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21663214 No.21663214 [Reply] [Original]

>...Do you think it MATTERS with how many people a woman has slept with!?


>> No.21663220

it's literally one of the few things that both religion and SCIENCE agree upon

>> No.21663232

Well, yes, of course it does. I'm not a cuck.

>> No.21663233
File: 39 KB, 732x542, JGJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure John is very chill when it comes to how many men are sleeping with his women

>> No.21663279

Modern science was born out of Christianity and Islam.

>> No.21663285

I mean I can handle a few cuz as the great Patrice O’Neal said, you’ll never find a woman who’s hymen aint broke. But I’m not exactly thrilled with a twenty plus ho either.

>> No.21663288


>> No.21663293

Yes Jon green you see as a biological male it’s been hard coded into my dna that an exclusive partnership with a mate is ideal to ensure my Time and resources are focused upon my true genetic prodigy .
Indeed I have but one lfie to live and cannot feed the world. It’s basic to my dignity that I have a chance to raise my own child and not another’s.

Indeed when I consult the teachings of Christ and the prophets upon which the world view i subscribe to, and upon which the culture of my era and location is built, I am informed that it is virtuous in a platonic sense to create a special bond between husband and wife and limit procreation to this union. Indeed I see practical benefits as well as my time is not wasted on base instincts and the pursuit of pleasure.

And so to me and I believe for society it is best to be concerned about the sexual history and activity of any mate and any member of the community who may ‘cheat’ (I use this term in the evolutionary sense) the social norms that create a safe honest place where one could indeed create a child and have a meaningful relationship with the mother (or father) of said child.

>> No.21663301
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>Virginity takes its name apparently from "viror" [freshness], and just as a thing is described as fresh and retaining its freshness, so long as it is not parched by excessive heat, so too, virginity denotes that the person possessed thereof is unseared by the heat of concupiscence which is experienced in achieving the greatest bodily pleasure which is that of sexual intercourse. Hence, Ambrose says (De Virgin. i, 5) that "virginal chastity is integrity free of pollution."
>Now venereal pleasures offer three points for consideration. The first is on the part of the body, viz. the violation of the seal of virginity. The second is the link between that which concerns the soul and that which concerns the body, and this is the resolution of the semen, causing sensible pleasure. The third is entirely on the part of the soul, namely the purpose of attaining this pleasure. Of these three the first is accidental to the moral act, which as such must be considered in reference to the soul. The second stands in the relation of matter to the moral act, since the sensible passions are the matters of moral acts. But the third stands in the position of form and complement, because the essence of morality is perfected in that which concerns the reason. Since then virginity consists in freedom from the aforesaid corruption, it follows that the integrity of the bodily organ is accidental to virginity; while freedom from pleasure in resolution of the semen is related thereto materially; and the purpose of perpetually abstaining from this pleasure is the formal and completive element in virginity.
>As stated above (A[1]), the formal and completive element in virginity is the purpose of abstaining from venereal pleasure, which purpose is rendered praiseworthy by its end, in so far, to wit, as this is done in order to have leisure for Divine things: while the material element in virginity is integrity of the flesh free of all experience of venereal pleasure. Now it is manifest that where a good action has a special matter through having a special excellence, there is a special kind of virtue: for example, magnificence which is about great expenditure is for this reason a special virtue distinct from liberality, which is about all uses of money in general. Now to keep oneself free from the experience of venereal pleasure has an excellence of its own deserving of greater praise than keeping oneself free from inordinate venereal pleasure. Wherefore virginity is a special virtue being related to chastity as magnificence to liberality.

>> No.21663313

Look at the schnoz on dat hoe

>> No.21663324

>What is Indonesia

>> No.21663325

>dude, it doesn't matter if any key can open the lock, just trust your life and salary with it.

>> No.21663330
File: 15 KB, 322x214, legreenface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow yikes sweaty

>> No.21663336

I hate reading him so much, but the ideas are ok somewhat.

>> No.21663359

Were all of them white?

>> No.21664000
File: 80 KB, 645x737, 159FBB6E-B890-470F-A800-47236D37703F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...Do you think it MATTERS with how many people a woman has slept with!?
Yes, because it shows a lack of commitment, loyalty and trust for a long term relationship to function properly. Also, not to mention the possibility of having a STD from sleeping around a lot.

>> No.21664034

what is this guy's end game

>> No.21664046

why does virginity matter?
-because people, especialy women, know that women cannot keep their legs closed
-because people know that most men never amount to anything

virginity is the best discriminant for people:
-good women are not tramps
-good men manage to make something of their lives (and, since women are loose by nature, fucking a woman is not so hard (if you do not fuck a woman, you better be good at something else))

naturally, this utopia never occurs:
-women spread their legs chasing their fun, especially through good sex, thanks to the men ready to serve them
-very few men go beyond women
men never amount to anything besides providing entertainment for women, since providing for women is the easiest thing, especially when it comes to giving them gifts.

Men unironically love sluts. It was never the virgins in college or HS that men were fawning over. It was always the stacies and Stacylite turbowhores. These women were notorious cheats, sneaks, and users, but legions of guys still simped for them anyway. Men worship sluts. Spend their whole lives chasing Stacy, then wanna settle down with Beta Becky when they are 45 lmao.

>> No.21664086

What’s funny is that sluts will get mad at how guys perceive their sluttiness, as if they have no right to a preference of virgins. But they have no argument, no way of convincing guys to deal with their trashy behavior. So at best they may resort to low-effort emotional pleas: “how DARE you JUDGE me because of my past!!!” etc. But if they want to be accepted as sluts, then they also shouldn’t judge men for being virgins

>> No.21664090

I like him. Very sharp Mind and a coherent world view

>> No.21664093

I don't care about your prompt. Just imagine pistol whipping his cute little nerd boy face into a stringy pulp

>> No.21664124

It does matter but I was such a whore at university that I'm not in a position to decry girls i date for it. desu I wish I had waited for a woman I loved
>Verification not required.

>> No.21664135

double standards exist for a reason. Men and women are different

>> No.21664153

How can you whine about women sleeping around and while justifying men doing the same? Who do you think men are fucking when they sleep around? Holes in the walls?
>double standards exist for a reason
Hypocrisy and retardation

>> No.21664154

Yeah I understand to a certain extent anon, but like this one >>21664135 said, apples and oranges mein guy. Man and woman=different.

>> No.21664180

Incorrect and ignorant opinion. Men and women are different, that's not me saying one is better or worse, just that on average they are different, anatomically, physiologically, and psychologically, and the way our socialization and culture is structured around each of them is different as well. You think it's hypocritical because, what? Because "we're the same and we have equal rights under the law"? Good God man. Different things are often subject to different standards.

>> No.21664181

I guess that's true, I'm handsome and well hung, so it wasn't just because I was open to it, there's a demonstration of sexual value. But in doing it I also enabled women to be more promiscuous, my promiscuity and tail-chasing is what encourages women to act this way.
Plus, i gave my virginity to a coked up cougar instead of waiting for a girl my age who I loved and I feel like that was a mistake.

>> No.21664189

I don’t approve of either sleeping around

>> No.21664190

I think it's hypocritical because of the reasons implied in the part of my post that you conveniently ignored, you halfwitted twitter tourist.

>> No.21664196

Why do you think women sleeping around is such a bad thing? Women can’t reproduce as much as men, since they must wait 9 months to have another. Also, they will almost always raise the child, being the mother, whereas the male is not necessarily expected to put so much effort in. So a woman should be expected to be more selective with who she mates with. And the fact that NONE of those guys wanted to stick around with her indicates that maybe she’s just dumb fuckmeat. But a guy that has sex with many women is spreading his seed, that’s biology. That’s why men have lower sexual standards than women, and why women are more hypergamous (which is a GOOD thing).

For a woman to prove her value, she needs to deny sex. For a man to prove his value, he just needs to show that he’s able to have sex.

>> No.21664197

>But in doing it I also enabled women to be more promiscuous, my promiscuity and tail-chasing is what encourages women to act this way.
Well hold on, you yourself said you acted like a whore, so even if you had tons of sexual encounters, you didn't necessarily enable women to be more promiscuous if you only had sex with each one once or twice. Now I don't know you anon, so correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just assuming that you had sex with hundreds of women or at least decades of women, which would mean that you only had sex with each one at most a couple times, right? Or am I underestimating you?

>> No.21664201

Right, I read all of it. The problem is you're wrong. You are working from incorrect assumptions about the two sexes.

>> No.21664207

What I mean is that given my complicity in modern sexual looseness, it's not fair for me to be that critical of a woman i date for having participated in what i encouraged them to, I encourage monogamy now among my friends and I would telll them not to date promiscuous girls, but I've already done damage, and had I not deleted all my dating apps/hookup accounts, and were I still living in the city rather than in the countryside, I still might be doing it. I've never met a woman I actually found romantically appealling through a dating app, only at parties or through mutual friends.

>> No.21664211

Problem is, we are more than simple animals

>> No.21664216

If I'm wrong it should be easy to disprove what I said instead of ignoring it for the second time in row and repeating "different things are different" like a ignorant and petulant child.
>Why do you think women sleeping around is such a bad thing?
Because one night stands and sleep around culture tend to ruin a whole lot of societal institutions that I think are important for a healthy society. I don't care about the sexual value of other people because it makes no sense to do so, I only care about mine.

>> No.21664224

then why does every man naturally hate promiscuity in women without even understanding the reasons behind it? It’s all instinct, biology.

>> No.21664226

>If I'm wrong it should be easy to disprove what I said instead of ignoring it for the second time in row and repeating "different things are different" like a ignorant and petulant child.
OK help me understand then, because obviously I'm not getting it: what am I ignoring? Also please don't call me petulant when I'm not the one pouting here, sir.

>> No.21664236

It’s instinct to do a lot of things but that doesn’t dictate the morality of it

>> No.21664239

what dictates the morality of it? And who?

>> No.21664245

>I'm just assuming that you had sex with hundreds of women or at least decades of women, which would mean that you only had sex with each one at most a couple times, right? Or am I underestimating you?
only dozens/tens, not hundreds, probably fewer than 60 total. For the first half of uni it was pretty much always one and done, but I would take gaps of not doing it for weeks because i would get intermittently scared of STDs and feel disgusted with myself before caving again. In the second half of my second year and first half of my third year I had more regular hookups with only a few FwBs because I got tired of clubbing or putting much effort into hooking up and wanted to spend most of my time at home reading books. I preferred the regular thing anyway, I got more comfortable with them, but it was still pretty hollow. Since uni its been very intermittent but two years ago I fell in love for the first time since i was like 15 and after trying to go back to casual shit after that ended I just couldn't. I don't trust myself in the long term though

>> No.21664249

Is that it? No elaboration? Just a vague minion of “morality” ? What a fucking subhuman

>> No.21664279

>only dozens/tens, not hundreds, probably fewer than 60 total.
>fewer than 60 total.
Holy shit, don't sell yourself short man! I'm 26 and have probably had penetrative sex with maybe 6 or 7 women. I don't know how you're defining sex though, because if you mean fingering, handjobbies, oral sex, foreplay, sensuality, etc. then I guess it would be maybe 12 or 13 at highest. You have certainly gotten around, anon, goddamn.

>> No.21664521

This the cock Cheerios guy?

>> No.21664690

i had sex wit ur mom

>> No.21664710
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>I got tired of clubbing or putting much effort into hooking up and wanted to spend most of my time at home reading books.

>> No.21664721

His women did the cock carousel meme to him lol

>> No.21664895

I’m just pointing out that an argument saying it’s natural is dumb. Killing is natural doesn’t mean it’s good

>> No.21664907
File: 619 KB, 1590x450, sf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree if he never made a Youtube channel and amassed a cult of sycophantic Redditors his books would've never sold as well as they did.

>> No.21664916

A place with the most ridiculous traffic you've ever seen. I visited once for a week and it was much faster walking places than driving

>> No.21664931

Yea it matters to me, I don't go around sleeping around and I wouldn't be alright if my partner did that.

>> No.21664941


>> No.21664953

dysgenic levels are off the charts. i think i even see a rad roach in there

>> No.21664969

>Don't forget to be awesome
>world suck
I bet this faggot tells people to be "good humans"

>> No.21665011

yeah if she's forward about it and brags about a particularly high body count it makes my dick rock hard

>> No.21665233

I found a copy of Paper Towns in a little free library on a walk. Should I go back and write something about cock cheerios in it?

>> No.21666088

You’re wrong btw and I don’t think it would be fair to science to correct you desu

>> No.21666135

John Green is a faggot and I don't care what he thinks

>> No.21666166

So this is bioleninism.

>> No.21666383

me his wife is jewish so he would have an audience no matter what

>> No.21666948

Tô me it's more about insecurities, if a girl has the same number as me it's no problem, but if it's 10+ or 15+ then I wouldn't be able to deal with the thought that it's very probable she'd get bored of me
That and the image of seeing your partner with a bunch of dudes is not pleasant to me
However, I've had several long term relationships, so even though I didn't slept with many different people (6) I probably had more sex than a girl that slept with 50 guys only once. Idk, I have no conclusion

>> No.21666962

I mean it used to matter a whole lot before contraceptives and abortions were invented

>> No.21668504

He asked you questions that, left unanswered, refute you entirely. You left them unanswered, refuting yourself. Answer the questions, then the discussion will proceed.

>> No.21669995

I hate this annoying, effeminate faggot. His voice, his mannerisms, and his ideals disgust me.

>> No.21670012

modern science was born out of hermeticism and occultism

>> No.21670019

i don't care how many men a woman has had sex with for the sole reason that i've probably had sex with more (men) [than her]

>> No.21670898

I would not take a frivolous person seriously. If she sleeps around its a good sign shes frivolous.

Put another way, women want men to commit to them. WHY the fuck would I?

>> No.21670904

>>...Do you think it MATTERS with how many people a woman has slept with!?
No. Only the number of dogs.

>> No.21670909

You sound like a mad roastie. Answer this honestly (if you are capable of it).

Would you rather date a poor virgin or a rich cad?

>> No.21670916

Problem is you arent.

I am, but the rest of you are mindless savages.

>> No.21671025
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>mfw women who sleeps around a lot don't even like the sex, at all

Their orgasmrate is abysmal, like down in the 10-20%. They sleep around because they are hollow inside, but fucking around never works to fix their mental problems.

It's very rare you find a women with a lot of "bodies" that actually enjoyed all that sex.

>> No.21671055

it matters to people who don't fuck a lot & have a complex about it

>> No.21671073

No, although, if one has the knowledge of the count of men his lady had sexual relation with it makes her in his eyes a bit less attractive. That is at least my own sincere and personal opinion of the matter, do with it as you wish.