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21653205 No.21653205 [Reply] [Original]

Who told the best tale and was most deserving of a free meal at the Tabard Inn?

>> No.21653253

any good readily available editions with the original text and modern translation? i know of the harvard thing but i'd like to read a physical copy

>> No.21653352

I used to have an edition like the one you are looking for, but that was a number of years ago and I forget who published it. At any rate, as I see it you're better off reading a good translation rather than attempting to read the original. Unless of course you're already familiar and confident with Middle English. Otherwise, you're just going to be flipping back and forth between annotations anyways. Nevill Coghill's translation is truly beautiful, and is generally accepted as the best.

>> No.21654471


>> No.21654654

Knights tale. Wife of Bath can suck a turd from my asshole.

>> No.21654708

true story too

>> No.21654762


>> No.21654815

What did the Wife of Bath do to you?

>> No.21655175

That tale has been retconned into the anti-intellectualism of feminist philosophy despite the fact that Chaucer is my favorite rapist. His depictions of women are all based in reality but the cruelty of this tale is confused for strength by the rabid sub-80 IQ masses of unwashed pussies walking the hallways of higher learning institutions. The tales need an updated translation effecting more closely the stupidity of women. Screen cap this faggot.

>> No.21655567

The Cook and he should have been given a free gallon of beer.

>> No.21655611

The Wife of Bath's prologue is actually much more interesting than the actual tale itself. Also it's about double the length.

>> No.21655741

The canon-yeoman's tale.

>> No.21655762

Actually decent choice. Props for not choosing one of the sex stories.

>> No.21655777 [SPOILER] 

Griselda's tale.

>> No.21656977

That’s a good story.

>> No.21657147

Checked, sevens of truth
>Captcha: sad2xx

>> No.21657550

But that tale was never finished? It ends mid-sentence.

>> No.21657555

The monk objectively.

>> No.21658517

absolutely jobpilled

>> No.21658593

take your meds, faggot

>> No.21658718

trips o' truth