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21650015 No.21650015 [Reply] [Original]


The Last Ringbearer (Russian: Пocлeдний кoльцeнoceц, Posledniy kol'tsenosets) is a 1999 fantasy fan-fiction book by Russian author Kirill Eskov. It is an alternative account of, and an informal sequel to, the events of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.[1] It has been translated into English by Yisroel Markov, but has not been printed for fear of copyright action by the Tolkien Estate.

Critics have stated that the book is well-known to Tolkien fans in Russia, and that it certainly provides an alternate take on the story. Scholars have variously called it a parody and a paraquel. They have interpreted it as a critique of totalitarianism, or of Tolkien's anti-modern racial and environmental vision coupled with the destruction of technology, which itself could be called totalitarian.


Eskov bases his novel on the premise that the Tolkien account is a "history written by the victors".[2][3] Eskov's version of the story describes Mordor as a peaceful constitutional monarchy on the verge of an industrial revolution, that poses a threat to the war-mongering and imperialistic faction represented by Gandalf (whose attitude has been described by Saruman as "crafting the Final Solution to the Mordorian problem") and the racist Elves.[2]

>> No.21650040
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around here we have a phrase for that
rent free

>> No.21650047
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>> No.21650055

>what if the story was actually the opposite tho???
God, he's so clever.

>> No.21650062
File: 57 KB, 594x741, 60D1CC8B-05AC-4127-B131-17FD346B2F31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slavic “person”
>writes fan fiction about how the environment-destroying hordes of violent retards are actually the good guys
Really makes you think

>> No.21650311

He just recasts them. Don’t take it personally.
This >>21650055 the orks etc are the only ones industrializing in the original. This is just a mirror universe

>> No.21650316

>that webm
>I share /sffg/ with these untermenschen
Good to know.

>> No.21650561

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, highly recommend for tolkien fans

>> No.21651223
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why do russians totally lack self-awareness?
how can they look at their past and themselves in the mirror and say "wow i don't understand why everybody dislikes us?"

i am convinced that their brains are wired differently to the rest of the people on earth

>> No.21651355

god, you'e stupid.

>> No.21651373

I bet he's the same kind of fag that would say
>le NOOO! Don't judge muslims based on the actions of a minority
>LE NOOOO! The majority of Black folx are fine!

>> No.21651379

I’ve read it. The writing is not good but the plot is interesting. It couldn’t be made today because modern leftist writers would focus mostly on the racial aspect of the Orcs vs Elves and not of the environmental or industrial aspect.

>> No.21651388

You mean he might be a Ukraine flag liberal.

>> No.21651422

Actually we totally get it and agree.