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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 123 KB, 370x600, STRNGRNSTR1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21649197 No.21649197 [Reply] [Original]

What a stupidly boring book. Half the time the characters are talking about inane bullshit.

>> No.21649205


>> No.21649792

It's a deeply philosophical book & you got filtered big-time.

>> No.21649821

What’s its philosophy?

>> No.21649869

You read the book; you should know.
In any case, it can't be boiled down to a few simple sentences -- it's too dense for that.
I'm sure some fanboi on the Internet has written the summary you crave.

>> No.21649885

>37 word reply
>solved a whole captcha
>just to say screw off

Sounds embarrassing. I will continue to ignore Heinlein then.

>> No.21649934

I'm glad you revel in your ignorance.
It makes it easier to dominate you.
And if there's anything that makes modern slavery easier, it's willing slaves.

>> No.21649972
File: 108 KB, 1600x900, 65A6D547-415B-4BE8-9402-940309C7533E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 more words to say screw off, but in the bootlicker dialect, therefore giving a hint at the aforementioned philosophy he’s too embarrassed to mention.

I dedicate my time to more worthy discourse and strategies to avoid your dreamworld prison planet.

>> No.21650024

I read this recently and agree with you. Maybe it was ground-breaking in 1961 when young boomers needed an excuse to practice hedonism but Valentine's Martian mysticism is pretty tired at this point

>> No.21650054

The only Heinlein novel I truly want to read is I Will Fear No Evil, but it seems like I should read something by him beforehand.

>> No.21650068

>>21649197 >>21650024
True, I really looked forward to this book but so much of it was just boring weird spiritualism bullshit.
It was probably a lot better back in the day but just feels out of touch now.

>> No.21650112
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said anything about being embarrassed?
Project much?
And isn't picrel from the "Starship Troopers" movie?
The original book, and "Stranger In A Strange Land", have little or nothing to do with each other.
>dreamworld prison planet.
Are you talking about the world in "Stranger In A Strange Land", or our own?

>> No.21650198

>Project much?
>hunts for a projector jpg
>in no way projecting
>continues to be glib

>Martian mysticism
>weird spiritualism bullshit.

>> No.21650334

It's interesting as a window into the past's vision of the future. Heinlein described the waterbed so clearly in this and other works that when it was later invented for real, the inventor couldn't get a patent on it. Jubal Harshaw is an unthinkable character in a world where Viagra exists. Still don't have tri-dee. Jill not having a son named Aaydynn is nearly as incredible.

>> No.21650458

It has none.

>> No.21650565
File: 84 KB, 948x1529, FF6FF0C3-0AE2-41CB-89A2-829A9041DBE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing first half, second half didn’t do it for me. Starship Trooper remains his magnum opus, but I might think differently if I read it in the era it came out

>> No.21650574

Starship Troopers was 10x better than the OP shlop, it had a coherent story and the characters didn't have discussions so long that it makes Ayn Rand's writings look like a children's book.

>> No.21650684

The only Heinlein book I actually own is The Star Beast. Is it worth reading? I understand it's a kid's book.

>> No.21650699

Heinlein is not worth reading. He has the worst habit of author self-inserts. His Doctor-Lawyer-Writer surrounded by three beautiful carer/concubines was truly the worst.

>> No.21650737

kek he self-inserts the wise old lolbert sage into every book

>> No.21650756

>missing the point this hard
he's an impotent old man who enjoys a degree of intimacy with his beautiful secretaries that's only possible precisely because he's an impotent old man. they're not concubines, and wouldn't give him the time of day if he were capable of using them as concubines - but they're endlessly delighted to play the role of his concubines.

>> No.21650764

>When Heinlein's editor required him to make substantial cuts in the original Stranger manuscript, the bulk of the material cut was said to be lengthy monologues by Harshaw.

Garbage character in a garbage book(s) by a garbage author.

>> No.21650796

lol you don't even comprehend what you read, why would your opinion be of value?

>> No.21650809

lol why is heinleins biggest defender out here taking bullets for him? Do you think they'll retroactively write you into his will?

>> No.21650834

Why are you trying to shoot bullets at Heinlein's work? Do you think they'll retroactively call you brilliant?

>> No.21650853

none of this deflection is making your analysis any less shitty.

heinlein in his later work was what the kids these days would call a beta cuck, insofar as he put pussy on a pedestal. this book, the beginning of that later work, provides - via the character jubal harshaw, the writer/doctor/lawyer in question - insight into what made heinlein into a beta cuck; i.e., being surrounded by nubile women and impotent to do anything about it, which in bob's case took the form of nurses during his long hospitalizations.

any dipshit can bitch "hurr durr self-insert." what does the self-insert tell you?

>> No.21650882

It didn't age well. It was a very 60s book.

>> No.21650905

Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is his best work anyway.

>> No.21651021
File: 14 KB, 320x180, _97564052_gettyimages-685911480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course i comprehend, probably more than you do. Where other books that deal with socio-political issues have their character enact and realise the philosophy gradually throughout the course of the written work, Heinlein sees fit to introduce huge tracts of single character monologue instead. It is all objectively bad writing, even in Stranger where he has a blank canvas in the case of Michael he still has other characters, always his own self-insert,explain the philosophy in excrutating detail. If Heinlein had any skill in his craft, the reader would be gradually and subtly introduced to the theme via action and counter-action.

The Elric Saga, by Moorplots, is a better example of this. The author had a strong anarchistic world-view he wished to include, he did so by means of action and reaction of the main character battling against abstract forces that would lay claim over his life and expropriate his loyalties. It shows rather than tells. This from a man who admited he was never a good writer.

You dumb cunt.

>> No.21651073

dumbass, I'm not claiming that heinlein was a talented writer. i'm claiming that your shallow analysis of heinlein's work is of orders of magnitude less literary value than the smelliest pile of tuberculoid excrement that he ever shat out. no amount of lowering heinlein in comparison to other authors will elevate you an iota.

>> No.21651238
File: 171 KB, 600x1033, farnhams freehold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's "A. Wyatt Mann and the Subterranean Negropolis."

>> No.21651247

most deceptive cover art ever

>> No.21651276

I was fine with it until it was just, "we have lots of sex"

>> No.21651282

>we have lots of sex and gain superhuman powers
>Now we are become communist

>> No.21651289

I dropped it when they did the time skip and they were fucking the snake tattoo lady.

>> No.21651336

I powered on all the way to the end, you did not miss much. It was still a better book than indecisive, crybaby Philipino boy gradually fails upwards in the military.

>> No.21651647

Starship Troopers > Stranger In A Strange Land

>> No.21651767

why don't you guys argue over wifey vs superfudge while you're at it

>> No.21651876
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mad that people are debating the merits of a book on a literature forum?

>> No.21651915

no, I'm commenting on the absurdity of arguing whether an author's children's literature or the same author's adult literature is superior.

>> No.21652923

The target audience for both is teenage boys. Try making sense next time

>> No.21652932

Welcome to science fiction
What were you expecting exactly?

>> No.21653095

>41 replies
>not one mentioned the utterly egregious abuse of the word "grok"
Did you even read it, /lit/? Tell the truth.

>> No.21653302

how exactly does someone abuse a word that he himself invented?

>> No.21653310

It was used everywhere in sci-fi circled and early internet culture. I personally thought the word sounded terrible and unsophisticated for the grand concept it tried to encapsulate.

>> No.21654172

Computer ex machina

>> No.21654178

Me too