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21657647 No.21657647 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I am begging you. Feel free to laugh at me, but I am BEGGING you. Please in God's name, never write poetry for a woman who isn't your wife and hasn't given you several children. After you give her those most precious bounties of your soul you are completely and utterly at her mercy. If in a normal relationship she cheats on you, you can just shrug her off as some slut. But when you give her those words that to you mean so much, believe me, to her they are nothing but jewels to hang around her neck as a trophy that reminds her of the man she has conquered. If after that, she looks into your eyes, and tells you she loves you, and then goes and does anyway what unthinkable imperative woman has; you will detest yourself with a loathing deeper than any abyss you can fathom. Those Words you gave her will become your Demons. I don't even regret losing her that much, it's not so much about her. It's those words that play in my head over and over. Those words that she took with all of my sincerest trust with a smile on her face telling me how much they mean to her. Those deepest most painstaking extractions of yourself will become knives turned against you. Please anon, don't do it. Just write a silly jig about her ass instead, she won't appreciate the difference anyway.

>> No.21657725

Don't worry Im not gonna write poetry for any reason ever.

>> No.21657743

Could be the premise for an E.A. Poe story.

Good post.

>> No.21657764

the story how I stopped reading and writing poetry.
>Just write a silly jig about her ass instead, she won't appreciate the difference anyway.

good advice

>> No.21657980

Me thinks writing a poem for a man dressed a gal is just right however. Square, I see it, as they say. Open season, you know.

>> No.21658028

I've personally found it completely consistent that women consider poetry cringe. Whenever I am courting a woman and I at some point end up talking poetry they are revulsed. It is widely seen as a very cringy, awkward, cumbersome and lecherous attempt of the man to don a romantic persona - that's what's tiresome about women in their twenties, everything is a persona in their lives, and everything everyone else does is interpreted to be - and in many cases, they are probably right to do so, as fuckboys and simps go to extreme lengths to fashion themselves personas that they believe a woman would like. Sometimes a bit of earnestness, like my love of poetry, becomes collateral damage on that battlefield of lies and deception. But I'm not stupid, so I can see if something fails again and again, I should stop doing it.
So as for you OP, completely agreed, don't do poetry until you've had a child with her. Ideally, don't do poetry until your 25th anniversary.

>> No.21658034

By 25th anniversary, you mean the 25th second right? Because that's about how long any relationship with women I've had lasted

>> No.21658037

Work on your technique, rapist-san

>> No.21658049


OP, you really need to stop treating poetry or expression of your feelings as a gift with expectations of reciprocation. You should *only* give people poems for yourself, without expectation.

>> No.21658059

thats your ego anon. Just let it go, you have more in life than cringe for what you've done.

You had your moment with her, and now when you find another girl you will said the words she deserve as well. But in the end is just word anon, if she doesn't care thats sad for her.

>Just write a silly jig about her ass instead, she won't appreciate the difference anyway.
this is true though

>> No.21658154
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I doubt either of you have been cheated on in a serious romantic relationship. My chest is literally convulsing during the day any time my mind wanders. I'm a dead man walking.

>> No.21658164

I’ll give poetry to whoever I want

>> No.21658167

why did she cheat?

>> No.21658503

sincerest condolences

>> No.21658838

Love from Kazakhstan.

>> No.21658961

if you are the overman you can give slips of poetry to jailbait anywhre, anytime

>> No.21658988

God I wish I was her. I'd love you for all my life. The retarded femcel whispers her prayers into the night.

>> No.21659026

>Those deepest most painstaking extractions of yourself will become knives turned against you
If you were a real poet you would use the experience to write even better poetry. It's all grist for the mill.

>> No.21659032

Your toes are hidden
You know I'm kinky
Little freak
I come to shops when they sell shoes
I speak to ladies who look good
They serve me smiles and they so kind
Oh ladies feet! Do step on me

>> No.21659182

sides have left orbit
>captcha is KHHAH

>> No.21659190

Only homosexual men and unwashed anarchist chicks give a shit about poetry in 2023.

>> No.21659191
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I’ll be as cringe as I want whenever I like; seethe sneed

>> No.21659300


I feel you bro. It happens more often than you think. You lift them up, and they pee on you. Kindness, praises, favors, etc, if you give them to the wrong ones, it may end up haunting you. My takeaway is to treat everyone the same way you want to be treated (with respect and kindness), but if they turn out to be unworthy, just cut your losses and them from your life. Solitary is better for your soul than fake friends.

>> No.21659307

Das right. Blessings.

>> No.21660471
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Damn fakebaudrillard

>> No.21660516

just get the fuck over it faggot. i mean it, she did you a favor. imagine if it took as long as 20 years and three kids for you to see this side of her. imagine laying awake at night, wondering if your kids are yours. you got off easy. go rework the poem, make it more beautiful than ever, then give it to the next whore that smiles at you. now those words mean nothing. have a laugh, have a cry, and get the fuck over it.

>> No.21660736

>never write poetry
Anon, it's clear as day that no one here writes poetry. You don't need to worry about it

>> No.21660746

>as fuckboys
Fuckboys are selected for genetic qualities of physical attractiveness, they don't have to fashion or signal.
yes, these people "work on themselves" endlessly

Writing poetry is seen as highly feminine by people at large, across the whole world.

>> No.21660750

This is a slave mentailty/morality. Only men are told such nonsense. To give without expectations is inherently an act of submission.

>> No.21660755

The only women who could ever deserve your poetry are your mothers (mother, grandmas, great-grandmas, etc.) and then only if they deserve them also on account of their qualities and behavior. If you had a good mother, write her a fantastic epitaph for when she goes.

>> No.21660780

I didn’t write her poetry but when we were dating I did send her a drunken voice message of an existing poem (that I saw in a film): “The earth turned to bring us closer ,/ it spun on itself and within us, / until it joined us together in this dream.” I
The relationship didn’t work out but I still cringe at this memory sometimes. Overall, she was not for me.

>> No.21660928

To give to yourself is the fullest expression of the overman. If you can't over stand your insecurities, your fears, even your dreams, then what are you doing in your life? To ennoble the world with poetry and beauty is an inherently genetive action. When you love the world a little bit of God shines out of you.

>> No.21661243


>> No.21661599

I write, and it's very fun. I used to think poetry was lame, but after I open my computer and start writing without having to bother teachers reading to give you a score it was awesome, poetry is a great way to put out your thoughs and play with words, nobody need's to see then

>> No.21661609

I spent £20 on a girl that I went out with three times four years ago and I still regret it.

>> No.21661619


>> No.21661629


>> No.21662955

I like your writing. You could be a good writer. If you ever write a book shill on here I'll read it

>> No.21662968

In the wise words of one of the sage masters of ceremony in our times, "knew that ass was real when I hit, it bounce back"

>> No.21662980

Pearls before swine and all that rot. You were warned, you just chose not to listen. Penises aren’t made for thinking.

>> No.21663095

Men are worthy of love more than women anyway

>> No.21663104

I've written poems to several different women. I feel fine. I wrote better poetry with each new lay anyway.

>> No.21663109

What did you write to her?

>> No.21663130

You are a talented writer though.

>> No.21663190

When I was a teenager I hanged out and had long talks with this lovely girl who was a balleriana. We really seemed to have a synergy, she loved talking with me at least. I fell in love with her and one day I poured my heart out to her, telling her I loved her, and she cried in my arms. We hugged for a long time. Then she stopped seeing me. Later she got with a dude whose name was like, Archibald and looked like the meme guy with the no chin profile.. I think Archibald was really rich. One day I saw her father's car and it was a Ferrari. I was like, ooh, right. We were like 15 or something. I think she was the first girl I fell for. Second one was worse. Third one was worse. I think each was worse than the one that came before. I wish I had met someone who really loved me as much as I loved her. I just wanted a girl I could love with all my heart but now it's all burned out on nothing. I've run out of fuel in the middle of a desert. The funniest thing is that I've probably crossed path with one girl that I could have loved and married, but by that point I was too cynical and I let her go. It was like a cruel joke.

>> No.21663255

You are probably not that old anon. You'll find her soon

>> No.21663755

Imagine thinking a relationship is anything other than power dynamics.

>> No.21663916

"A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies."

>> No.21663940

Wut about the benis and vagooo?

>> No.21663971

Brother I feel you. I know the pain. And it is immense and yawning like a black pit growing, and the pit is Wisdom, and the pit is Experience. It needs to happen though, my dude, and you'll make it out.

>> No.21664642

Once you leave settings where you can coincidentally meet her (a prerequisite for genuine romantic love) like school, you're out of luck. The best that awaits thereafter is constructed, cold Machiavellian goal oriented (companionship, children, house, etc.) interest bandied about as "love".

>> No.21664647

Make it out of what? That position signals an irrescuable endpoint. It is not good or right to ever reach it. People who achieve love never know it, because it can only be felt when all the opportunities for the age-bound phenomena that is genuine romantic love have passed. There is no path back, there is no rescue. These are the facts.

>> No.21664672
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>You lift them up, and they pee on you.
So what was the problem again?

>> No.21665046
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Are you insane? Why would you write a love poem? It's only supposed to be erotic poems. What do you think this is? Courtly love? The 1600s?

>> No.21665239

you should fix ur commas dude

>> No.21665252

this applies to any form of art really. I once composed a serenade for a girl I really liked in uni only for her to call me gay

>> No.21665470
File: 3.57 MB, 4000x2948, 69F7C0C6-BE80-4491-8B5B-ABE63255E506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solitary is better for your soul
It’s killing me. I’ve lived alone in my house for two years. I certainly speak less and see fewer people than nearly any monk who has ever lived. I don’t know if I deserve this, if it’s supposed to be a learning experience, or if any explanation is a cope and nobody in the world wants me.

>> No.21665474

I have some bad news for you anon

>> No.21665477
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You’re not alone.

>> No.21665498

that's why one writes 1000s of pieces, so when you give her breadcrumbs it becomes negligible.
learn 2 love the process and not single outcomes. one has to be like Bruckner, when someone asked him whether he had another symphony and he was like "yeah I believe there was a finished one back there"

>> No.21665503


>> No.21665504
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Kind sentiment, frog. I just don’t think it’s true.

>> No.21665532
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You have us here and now. You have my ear anon, for whatever that’s worth (although I will be going to bed soon).

>> No.21665578
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I dislike complaining, and the self-pity is bad. But I do feel deeply for other young men (no homo). Our lives have so little value in these times. There is so much passive cruelty. It’s painful to be ignored every day for years. What does it matter that we are strong and healthy? These masculine aspects of us mean nothing to anyone. There isn’t even a war we can pretend is righteous and die in, we know too much to feel the bliss of ignorance.

>> No.21665584

Poetry in the English language is always ugly, boring and dull. Englis is probably one of the ugliest languages in existence, so it will always suck ass in poetry. English song are only "good", becaue it's very easy to rhyme in english, and also because there are little english words compared to other languages.
Anyways, you could have written poerty in another language.

>> No.21665614

It means something to you, and that’s important. You have value, worth and your opinion matters. I often feel as you describe, so there’s at least one person out there who can relate to you. I reiterate: you are not alone.

> We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact.

Chuck is a fag but he isn’t wrong. There’s hope for all of us.

>> No.21665636

What about dirty limericks?
How would something like the following fair?
>Hickory dickory dock
>Time to take my cock
>If you want some dick
>Just give it a lick
>And in your ass I'll rock

>> No.21665723 [DELETED] 

It's funny because this is supposed to be the age of the individual, and yet never before has the individual been so atomised and powerlessly in all social and economic aspects. Even the middle class is a veritable myth at this point. As for social and political zeitgeist? Not even human, it's the work of algorithms in self-perpetuating tandem.

>> No.21665727

It's funny because this is supposed to be the age of individualism, and yet never before has the individual been so atomised and powerless in all social and economic aspects. Even the middle class is a veritable myth at this point. As for social and political zeitgeist? Not even human, it's the work of algorithms in self-perpetuating tandem.

>> No.21665767
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The “age of individualism” is just a marketing gimmick. The sad truth is that everyone is and always has been powerless to the whims of fate and to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. I agree that we’ve never been more atomized but that’s partly by design: it benefits the state, but it’s by no means a foregone conclusion that we need to succumb to it. You can find people of like mind and there are people who can and do care about you. You have the power to change your own life for the better, as much as anyone has or ever has. It’s not easy, and you run the risk of getting hurt, lied to, betrayed and otherwise shit on but that’s just how it do. It’s worth the risk. I for one believe in you.

>> No.21665784

I agree. I tried this once and it got really fucking bad. I thought it was sort of silly and funny but she started thinking she owned my soul or something. Really don't do it bros. And it was a really good poem, probably the best I ever wrote.

>> No.21665863
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>The sad truth is that everyone is and always has been powerless to the whims of fate and to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Getting a bit off topic now but I heavily disagree. Of course as a general philosophy this is and always will be true; but if you were a high IQ physically fit male in the Middle Ages for example, or really any time before the Industrial Revolution, like some of us are now, you could rightly expect to become a very important and valued member of your community and receive ample reward based on merit, regardless of class. And I say regardless of class because as a serf sure you couldn't expect to become a king or a baron but you could become a very valued member of your class and that would be a more worthwhile and rewarding endeavour than almost any today. After the Industrial Revolution, technology quickly made the working classes, particularly the males, obsolete, or at any rate made their labour worth far less. What we see now with the information/computer revolution is just that same concept reaching the higher classes, i.e. from those whose primary means of production was their body to those whose was the mind. Also I'm not a Marxist but technology "creating jobs" is almost always code for a shift in self-sufficiency and ownership of the means of production from a lower social class to a higher social class (the owners of the technology). To a transhumanist this is all wonderful news, but to anyone of a saner disposition, well you know what I'm talking about.
I do agree with your general notion that we have power over lives, and I thank you for the encouragement, and maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate, but it seems a little disingenuous to put all the emphasis on the individual.

>> No.21665925


>> No.21666188

In the middle ages your IQ and fitness beyond ability to do grueling endurance dependent agricultural labor was irrelevant. Your class was by birth - feudal nobility or peasant serf/slave. Merit was irrelevant. Violence and the means to enact it was all that mattered.

>> No.21666212

I am sorry to hear that Anon. Over time the pain will subside, it will go away. Don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault.

>> No.21666238

Not true. You think they didn't want to teach people to write? They just realised that there's no benefit, in fact the opposite, in imposing literacy upon normies. If you had a high IQ you could easily find your way into an order of monks and become a highly learned man. If you had a more practical sort of intelligence you could make great use of it in the military.

>> No.21666599

I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.21667067

It's not a poem but I'm writing a song for my gf. Unlike you I ain't a faggot and I know what to write about to not get in the trap you listed

## Verse: Honey Please
You know I love you, like the sun
But after this, I gotta run
You're gonna burn me when I'm done done
Cause you can't have my type of fun

So honey please, honey please
So honey please, honey please
So honey please, honey please
I gotta say it: you smell like moldy cheese
And you keep trying to take my money

## Chorus
It's so cute how you're agitated
Keeps me sedated, seeing you frustrated
It's so cute how you're agitated
Keeps me sedated, seeing you frustrated
For as long as we have dated
You look so animated when you're aggravated
It's so cute how you're agitated
Love you for all you hated

## Verse: unwomenly habits
Come by over, with a mop
Cleaning up the slop, all the socks you dropped
The girl police have called
They said the skirt doesn't fit you at all

Your cooking is great to dine
Making even the onions cry
The girl police have called
They said the skirt doesn't fit you at all

You get so tired
Trying to work the dryer
Honey see, this is the frier
You put the egg on the pan, over the fire

The girl police have called
They said that skirt doesn't fit you at all
They're mad you had the gall
To call yourself a woman, despite how you fall

>> No.21667072

Based, you'll be dead inside soon and then you're invulnerable.

>> No.21667080
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Your words of beauty and truth
Gave me cooties and stings my cooch
A man of culture
The feet vulture
Now that I know it:
submit myself toe it

>> No.21667156
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The path a lot of us adopt. However as somebody else mentioned in this thread, there are women who seek a caring and loving man but you preclude yourself from being with them when you close your heart forever.

>> No.21667189
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The sun lightens,
and illuminates an angel
We dated and touched, my skin frightens
Then, that feeling that's too common
The angel who loved me, has fallen

A midget in clown's makeup who consistently boozed-up,
fatty with no honor or father
a brain with no mind
and a belief that gender isn't assigned

The heart mirrors the sun,
shading it to be my type of fun
She always says "this cannot be done"
and pretends to shun

Cutting cancer from the heart,
I can breath better
Later on, she called a vet: child-killer.
I'm blessed to escape the false sun's love
And renewed my faith in God above

>> No.21667205
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Kino. The key is you gotta be 100% straight face and serious about these poems. If you show any wavering of doubt she'll call you a faggot. This is why you don't tell girls anything affectionate/emotional over text: most of the context is gone

>> No.21667235

lol where are they? All I see are disgusting manipulative people, that if you discipline are workaholics with Stockholm syndrome.
I know three people so far who have girlfriends manipulated and called them rapists, two of them were simps and one of them was (I shit you not ) was in a fucking cast. My uncle had his leg FUCKING BROKEN, and that was the only reason that the court said not guilty to him raping them.
Of the two left, I noticed a pattern of them not being dominating the girl. They were too nice, too kind, and not assertive enough. They didn't made them bend or annoy them. And the girls went, pushed their limits, and destroyed them
The rest of women I know (as in, really know) in relationships are simps. My mother cooks and cleans, is exhausted all the time. Then, my father asks her to make coffee: I know how to make coffee, it's piss easy. She hates making coffee. Yet she still does it. Grandma got so much shit from her sons, and had the AUDACITY to call my mom out for "betraying her brothers", because my mom said her brothers gotta help the mom out. Let me remind you that my mom did most of the cooking and cleaning, and had a kid at 16.

This makes me rethink my definition of a human. I just do not see the same thinking processes in me and you as I do them, where they flip flop between hurting themselves and protecting rapists, or calling their "bf" who didn't even had sex with them rapists.

They're a group I don't understand. Even if I DO find one like that, whose caring and loving, chances are she's gonna over work herself to death for no fucking reason. Or she's gonna cave in to the sons because "oh, I love you". Shit like that