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21644426 No.21644426 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no great asian writers? The west have shakespeare but the east got nothing. Are they really inferior writers?

>> No.21644428

Manga sales are doing just fine

>> No.21644439

no one is buying mangas for the writer they just jerk off to the waifus I'm sorry Takeshi now go back and finish those 200 pages for the next chapter or you are fired

>> No.21644450

Salman Rushdie :^)

>> No.21644458

I mean, i think there are, they just arent relivent enough for mass global identification. there are older classics that are widely known like three kingdoms and journey to the west. But if you mean the modern Novel, idk. didnt some asiatic make a pretty good sci-fi book a few years ago that everyone liked? IDK if that quite qualifies.

have a lot of poetry though I think. Though I dont read brush stroke, so that inhibits my particular knowledge.

>> No.21644532

Stop lumping together EUROPE, the place of culture and of world shaping trends, with the degenerate and cultureless nigger worshippers of the anglxsphere
Shakespeare with its shitty metric and cliche prose doesn’t hold a candle to the great writers of Europe, he remains a treasure to anglx trannies specifically because they can’t produce anything better

>> No.21644568

they dont value individualism

>> No.21644620

>t. Spic seething at the fact just about everyone prefers Anglo to Spanish literature
If you hate it so much, go to quattro chan and post on their literature board if you can’t bare English

>> No.21644631


>> No.21644636

Why is western philosophy such shit?

>> No.21644638

There are. We just don't appreciate them as much because their translated works aren't that great.

>> No.21644640

[[Laughing girls in katakana intensifies in background]]

>> No.21644642

What? Mishima, dazai, murakami, laotzu, suntzu, confucius? What kind of brainrot causes someone to say something like this?

>> No.21644646

Who's the Western version of Li Bai? Kalidasa? Magha? The east has everything and the west nothing

>> No.21644664

977. Difference between IQ and intelligence. IQ is not intelligence any more than a strong engine is a fast car. You can put the strongest engine in the world inside a fridge and it won't go anywhere. A high IQ is like a good tool; no matter how good it may be, it can only be put to the use that its owner desires. Weak men or women will use their IQ in petty stupid shit no matter how high it may be. They'll spend all its horsepower on inventing rationalizations for their fears and failures and neuroses than on actually inventing anything. That's why balls are inextricable from intelligence. That's why the history of philosophy is a history of the thoughts of straight white males (with a brief East Asian interlude back when East Asians still had a decent amount of balls).


>> No.21644667

958. World history under the perspective of my balls/brain theory. Yes, it's waycist af, but hear me out. It is well known that black people have the largest penis sizes. It is also well known that East Asians have the smallest. And if we assume that penis size correlates with ball size, which correlates with testosterone production, you see where I am going with this. So my thesis is this: East Asians have the highest IQs in the world, but the smallest ball size, ergo they lack the masculine drive to actually embark on ambitious projects like conquering the world, or even merely exploring it. So though they had the brains for advanced civilization and colonization/world conquest, they lacked the balls, so they never went for them, being content to stay in their little corner of the world and fight half-assed parochial wars between them. Black people, on the other hand, had loads of T but not enough brain power to do anything advanced with it. After all, lions have lots of T too, but it never occurred to them to raise armies or study anything. Bottom line is that only white people seemed to cross the required threshold of both sufficient brain- and ball size, ergo the history of the species up to this point. Where we go from here is debatable, but the basic facts of our journey up to here seem, to me at least, a closed case. And it's waycist as fuck because biology and the universe are waycist as fuck. And don't make me remind you again what race invented biology.


>> No.21645608

because they are soulless bug people only concerned with money and social status, utterly incapable of appreciating art and beauty for its own sake. When you talk to an Asian person you aren't talking to an individual with their own thoughts and feelings, you are talking to a device that is plugged into a network.

>> No.21646863

It's bait

>> No.21647207

There are great Asian writers.

>Natsume Soseki
>Yoshikawa Eiji

To tell you the truth, I doubt anyone here has read very much Eastern literature, as they aren't fluent speakers of any Eastern language, and even if they were, don't read. I've only read a bit, and Japanese is the only Eastern language I have any proficiency in, so I can't help much, but I wouldn't make assumptions.

Europe has nothing without your so called Anglosphere. France and Germany are the best you've got, and they both pale in comparison to the literature of England, Ireland, and USA.

>> No.21647214

There is TAO LIN

>> No.21647219

They just havent marketted them and memed them as much as Europe has. Of course they have great writers.

>> No.21647228

Greece, France, Italy and Germany are better than England, Ireland, US and Australia. Continental Europe beats the Anglosphere any day.

>> No.21647508

communism ruined asia and southeast asia

>> No.21647935

Not a chance. Only ancient Greece and Rome can compete - with the rare outlier like Dante (who was still nearly 800 years back), so if you're talking thousands of years ago, sure. Otherwise, you're high as a kite.