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/lit/ - Literature

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21649970 No.21649970 [Reply] [Original]

>A lovely aphorism holds that education isn’t the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
>But too often, neither are pails filled nor fires lit.
>One of the most bearish statistics for the future of the United States is this: Two-thirds of fourth graders in the United States are not proficient in reading.
>Reading may be the most important skill we can give children. It’s the pilot light of that fire.
>Yet we fail to ignite that pilot light, so today some one in five adults in the United States struggles with basic literacy, and after more than 25 years of campaigns and fads, American children are still struggling to read. Eighth graders today are actually a hair worse at reading than their counterparts were in 1998.
>One explanation gaining ground is that, with the best of intentions, we grown-ups have bungled the task of teaching kids to read. There is growing evidence from neuroscience and careful experiments that the United States has adopted reading strategies that just don’t work very well and that we haven’t relied enough on a simple starting point — helping kids learn to sound out words with phonics.
>“Too much reading instruction is not based on what the evidence says,” noted Nancy Madden, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who is an expert on early literacy. “That’s pretty clear.
>“At least half of kids in the U.S. are not getting effective reading instruction.”
>Other experts agree. Ted Mitchell, an education veteran at nearly every level who is now president of the American Council on Education, thinks that easily a majority of children are getting subpar instruction.
>Others disagree, of course. But an approach called the “science of reading” has gained ground, and it rests on a bed of phonics instruction.

>> No.21649973

>(I’m focusing on national policy, but parents also play a role. It can be dangerous to listen to kids — you’ll be talked into buying a video game — so read to them! I’ve offered my suggestions for the best kids’ books ever — and truly one of the best reasons to have kids is the chance to read to them.)
>I spent much of the 1980s and 1990s as a New York Times correspondent in East Asia, and children there (including mine) learned to read through phonics and phonetic alphabets: hiragana in Japan, bopomofo in Taiwan, pinyin in China and hangul in South Korea. Then I returned with my family to the United States in 1999, and I found that even reading was political: Republicans endorsed phonics, so I was expected as a good liberal to roll my eyes.
>The early critique of phonics in part was rooted in social justice, trying to address inadequate education in inner cities by offering more engaging reading materials. The issue became more political when the 2000 Republican Party platform called for “an early start in phonics,” and when President George W. Bush embraced phonics with a major initiative called Reading First.
>For liberals, Bush’s support for phonics made it suspect. That had some basis: The Reading First program was not well implemented, and careful evaluations showed it had little impact. It died.
>I became intrigued by the failures in reading after listening to a riveting six-part podcast, “Sold a Story,” that argues passionately that the education establishment ignored empirical evidence and unintentionally harmed children.
>“Kids are not being taught how to read because for decades teachers have been sold an idea about reading and how children learn to do it,” Emily Hanford, a public radio journalist who for years has focused on reading issues, says in the first of the podcasts. She told me that the podcast has had more than 3.5 million downloads.
>One of the targets of the podcast is Lucy Calkins, a professor at Columbia University Teachers College who has a widely used reading curriculum. Calkins has acknowledged learning from the science of reading movement and from Hanford, and she told me how she has modified her curriculum as a result — but she also says that phonics was always part of her approach and that media narratives are oversimplified.

>> No.21649974

>As Calkins and others revise their materials, skeptics worry that curriculums still aren’t fully committed to phonics but layer it onto other strategies, leaving students befuddled.
>It’s easy to be glib in describing these reading wars. Everyone agrees that phonics are necessary, and everyone also agrees that phonics are not enough.
>“Yes, phonics matters, but how you do phonics matters, too, and the rest of the stuff matters as well,” said Madden. She runs a nonprofit, Success for All, that is one of the most evidence-based organizations for improving reading, and rigorous evaluations have shown excellent results. (Success for All was one of the nonprofits in my 2022 holiday giving guide; huge thanks to my readers for donating more than $6 million to them.)
>What’s clear is that when two-thirds of American kids are not proficient at reading, we’re failing the next generation. We can fix this, imperfectly, if we’re relentlessly empirical and focus on the evidence. It’s also noteworthy that lots of other interventions help and aren’t controversial: tutoring, access to books, and coaching parents on reading to children. And slashing child poverty, which child tax credits accomplished very successfully until they were cut back.

>> No.21649976

just let them watch brown women tiktoks instead of forcing colonial patriarchal books on them fr fr

>> No.21649988

>The early critique of phonics in part was rooted in social justice, trying to address inadequate education in inner cities by offering more engaging reading materials.
>For liberals, Bush’s support for phonics made it suspect.

>liberal teachers fucked over kids just to own bush
is it really this simple. i have a hard time believing we're this cucked of a species. alas

>> No.21649994

Fear mongering BS aimed at naive boomers. Yeah bro 2/3 of zoomers will be illiterate. Also climate change will destroy the earth in a year and there will be homosexuality quotas for countries in 10.

>> No.21649997

>Eighth graders today are actually a hair worse at reading than their counterparts were in 1998
Try recomputing these stats, controlling for race

>> No.21650030

>All those little paragraphs
Even the article is for illiterates!

>> No.21650033

The point that no one ever wants to address, is that boys basically learn through bullying. If there's not a social cost to failure, they aren't going to try.

>> No.21650056

>allow me to treat kids bad!
No Mike.

>> No.21650081
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The reason is increased minoritu presence in both teaching positions and student body. This trend is repeated in every aspect of society, the ability of an organization achieving its end-goal lowers in proportion to the number of non-whites in it. From businesses to education, police forces to communities.

Yet we refuse to speak of the common trend we repeated everywhere. You are told it must be something else and so we find all manner of unrelated reasons when occam's razor is obvious.

>> No.21651383

struggling to read isn't an inherent bad thing

>> No.21651402

Yes, it is. If you are unable to read even simple books you are a net loss to society and can easily be weaponized. Much like the black Golem in America.

>> No.21651403 [DELETED] 

if you're waiting for "reading instruction" from the government, you're never going to make it. i took one of those standardized tests in 6th grade and it said i read at a 12th grade level and wrote at an 11th grade level. it was obviously because i read outside of school for myself. any kid who did scored like i did. the kids who just read the basic shit from class scored at or below reading level.

>> No.21651408

Being a net loss to society when society itself is the net loss is a contradiction I'm not willing to humor

>> No.21651411

>jarvis pull up the estimated demographics of US 4th graders

>> No.21651448
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Society is a net-loss because we have failed to exclude undesirable people from it. Blacks, browns and jews. If this is fixed society will truly amazing.

>> No.21651491

to be fair almost 100% of us fial to read in latin,

or latin and greek.

We more or less are at grunting level with most people register, diction and vocab now

>> No.21651497

If you're not a woman there's no excuse for being this much of a pussy

>> No.21651501

You're an inherent faggot

>> No.21651503

You forgot women, they've been crumbling societies since the very beginning

>> No.21651506

Sophomoric post.
Illiteracy is a virtue

>> No.21651511

Schools have been continuously lowering their own standards so they can get as many kids to pass as possible to secure funding.

>> No.21651524

which means eventually everyone will have to have 4 years as a postdoc just to land an entry level job that pays 60k by the time they're 30. then the government wonders why the birth rate collapsed.

>> No.21651526

>being retarded dead weight isn't an inherently bad thing
Tsk. I guess? Kids deserve a chance though.

>> No.21651527

Women follow the prevailing crowd, if you are mad at women you are mad a symptom. You have allowed them to be weaponized against you. If a strong, hardcore nationalist movement took off tommorow, women would be among ite most passionate supporters.

Women are needed and desirable, minorities are not.

>> No.21651530

Dead weight for whom

>> No.21651534

This just makes the degrees worthless and technical interviews or good careers that much more valuable, you know. It's already happening: almost no one in the hotter industries gives a fuck if you're an autodidact or wasted time for your good goy diploma.

>> No.21651538

Oh man you mean I can be a super sick programmer or accountant if I just bust my ass myself? That's fucking awesome. I can't wait to save up and buy all video games

>> No.21651541

>kids deserve a chance

>> No.21651562

>super sick programmer bought all the video games
capitalism has truly failed. it's just not fair.

>> No.21651563

Based on what? Illiteracy in of itself is neither virtuous nor immoral. It is simply a state, you can try hanging morality upon it but all you do is display your own crude mindset.

>> No.21651566

>we could have fixed this thirty years ago but republicans are icky

>> No.21651573

Same thing happened with handwriting.
>handwriting drills are oppressive or white or something, just let them "draw letters" however they want
>zomg everybody has indecipherable handwriting, how did this happen?
I'm the only person under 30 at my workplace who knows how to write legibly and I taught myself using books from archive.org.

>> No.21651574

99/100 of /lit/ struggles to read and yet you come to /lit/ with this. Your summarizing the article suggests you know this and yet here you are anyways.

>> No.21651583

Remove nonwhites from any statistic and the statistic becomes normal. Remove nonwhites from gun crime stats, prison demographics, retardation and illiteracy stats, welfare program stats, etc., and America becomes as functional as Japan or Switzerland even with a lot of impoverished and drug addicted areas dragging it down.

>> No.21651594


>> No.21651599

It's in our collective benefit to see every genetic mix has its own opportunity to excel in it was born to do. We're betting on a one in a thousand chance for mediocrity and one in a million for genius, sure, but letting potential go to waste is a tragedy.

>> No.21651603

they don't
I do not want to pay for any one leses kids.
I did not fuck the woman who had those kids so why should i pay toward thier keep?

>> No.21651630

these same people made the geriatric pedophile representative from mbna president just to own the republicans, why not throw a few kids under the bus

>> No.21651632

Don't blame the kids, reading is boring.

>> No.21651633

But genetic mix != all kids
How is in our benefit to see something we can just as easily imagine?
>letting it go to waste is a tragedy
How so? You're only letting one potential go to waste, not all potential.

>> No.21651654

Illiteracy isn't the deciding factor. We had Homer without literacy. Well be fine

>> No.21651683

Is this a bot post?
>You're only letting one potential go to waste, not all potential.
Or are you just too stupid to see into the future, which is instinctive to all of humanity? You're wasting an entire bloodline, not just one individual (which is very fucking valuable if we're talking genius tier).
I'm sorry whatever happened to you between bad parenting and chemical exposure left you stupid and your best way to cope is shitting up the internet. Understand the point is to have less people like you around.

>> No.21652077
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>> No.21652091
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Post lips

Anyways education is a joke. If you want to learn, pick up a book. If not then don’t. We don’t need teachers or certificates or even classrooms.

>> No.21652101

This needs to be addressed but this isn’t the time or place

>> No.21652112
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>this isn’t the time or place
>sit down
>be humble

>> No.21652134
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these articles can take the most simple, obvious issue and write thousands of words about how it's some sort of extremely complex, difficult to figure out issue like how to build a nuclear power plant. When really all it is, is that kids don't learn anything in school anymore, because no one cares, and school is just a disaster where kids sit around on their phones, scrolling through tik tok, laying around and just barely paying enough attention to pass their class. And they sure as hell don't want to spend their time reading some shakespeare or some herman melville that, to them, reads like a foreign language. People act like there must be something wrong with the "method" or "technique" that they use to teach kids, but they don't realize that they aren't teaching kids at all, that's the problem. Then, anytime someone proposes a truly practical solution, it gets shot down because "it's too hard" "its too rough on the kids" "its too much work" when really it's a whole lot less work to teach kids well and have them learn, instead of trying to maintain a mob of kids allowed to run around and cause chaos and telling them to read some stupid "young adult" book that teachers are convinced is more interesting for them than something actually good like sherlock holmes

>> No.21652152

The solution is for parents to teach their children how to read as they should have been doing. Read to them from birth then read with them. Encourage them to read as much as possible. Set the example by reading plenty instead of watching a screen. Have a weekly library night.
Expecting schools to teach something as fundamental as reading is a doomed proposition from the start. Education begins at home. Without home education children will learn nothing.
If your children cannot read or write or do basic math then that is on you, not the teachers. Parents educated their children for millenia. Doing nothing for them at home and then thrusting them into an overcrowded classroom led by a dimwit with an axe to grind and expecting them to thrive is moronic and futile.
Note also that 2/3 of kids struggle to read at the same time the white population is at a historical low.

>> No.21652153

this one sentence has more substance about kids actually learning than that entire new york times article. People will come up with any excuse to cope with the fact that public schools, as well as private universities, are lowering standards, and have been for many years at this point

>> No.21652303

>Brown people = retarded
>No white people who =not retarded
>Dopamine fried hyperzog phone life uncle Ted dystopian nightmare = problems
>God = dead
>Sincerity = dead
>Vanity and narcissism= our new virtues
>Nigger worship = books dumb whyt boi

>> No.21652331

what the fuck are you talking about?
I got bullied growing up because I could actually read. Like my entire 11th grade US History started making fun of me because I was the only person who could competently read from the textbook without sounding like a retard.

>> No.21652917

Maybe we should just get rid of blacks. Just a thought .

>> No.21652939

Lasch warned these libtards three decades ago but they didn't want to listen.

>> No.21652943

sometimes i feel like i would have had a higher gpa in college if i hadn't dropped out of high school in 9th grade, but your post reminded me how horrible school is and why i had to get out of there. now i work at a college and get a nervous sweat when coworkers ask me what high school i graduated from.

>> No.21653850

What do you propose is the solution, Mr Gondola?

>> No.21653866


>> No.21653998

Lmao just say the high school you attended. it's not like they are going to examine your chool's yearbook

>> No.21654115
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>Two-Thirds of Kids Struggle to Read

Lemme take a wild guess here ...

>> No.21655021
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The kids need to actually be taught, and they need to actually read. Both of which are not really happening anymore, at home or at school. But, how do we get parents to care about their children, and teachers to actually put in the effort to make sure children read and understand it? I don't know. I don't have any solution and I don't think anyone does, the entire culture would need to be reformed. I think what's attractive about the idea that the author of this article proposes, is that there is just this one problem, "phonics" or some other minor teaching element, and if we could just fix that, then everything would be great. But, in reality, the problem is way larger and more serious. People go to school for 12 years and learn almost nothing, school in the west is more of a daycare. Kids read tons of crap on their smartphones but they never read even a short 80 page book.

People also say, that race is the big factor, which I'm sure it has an effect, but there are places in africa where the average person speaks 3 different languages regularly, and they are literate in those 3 different languages. Obviously the western culture that we have now is just not good for education, or reading of any kind. The issue is not limited to any race, even white kids from high income families here in america have trouble reading books. Even these supposedly "advanced" or "high level" english and reading classes, don't seem to help kids. They go to these "advanced" classes and they read harry potter and write a book report about it.

>> No.21655026

that's what i do but it's still hella sketch.

>> No.21655031

how the fuck do kids spend all the day on the internet and not read tho? like everyone on 4chan probably writes 4000 words of shit a day easy, granted it's mostly shit, but i mean to participate in this site you have to be functionally literate. how are these people using the internet?

>> No.21655032

>The solution is for parents to teach their children how to read as they should have been doing.
I work for a company that fixes school computers. I'm often in schools so I can speak of this because I have seen it with my own eyes. Parents of today are the biggest retard drug addicts you can imagine. It's as if they don't even like their own children. Not to mention a large part of our population thinks books are "gay" This is only going to get worse.

>> No.21655040

>Not to mention a large part of our population thinks books are "gay"
A lot of books they’re putting in schools now quite literally are gay.

>> No.21655042

it doesn't mean they can't actually read anon, it means they aren't reading anything *but* memes and hateful shit

>> No.21655048
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>but there are places in africa where the average person speaks 3 different languages regularly, and they are literate in those 3 different languages

These languages are not at all sophisticated, most native African languages lack any sort of recognition of time. They have simple concepts like past, present and future. They lack any sort of mode to express abstract concepts.

All of our modern education system is built to obfuscate that fact, that black kids scarcely measure up to what is expected of them. The handful that meet the terribly low bar, count and read, are treated as wunderkind. Thankfully most lack awareness of this so there is no chance of imposter syndrome.

Obviously the Western culture and system is ruinous, but i suspect this is because it needed to be rendered crude to allow the lowest common denominator, blacks, access to it. If they were excluded along with similar groups, there may be a resurgent cultural outburst. A golden age.

>> No.21655056

When people say "illiterate" or "literacy problems" I think that's not really correct, because people read stuff all the time, everybody in the west is literate. I don't mean that people can't read letters and words, I mean that people read through social media posts, and short news headlines, and they can obviously read menus at a restaurant. But to be able to read books, and all kinds of literature, with a huge variety of words, and a long story, is completely different. This is what young people have trouble with. They can't read long, complex sentences, long paragraphs, 300 page books.

>> No.21655085

>bro, you have to give your resources to raise another man's child born by a woman you've never met much less fucked
>no no no it's not instutionalized LITERAL, DICTIONARY DEFINITION cuckolding backed by state violence, it's actually just society
Just fucking lol. Once planned single motherhood via in vitro fertilization takes off harder than it already has it's going to be real interesting to see how much indignity men are willing to PAY for having inflicted on them.

>> No.21655109 [DELETED] 

when i was like 11 or 12 i was at my friends house playing a jrpg with him, dragon warrior 1 on nes, and we got a part were you had to fight a wyvern, and the kid kept saying wolverine, and i'm like "dude, it's a wyvern", and as a nerd who had autistically scoured every inch of 1st edition ad&d manuals i was quite aware of the differences in capabilities of fantastic beasts and mundane animals. this kid wasn't even reading the shit, he just saw a 'w' and "thought it said wolverine". i'm like what the hell? that was one of those moments you realize you're kind of different from other kids in your class.

>> No.21655129

What I've gathered from this thread
>Parents don't teach their kids
>teachers don't teach them either
>teachers are incapable of actually teaching
>standards keep dropping to accommodate blacks
>everyone's performance drops with them
>curricula are dumbed down and help no one
>schools have financial incentives to drop standards and dumb down curricula
>every few years minor changes to teaching methods are introduced as a panacea
>these inevitably fail as they do not address the actual issues
>no one cares about any of this
And the cycle repeats, the whirlpool rather.
Seems like the only solutions are to take steps no one is willing to take and rebuild the entire system from scratch.
John Taylor Gatto has several interesting books on this very subject.

>> No.21655144

i work in a school in the U.S. and this is partially true.

>kids don't learn anything in school anymore, because no one cares
Individual teachers care, but are often held back by district policies. A lot of these policies are remnant from covid, and usually inhibit teachers from implementing meaningful consequences (e.g. Many districts in my city no longer have a late policy and kids can't get lower than a 50% on any assignment because a 0 in an average is "too punishing"). Kids need extrinsic motivation, there are far too few children intrinsically motivated for school for a zero-consequence (or delayed consequence through minimum wage slavery) to be viable.

>shakespeare or some herman melville that, to them, reads like a foreign language.
Strangely, when I've put more complicated text in front of kids, they engage with it and do relatively well. They really do try, and sometimes they really do grasp the gist of it. Again, there's rarely an incentive for them to engage with it.

>anytime someone proposes a truly practical solution, it gets shot down because "it's too hard" "its too rough on the kids" "its too much work" when really it's a whole lot less work to teach kids well and have them learn
This is spot on. I've heard some disgusting discourse on this topic from teachers too. I've heard of some departments in the city I teach in say that it is immoral to challenge low socioeconomic students because they "already have enough to worry about." It is amazing that social reproduction comes full circle via White savior complex.

>> No.21655145

Instruction before age 9 is counterproductive. The state run daycare farce will give your and your child what you pay for.

>Yeah bro 2/3 of zoomers will be illiterate
There are many more functionally illiterate readers than actual illiterates. The country worked when voting was conditional, and stopped not long thereafter. .1 man, 1 vote and things may turn around. The unwashed masses treating it as a hobby or sportsball proxy muddy the governing waters for the greater glory of NGOs, spooks, and other varieties of technocracy trash.

>> No.21655162 [DELETED] 

check out bryan caplan too. he has a great take down of higher ed as it exists post-ww2.

>> No.21655174
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>bryan caplan
You mean the (((guy))) who wrote this shit?

>> No.21655359

The teachers need to be the biggest bullies. That's how you actually learn.
I pretty much don't learn anything, until people start using shaming tactics against me.

>> No.21655683

Just make fun of them for still caring about high school.

>> No.21655694

We may have had Homer without literacy, but we would not have Homer today and would lose him tomorrow without literacy.

>> No.21655695

dude i was learning long division by 7 wtf do you mean

>> No.21655699

when you work in education people always want to know your education background.

>> No.21655861

If it matters that much then just lie, or say your high school's name, or just tell them the truth.
High school and educational background are hardly even related. Might as well ask what preschool you went to.

>> No.21655871

But Didney told me Florida Man said "don't say gay"? Didney wouldn't lie to me!

>> No.21655914

Make teachers pay proportional to how well their students do in exams problem solved

>> No.21655924

They tell you they do this to help students
In reality it's to help teachers

>> No.21655931

Help the commie state is starting to distribute children from struggling families into households of middle class people again

>> No.21655962

I used to read a couple blogs about science ten years ago when science was cool.
Articles were between 3 and 10 pages long and covered everything from math, robotics, chemistry to abstract theories that only exist to be wierd
I went back to it out of curiosity and most articles are just the headline and one paragraph descriptions and they lack vital information such as were something happened and who was involved
And it's not just blogs news articles are the same, I used to tell people interested in learning English to just find some blog or magazine and read wathever they wrote but nowadays, especially since they fired their editors I fear reading articles just makes you dumber
I feel sorry for kids who want to learn, 99% of content online is garbage

>> No.21655963

They also speak French, English, Portuguese or whatever other colonial language though

>> No.21656115

They speak pidgin at best
absolutely not
I would implore you to visit Africa yourself to see what level of ape-men you are talking about but your naive ass would get cannibalised

>> No.21656239

Get all the way off this board and out of your house.

>> No.21656313

Any recommendations? My handwriting is shit.

>> No.21656319

It happened in Australia too, unrelated to American culture wars. Phonetics is the sci midwit approach to learning to read, supported by empiricism rather than literary theory, and it rankled English majors who favoured whole word/language methods:

I think the problem is smart kids excel in whole language, whilst dumb kids need phonics to get past the first hurdles of reading. Teachers had a confirmation bias in the smart students that whole languauge worked well and phonics was redundant and mechanical.

There is also a racial demographic factor amongst young people in Western countries. What worked for a previous cohort of White students no longer works for a cohort of Global South students who need help ascending the first steps of phoneme recognition and can't leap straight into whole word reading. This also rankled liberal orthodox/blank slate theorists who would rather leave PoC students illiterate than admit they had different minds who needed different methods to White pedagogy.

>> No.21656396

College graduates can't even read a bus schedule.

>> No.21656406

The most "educated" people in America are the same people pushing crt, same people teaching young white men they're the problem. High School through college is a brainwashing cult to indoctrinate white kids, turn them into black worshipers.

>> No.21656416

People say this yet do 0 work in the community. We have the laws we have because middle aged women actually went out did the work in the community and petitioned to get their voice heard. Even now most of the ground work is done by middle aged women. You want to change society actually get involved in your local elections.

>> No.21656420

Schools are shit. Not sure why the government forces these students who don't want to learn and will never learn. School should only be for the few. It's basically daycare for single moms anyway.

>> No.21656432

Again college graduates can't read a bus schedule.

>> No.21656493

The average literate African will usually speak their "unsophisticated native language", Arabic, French, and English. And be at least able to read classical Arabic.

The fact you don't know this says more about your general illiteracy than theirs, and demonstrates aptly the OPs point about American culture being intrinsically sick.

>> No.21656504

>paying taxes is literally state sanctioned cuckolding backed by violence
Based and irrefutable

>> No.21656516

Public transportation is actually quite easy to navigate.

>> No.21656533

>Greentexting a whole fucking article instead of copying and pasting
Are you awkwardly trying to avoid what newfags call reddit spacing?