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File: 307 KB, 1278x853, Sowell & Chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21663719 No.21663719 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the better writer? Who will have the greater legacy post-mortem?

>> No.21663723

Basic Economics is a great book. What has Chomsky written?

>> No.21663728
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1561371426802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the democrats are the REAL racists vs the israelis are the REAL antisemites

>> No.21663753

Chomsky has written over 100 books on a variety of topics, ranging from linguistics, history, politics and mass media. He is the last living polymath intellectual from before academic hyperspecialization. Even though he is a leftist, his critiques of mass media and our current liberal hegemony can be appropriated by rightoids as well.

Sowell writes snarky introductory books on economics for midwit rightoids.

>> No.21663767

Chomsky is a based self hating kike
Sowell is a cringe self hating nigger

>> No.21663874

not a chomsky stan but sowell's understanding of history of economic thought is so awful that i hope we all forget he ever wrote. chomsky also seems to have a way wider influence most rightoids i know respect him at least a bit whereas the competent right wingers i know all despise sowell for being a midwit with a really poor grasp on econ

>> No.21663879

It's difficult to choose between two based options

>> No.21663942

>not a chomsky stan but sowell's understanding of history of economic thought is so awful that i hope we all forget he ever wrote.

Can you explain, please? I hear this by Sowell critics a lot, but they never go in depth.

>> No.21663981

>Chomsky has written over 100 books on a variety of topics, ranging from linguistics, history, politics and mass media. He is the last living polymath intellectual from before academic hyperspecialization. Even though he is a leftist, his critiques of mass media and our current liberal hegemony can be appropriated by rightoids as well.

>Sowell writes snarky introductory books on economics for midwit rightoids.

Holy shit. Headshot.

>> No.21664007
File: 39 KB, 640x360, SEG1-Chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every bad thing that's happened in the world in the last 100 years is ultimately the fault of the US

>expanding on this ironclad logic, it's OK when other countries commit horrific atrocities because America bad

>I am a renowned linguist and a principled leftist

>> No.21664013



he's also a cuck on race

>> No.21664020

Based self hating nigger.

Garvey would be proud

this retard was also wrong on the vietnam war.


>> No.21664021

who the fuck is "Sowell"? How is he supposed to compare to Chomsky?
This is a silly thread.

>> No.21664025

oops. JFK faggots literally couped diem's vietnam because of "LE BUDDHIST AND DEMOCRACY!!!" when Diem was at a war with north vietnam

>> No.21664037

Yeah based, America=Satan. How have you not realized this yet?

>It's OK for America to commit horrific atrocities and undermine entire ways of life and ways of being, but no one else can do it, OK? THEY JUST CANT
That's you, I'm assooooming

>> No.21664054

Hey. Pal. The Gay Nigger Suckciety of America called. They want their retarded gay nigger (You) to come back to the fold.

>> No.21664105

I love this naked leftist line of thinking that basically says, "Other people do incredibly shitty horrific things and that makes it perfectly OK for me to to behave in an equally incredibly shitty horrific way!"

Leftists are incapable of original thought. They are just angry apes wallowing in their shit, growing increasingly bitter at their own learned helplessness and just waiting to be led by some god-like being that is somehow totally not like a cult leader. At their root they're just sadists.

>> No.21664114

>I love this naked leftist line of thinking that basically says, "Other people do incredibly shitty horrific things and that makes it perfectly OK for me to to behave in an equally incredibly shitty horrific way!"
Uh huh. Were you the anon that said "it's OK when other countries commit horrific atrocities because America bad"?

>> No.21664140

I bet you're a romeboo

>> No.21664146 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 1024x796, IMG_1510-2-1024x796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chomsky is a commie but his linguistic work is fine
Chomsky's linguistic work is intimately linked to his politcal activism. In leftist ideology, people are structured to be rational and social animals who are creative producers. This is the foundation of chomsky's "Universal Grammar". You cannot separate the two.

>> No.21664149

Anon, I barely know fuckall about Rome if I'm being honest. Their history is interesting, but I'm far from being obsessed with Romans.

>> No.21664620
File: 48 KB, 876x484, Olavo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see the pic of the guy in the right I think it's Olavo de Carvalho.

>> No.21664649

I like both of them.

>> No.21664654


>> No.21664995

Strange comparison, really.

>> No.21665195

>Chomsky's linguistics was heckin debunked!!
Not that simple. Even if some of his ideas are easily contestable, he contributed massively to linguistics and psychology. It's like saying Newton was debunked. It's just a stupid thing to say. And also, whether he was "debunked" is debatable—it's clear that you don't know what you're talking about but just listen uncritically to whatever another academic said about his linguistic arguments.

>> No.21665206

Is Sowell really known for being anything other than an Uncle Tom though

>> No.21665209

he's the lefts JBP most of his critique works better with the current left establishment.

>> No.21665224

>Chomsky has written over 100 books on a variety of topics, ranging from linguistics, history, politics and mass media
And therein lies the problem. The only thing Chomsky has ever been competent in is linguistics. He's a rank amateur at worst and journeyman at best in every other discipline he's ever dipped his toe in. Why he feels so confident to write so much about things that are clearly out of his depth and that he's not that qualified to speak on, I have no idea.

>> No.21665257

Mainstream economists are for capitalism what high priests were for feudalism.

>> No.21665289
File: 54 KB, 600x450, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky being a well-known critic of U.S. foreign policy makes him a household name in intellectual circles outside the U.S.

Thomas Sowell is not

>> No.21665297

Even if you disagree with Sowell's politics, Universal Grammar is a retarded idea anon

>> No.21665299

LLVMs have shown he's a huge fraud in linguistics, and completely irrelevant in his specialty

>> No.21665314

universal grammar will probably get revised once he dies. like some guy said "science advances one funeral at a time".

>> No.21665341

Imo it's fundamentally an untenable position outside of the situation of some kind of in between ur-language that existed before humans became properly cognizant.

>> No.21665344

Olavo de Carvalho

>> No.21665345

I unironically dropped him when he said that Russia Today is one of the best news sources today. Clearly he is either deranged or experiencing cognitive decline due to his age.

>> No.21665821

he's literally the post boy of "anything america do is bad!!!!!!"

Kike faggot new left garbage

>> No.21666041
File: 413 KB, 990x618, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on. comparing chomsky to sowell is like comparing james joyce to stan lee

>> No.21666328

>Thomas Sowell is not
Shouldn't he be against foreign interventions and massive military spending as he is a libertarian?

>> No.21666333

USA and not USA countries are wrong in committing atrocities

>> No.21666789

>he's the lefts JBP
with all due respect to you and JBP, the man is simply a brainlet who is not well-read. Especially when compared to someone like Chomsky. inb4
>leftie retard
im a nazi who knows how to judge people without bias, and I am telling you, JBP needs to read a fucking book (which chomsky has already done and then some).

>> No.21666804

Every self-hating nonwhite is a good nonwhite in my book

>> No.21666846

This will never make sense neither in a Marxian sense nor in any other

>> No.21666850

No "nazi" self-identifies as "nazi" and no "nazi" writes all lower case. You're a leftist who likes fascist aesthetics.

>> No.21666853

>unnecessary swearing
Weak larp. Probably a jew.

>> No.21666868
File: 33 KB, 500x500, Basic Economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You desperately need to read this book, bro. Sowell went out of his way to make it as simple as possible so people like you, who obviously have no understanding of economics, could actually comprehend it.

>> No.21666906

Are you seriously comparing Newton to Chomsky? Newton's laws were proven to be almost entirely correct in predicting the motion of bodies. For many decades they were used successfully. Chomsky's have been proven to be wholly wrong. They were never used, and never could be used, in any linguistic way.

>> No.21666919

Sowell looks much better.
I guess black don't crack.

>> No.21667319

Both are shitty "intellectuals" only liked by overly-politicized Americans like the ones ITT

>> No.21667335

So we'll hands down. He has actually improved the condition of man. The other is like a shitty libtard Uncle Ted

>> No.21667392

>who likes fascist aesthetics.
get a load of this projecting faggot

>> No.21668101

Sowell has written about constitutional law, late-talking children, imperialism, racial and ethnic history, sports, foreign affairs, domestic politics, academia, and mass media. One of the most common criticisms I hear from leftists is that he writes about things outside his chosen specialty. In conclusion you have no idea what you're talking about.
You're not going to get an answer because >>21663874
is a bad liar who has never read a single Thomas Sowell book and probably not even a single Sowell column.

>> No.21668112

>Chomsky is a based self hating kike
He's not self-hating, he believes it's better for Jews to remain in the shadows in their host nations than to go into the light with their own, he has some strategic disagreements with his fellow Jews about how to maximize their interests, that's all.

>> No.21668193

>LLVMs have shown he's a huge fraud in linguistics
Please do go on. I'm quite interested in computer science.

He's against affirmative action and is thus persona non grata to the left.