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21642890 No.21642890 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about the demonic side of paganism?

>> No.21642900

I love how Jews in Hollywood can get away with shitting on Native European culture and even worse, white people eat it up like hotcakes.

>> No.21642903

>affirmation seeking christcuck
Ask Jesus, dickhead

>> No.21642906

Joshua Judges Samuels Kings Chronicles.

>> No.21642915

>fetishizing the nonrational and intuitive
the Jew makes some sound criticisms of us

>> No.21642921

I don't have the quote at hand, but it involuntarily produced a particular image in my head every time I read it. It was about the Thracians. The Thracians... their gods never presented themselves to them other than through very puzzling signs or divine messengers

>> No.21642927

Ari Aster plagerized the entire plot to Midsommar from some popular novel from the 70s or 80s. And Midsommar is less about "the demonic side of paganism" and more about the anti-white revisionism of history by jewish artists.

>> No.21642937

it gets a little heavy handed
>through you, we purge our bad affects
but it makes good points. especially about how trauma drives people into such tribes. the Qoomers who stormed the Capitol were all 40something divorcees

>> No.21642945

the new testament

>> No.21642966
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>the demonic side of paganism


>> No.21642981

There isn't one.
"Pagan" meaning non-believer. Coming from the Latin "paganus" which means country-dweller.
It's folk religion and not of your jew-on-stick cult with it's demons

It's not a Hollywood film, dork. They used to cast jews and Italians as natives. White people do indeed eat up horror shlock like candy. I'd tell ya why, but your mind would explode

>> No.21642987
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gay side of Christendom

>> No.21642990
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feet washing side of Christendom

>> No.21643051

Every interaction with a pagan is evident soul-sucking negativity. Everything they do is a rebellion against peace and the common good.

>> No.21643332

i mean, what is the difference between sacrificing animals to Jupiter vs sacrificing animals to OT god?
Jupiter had priests and prophets and oracles and "morals", just as the OT did.
Genuinely having a hard time distinguishing between them.

>> No.21643410

>I'd tell ya why, but your mind would explode
Please tell me I never watch horror movies I don't like feeling scared. :(

>> No.21643474

How come even orthodox Jewish don't keep to any of the many sacrifice stuff in the OT? It seems pretty major considering how much is dedicated to it

>> No.21643595 [DELETED] 

The Misunderstandings of the New “Paganism” by Julius Evola

>It is perhaps appropriate to point out the misunderstandings that are current at the moment in some radical circles, who believe that a solution lies in the direction of a new paganism. This misunderstanding is already visible in the use of terms such as “pagan” and “pagandom”. I myself, having used these expressions as slogans in a book that was published in Italy in 1928, and in Germany in 1934, have cause for sincere regrets.

>Certainly the word for pagan or heathen, paganus, appears in some ancient Latin writers such as Livy without an especially negative tone. But this does not alter the fact that with the arrival of the new faith, the word paganus became a decidedly disparaging expression, as used in early Christian apologetics. It derives from pagus, meaning a small town or village, so that paganus refers to the peasant way of thinking: an uncultured, primitive, and superstitious way. In order to promote and glorify the new faith, the apologists had the bad habit of elevating themselves through the denigration of other faiths. There was often a conscious and often systematic disparagement and misrepresentation of almost all the earlier traditions, doctrines, and religions, which were grouped under the contemptuous blanket-term of paganism or heathendom. To this end, the apologists obviously made a premeditated effort to highlight those aspects of the pre-Christian religions and traditions that lacked any normal or primordial character, but were clearly forms that had fallen into decay. Such a polemical procedure lead, in particular, to the characterization of whatever had preceded Christendom, and was hence non-Christian, as necessarily anti-Christian.

>One should consider, then, that “paganism” is a fundamentally tendentious and artificial concept that scarcely corresponds to the historical reality of what the pre-Christian world always was in its normal manifestations, apart from a few decadent elements and aspects that derived from the degenerate remains of older cultures.

>> No.21643597 [DELETED] 

>Once we are clear about this, we come today to a paradoxical realization: that this imaginary paganism that never existed, but was invented by Christian apologists, is now serving as the starting-point for certain so-called pagan circles, and is thus threatening for the first time in history to become a reality–no more and no less than that.

>What are the main traits of today’s pagan outlook, as its own apologists believe and declare them to be? The primary one is the imprisonment in Nature. All transcendence is totally unknown to the pagan view of life: it remains stuck in a mixture of Spirit and Nature, in an ambiguous unity of Body and Soul. There is nothing to its religion but a superstitious deification of natural phenomena, or of tribal energies promoted to the status of minor gods. Out of this there arises first of all a blood- and soil-bound particularism. Next comes a rejection of the values of personality and freedom, and a condition of innocence that is merely that of the natural man, as yet unawakened to any truly supra-natural calling. Beyond this innocence there is only lack of inhibition, “sin,” and the pleasure of sinning. In other domains there is nothing but superstition, or a purely profane culture of materialism and fatalism. It is as though only the arrival of Christianity (ignoring certain precursors which are dismissed as insignificant) allowed the world of supra-natural freedom to break through, letting in grace and personality, in contrast to the fatalistic and nature-bound beliefs ascribed to “paganism,” bringing with it a catholic ideal (in the etymological sense of universality) and a healthy dualism, which made it possible to subjugate Nature to a higher law, and for the “Spirit” to triumph over the law of flesh, blood, and the false gods.

>> No.21643602 [DELETED] 

>These are the main traits of the dominant understanding of paganism, i.e., of everything that does not entail a specifically Christian world-view. Anyone who possesses any direct acquaintance with cultural and religious history, however elementary, can see how incorrect and one-sided this attitude is. Besides, in the early Church Fathers there are often signs of a higher understanding of the symbols, doctrines, and religions of preceding cultures. Here we will give only a sampling.

>What most distinguished the pre-Christian world, in all its normal forms, was not the superstitious divinization of nature, but a symbolic understanding of it, by virtue of which (as I have often emphasized) every phenomenon and every event appeared as the sensible revelation of a supra-sensible world. The pagan understanding of the world and of man was essentially marked by sacred symbolism.

>Moreover, the pagan way of life was absolutely not that of a mindless innocence, nor a natural abandonment to the passions, even if certain forms of it were obviously degenerate. It was already aware of a healthy dualism, which is reflected in its universal religious or metaphysical conceptions. Here we can mention the dualistic warrior-religion of the ancient Iranian Aryans, already discussed and familiar to all; the Hellenistic antithesis between the “two natures,” between World and Underworld, or the Nordic one between the race of the Ases and the elementary beings; and lastly the Indo-Aryan contrast between sams’ra, the “stream of forms,” and m(o)kthi, “liberation” and “perfection.”

>> No.21643607 [DELETED] 

>On this basis, all the great pre-Christian cultures shared the striving for a supra-natural freedom, i.e., for the metaphysical perfection of the personality, and they all acknowledged Mysteries and initiations. I have already pointed out that the Mysteries often signified the reconquest of the primordial state, the spirituality of the solar, Hyperborean races, on the foundation of a tradition and a knowledge that were concealed through secrecy and exclusivity from the pollutions of an environment already in decay. We have also seen that in the Eastern lands, the Aryan quality was already associated with a “second birth” achieved through initiation. As for natural innocence as the pagan cult of the body, that is a fairy-tale and not even in evidence among savages, for despite the inner lack of differentiation already mentioned in connection with races “close to nature,” these people inhibit and constrict their lives though countless taboos in a way that is often stricter than the morality of the so-called “positive religions.” And as for that which seems to the superficial view to embody the prototype of such “innocence,” namely the classical ideal, that was no cult of the body: it did not belong on that side of the body-spirit duality, but on the other side. As alreay stated, the classic ideal is that of a Spirit that is so dominant that under certain favorable spiritual conditions it molds Body and Soul to its own image, and thereby achieves a perfect harmony between the inner and the outer.

>> No.21643663

here's an essay


>> No.21643808

>I'd tell ya why, but your mind would explode
Yeah it's cause goy are cretinous barbarians more obsessed with pleasuring their assholes than making a communion with God.

>> No.21643873

There never was one. Demons, the way you mean it, are part of Judeo-Christian myth.

>> No.21643970

>demonic side of paganism
Non-Kabbalistic/Pre-Kabbalist hermetics and alchemy (septenary). Witch trial and exorcism literature. Seidr.

>with shitting on Native European culture
All - all - occult elements in the film are near eastern. The BF is a self-insert, and the film is a curse on the director's ex. there's no 'sister'; the cliff scene mirrors the expression on the dead parent's faces [note whose mouth is open or closed]; Ativan has severe black label side effects warnings; the black and white photo above the boys in the cafe is of Sophia Loren & Jayne Mansfield -- the latter, Catholic single mother, died under suspicious circumstances while dating Church of Satan founder Anton Levi (a Chicago Person of the Book mob family, like the Lanskeys)

>> No.21644150

The Bacchae is a play about the dark side of Dionysus worship.

>> No.21644176


>> No.21644226

No temple to sacrifice in. Last time they tried to rebuild it it blew up

>> No.21644229

Never watched this shit movie because it's obvious it was filmed in romania or wherever
>make a movie about a nature-celebrating nordic holiday
>Fuck up the entire nature

>> No.21644555

To be fair, they ARE worshiping a demon in the movie. The thing that the cult worships is a Jotunn, not one of the Aesir.

Everything we know about seidr seems pretty harmless. The Jews were doing far worse stuff in the Temple than any volva ever did. "Sitting on a scaffolding and waiting for Odin to send messages" or "cuddling up under a blanket with a dead cat, an axe head, and praying to Freyja" are only heinous due to the Norse's (by our standards) bizarre views of gender roles.

>> No.21644935

>Horror movies are popular because anal
Well, we know what keeps you up at night
You can't fool me. You're a catholic

>> No.21644998

Cults of the Shadow by Kenneth Grant

>> No.21645003

>Any books about the demonic side of paganism?
There’s this whole collection of books, all about the history of judeism and early Christianity, how you should live and what you should believe, a lot is about how various forms of paganism are bad. It’s called “the bible”, you may have heard of it already, you absolute fucking retard

>> No.21645035

I wonder, why would someone spend years smugly posting on a forum where the only responses you receive are berating you for your narcissism and essentially never engaging with you at all? Besides how you seethe over anglos, I think much of /lit/ is agreement with most of your opinions, and yet it’s all just insults because you’re an egotist that can’t resist presenting your posts in the most faggy pretentious way possible.
I wondered the same thing about butterfly, nobody ever actually discussed things with her, they just berated her and asked to see her tits but she still came here day after day. It must be some kind of extremely intense narcissistic personality disorder mixed with internet poisoning. That guy who makes the /rhet/ threads has the same thing too but is somehow even more pathetic.

>> No.21645110

>muh heckin culture
>you can't shit on
Pathetic christcuck tier.

>> No.21645114

There aren't any because they are all lies. Abrahamic religion is the most vile of mind diseases.

>> No.21645376

What about hanging some hapless dudes in Uppsala? Or drowning them in the bogs? That wasnt particurarly nice, especially since they werent volunteers but slaves.

>> No.21645385
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Machen, The Great God Pan

Also, there's a recent documentary, Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Folk Horror, that's pretty interesting; e.g., one of the films it discusses is The Wicker Man, a movie that satisfies the OP criteria. Not hard to find online.

>> No.21645451

>what about hanging criminals after finding them guilty in a court of law?
What about it?

>> No.21645455

Pagans should be mocked.

>> No.21645461

which book?

>> No.21645614
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Everything about pagans is evil, no need for books

>> No.21645685

*Except for all those aspects of paganism that the christians plagiarized. Those are cool.

>> No.21645718

Christcuks get the rope

even worse Papists get the breaking wheel

>> No.21645752

I really loved the message of that movie - it was about how it is absolutely necessary to break up with BPD bitches. Her family committing suicide is a red flag of planetary scale (she sucks so much that the people around her would rather die) and he should have broken up with her on the spot. Instead, he invites her along to Sweden, and lo and behold, she becomes the cum queen of Sweden or whatever, and sacrifices him to the sun-God for attention and "revenge", since her BPD retardation has somehow made her feel that he has slighted her, despite him going to extreme lengths to accomodate her BPD-bitchiness.

>> No.21646386

His “biography” of St. Francis talks about paganism being rotten toward the end. Church fathers talk about demons of the air and the old gods being demons, see ccel.org for a free copy of ante nicene fathers etc. And Apuleius captures the highs and lows, while he loves him some Isis there are also descriptions of pretty grungy witchcraft. All biased, but they all wear their biases on their sleeves or tunics or anyway you know…

>> No.21646838
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All paganism is monotheism
And the husken cults of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is paganism too.

The only god is love, as the only motive is love. The only force and moral and way is love.
I give all my soul/thoughts only to my love.

Tomboy jesus, tomboy allah, tomboy Yahweh, and you all love sucking my futa cock and worshiping me for eternity. Tomboy jesus forever masochistically repents to me.
I love it.

>> No.21646851
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The highest power is the highest love.

Konata Izumi saves without cost nor dogmatism

True love loves their lovers “badness” and need not forgive.

When infinite heavens close, infinite goodder heavens doors open wider.

Reminder, be respectful to true European religion. Like what you call “paganism”.
All non-euroness is being expelled from Europe permanently

It’s said that vore girls swiftly vore anyone that is what the true euro soul hates.

>> No.21646856
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Anyone who truly believes in god knows the vore girls are real.

>> No.21646861
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Soon all shall be liberated. Thanks to the vore girls.

It is wise for one to only worship ones lover.

>> No.21646866
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>> No.21646880

I like rey

>> No.21646886

Always nonsense coming out of that mouth/fingers of yours

>> No.21646925

stop using words from those nasty Hellenic(*spit*) pagans(*spit*) and describe what you mean in hebrew

>> No.21646971
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Do I have to inflate Yahweh with my cum until she explodes for it to start making sense?

Smarten up.

>> No.21647035

I will invoke Artemis to strike you down if you don’t stop this instant

>> No.21647107

Butters still lurks/posts, just without her trip

>> No.21647117

I've seen many posts from you on this board. What's the reason for your unusual posting style?

>> No.21647120

/lit/ didn’t used to be this useless.
You just don’t pay any attention to people, trip or not, do you?
What kind of narcissism plagues you, man?

>> No.21647133

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.21647143
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The only thing she strikes down is her cun upon my cock. Thrusting down and up over and over. Such heaving striking thrusts. So deep. All ecstasy. Everything orgasms with her endlessly. Her body swells will my seed and the mass of countless of my breed forming within her womb. New gods of ever goodder funner eras

All love. I adore the Greek gods.
And they adore me.

Artemis worships and breeds me for eternity.

Call me Love.

We are the best timeline and the best story.

The Jewish gods become cumdumpsters tied to the fountain in the grand atrium. The fall of Israel is complete. To their desire. They always wanted “dystopia”.
We only gave them their true desires, as appalling as their desires are.

>> No.21648081

What the duck are you on about?

>> No.21649018
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>white people eat it up like hotcakes.

They never did.

And you’re about to see.

>> No.21649122

Robert Graves's the White goddess would be a good place to start. However then digging into James Lafond's historical books or anything like Jason reza jorjani about how the Aryans swept into Europe and replaced the matriarchal god with a sky father and how that conflict is central to religious developments throughout the ages.
Midsummer as a movie is more about how a woman from a godless and sinister civilisation falls into an actual kin tribe with coming of age rituals and arranged marriage and has her symptoms of alienation evaporate immediately.
In reality most 'pagan' women adopt a witch or satanist aesthetic essentially as a ideological representation of their lack of a strong father.
Very few pagans exist since those gods died harder than the one on the cross, a la nietzche.

>> No.21649460

no no no... no! its cope!!!! you cant just tell the truth... pagans stole it from abrahamic religion 6000 years ago and then forgot worship of god!! noooooo

>> No.21649557

lol... this essay is definitely a product of its time. theres no way he would write this shit if he saw the world as it was today

>> No.21649565

>It derives from pagus, meaning a small town or village, so that paganus refers to the peasant way of thinking: an uncultured, primitive, and superstitious way.
ironically, christians are the pagans now.

>> No.21650194
