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/lit/ - Literature

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21664643 No.21664643 [Reply] [Original]

I am low IQ
What books to read to get higher IQ?

>> No.21664655

my diary desu

>> No.21664667

Captain Underpants

>> No.21664682
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IQ is a measurement of the rate at which a person learns certain types of tasks.

Wanting to improve at a task is a good start.
Being immediately successful at that task is a great start.
Being shit at a task and ignoring emotion to improve regardless of how you feel is better.

>> No.21664946

copium. you will never be high IQ.

>> No.21665009

I think it'd be wiser to learn soft skills and how to interact with people effectively, or public speaking maybe

It's not so much about being able to learn any task quickly, it's more about being able to tell what will be helpful to you long term

>> No.21665038

lemme guess, 300 pages of just work hard but as convoluted as possible right? gtfo with that self-help bs.

>> No.21666055

Op listen to this poster he is trying to help you. The better you are at ignoring the “giving up” feeling the better equip you will be against the autistic master race born without stupid distractions like social cues. Everybody gets distracted but it’s what you take away from a task which has meaning not some stupid task metric made to stop you from achieving things. Stop looking at smartness by a value judgment. It’s been refuted due to the discovery of sixteen types of smartness in society. Here’s an executable action and mock goal setting exercise: Fold a paper hotdog style and write strengths and weaknesses on the top two columns; now list these. After about 15 mins of writing stuff down, you will notice what you may be able to navigate from your position like a chess game of life. I’m telling you all this because you made this thread and you’re asking how to learn more in life. As a lifelong learner, son of a nasa employee and a teacher, I will tell you that life is a learning curve of patience with trial by fire. Don’t give up on improvement. Something else I’ve learned is you learn better after you’ve already been entertained. So break up your self improvement with productive things to help you and those around you. Walking helps stimulate writing. Exercise helps everything. Get a part time job you find meaningful and quit immediately if it’s not for you. Be sober and find a cheap therapist to talk to on a weekly basis. Do these small things for 9 months then do the paper technique again to readjust your goal-post toward making more money, meaningfulness or whatever arbitrary goal you desire. Remember, you are tricking yourself into thinking you’re worth something but never forget you aren’t shit and anything you do will be bested by some fuckface 4 years younger than you. Don’t be a faggot op or kys to save food for people who try.

>> No.21666271

>what would you like to read?
>what books did you enjoy reading?
don't read to become "high iq", read because you like to read, you learn new things and discover new ideas "on the side"

>> No.21666445

Read literal children's literature, like The Hobbit, Alice in Wonderland. Work your way up from there.

>> No.21666509

>Here’s an executable action and mock goal setting exercise: Fold a paper hotdog style and write strengths and weaknesses on the top two columns; now list these. After about 15 mins of writing stuff down, you will notice what you may be able to navigate from your position like a chess game of life.
What strength and weakness?

>> No.21666869


Um, no sweetie. It's a journalistic book about systematic approaches of hacking myelination.

>> No.21667001

IQ is a garage metric. Don't place any value on it. Now, if you really wanna get started reading, find a book that interests you and just read it. Maybe look at some classics.