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/lit/ - Literature

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21662763 No.21662763 [Reply] [Original]

>read a whole page
>realize I didn’t register anything I just read
>read the page again
>didn’t register yet again

>> No.21662766

many such cases

>> No.21662775

You are not concentrating. Probably your brain has already worked and is tired, take a break.

>> No.21662781

reread line by line

>> No.21662793

>just read entire book about Mayan and Aztec mythology
>someone asks me a question about
>realise I can't even remember a single fact

>> No.21662819
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Read aloud to yourself until you are able to parse information better. It is a trained skill and can only be achieved by repeated engagement.

Go to a library and boldly read out loud to all.

>> No.21662883

This. Ideal routine is intellectual work sunrise to noon and grunt work or relaxation the rest.

>> No.21663060
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Try reading this instead

>> No.21664490

write a review after you finish reading. That will help you remember.

>> No.21664541

>read one line
>decide that's enough, think about what the line means for the rest of the day
>go to sleep
>read another line
>decide that's enough, think about what the line means for the rest of the day
>go to sleep

>> No.21664553

story of my life

>> No.21664750

>read a whole book
>remember nothing

>> No.21664776

If nothing registered, h... how do you know you read it?
How would you know you read it twice?

>> No.21664785


>> No.21666109

This unironically. Reading out loud worked for me.
You first dumbass. Why are you here?

>> No.21666285

>read several chapters of a book
>don't read again for some days
>forget almost everything from where i left and have to read from the beginning

>> No.21666292

shit I do this sometimes too. I have to go back and scrutinize every last line.
I see some anons saying "take a break and finish it later" but I can't do that. If I want to read a book I have to do it all at once or I lose interest and never pick it up again.

>> No.21666309

Its good to know i am not the only senile retard on this board wasting hours reading through information just to poop it out along my capn crunch that same day.

>> No.21666343

How long would it take you tio finish Ulysses?

>> No.21666387

long enough to get it

>> No.21666388

Or he uses the internet too much so his brain is overstimulated, and has gotten into the habit of not focusing on any one thing for long periods of time, ruminating and contemplating on it; and instead hopping from one random thing to anther. Get away from the internet, meditate, eat healthy food, exercise (so your brain gets plenty of blood), and stop cooming.

Also, start by reading out loud to prevent your mind from getting distracted, and take down notes. Every time you read a paragraph or a page, stop and process it, and write down in your own words what you just read. That way you'll remember things much better than even just plain reading with proper concentration.

>> No.21666452

>read book
>remember it in great detail
feels good to not be a retard

>> No.21666579

try to read shit that matters to you and you care about

>> No.21666833

if you're reading to feeeeel, try to visualise what you read so you get an in-brain theatre of sorts

if you're reading to learn, reflect on paper what you're reading. "he writes x is y because a, b and c. that makes sense insofar..."
this takes time so make sure you're only doing useful and constructive reflection. if you're trying to learn geology, dont reflect on grammar.