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21648241 No.21648241 [Reply] [Original]

why do people still act like capitalism is some unstoppable force but not the CIA and other various american government-affiliated agencies that safeguard it?

>> No.21648259

When Mark Fisher says that capitalism is unstoppable people treat him like a wise sage, when Francis Fukuyama says that liberal democracy and capitalism are unstoppable they dismiss him as a delusional moron

>> No.21648271

>you will never defeat people's inherent desire to have valuable things, and set up systems to obtain and trade those things with efficiency
Why do I care though?

>> No.21648362

you mean people's inherent desire to have valuable things and the associated trading systems, which are enforced with an iron fist and all opposing systems wiped away by american lettered agencies

>> No.21648519
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Interest. Mostly private interest. Which is funny in the context of the US in particular. Their current hegemony is mostly maintained by a (failing) economic order. Now once you take that out of the equation (which is inevitable but will involve a lot of screaming) the US will fall back to a much "healthier" tool of hegemony ...

>> No.21648524

what do you mean 'safeguard it'? any state intervention is counter to what capitalism stands for.

>> No.21648526

Well yes. He was wrong. His ideology was used to justify the disastrous post 9/11 wars. He even thinks he was wrong.
It's a great book to understand some of the western mindset in the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR but that's about it.

>> No.21648527
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Back to geopolitics 101 with you!!

>> No.21648533

how about clarify your point, retard

>> No.21648534

How do you stop free trade? How would even a non-capitalistic system work? Capitalism will always exist to some degree, even if we were back to feudalism. All you can do is to ban some people from trading openly, but there will always be black markets. Jewpitalism is out of control though, but basically what they are doing is banning poor and even middle class people from capitalism. The right to private property isn't much of a right if only rich jews can afford to have any, and fiduciary money is closer to a coupon than to what money should actually be.

>> No.21648539

One is rejoicing and the other is hanging himself over it.

>> No.21648543

>When Mark Fisher says that capitalism is unstoppable people treat him like a wise sage
Who even think Fisher is a wise sage?

>> No.21648547
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Hey, schön sprechen!! The point is very easy ... if you want the markets to "regulate themselves" at the magnitude we are talking here (global, not restricted to some small village) you require one thing: a certain degree of stability. Strategic and geopolitical stability. Guess I do not need to spell out all the factors which might disrupt the markets and trade in general, down to the ultima ratio of unrestricted economic warfare. At worst, you gotta enforce that stability at gunpoint, otherwise your happy little "free market" goes poof ...

>> No.21648550

>realizes the establishment hijacks leftism and uses it to become more powerful (which isn't even right since the establishment is inherently leftist)
>"the only solution is to double down on leftism!"
>"w-what you mean the establishment got twice as powerful?"
>kills himself

>> No.21648551

if you are not twelve years old then, seriously, read some 101's anon, you cannot be that stupid

>> No.21648552

capitalism is on the basis of respecting one's right to property, yes. figured that one out, have you. good job.

>> No.21648555
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Do I really have to go through the Santa Claus talk with you?

>> No.21648560

you're too much of a rambling dipshit for me to listen to any further. bye.

>> No.21648574
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>> No.21648594

I enjoyed the trajectory of this exchange

>> No.21648617

>valuable things
Name brands made of dog shit materials, estrogen, carcenogenic poison, and funny-man commercials. This isn't value.

>> No.21648653
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>> No.21649094

I liked the last man part of this book better than the end of history part

>> No.21649107

>Needing to wake up at 4 am every day to till and weed the fields
>Die at 30
>Cholera and dysentery takes another 10 years of life
>A splinter has bacteria that can cause me to lose my hand
But hooray! I have Communism!