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21643054 No.21643054 [Reply] [Original]

Can they not stop themselves?

Why must all Jews act Jewy? Is it an unbreakable law of nature?

>> No.21643059

it's all right there in the old testament, probably the most antisemitic work ever released

>> No.21643061

They have a mandate to try to castrate all men out of heir irrational fear of death. Weiniger was right: they act like women.

>> No.21643065

Why are they so afraid? Can't they just act like men and fight head on? Why must everything be about deception with them?

>> No.21643070

Jews are highly intellectual, so they are overrrepresented in every cultural movement that isn't explicitly anti-semitic.

>> No.21643075

Even he acted like a woman.

>> No.21643093

That's not what I'm talking about. Compare Hegel; Kant; Schopenhauer; Nietzsche: with Spinoza; Wittgenstein; Weiniger; Kafka. The former try to help, they later try to make you weak.

It's like an unbreakable law. You can't find a Jew that doesn't slander life and masculinity.

>> No.21643116

What the hell does "slander life and masculinity" mean?

>> No.21643126

>You can't find a Jew that doesn't slander life and masculinity.
It took me 20 seconds of googling to find an article written by a well-known Jewish American radio host promoting masculinity. Here it is:
I'm forced to conclude you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.21643127


Maybe you should try reading some Wittgenstein because you're spouting fucking nonsense.

>> No.21643131

don't bother replying to him; they already got him

>> No.21643140

They mock life, they over-moralize, they pretend you have no choices, they promote vices left and right. They pretend the will does not exist. They try to subvert inductive reasoning: simple cause and effect. They try to make you sick and decadent.

>> No.21643146

He's the worst of all.


>> No.21643152

>They mock life,
Again, I need examples. I don't know what the hell this means
they over-moralize, they pretend you have no choices, they promote vices left and right. They pretend the will does not exist.
These things are all completely contradictory. Is the problem with Jews that are too moralistic or not moralistic enough? Did you forget to take your pills this morning?
I'm taking this as one-word non-response a confession that you have no rational arguments and are self-consciously completely full of shit. This conversation is ended. Enjoy marinating in your doublethink and delusions.

>> No.21643156

They subvert. They are incapable of genuine thought. They subvert without even trying. Every action is an attack because they stink of fear.

>> No.21643172

That's stupid. Every other PUA steroid freak lifestyle guru is Jewish.

>> No.21643178

Why must all gentiles over generalize Jews?

>> No.21643182

Please, explain what they do to help, and what those other guys do to to make (((you))) weak, resentfull weakling.

Most likely you have never read a philosophy book, american nigger.

>> No.21643223

>steroid freak
That's a vice you moron.

Because it's a law. Name one Jew that has enriched your life.

>> No.21643231

Honestly Jewish philosophers do more damage than Jewish businessmen. The later are the good guys.

>> No.21643233


>> No.21643241

I want to see how. If it's because he wants to be had then that's different but maybe he fell prey as a young man. That's genuinely tragic.

>> No.21643250

>explain what they do to help
The give you courage to act.

>what those other guys do to to make (((you))) weak
They take away your courage to act.

>> No.21643262
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Yeah, we already knew you didn't read any of those authors. Now, take your meds and go back :)

>> No.21643268

You clearly did not. Or you're trying to subvert like the Jew that you are. Aren't you ashamed of being such a bitch? How can you live with yourself?

>> No.21643278

Jews use their superior intelligence for trickery. We must cull anyone with IQ above 100

>> No.21643280
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>haven't read hegel; wittgenstein; weinigger
>have read kant; schopenhauer; nietzsche; spinoza; kafka

So... '[p]lease, explain what they do to help, and what those other guys do to to make (((you))) weak, resentfull weakling.

Most likely you have never read a philosophy book, american nigger.' [>>21643182]

>> No.21643281

Jews undoubtedly trade their masculinity to save their hide. They make others sick but they make themselves sick in the process.

What a sad life.

>> No.21643292

Read Wittgenstein then compare him to Spinoza. If you can't see the decadence you are beyond help.

>> No.21643299
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'So... "[p]lease, explain what they do to help, and what those other guys do to to make (((you))) weak, resentfull weakling.

Most likely you have never read a philosophy book, american nigger." [>>21643182 (You)]' [>>21643280]

>> No.21643304

Are you ok?

>> No.21643308
File: 24 KB, 438x283, husserlfamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Husserl was born Jewish but converted very early (early 20s), and required his wife did the same before marrying her. He never did anything jewy in any sense of the term. He was close with powerful people growing up, had a gift for mathematics, but chose a low income career and spent his life writing tangentially about psychology (kinda) without a single time talking about sex. He hated Freud and denounced the Sexual Theory as the greatest danger facing Europe at the time. He also apparently made great sausages, which his students praised highly. When the Nazi took over and stole from him his life achievement, his only comment was (and this is a rough quote, but its pretty close) "I fear Germany has been deceived by a highly materialistic political theory which disguises as a return to the true German spirit. Still, History will be the judge, and I do hope that in this I am wrong".
He's the only one I can think of.

>> No.21643310

does anyone know where i can find Johann Eisenmenger's Judaism Unmasked?

>> No.21643317

'So... "[p]lease, explain what they do to help, and what those other guys do to to make (((you))) weak, resentfull weakling.
Most likely you have never read a philosophy book, american nigger."

If you can't even do that, then kys, nigger.

>> No.21643321

He tried to subvert Heidegger. He tried to dismantle Dasein -- nothing Jewier.

>> No.21643324

Wow, uplifting. Thanks for giving me an excuse to tone the anti-semitism down. Seriously, I love that, not even joking. It really makes me feel better know that there is at least one example in history of a Jewish person not being a conniving subverter.
I'm going to study Husserl, I hope you're not painting the best light of him you can.

>> No.21643329

take your meds, nigger

>> No.21643333

I'm actually being unironic. I love Husserl now, Redeemer of Jews.

>> No.21643334

I think it's becoming clear that Jews try to destroy a man's will; his very being. Whether that's through making him sick through vices or deceiving him.

Husserl was very Jewy.

>> No.21643338

donald fagen

>> No.21643342

Irony is poison.

>> No.21643362

>He tried to subvert Heidegger.
Incorrect, Heidegger failed him by skipping over his writings from ~1909 until 1916, where Husserl delineated essentially the same "region" explored by Heidie in his works. Heidegger simply got stuck autistically on the epistemological basis
>He tried to dismantle Dasein
The use of the term Dasein predated Heidegger and Husserl (who already used it in Ideas), and in general its use was much close to that of Husserl.
>nothing Jewier.
As opposed to backstabbing your mentor and stealing his rightfully earned position? Husserl is the least Jewish Jew author ever, while Heidegger is the most Jewish non-jew author ever.

>> No.21643364

seems to me like you need to blow off some steam with some smooth tunes, my funky one

>> No.21643368

Dasein is will. Husserl tried to destroy Martin's beautiful arguments. Jews are afraid of the penis; they are more like women than women.

>> No.21643374
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>> No.21643381

Husserl is no exception. Sorry buddy.

>> No.21643387
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>Name one Jew that has enriched your life.

>> No.21643393

My Jewish calculus professor gaslights students who talk during his lectures, says shit like "oh, why don't you come up if your conversation is more important than this class" if he hears but a whisper. It was funny the first few times I will admit.

>> No.21643395

All this talk of the Jewish menace, yet not one word about the Hawaiian menace. It's almost like they're trying to to cover something up...

>> No.21643397

U do realize every Time u say how anti Jew u are ur solidifying yourself as a sandnigger loving plo brainwashed towelhead right?

>> No.21643398


>> No.21643401

Castration in process. He can't stand a single act of fee will. The Jew lives in constant fear.

>> No.21643405

The Jew cannot stand free will.

>> No.21643406

medication due

>> No.21643412

Spinoza and Wittgenstein make it clear. They even deny its very existence.