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21648563 No.21648563 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.21648567

You should stay true to your race and marry a chicano goblina, brownoid papist

>> No.21648573

>fake blonde

>> No.21648583

She's 16 so you're a pedo for being disappointed

>> No.21648585

>implying reading can ever lead to gf
gf is part of real world, real experiences, reding is not

>> No.21648643

Ow wow beautiful girl
I'm gonna commit suicide

>> No.21649750

Not in Canada.

>> No.21649758

Try Japanese manga.

>> No.21649762


lul.16 year olds can go to prison for life in my country.

>> No.21649779

My neighbor is a 16 year old girl who flirts with me. She makes me food all the time. I'm not going to risk jail, so I don't really engage with her.

>> No.21650204

I thought you didn't like Evola and Guenon?

>> No.21650270

Good. Remember that if she's under 22 it's creepy and you deserve to die.

>> No.21650288

cute boy

are you really still on lit you horrendous all caps namefag? your gimmick was never once funny even when it was new. stop.

>> No.21650368

I can tell he doesn’t by the smarm. Are you also kidding?

>> No.21650627

Just do it and have fun, my god
Having your nation founded by puritans had some consequences

>> No.21650650

How does it feel being a eunuch?

>> No.21650710 [DELETED] 

Wait did Guénon and Evola write operas?? Just the libretto or the music as well?

>> No.21651157

That’s a very silly comment to make, as age of consent was developed by feminists so women could finish school without having to be busy with good and holy things, such as family and marriage.
So it was a distraction used by atheists/secularists who want to see the world burn. And they got what they worked for. Satan, the true god of atheism, is pleased.

>> No.21651200

this desu.
anon youre a cuck. kill yourself probably.
22? what are you some pervert? you can only have sex with 30 year old women otherwise youre a groomer.

>> No.21651263

Satan exist because of God, and God sends people better and 'holier' than you to Hell. You are evil itself. You want to see people burn in Hell because they want to get educated (which I understand since you are quite un-educated yourself). You are upset because you don't get to indoctrinate women anymore into your religion. You actually have to work on being a good person, but unfortunately, Christians aren't good people. After all, who can find solace in knowing that the world they (presumably) care so much for will be burning in Hell while they repose in Heaven? Only a neuropath can.

>> No.21651292

i dont have a pic fedora enough for this post lmfao. let me guess youre a real honest atheist who loves foucci and string theory and physics and bla bla bla. christcucks are annoying sure but people like you basically worship science which you have an equally shallow grasp of. the eternal pleb is incapable of understanding the true nature of the spirit and life. you should honestly kill yourself.

>> No.21651343

I don't know any string theory nor have I any interest in it, but you seem to, however. I don't know what a foucci is, but as for physics, I imagine that is something which has undeniably had some impact, no? X-Rays, MRI-scans and satellites are some examples of the utility of physics. It's the reason you are able to message me, and I you. Anyways
>you have an equally shallow grasp. the eternal pleb is incapable of understanding the true nature of the spirit and life
Pray tell, since you are unlike I, what is your understanding of the true nature of the spirit and life? And how is this at odds with my OP which you responded to? And how did you deduce my (lack of) understanding? Are you not simply accusing some effigy in your mind with unfounded and unproven accusations? Shall you respond in earnest?

>> No.21651349

You're an idiot. That's a child

>> No.21651353

>zero understanding of the Bible
Here we gooooo

>> No.21651366

>y-your a hypocrite!!!!!!!!111!!
>Pray tell, since you are unlike I
you type like a dork.
>And how did you deduce my (lack of) understanding?
very easily. you are a pleb. low caste. with a frail and pathetic body. you like >90% of others are simply incapable of genuine spiritual practice. it is in your blood. it is in your soul. you wouldn't get it so there is no reason to explain it. that is why the pleb is eternal. it is ironic since i can also guarantee that your worldview relies on christcuck morality while pretending to be separated from it.

>> No.21651367

Fix your capslock key you fucking dork.

>> No.21651376

Not that anon but take ur meds my nigga

>> No.21651386

I imagine, since you are unable to share your knowledge and instead opt to respond with meaningless statements, that there must be, if one is to be judged by the fruits they yield, no meaning to be understood in this Holy Book you worship so much, but rather, one must believe, that upon reading and poring over this tome, one becomes insecure and condescending at the same time.
You should stop pretending to be something you are not. You incited yourself into a rage because of a post filled with salient points which you believe you have refuted because you insult the way I type. I ask you, truly, to at least pretend to be 18. As I said in >>21651263
>You actually have to work on being a good person, but unfortunately, Christians aren't good people.
This applies as well to faux spiritualist, like yourself. Farewell and seethe well.

>> No.21651387
File: 125 KB, 700x872, 5b5fd375974477faa52ce052df2f6c8afbe5e7d8342504daaaaeab678f5fe0b0_1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with few exceptions meds are the pleb response to enforce a psychological normalization on higher peoples. now here's a pic of pretty girls in ceremonial uniforms.