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21658949 No.21658949 [Reply] [Original]

Men and women have different taste in literature

>> No.21658986

People who use Goodreads are a breed of their own, and I mean this in the most negative possible way.

>> No.21658997

genre and sex are the same thing, lefty!!

>> No.21659021

Guys we need to read more poetry! poetry is based as fuck. Dont let them take this from us.

>> No.21659024
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>more men read chick-lit than historical romance

>> No.21659051

What i find interesting about this is that it shows women are more willing to read a broad range than men.
Men group together on a smaller set of genres, but it seems like the women don't mind reading more typically male genres.

>> No.21659077

>more femoids do read philosophy, than man classics
How could THIS happen, lads?

>> No.21659093

More women use GR than men. This chart is useless.

>> No.21659097

Goodreads is basic bitch tumblrite and söyboy central, its stats aren't too relevant for measuring anything.

>> No.21659107
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I’ve met some fellow chuds on there. The fact it’s full of soys means I don’t get bothered too much

>> No.21659148

Men don't read nowadays, they spend their time watching thots on Tiktok and Onlyfans.

>> No.21659558

you mean more women are more willing to scan their useless cow eyes blankly over a page causing nothing to happen in their empty skulls, then they proceed to leave the cliff notes summary as a'review'

>> No.21659584
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Just follow some rabbit holes of good accounts. You can find some pretty good books via that.

>> No.21659675

No I didn't mean that.

>> No.21659916

I'm a female in Goodreads

>> No.21660015

What other sources exist to browse books and read book reviews?

>> No.21660089

He means actual woman.

>> No.21660137

If we adjust for sampling-inequality, how would the graph look? Just the bottom 3 rectangles for women equals the top 6 rectangles for men

>> No.21660208


This chart is really just another way of modeling the intelligence bell curves for men and women as two separate groups, which is not to say that women are dumb, but simply that they are on average more mediocre.

>> No.21660435


>> No.21660824

Prove it. Post your favorite 3 (three) bookmarks

>> No.21660887

that's a good point!
Women's tail end is at 50% than their main genre while men's is 10% or even less.
Another thing is how different in taste are the two. The disparity is to the point men's favourite genre is women's least favourite and vice versa

>> No.21660898

Actually, the difference is opinion is so distinct it's suspicious. The favorisim tiers are literally ordered the exact opposite. If the paper is not faking that's impressive

>> No.21660955
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>> No.21660972

>Historical romance
WTF I never knew women were this based??!!?

>> No.21660986

Idk, the only fields that men dominate are comic books and flavour of the month Michael Moore tier political trash.

/lit/brothers this is looking pretty grim

>> No.21660998

Those philosophy and science fiction stats garner hope for my heart.
Though I worry what they might consider a philosophical work just as I worry what kind of science fiction the more gentle sex might prefer.

>> No.21661003
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>cow eyes
Cow eyes are so cute though. It also warms my heart thinking of a pretty girl with big eyes.

>> No.21661012

I'm also dumbfounded. Perhaps historical romance means something else on goodreads.

>> No.21661026

Cow eyes is a worthless insult, because it's targeted mostly at good looking and moral women. Maybe the type of men who like crazy bitches invented it, if two persons with the same sickness meet they don't get intimidated by each other's gaze.

>> No.21661189

The fact that there's so many women compared to men goes to show that they view reading as social clout.

>> No.21661534

it's percentage ratio of reviews, not disparity of opinions (60% reviews of philosophy books are written by men and the remaining 40% by women, this is what the graph says, it's the same data on both bars but reversed, nothing impressive or suspicious about that)

>> No.21661542

who gives a shit
women dont even write real reviews
it's either a wikipedia outline of the story or seething that the author committed badthink.
they're fucking pozzed robots for the elite technocracy

>> No.21661547

it's the ones with shirtless guys on covers, not Wuthering Heights

>> No.21661552


>> No.21661764

Females read more and have a broader taste

>> No.21661866

The men that read classics read classics and don't use glorified social media to talk about it. Except 4channel.

>> No.21661972
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I primarily use Goodreads to keep track of what I read and to chuckle at seething reviews