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21650658 No.21650658 [Reply] [Original]

why don't men read erotic novels like women do?

>> No.21650668

I have broken this thread's hymen. Everyone who posts before me gets my sloppy seconds.

>> No.21650685

My first instinct was to say left but then I figured, if I'm gonna have my way, I might as well make them do each other and just watch desu

>> No.21650909

these are men

>> No.21650929

They're generally not very good

>> No.21650932 [DELETED] 

Men jack off in 10 minutes to get rid of their uncomfortable boner and then do something else (such as reading something worthwhile)
Women spend entire afternoons reading the same rehashed story of Chunder Thundercock and Simp McDoormat competing to provide for Jane Bland (there isn't much else happening in their minds).

>> No.21650936

It’s just not a man thing…not even feminine men (gay men) read that garbage, all books about gay men are written by fujos.

>> No.21650941

Who is the blonde cute?

>> No.21650950

Regarding erotics, men are more superficial and like what they see through their eyes, while women are more emotional so they like more deep things, like a book for example.

>> No.21650968

Investing hours and hours in erotic fiction is like investing tons of effort in speedrunning Yoshi's Island.

>> No.21650986

I always wanted to find a game I liked enough to learn to speed run it, but the only time I got autistic enough to care about mechanics were when I was peer pressured into playing Dota 2 and counterstrike with friends. And even then 1000s of hours of my life wasted to be not good at the game. The only games that are worthwhile now are the ones with interesting stories.

>> No.21650990

We don't take sex experiences as a meaningful thing. Men have other things to care about. Including love, by the way, just not sex.

>> No.21651063

third post, best post

>> No.21651072

>Men jack off in 10 minutes to get rid of their uncomfortable boner
God, I wish. Edging is hell.

>> No.21651107

Most literature men read or really anything they do is erotic just not sexual. Women read sexual novels but if you break down the content you'll find it's not really erotic. Sexuality is actually the enemy of eroticism. Eroticism is the attachment of the self to the highest things. This is what beauty is, a projection of worth in relation to this attachment, beautiful because it makes you better. Notice that people usually don't find beautiful things sexy, because sexuality isn't the beginning but the end to the unworthy life the sexual being knows they lead, because sexuality is the last resort effort to temporarily have full man-woman existence, which is a last resort cop-out for not having relation to life and instead having to force merge with them past their own boundaries through your last resort inner whirl pool waters (sex hormones). Relation to life is 'it takes one to know one', this is something the complete women doesn't have, so eroticism can only be 'male'. Women don't find men beautiful, because men don't make them better, they end them. Woman wants to be hypnotized by man and this is attractive because it's a mirror of the process of beauty in it's lower kernel. Like the self obliterating the self in the knowledge of this inability to relate in the hope that the effort will grant them a new self.

>> No.21651119

>Eroticism is the attachment of the self to the highest things.
Such as Death & Defecation.

>> No.21651204

I fell for the stamina training meme and conditioned myself to need much time.

>> No.21651474

Female made/consumed erotica is the closest one can possibly get to being convinced - by way of a churning stomach, 'sinking feelings,' feeling like you've been violated - that demons really are real (and predominantly lurk inside the frontal cortices of women). Gore, satanism... it's like anecdotes (figuartively and literally.) But it might be very likely that when one reads/listens to female erotica, that extremely low 'infrasound' like wavelengths propogate throughout ones body, as if they were invoking demons to come... and sleep inside you. Drowning in dread.
You know, the 'banality of evil' and all that.

>> No.21651502

I read erotic novels when I was like in Jr high. My mom had a ton of books, including romantic ones so I ended up reading them as I was starting to "find myself". It wasn't bad for being a horny kid.
My area also didn't get broadband for a long time due to location so I used to read "erotic" text stories. Man back then there was heavy duty written porn, quality stuff. I've never seen anything of that caliber again when I get the inclination to see what's what in xxx text.

>> No.21651510

Your concept of beauty is flawed but.i don't have a keyboard to properly expand.
I just want other anons to know to take that concept of beauty with a grain of salt.

>> No.21651516

Free online JAV baka

>> No.21651525

I do, but that's probably just because my dad had a massive French erotica collection as part of our library at home.

>> No.21651528

I do but I might be a repressed transexual idk

>> No.21651542

I want to read erotica, but everytime I search for a new book, I have to filter a lot of book towards women. It's tiresome.

>> No.21651551

Men dont write sex scenes the way women do. Its a thing throughout history that us girls are more ‘romantic’ ‘emotional’ ‘intimate’. Womenly things like fawning over romance or even falling in love with your girl too much is clowned on. Also I think men are alot more visual. We dont get to jack off or stick it in some random hoe and porn is very male gazesque. So a book that gets us hot and tingly enough to rub one out about our fantasy man is the same way porn is for men.

>> No.21651552

Kek, unironically that queira accurate, just read some summaries of those chicks novels and it's just basically the same story at his core. Lmao

>> No.21651639

This. I broke my brain and now cooming in 10 minutes isn't satisfactory enough. I have to find some porn games and play them for hours, get into the story over the span of a few days for the satisfactory nut. Sometimes I also get the urge to masturbate anally to satisfy my craving. I'm addicted and I feel like I'm on a downward going spiral

>> No.21651660

Me and my gf read erotica, then we roleplay what we read. It's mostly faux-incest stuff.

>> No.21651665

That's fucked up

>> No.21651677

Not really, it's just roleplay and it's very satisfying. It brings us closer together since you couldn't do this with just anyone.

>> No.21651721

That's generous, for me it's 2

>> No.21651919

>he doesn't masturbate to ancient erotic poems
for me it's Sappho and Wallada bint al-Mustakfi

>> No.21651922

they're cute arent they. why are they looking at me like that

>> No.21652009


>> No.21652033

It astounds me how buckbroken men on the internet have become when they think everyone online is a dude. I mean I get it was a joke for a long time but now you have men who seriously believe

>> No.21652038

because we already live the erotic novel, it's boring to us

>> No.21652057

Repressed sexuality, the post

>> No.21652063

We don't get horny as easily.

>> No.21652164

Like I’m a homosexual that wants to be a heterosexual? Homosexuality is the desperate urge for the criminal to have his day in court, everything failing in him externalized into the expectation of an audience, perceived pity from the judge, or awe from the juror. For everyone in the court to see the lapsing in the criminal and find it’s justification in the force of his ‘argument’. Heterosexuality is the criminal urge to defile one victim with no witnesses, to feel complete ownership over a victim that you have made your ‘hidden own’. Animals are all criminals, their initial kernel of worth allows them to externalize their lapsing onto their unworthy surroundings, and believe in the imposition foolhardily. I’m more plant, sick person, the rigid and perpetually rooted oak, that greatly hangs about and let’s the wind gently over hang his branches, creaking over the animals heads cryptically, letting the wind do his work. Plant life is more erotic. They effortlessly (gradual, slow) cast themselves out in front of the sun, ever reaching higher.
The most noble animal is the boar and listen to its internal grinding sounds https://youtu.be/c9pmqhK84BI
The sinking in, the whirling gurgling of the drain, like how the animals steals all that it possesses. It’s correlate is the whirl pool, the visual metaphor of the sexual hormones. The sexual hormones literally carry the function of the whirl pool, the sinking in out of desperation to force action. Sinking in because it fully abandons respect of any creatures boundaries. Guttural sound of the drain, toilet flushing, the last sound before the pot breaks. The pot maker then re-moulds the liquefied clay into something new. Without Venus, the earth would cease to have its use. I’m more plant, sick, internalizing, right now I’m only typing this to distract myself from the sensation that my stomach has become a deflated bag due to erosion from the pressures of opioid constipation from abuse. When I breathe out my stomach feels like it’s lost it’s elasticity and doesn’t return to its position. When I eat, the food goes no where, even after a big meal I don’t feel warm and jolly, just the sensation of that bag floating. The connection between my head and my stomach has been severed. I don’t feel the warm grounding pressure in the back of my head from correct breathing, only a strange sort of weightlessness, very unpleasant. This is awful and you could never handle this. You would break and strike your mother, snap at your sister who became your care giver on your sick bed. You would make an audible cry to all life around you, demanding for them to actualize yourself. Me? I can take it. I can take it all.

>> No.21652170

"I need to seek professional help", the post

>> No.21652190

a very femine and beautiful girl who sits next to someone with coloured hair and a bit of a masculine face. Oh God, how I miss the times, when girls with masculine faces were just beautiful. Now you always have to fear that they are trannies and everyone hates trannies, because everyone desires beauty and truth.

>> No.21652192

>why don't men read erotic novels like women do?
I get ravished to tame me by scottish werewolf vampire billionaire surgeons IN REAL LIFE IN COTTAGES. Women can only dream of how much blood drinking highland dog penis I get.

>> No.21652193

Because they have hentai anime and erotic manga. Men's sexuality is more about visual stimulus.

>> No.21652204

follow up?

>> No.21652207
File: 524 KB, 1600x1200, floris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to read them as a kid 10-12 I think. I quite enjoyed them but I didn't knew about masturbation yet.
They were filled with sexy rapes and tsunderes things I hold dear to this day

Most I read were Sandra Brown and this french saga ( with rapeS ! ) writen by Jaqueline Monsigny named "Floris"
It was great ! This french slut cucks ( little rape ) husband with some russian in Paris. Then he goes over there in Russia has his kid it's like Anastasia meets Aristorapes and then they all fuck off to America lmao
It's quite interesting because a lot of time is spent describing foods which is very interesting
There were these lard cookies the kids ate while taking a break from being chased. I keep thinking about them. You know what maybe I'll see if I can find a recipe

>> No.21652276

You posted pasta: The quintessential sloppy seconds. Memes hatefuck your brain on a daily basis, for fun. Now open wide.

>> No.21652390

>speedrunning Yoshi's Island.

>> No.21652546

Yep. You get both the visuals, and the narrative, without having to being beholden to the subpar visuals and narrative of live action stuff.

I think men like narrative and context just as much as women do, but if we are forced to pick between it and visuals then visuals win. There was a time before pornographers figured this out and porn that got straight to the fucking was called "gonzo" and was considered the lowest tier, then it clicked that they could make the same profits without all the dialogue acting and set pieces and gonzo became the de facto genre, now its just porn.
Narrative stuff is still massively consumed by men but it is relegated to hentai and POV camgirl amateur stuff that can be shot for nothing.

>> No.21652560

The content of romance fiction marketed towards women indicates that most women are emotionally shallow

>> No.21652563

They just watch porn instead? I don’t really care about the 200 page backstory of romance and her aspirations to rise above being a waitress as she’s swept away by a secret billionaire. Just get to the benis in bagina part so I can finish.

>> No.21652566
File: 38 KB, 300x380, 02404F90-DFCF-4608-8CD6-5863FC12C6DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scottish werewolf vampire billionaire surgeons
>they aren’t pirates too

>> No.21652652

What astounds me is how far the trannies have come. Just five years ago you rarely saw one that passed, and now you seriously believe this isn't a picture of two men. Hats off to them.

>> No.21652732

Anon clearly implied they are butt pirates.

>> No.21652739

They've strategically hidden their hands. The distributions of facial features overlap so heavily between the sexes that only gigachad lies outside the ambiguous region.

Take the average dude under 25, slap on a vig and professional make up and he will "pass" for an ugly woman.

>> No.21652741

Honestly, Mishima's short story patriotism got me hard

>> No.21652744

not sure how I came up with this. *wig

>> No.21652764

> Take the average dude under 25, slap on a vig and professional make up
Finnster passes better than actual trannies. It’s about being young and having an androgynous twink build. If you have that you don’t even need hormones.
The problem is trannies with linebacker builds thinking they can reverse the effects or pass in their 30s.

>> No.21652858

>us girls
>we men

What the fuck are you, some sort of American?

>> No.21652987

Those are literal men, THOUGH

>> No.21653010
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More like 6h which starts with vanilla and ends up in regrets. Then I doit agane after 4 days

>> No.21653202

I do, I just have better than women and don't read anything with a female protagonist.

>> No.21653208

Visualisation vs self inserting

>> No.21653218

Because we have a fuckton of pornography catered specifically to our tastes, while the women who watch porn have to make due with what's around.

>> No.21653552

Thanks for the warning; my bullshit detector already crunched down his word salad into the detritus it is.

>> No.21653557

I got that sinking feeling from The Hating Game.
It was one of the most self indulgent, despicable, vom inducing works of shart i've ever had the displeasure of reading. It was at that moment the whole edifice cracked open. There is no compromising with these people. They just cannot be allowed to control literature.

>> No.21653570

stop confusing its with it's.
and it's lets, not let's. fucking tool. instead of fingering your asshole to bears beets battlestar galactica, pay more attention to your apostrophe usage.

>> No.21653577

Completely false, I spend at least 2-3 hours of my afternoon at work (working alone) browsing femdom ass licking pornography and putting together a playlist for the coom of the night when I get home.

>> No.21653586
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On a weekly basis I probably type out an average of 10-20 thousand words of prose on chinese typefucking forums. Both with others in the form of erotic roleplay, posting paragraphs at a time back and forth with other people, or solo in the form of erotic short stories. (mostly the former, I must admit.)

Every day, I wish I was less mentally ill such that I could write something that wasn't just smut. The drive is not there. All the stories in my head remain there and instead I just write smut. This has gone on for at least 10 years.

>> No.21653591

dont care I only like anal

>> No.21653608

I just want to get rid of the mental impairment of horniness as quickly as possible and ruin the spell of succubi so that I can go about my day.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking it would be nice to talk to women and have sex and a relationship again and then I realise I haven't coomed in a few days. Even before the last orgasmic spasms my mind is clear as a alpine lake on a windless day again and I look with horror upon the trickery I almost fell for and thank God for my opposable thumbs.

>> No.21653611
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Cus men in those novels are usually 6'4 billionaire gigachads who rape naive college girls. I cannot self insert.

If someone wrote a novel about a rich mommy gf who's into locking up 23yo incel autist neets in her sex dungeon, I would read it

>> No.21653626

be the change you want to see in the world anon

>> No.21653634

>It's quite interesting because a lot of time is spent describing foods which is very interesting
detected the moid. you know the rules.

>> No.21653637

the only writing that turns me on is my own. sometimes when i write sex scenes i go and jack off

>> No.21653680

They're why I write romance where the male leads are painfully awkward/shy around women but the female lead finds that sweet and endearing.

>> No.21653709

No, it is not accurate to say that women are bad. This statement is a form of sexism and misogyny and it is harmful and offensive. Women, like all individuals, are diverse and complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all characterization that can be applied to all women.

Women make important contributions to society in a wide range of fields, including politics, science, art, and more. Women are also leaders, innovators, and problem-solvers, and they play a crucial role in shaping the world we live in.

It is important to reject harmful and offensive stereotypes and to work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. This means recognizing and valuing the contributions of women, and ensuring that they have equal opportunities and access to resources and support.

In conclusion, it is not accurate to say that women are bad. This statement is a form of sexism and misogyny, and it is important to reject harmful and offensive stereotypes and to work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

>> No.21653722


Fuck off ChatGPT normie

>> No.21653757

I have masturbated to books on more than one occasion.
One was the book “The Gas” a 70’s hippy book where a gas makes people fuck anything nearby, most recent was a book about a girl who drunkenly sucks 12 cocks on camera for a game in a nightclub and it’s posted online and she is humiliated for it….

>> No.21653810

based gachimuchi master

>> No.21654148

Submissives are fucking disgusting and need to die.

>> No.21654298

These are too ugly with that makeups to be called tomboys

>> No.21654312

Imagine living a whole life without getting any affection. That would be so painful hahaha.

>> No.21654553

Please someone recommends me a good fantasy erotic novel and i'm going to read it.

>> No.21654563

women read porn, men watch porn

>> No.21654611

There is no one specific reason why men may not read erotic novels as much as women do. It can be a matter of personal preference or societal norms and stereotypes that suggest that women are more likely to be interested in romance and sexual content. However, it's important to note that these are just generalizations and do not apply to all individuals.

Men may also be more likely to seek out visual forms of erotic content, such as adult films or magazines, rather than reading written materials. Additionally, some men may feel that reading erotic novels is not seen as masculine or socially acceptable, which can lead them to avoid the genre.

It's worth noting that the landscape of erotic literature has changed in recent years, with a growing number of male writers and male characters appearing in erotic novels. With these changes, more men may become interested in reading these types of books in the future. However, at the end of the day, everyone's reading preferences are unique and personal, and there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to what people choose to read.

>> No.21654619
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Y-yeah, imagine how awful that must be haha

>> No.21654681

You are a weirdo even among other girls.