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File: 340 KB, 1440x1438, FocoZnSWIAIoP5I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21645379 No.21645379 [Reply] [Original]

How will future literary critics look back on the Tranny 2020's?

>> No.21645386

They will think of transphobes as the uneducated masses who held us back. If you think there will be some kind of cultural revolution that brings us back to acting like its 1920 you are beyond retarded

>> No.21645387

As too conservative

>> No.21645391

do you see chemically castrating children as a culturally sustainable insitiution, and not your typical symptom of late stage empire collapse?

>> No.21645400

They will be doing whig history but for trannies, so positively.

>> No.21645401

is that chinese?

>> No.21645413


>> No.21645418
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Cute that you think there will be literary critics in the future to look back on anything. At best there will be media analysis technocrats working in a corporate intelligence bureau copy editing AI reports.

>> No.21645437

Calm it down, incel.

>> No.21645441


>> No.21645448

Probably dismiss it as perversion and degeneracy like how people saw pederasty.

>> No.21645463
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I thought this was just a parody, wtf. It's real??

>> No.21645472

People were on the verge of normalizing pedophilia in the 1970s and now it's more scrutinized and demonized than ever in history and extends even to people having sex with 15 year olds.
It's not always so simple. Especially if we witness a Chinese victory.

>> No.21645497
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>> No.21645556

Yes. Castrate the masses and let a small minority reproduce. 10% of people will keep the population stable, the rest will be castrated as children and 41% by age 30.

>> No.21645568

there will be no future everyone will be gay.

>> No.21645587
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State enforced.

>> No.21645589

While troons are sterilising themselves Mr and Mrs Fundamentalist Christian in some backwater town are pumping out babies at a steady pace and educating their kids in Christian values. Only one of those groups is going to be around in the future to decide how things are viewed.

>> No.21645594

it's when you want to identify yourself as Chinese.

>> No.21645640

That backwater is Afrika

>> No.21645648

One difference I’ve noticed between so called “tradcats” and your average evangelical is that the latter fucks, the former does not. The latter also tends not be terminally online and touches grass as well

>> No.21645656

What do you mean "future literary critics"? We are at the end of this my friend. There will be nothing to look back on, and nobody to look back on it.

>> No.21645661

Terminally online Evangelicals aren't active on hip social media so you don't encounter em as much. They are as annoying on shit like facebook.

>> No.21645679

They'll see us as irredeemable fascists because all cis people weren't sent to gulags

>> No.21645736

Its basically any white town.

>> No.21645748
File: 72 KB, 648x272, tlm-survey-results-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tradcats" have a high fertility rate around 3.5, non-trad Catholics around 2.3 and evangelicals around the same 2.3.
I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.21645765

So compare that to the fertility rate for troons and fedora tippers (basically none) and you can easily see who will dominate the future. Demography is destiny.

>> No.21645777

I don't disagree, I just wonder why anon went on some completely unrelated tangent about "tradcats" while supporting evangelicals out of all people. The eternal pr*testant strikes again.

>> No.21645785
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>> No.21645811

It's probably not even a right winger, just some soulless shitskin or tranny whose instinct is to subvert what is right.

>> No.21645817

The only problem is the hordes of 3rd world garbage they are importing into the West. It needs to be stopped.

>> No.21645841

the last time this happened there was. even after they lost the war tranny proliferation was curbed for decades in europe.

>> No.21645843

>While troons are sterilising themselves Pablo and Ximena are pumping out babies at a steady pace and educating their kids in Christian values.


>> No.21645847

>If you think there will be some kind of cultural revolution that brings us back to acting like its 1920 you are beyond retarded
Why? You think the average normalfag is as feckless as you?

>> No.21645851

Fuck that, I want a robowife.

>> No.21645857

>ackshually white christians don't have kids
Fuck off to r3ddit anti-white subhuman.

>> No.21645862

I can't wait for the day when Christians breed themselves to the point of being a dominent voting group and sodomy gets outlawed, abortion is banned and women are sent back to the kitchen by federal law. Can you imagine the cope and seethe of the surviving leftist cucks and troons? Truly epic.

>> No.21645872

You could even be a robopedo

>> No.21645882

seems naive. if christians having kids results in christian kids, how exactly could the christian west have become atheized in the first place? if the children of chrisians can be atheized, what makes you think yours won't?

>> No.21645905
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>Especially if we witness a Chinese vi

>> No.21645920

Home schooling or Christian schools dramatically reduces the number of apostate kids. Andrew Torba talks about this a lot and pushes it hard. Most serious Christians have woken up to the threat of secular education and are against it now. If Christian kids don't get sent to public schools there is a much higher retention rate.

>> No.21645936
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>Become a sexually repressed slave to own teh libs
Good thing your kind is going out.
Watch as he'll say something like "restrain their every move and physically/sexually them"

>> No.21645957
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>sexual repression is when you fuck your wife tons of times to have as many kids as possible
yeah wtf, i doubt they even poop in each other's mouths, those repressed incels

>> No.21645969

so the "outbreeding" idea does not actually rest upon outbreeding but on the creation of a whole alternative education system, with presumably also alternative media culture and alternative internet etc to prevent contamination.

>> No.21645985

The right wing is growing, the religious right isn't going away either, since these people actually have children. The majority of white people vote right, the only reason there isn't right wing dominamce every election is because of 3rd world monkeys like you and your faggot monkey family and voter fraud.

>> No.21645991
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Actually we're just taking our schools back from the transgendered communists.
It was only able to get this bad because nobody was aware it was happening.
There's no putting that cat back in the bag now.

>> No.21645992

>private school
>a whole alternative education system
What? You don't have to be christian to see that oublic schooling has gone down the toilet as feral black apes and mutt spics are encouraged to breed.

>> No.21646007

Eventually these people will get drowned out by sheer virtue of the fact that they can't reproduce. It's a self-righting problem, on a long enough time scale.
The only question is will the world be dominated by Asians, Arabs, or Mormons.

>> No.21646029
File: 14 KB, 200x200, chud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't breed.

>> No.21646037

Yes, clearly I'm talking about those people, not Asians, Arabs, or Mormons. Retard.

>> No.21646046
File: 180 KB, 693x423, chud manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, clearly I'm talking about those people, not Asians, Arabs, or Mormons. Retard.

>> No.21646054

with Nostalgia

>> No.21646090

Take a deep breath.

>> No.21646110

well "outbreeding" progressives would by definition have to be a mass phenomenon, not something that only a minority can afford, like a private school. there's also the fact that even countries with conservative governments and education systems are experiencing rapid atheization, which is why i say that there would need to be an alternative media landscape - doesn't matter what your teacher says if the true authority is tiktok.

>> No.21646125

The opposite is true.


>> No.21646137
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>The opposite is true.
I.... CAN breed?

>> No.21646146

>le registered democrat face
Why do incels tend to be left wing? I guess they really are just projecting.

>> No.21646150

People who can't afford private school just do homeschool. Thats been growing exponentially as well and the media ignores it.

>> No.21646152
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they're also all mentally ill, which is why their other go to insult is "schizo"

>> No.21646154

Why are leftist memes so shitty? They spam the same forced garbage for years while /pol/ has an actual funny new meme every few weeks.

>> No.21646158

>chops dick off
>tells other they can't breed

>> No.21646161

Kek what a bunch of fucking failures

>> No.21646168

>People were on the verge of normalizing pedophilia in the 1970s
they really weren't lol, that shit never went mainstram to even a fraction of the degree trans stuff is now. it's not going back in the bottle.

>> No.21646185

>tranny actually thinks there will be mass acceptance of you degenerate freakshows

>> No.21646209

i don't even like trannies you dumb fuck, you're just being delusional. it's objectively the generation-defining social issue for zoomers and alphas. it's not going away at least until they are all dead. get ready for decades of it.

>> No.21646213

Fuck you transphobic pos chad

>> No.21646220

People who live in insular internet bubbles think that. They couldn't even put a dent in the sales of a video game.

>> No.21646236

The successor ideology is to today what Christianity was to late antiquity, so Queer Theorists will be spoken of akin to how Christians speak of Pastristics.

>> No.21646237


>> No.21646263

nobody can put a dent in anything that way, boycotts don't work. the point isn't internet bubbles, the point is that gender shit is the daily bread of tiktok watching kids everywhere. as sad as that is, trannies are the woodstock of the zoomers, whether they are pro or against. they're never going to shut up about it.

>> No.21646270

>trannies are the woodstock of the zoomers
narcissistic delusion

>> No.21646281

>born too late for child bride
>born too early for lolibot

>> No.21646286

born just in time to rape kids

>> No.21646290
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>> No.21646297

it's objectively, demonstrably the most popular topic of conversation on this site. you are dancing at the zoomer woodstock as we speak while insisting you aren't. who's delusional

>> No.21646299

just because you force some shithole analogy doesnt mean they share any attributes in common. for one thing woodstock happened when the population of america was 1/10th of what it was now and at a time when culture was moving at a far slower pace. you are ignorant beyond belief

>> No.21646314

this guy gets it. forbidden fruit is the sweetest. you don't ask for permission, you lunge like a madman at the coinslot of destiny

>> No.21646316

cado on the 'lit

>> No.21646349

I fully suspect this to be one of those things where only like ten percent of the population is even on Twitter, and only two percent posts on Twitter.

Do people really use Tiktok? And do they use it for anything more than looking at girls dancing?

>> No.21646354

>woodstock happened when the population of america was 1/10th of what it was now
>you are ignorant beyond belief
holy shit what. what did you just type? every time a zoomer opens his mouth to talk about the past it's like a chasm has opened up to drag me down to hell.

>> No.21646361

>for anything more than looking at girls dancing?
nobody gives a shit about their tryhard 'dancing', even if they are deluded into thinking they are dancers. people just want to see their asses wiggle. the ones with tits try a lot less harder and just barely move laziliy or wear some whorish outfit and call it a day.
the rest is a repetitive meme where X happens then Y happens and the 'drop' of idiotic nigger noise starts. or some gay shitty lipsyncing they think anyone is interested in rather than just thinking about sticking their cocks in her stupid teen mouth.
or some dumb cunt trying to present a cooking show within ten seconds or something equally retarded.

>> No.21646365

Most "evangelicals" are pozzed and squishy to the same degree as novo catholics. Trad prots also have very high fertility, but they're harder to break out statistically because there's no decent word to capture them like latin mass tradcat.

>> No.21646370
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>holy shit. what. what did you just type?

>> No.21646381

this is embarrassing. you're actually getting outraged about it.
context matters and you can't make brute force comparisons to wildly different things just because you say so.
if this is too much for your waterlogged walnut brain to process than there's nothing left to talk about.

>> No.21646383
File: 117 KB, 1598x1049, 31550 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-chud bros, we are losing this war

>> No.21646390

tiktok gets more visitors per second than google, a typical child stares at it for hours daily and they use it for everything, including looking up basic facts - like, they don't google things, they just type them into the tiktok search box and watch whatever comes up. it is, without exaggeration, how a modern child learns about the world.

>> No.21646394
File: 128 KB, 713x716, troon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transpeople are the new Woodst--ACK!

>> No.21646397

Well obviously. They're masturbating to it. That's the only thing I've used it for.

>> No.21646422

You could probably put that down to the fact that tiktoks are like three second videos. If you're someone who's seriously into that site, you're just going to be searching and searching continuously. Who does that with Google?

>> No.21646426

what makes you think i would want to keep talking to you after that you fucking bewildered retard, so you could tell me how people at woodstock rode there on dinosaurs? if you had any shame you would stop responding

>> No.21646434

you dont even know what the word bewildered means and youre trying to social shame because I owned your shitty little microbrained way of comparing apples to oranges. you're a pseud of the highest order and your thoughts are muddy. get out of my country.

>> No.21646477

It doesn't work like that

>> No.21646485

yeah you totally owned me by bringing up an absurd falsehood. now you're like "ummm falsehoods are valid don't wrongshame me." you absolutely are bewildered

>> No.21646520
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>you absolutely are bewildered

>> No.21646523
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>you absolutely are bewildered

>> No.21646530
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>you dont even know what the word bewildered means

>> No.21646537
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>it's just like woodstock because... it just IS okay?

>> No.21646543

The future is soooooooooooooooooo fucked

>> No.21646544
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>> No.21646548

Gathering of the Juggalos is arguably the modern day Woodstock. Trannies never leave their stinking-cup-ramen-detritus strewn rooms because they have to dilate every hour. How are they gonna attend an outdoor concert?

>> No.21646556
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>watch whatever comes up. it is, without exaggeration, how a modern child learns about the world.

>> No.21646579

Wow transphobic much?

>> No.21646608

These kind of shit /pol/ threads is why the average IQ and literary knowledge of this board is so far down from what it was.

Jannies, why do allow this shit? Do you not see the board has almost zero quality threads now? Sad.

>inb4: YWNBAW
Correct, I'm a man. Just one who actually reads and likes literary discussion.

>> No.21646614

dilate troon

>> No.21646619

this is the history of liberal democracy in a nutshell, why do people think things will be any different? the way we look at the 50s and 80s now will be how future generations look at us today. we're depraved bigots who are preventing true progress

>> No.21646622

Please click the following link it’s very important https://pastebin.com/svsfjW1s

>> No.21646646

ahahaha i left for a while and i come back and you had a whole breakdown over his. mentally ill like all the other zoomers, you will troon out in two years and be dead in five

>> No.21646667

Read a book, knuckledragger.

>> No.21646669

Almost everyone thinks the 80's was better. That's why pop culture can't seem to move on from it.

>> No.21646676

call them niggers

>> No.21646745

sorry sweetie but the 80s were a dystopia where a conservative fascist ruled the country and let corporations run wild and murdered 6 gorillion homosexuals by forcing them to have sex and get AIDS

>> No.21646747
File: 391 KB, 1315x1315, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will troon out in two years and be dead in five

>> No.21646753

it's just shitposting, it's hilarious, who cares.

>> No.21646764

Do you get your entire view of the world from twitter trannies?

Evolian Traditionalism is based and the ultimate redpill.

>> No.21646894

I could see how ai “children” could become a productive recreation. You would get to see your ideas and values personified, even test them out in the marketplace of ideas in a measurable and tangible way. I mean, it would definitely be adulterated by technocorp interests, not to mention there would be a constant stream of insane ai children fostered by nihilist creeps polluting whatever ecosystem they existed in. But it could still be cool

>> No.21646912

That happened after the French revolution failed though, so it is within the realm of possibility

>> No.21646941

theyre all going to be insane trannies trying to spread globohomo and you know it

>> No.21646950

Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on our transgendered brethren, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you, fell for the wrong psyops or had really gotten into anime, if dad had been around less or the gym teacher diddled you a bit more, after all its an autistic person just like you, they just wanna be your friend! the lgbt crowd are pretty tolerant of neurodiversity, it is even said they will fuck anything that moves, some of them are self aware and more well read than the straights and i mean, its not like youve ever had any chances with stacy, im just saying. wouldnt it be nice if someone could touch you and make you feel loved? you have a moral responsibility not to inflict your cursed autism genes upon later generations so maybe you should just resign yourself to weird degenerate gay sex with other borderline mentally retarded people, as under a pathetic freudian compulsion to repeat trauma traceable back to that time your uncle...could it be your obsessive and neurotic hatred of trannies is just a defense mechanism against the powerful erotic allure of the forbidden. I mean dont you wonder what it would be like to stick your dick into one of those things?

>> No.21646967

ngl kind of keked
is this the evolution of no more brother wars posting

>> No.21647022

whether you are trans or chud, it doesn't matter to me, all that matters is whether your enemy is a Jew, if you are anti-Semitic then you are my brother and I will give my life for you

>> No.21647072

the more you are actually on the margins, the more scary and traumatic these things may seem, because they are means of controlling and exploiting people who are deemed unworthy of being controlled and exploited by other means. all these woke ngos and journalists and PMC people are literally close to sex traffickers and psychological warfare operatives ,this is why it feels like a root canal.
autists are the ideal test subjects for new forms of social control. see for example how things like kiwifarms and encyclopedia dramatica were created with the involvement of intelligence agencies, or tumblr and vice magazine for that matter, how you can reshape identity through social pressure and media, a flow of images which is more real than the physical body.

John oliver's wife was a combat psychiatrist in iraq, this politically correct ''safe'' corporate culture is pretty close to literal psyops. the same actors who captured the agenda on transgender issues are pushing for the normalization or ''destigmatization'' of prostitution, of course its justified in economic terms, but on the other hand you have the reality of sex trafficking and PTSD rates on par with those of combat veterans.see also the synanon method and how they ended up exploiting the female cult members as prostitutes. of these things are techniques designed to maximize the control that can be wielded over people and how much they can be exploited. you start by dividing people into groups and controlling the contact groups have amongst each other. If authority can be grounded on what agamben calls bare life, then its reach becomes practically unlimited.

Its not that i hate trannies or gays but the unbearable horror of mass biopolitics and psychiatric power and propaganda. You just end up with a lot of excess psychological shock that is ideologically inconvenient. contrast the old notion'queer' identities as countercultural, exposing the 20th century nuclear family as an artificial biopolitical norm. To now where 'queer' identities, are used to re-legitimize those supposedly discredited notions about the 'authentic self', as the pre-ideological truth of the subject that must be discovered through 'objective', 'scientific' authority and made public. How these really are coercitiva and brutal means of controlling vulnerable people.

And how 'sexual liberation' is an imperative. Onlybecause all sexual impulses must be exploited and commodified and used to win elections. You have to have children in pride parades and drag queen story hour because we gotta be provocative (as with all 'culture war' issues none of this is organic it is an arms race between think tanks and propaganda operatives) . and there is no room for ambiguity and you cant talk about how identity is always socially constructed performative and at least in part always based on trauma(even amongst 'normal' heterosexual people, let alone the trads which are really just another perversion created by the system).

>> No.21647082

That's part of why it bothers me. I can see exactly how under slightly different circumstances I could have been sucked into this thing.
It preys upon people who are unhappy because they don't properly fit into the world around them, and it promises them a "cure all", but it's all a lie.
I understand how confused and gullible autistic people can sometimes be about things, because I've been that person. How you build ideas of what things are or how they work in your head that are completely detached from reality, and it can be years before figure out what you were doing wrong.

If seemingly respectable people had told me when I was ten that there was a good chance I was a woman, that might have been the end of it. they told me smoking one cigarette would end my life, and I believed them. They told me men and women were psychologically identical and I believed them. I believed a lot of shit.

>> No.21647101

very interesting stuff. the reterritorialization of niggers and faggotry seems to be at the heart of the establishment left. it's the built in contradiction that has these people pretending to be rebels while acting as mouthpieces for the government narrative. pink haired septum pierced polyamorous tumblr whale in a fucking che guevara t shirt typing on a macbook air at Starbucks about discrimination against black people

>> No.21647105

It bothers me as an oldfaggit because I remember when it was 4chan against society. Then they found a way to split us up and weaken us. I watched it happen in real time. Every troon is a former chud.

>> No.21647108
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Alan Turing's famous test. turns out computer science actually just a massive subversive conspiracy devised by the queers. few people realize Computer=homo machine. This is a good chunk of you faggots. I dont get it why imitate women out of all things?The rest of us who presumably still have some decency, were lucky to grow up with respectable masculine role models such as Sam Hyde, Ted Kaczynski Travis Bickle and Dostoevsky's underground man.

>> No.21647111

you forgot Tyler Durden

>> No.21647119

fag author, so it doesnt count

>> No.21647124

what about alex from clockwork orange

>> No.21647129

there are two kinds of people in the world i tell you

>> No.21647138
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>> No.21647146

fuck off with this smear bullshit. if he was a troon how come he never mentions it ever again?

>> No.21647158
File: 1.36 MB, 3012x2401, 1674424275849955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>few people realize Computer=homo machine.
I can believe it. I'm a large man but with a runners body, still I have plenty of strength and always have.
But I've always been kind of soft and overly empathetic, I've also been on or in a computer since I could get my hands on a tossed out 486 as a kid.
I absolutely love femininity as embodied by a woman to the point that while I love a good rutting and have had one night stands I whole heatedly prefer to 'make love'.
I think the homo machine did this to me and I guess I'm okay with it. Better to be a lover of women than a troon or an incel.

>> No.21647160

With fear and loathing...

>> No.21647162 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 625x626, bait gon b good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21647183

culture wars are just the public facing side of project manhattan for gender. joe biden's department of energy and the department of education creating a breed of they/them supersoldiers which can be deployed against russia


>> No.21647200 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 699x104, 3548-Talk_Sam Brinton - Wikipedia — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i was going to try and say this but i dont even know how to edit kikepedia anymore. the last time i attempted was probably 2009, i remember you could do it without logging in although some pathetic as fuck janny would revert your changes almost instantly

>> No.21647333

author is british, so he's implicitly a fag

>> No.21647353


>> No.21647392

I wish tv could still be this based

>> No.21647401

Current year all in the family revival were archie starts ranting about the hour of vengance were patriots seize control and summarily excecute the pedo disney groomers (it all fits in within a psyop cosmology- like qanon 2.0 combining left behind rapture with UFO doomsday cults, a desperate attempt to make the bitter pill of nuclear annihilation go easily) his transbian daughter in law sociology postgrad tells him sex work is real work and misinformation and fake news are a threat to marginalized people, and then black neighbor mr. jefferson bursts in ranting about YAKUB and how homosexuality is a ploy by WHITE DEVILS trying to BUCKBREAK the black man, meanwhile unheard by everyone autistic parapolitics nephew goes on a completely factual excursus on proyect bluebeam, continuity of government programs and the false memory syndrome foundation(character is removed from further airings of the episode and even the child actor is presumed missing)

>> No.21647416

based schizo. do you have a blog or anything I can follow?