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21657815 No.21657815 [Reply] [Original]

>be intellectual black man in the 1930’s
>whites won’t accept you because “you’re a nigger”
>blacks won’t accept you because “you’re an Oreo”
>finally find acceptance in the communist party
>try to push for class consciousness but they keep sabotaging and the men just want you to have sex with their wives because it would be so radical and communist
>leave in disgust

Confusing desu

>> No.21657833

I’ve heard many times that story of young writers wanting to join a commie group only to end up disillusioned with how retarded and disorganized commies are. They seem incredibly restrictive.

>> No.21657834

this doesn't happen if you go back to africa

>> No.21657854

That’s how the book portrays them. Any time the narrator wants to do anything constructive they say no, no, and make approval complicated and postpone it indefinitely while coming up with pointless side quests

>> No.21657859

only after you go back to england or whatever you slithered out of

>> No.21657902

Kek sounds exactly like a commie group

>> No.21657912

especially the fact they aren't fighting for communism.
when will the little light go on in people's heads?

>> No.21657949

what a bunch of fags. this is why black should stop falling for the left wing psyop. the best thing for them to do is become like Furious Styles.

>> No.21657995

now kiss you faggots

>> No.21657996

this isn't having the effect you think it is

>> No.21658010


>> No.21658306

its not a cope, a lot of white Americans unironically do want to go back to being europoors

>> No.21658332

Kek. Do they realize how high the cost of life is over there? And hate speech laws are way tighter in England, you could unironically get the cops called on you for saying the N word. Yes, please do go back to England.

>> No.21658406

yeah I dont get it either

>> No.21658457

I just finished Iceberg Slim's memoir and was shocked by how life in the 1930's could be so dirty. I guess I imagined everything was classier back then including the gangsters. The book you posted sounds like it's about someone who is the polar opposite of Iceberg, so I'm going to read it too.. it's weird to realize that anti-intellectualism was already ingrained in the African American community even back then.

>> No.21658464

Sounds like a great and lonely struggle.

>> No.21659838

Higher education was not available for most black people unless they went to an all-black college due to patronage form wealthy white people, which is originally what the narrator does until he is expelled

>> No.21660495

Go back to Europe and I'll think about it, squatter.

>> No.21660499

Brutal. Sounds manly af.

>> No.21660569

This argument has never made sense to me. America was conquered, settled, and built entirely by whites. It’s a white nation (with a significant black underclass). Why would Americans “go back to Europe” when they came and developed it themselves?

>> No.21660588

I've heard this book described to me once as basically My Twisted World but from the perspective of a black incel.

>> No.21660668

> Why would Americans “go back to Europe”
Because it’s not their land. You can only reclaim your native land, i.e. blood and soil. It’s ridiculous to tell someone to go back to where his people came from when you’re also not from the land. And it wasn’t “white people” who founded it, it was the Brits in specific. Black Americans who descended from slaves are frankly more American than descendants of early 20th c immigrants like some Italians, Poles, or Jews.

>> No.21660831
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well, maybe they should destroy the economy and get rid of the government then. its not that hard.

>> No.21660933

That is a very inaccurate characterization since the narrator rather finds it repugnant that white communist women are really into him and want to have sex with him, he sees it as them trying to play out their fantasies of being “raped by King Kong”. This is part of his disillusionment with women’s rights activism by communists, originally feeling accepted and loved by them, he realizes he is just a fetish for leftist women because he is black, and that makes him feel just as dehumanized as actual racists do

>> No.21660953

Come back to bed, little lady

>> No.21661265

They way I heard it described implied that a lot of that was just in the narrator's head and him projecting his fantasies on reality rather than things actually being like that. Wishful thinking.

>> No.21661294

Wait. Hold up just a second. Is this real? They had Oreos in the 1930s?

>> No.21661303

Seems like a silly interpretation since it plays a major part in his disillusionment with the party

Well the literal term isn’t used but black nationalists do try to kill the narrator since they see him as a kiss-ass to white people and trying to act in a way to impress

>> No.21661307

how are black americans that are descended from slaves any more american than the native indian american tribes?

>> No.21661311

He said more than 20c immigrants, not native Americans. But there are very few pure blood natives whose ancestry goes back 100% two hundred years in America, whereas many black people have ancestry that goes 100% back 200 years or more in America

>> No.21661314

That's because communism is an idea that appeals to naive, hot-headed young people and they aren't the kind of people to do disciplined work. They wanna have fun and fuck, and any rebellious activity is erotically charged. Most guys in the 1968 protests just wanted to get laid.
Now, if you have leadership qualities and are able to direct those masses, you've got it made and can become commie dictator.

>> No.21661352
File: 115 KB, 310x475, C9D3A0B9-9E5A-4CBA-9BD4-73E153D287AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first half of pic related was about the dire working and living conditions in a industrial town in Northern England.

The second half of the book is a 100 page long rant about the absolute state of the British Socialist Movement. Mainly complaints about how it’s overrun by vegetarians, nudists and other proto trannies and middle class ‘intellectuals’ who have never worked a day in their lives.
Published in 1937

>> No.21661375

Young people are the doers.
It's the 30+ scum that call cuckoldry a "polycule"

>> No.21661391

>Published in 1937

Could really have been published at any point in the last 100 years desu. Commies are just bourgeoisie with an inferiority complex.