities depending on the metal used.

>> No.21671525

Yeah, but it's all arbitrary sanderlore. I want the real stuff, no one's going to beat thousands of years of actual wizards coming up with magical lore and worldbuilding.

>> No.21671541

No, he's a 90s wokist straight up. Look an African woman is the greatest scientist in the world! Checkmate, bigots!

>> No.21671549

>No, he's a 90s wokist straight up
Explain Teranesia

>> No.21671554

What’s to explain? He’s a stupid fucking retard and you should stop giving it attention.

>> No.21671568
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>This naturally pisses off conservatives

>> No.21671591

New thread