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21647949 No.21647949 [Reply] [Original]

I hate women so much it's unreal.

What novels do you suggest I read? Serious question.

>> No.21647981

I love women so much it's unreal.
Spent the afternoon eating my girl and sucking on her toes. Slowly gonna introduce elements of femdom into sex.

>> No.21648015

book for this feel?

>> No.21648365


The Diary of Anais Nin
Jane Austen - all of it

If you survive, well... you won't

>> No.21648384

Zorba the greek

>> No.21648393
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Serious suggestion

>> No.21648405

Schopenhauer on women.

>> No.21648445

This >>21648405

Personally I am a Schopenhauerian feminist. I hate women therefore I don't want to do anything with them other than sexual relations. Most women are pathetic children who depend on men for all of their needs. Women should do all of their shit by themselves. Marriage should be abolished for the benefit of men. Marriage and pregnancy are the chains for men. The marriages based on love are dubious and burn out like candles. Marriages should be based on personal interests. Marriage should open or based on polygamy.

>> No.21648452

dont forget the fact they fraudulently alter their looks, first with makeup now with their shitty ass filters. and then they act like they're 10s because the camera filter gave them huge cartoon melons.
and on top of this you're meant to 'respect' them. what a fucking joke.

>> No.21648474

Women are humans. Most are around average ,few are shitty while the remaining women are truly beautiful. You can dispel your illusions via honest interaction with a woman.

>> No.21648477

i have daily interactions with them, fuckstick, and all it does is reinforce my low opinion of them. everytime i forget how bad they are one conversation is enough to bring it all back. cease your gaslighting attempts which are futile, and consider this a second warning.

>> No.21648492

Most young men in the West are not that interesting to talk to, and don't really deserve love from the high feminine archetype(s).

>> No.21648510


>> No.21648538

I'm a Chad and I've interacted with women my entire life. When you experience women from the position of being attractive your view on them will not be positive. Like the bell curve, the incels of society dislike women and the chads do as well. I've lost count of the amount of woman who have eye fucked me in a bar, at the park, on the sidewalk, while holding their boyfriend's hands. Hundreds of times. The Chad/incel dichotomy becomes conscious of the female and her cruelty albeit from a totally different lense of experience.

>> No.21648549
File: 230 KB, 348x310, 2310-Can’t Wait Till Next Weeks Action Packed Episode of James & Mike Mondays _ TheCi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honest interaction with a woman.
confirmed to have never spoken to a moid in his life

>> No.21648578

Paradise Lost, unironically.

>> No.21648971
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>> No.21649046


>> No.21649057

I think I'm just a self loathing faggot. I've had so many girlfriends and I just break all their hearts in the end because I can't commit emotionally. Deep down I know I really just want a femboy. Books for this feel?

>> No.21649061

She's is literally the only 10/10 woman in the history of humanity

>> No.21649068

youre conclusion is wrong. femboys are men who have degenerated to the level of women. so it's a lose-lose situation. no tits or pussy but still the infantile bitchness.

>> No.21649071

that stumpy titless holding-in-a-fart face is not even an 8.

>> No.21649093
File: 115 KB, 1242x1219, 237ba6a299deaf658bd1d1c0c08f8cdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a slanty forehead jewess
nigga u fr fr???

>> No.21649115

My Twisted World

>> No.21649119
File: 281 KB, 1152x2048, michel_grasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by houellebecq

>> No.21649126

Reading about Napoleon and how ditching Josephine and the notion of romance for a notion of pure sexual conquest resolved most of his pain about the earlier lack of success with women.

>> No.21649135

Isn't it funny that the thing you hate is also the thing you are attracted to?

Beautiful bit of irony

>> No.21649147

>Joséphine had lovers, such as Lieutenant Hippolyte Charles, during Napoleon's Italian campaign
>Despite his divorce from Josephine, Napoleon showed his dedication to her for the rest of his life
>Her name would also be his final word on his deathbed in 1821
>On 11 March 1810 by proxy, he married the 19-year-old Marie Louise
>Louise was less than happy with the arrangement
>Napoleon and Marie Louise remained married until his death, though she did not join him in exile on Elba
>In the summer of 1814, Emperor Francis sent Count Adam Albert von Neipperg to accompany Marie Louise to the spa town
>Neipperg was a confidant of Metternich and an enemy of Napoleon
>Marie Louise fell in love with Neipperg. They became lovers

>> No.21649164


nah. a human would never choose to do anything that they do on a regular basis. women are observably not human and only a tiny percentage of them indicate anything like sentience.

>> No.21649188

Lotus Sutra

>> No.21649199

Similar to this, Jane Eyre. Also any successful erotica written by and for women.

>> No.21649207

Gone Girl

>> No.21649209

It's just that women are children. You would hate children too if you were living in some fucked up society that taught you they are identical to adults, and everybody believed this even when every single thing that kids do shows that they aren't equal at all. Every time some kid crashed a bus or pissed his pants and cried during a parliamentary debate you would be like "see? see?" and everyone would be like "uhhh dude, that's pretty misopaedeic... what's the matter, no cute kids will let you give them a piggyback ride?"


>> No.21649242

That's my favourite aesthetic, when the character desires something with all his heart but is unable to get.

>> No.21649250

the difference is that women are inherently sexual perverts. Men don't like sex, men like the competition before and during sex and to see a girl orgasming due to their dicks, and for the atheists due to their tongues. Ie men love the competition and having a direct influence on the world. men dont love sex at all . It's only women who are hedonistic and sex cravings machines coasting thru life thanks to their orbiters

>> No.21649271
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Have sex

>> No.21649277


prepare yourself for serious blackpill. I was in an /adv/ thread where a woman admitted the reason they're all obsessed with having the toilet seat left up; they sometimes fall in.

Wish I was making this up.

>> No.21649278


>> No.21649279
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>> No.21649282

there are no girls on 4chan you newfag. Troons don't count

>> No.21649285

Blatantly false. Maybe at most 2% of white and hispanic women and 85% of black women are beautiful people. The rest are garbage.

>> No.21649289
File: 180 KB, 303x471, gollumTate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21649294

Bruh, 99.95% of men are ugly.

>> No.21649301

I'm talking about how they are as people. Let's face it, besides black women, the overwhelming majority of women are trash.

>> No.21649311

Black women are literally the most entitled and condescending whores on the planet.

>> No.21649327


Book for this feel?