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/lit/ - Literature

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21659090 No.21659090 [Reply] [Original]

>you can't kill and torture your enemies, chud
>you must let them rape your wife and daughters, forgive them, suck their dick and let them cum in your ass
>because that's written in the bible
>we must forgive 7 times seven that guy cumming in your wife and daughter ass

>> No.21659094

Barely literature and all false. 10/10 incel post.

>> No.21659133

It's hilarious to me that anyone takes the bible as a source of answers. The old testament tells the story of how civilization experiences entropy and decay the further we let it drift from whatever centerpiece kept it functioning on the same page. The campfire, god, the king, the constitution, whatever values around which we all gather and live for keep civilization cohesive.

Fine, sure, yeah, shared values make society function as a unit even if they are based in absolutely unverifiable works of badly translated fiction over millennia of politically motivated rewrites.

The problem here is that it is impossible to not examine the world around you and make an attempt to reconcile conflicting statements into a newer understanding. Eventually religious dipshit ideas will have to undergo scrutiny they cannot endure. You can shift the goalposts for centuries, even millennia, to try and pretend what was written actually meant some other thing. You can allegorically reframe each symbol and make them less literal all you want, but inevitably we will still grow apart from the doctrines, whatever they were, because we live in an absurd universe which refuses to cooperate with our limited capacity to understand.

So we just say fuck all that and have this philosophical superhero Jesus Christ who is truth incarnate and who shows us that the needs of the collective can be met by sacrificing the needs of the individual, as though the needs of the collective could possibly have any meaning without the needs of the individual first being respected. And what happens to christ? Society fucking devours him because that behavior is unsustainable and only makes very successful those who would never be so altruistic. Rather than be an obstacle to evil, just fucking let it happen and hope shit works out because when all the christlike people die uselessly and make evil prosper at their expense, this will... at least... be a moral victory?..?,,,,,?

The bible does not have answers. It is a horror story about human limits.

>> No.21659137

Why the obsession
Did a priest fuck you in the ass or something

>> No.21659143

Ultimately what it calls for is fascism and thought control to hold a civilization together. Either entropy or might is right. Even if power invariably corrupts, it is the duty of each individual to seek power even if to keep it out of the hands of the "corrupt"

>> No.21659144
File: 89 KB, 500x764, cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to forgive your wife, chud.

seven times seven.

>> No.21659162


>> No.21659175

Only some deranged 3rd wordler or methed out backwoods tween uses memes like your pic related.

>Inb4 some bullshit cope about how you're neither.