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/lit/ - Literature

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21644925 No.21644925 [Reply] [Original]

wtf?? Is this true /lit/?

Is this how women think of us?
How do you respond to this

>> No.21644928
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>How do you respond to this

>> No.21644929

This is an Andrew Tate university graduate masquerading as a woman

>> No.21644932

caring what women think IS homosexual

>> No.21644933
File: 1.64 MB, 2311x2901, 1656749345089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. Hist test male doesn't hide in his room, pondering instrospectively, he's out there chasing status and pounding prime pussy. Literature is a pastime for frail homosexuals, and women who can afford to fill their pretty heads with nonsense because they have inherent value in their fuckhole.

>> No.21644936

of course a woman sexualizes thinking and reading. the fuck. these perverts have absolutely no concept of civilization, of being civilized. reading another man's words is PLATONIC, it's iN LANGUAGE. but women exist BELOW LANGUAGE, and so does the "alpha brute". they're lower lifeforms, like animals. imagine believing a stupid metaphor of "penetration" captures the essential mechanism of reading, thought, and language itself. despicable. and implying that the alpha brute's thoughts are his own! dogs like these should be put down, or at least muzzled

>> No.21644938

Schooenhauer and Nietzsche also warned against reading too much for roughly similar reasons. If you’re always just consooming other peoples ideas you barely think for yourself.

People who read for reading’s sake are no better than plebs who binge Netflix for entertainment.

>> No.21644942

retarded opinion. nice photo.

>> No.21644946

i'm not as smart as schopenhauer or nietzsche. i read precisely because i'm fucking stupid.

>> No.21644951


>> No.21644960

I literally don’t care. I will continue to read. Besides, I am not even vaccinated and don’t consume vegetable oils or fluoridated water. Thus, I am already outside of society and will never be able to integrate.

>> No.21644961

>actually funny joke

that’s not a women anon

>> No.21644964

Yea but their standards of 'too much' were higher. Nietzsche read more in a year than most people today in a lifetime.

>> No.21644967

My girlfriend once sat on my face and read Sappho aloud. I was reminded of that in a thread a week ago or so, so I told her I remembered and said I thought it was great, so we did it again yesterday.
I like /lit/ women.

>> No.21644985
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>> No.21644987

Choose one and only one.

>> No.21645001

Hormesis curve. Even if too much is bad, a modest amount is still better for you than none at all.

>> No.21645009

women suck dick. this invalidates most of what they say

>> No.21645013 [DELETED] 
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Soulless, semi-conscious breeding automatons. I love women.

>> No.21645019

Sorry but people who read classic literature and/or scientific journal plus books are significantly more eloquent and intelligent than people who indulge in video games and anime.

When I see people have like 2000+ hours on a video game it makes me sad. They could have literally learnt a new language with those hours. The only way that many hours is acceptable is if you’re making money off of it.

>> No.21645044

couldnt agree more

>> No.21645058

this is a great nietzsche quote. people ON HERE give me hell for shitting on mediocre books constantly, trying to make out that I 'didn't get it' or 'shouldnt be so negative'. Bullshit. I know what I want and like and I refuse to submit myself to anything less.
Having standards is demonized in today's society because everything and everyone is goyslop. Fuck you, don't care, still not indulging your slop.

>> No.21645071

>They could have literally learnt a new language with those hours
no they couldn't. language isn't learned that way plus youre conflating time with effort. midwits like you need to be skinned alive. you're the fuckin fag idea repeater that Nietzsche warns about.

>> No.21645082

Women are but that's a tranny and he doesn't really pass. Looks like he gets relatively close with all that makeup though.

>> No.21645087

>only thoughts that are his own
Might as well give up on language all together then, its all stolen

>> No.21645103

Your writing style shows your boorishness. I don’t even need to defend myself. (This is me backing out of this conversation because there is nothing to gain here).

>> No.21645109
File: 6 KB, 223x250, 1563378874702s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you even care about an opinion like this or anyone saying that

>> No.21645111

Anon, I think you haven't watched the webm

>> No.21645178

You can be high test and hate being high test.
Arousal is an inconvenience and masturbation is a chore. Eros love is a waste of time and energy and not necessary for the bare minimum of sating unwanted desires.

>> No.21645187

nta but in his defense those tits could be fake and we don't get a clear view of the genitals.

>> No.21645207

She got banned for three months because of the video, then came back and cried that she had to use antidepressants because tiktok doesn't let her spread her asshole. It's a woman alright.

>> No.21645206

and nobody commented on this as based?? tf lit?

>> No.21645229

You're lucky. for you it will only be 3 days

>> No.21645232

Oh nooo no not the tranny janny banny

>> No.21645244

Looks indistinguisable from a woman
are trannies getting better?

>> No.21645274

I can see from here the dysgenic traits of this woman and it only shows 20% of her built from the avatar.
This is the type of retard that can only be forcibly fucked, so I can understand why she is daydreaming about being raped.
Her lack of understanding of anything but mostly epistemological matters makes her believe that an alpha male is some sort of original thinker, while most of the case they are making moves which makes them mostly socially valuable making the alpha male the most homosexual of all beings, worried about male hierarchy, this alpha makes every move about being better than other males, making all his reference of self a homosexual journey of contest.
Americans are too illiterate and retarded, they believe that reading is some sort of agreement of what is being said, they are proud in being stupid and go miles to justify their illiteracy.
I would rape her than she would be upset because I didn't call her, so she doesn't even know what she wants, she wants to be raped and attached, she is just an average american retarded which should be shot in the spot.

>> No.21645319

The new world which is dawning will be a libidinaly unhinged nightmare with zero critical capability. Just like Nick Land predicted, and here for it. Social Media for example like OP's post selects for sociopathy and bpd due to the reaction feed alone, and we just aren't having this conversation enough about where our culture is heading.

>> No.21645353

This would be compelling if it wasn't obviously yet another Twitter woman grifting for followers by appealing to vague traditional-conservative sentiments

>> No.21645354

yeah I'm boorish but youre boring

>> No.21645523

>we don't get a clear view of the genitals
Are you blind?

>> No.21645551
File: 224 KB, 517x744, Natural philosophers rape nature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women (and homos) really take that whole sex (and often just penetration) analogy way, way too far. Everything that happens is reinterpreted in terms of something penetrating another along with the usual psychobabble around that.
Truly a meme gender.

>> No.21645580

>that's a tranny and he doesn't really pass
you can literally see her pussy

>> No.21645639

>a woman is posted
>you can literally see her pussy
>still calls her a tranny
holy shit you really need some meds, you see trannies everywhere

>> No.21645706

This is some fag pretending to be a girl on twitter

>> No.21645732
File: 73 KB, 636x382, 25990D0700000578-0-image-a-55_1423731553216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Selena woman is either a troll or the epitome of ignorant, degenerated, stupid, women of today who were raised on feminism and ha e no wisdom whatsoever. If she's really evil or just a moron, I don't care, she's to be ignored and avoided in either way like the Bible warns about.

And no, she's wrong, some created pages to take pictures of men.

>> No.21645750

>then came back and cried that she had to use antidepressants
They don't even do anything

That woman is so stupid. I just know if I listed everything wrong with what she believes and what is the truth, the right way, that dumb whore would shoot me down very quickly, rejection wisdom that would have made her happy.

I guess some people are just destined for damnation.

>> No.21645759

>language isn't learned that way
It is

>> No.21646057

90% of their efficacy is thanks to the placebo effect...